module radcommon_h use radinc_h, only: L_NSPECTI, L_NSPECTV, NTstar, NTstop implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------C ! ! radcommon.h ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------C ! ! "Include" grid.h and radinc.h before this file in code that uses ! some or all of this common data set ! ! WNOI - Array of wavenumbers at the spectral interval ! centers for the infrared. Array is NSPECTI ! elements long. ! DWNI - Array of "delta wavenumber", i.e., the width, ! in wavenumbers (cm^-1) of each IR spectral ! interval. NSPECTI elements long. ! WAVEI - Array (NSPECTI elements long) of the wavelenght ! (in microns) at the center of each IR spectral ! interval. ! WNOV - Array of wavenumbers at the spectral interval ! center for the VISUAL. Array is NSPECTV ! elements long. ! DWNV - Array of "delta wavenumber", i.e., the width, ! in wavenumbers (cm^-1) of each VISUAL spectral ! interval. NSPECTV elements long. ! WAVEV - Array (NSPECTV elements long) of the wavelenght ! (in microns) at the center of each VISUAL spectral ! interval. ! STELLARF - Array (NSPECTV elements) of stellar flux (W/M^2) in ! each spectral interval. Values are for 1 AU, ! scaled to the planetary distance elsewhere. ! TAURAY - Array (NSPECTV elements) of the pressure-independent ! part of Rayleigh scattering optical depth. ! FZEROI - Fraction of zeros in the IR CO2 k-coefficients, for ! each temperature, pressure, and spectral interval ! FZEROV - Fraction of zeros in the VISUAL CO2 k-coefficients, for ! each temperature, pressure, and spectral interval ! REAL*8 BWNI(L_NSPECTI+1), WNOI(L_NSPECTI), DWNI(L_NSPECTI), WAVEI(L_NSPECTI) !BWNI read by master in setspi REAL*8 BWNV(L_NSPECTV+1), WNOV(L_NSPECTV), DWNV(L_NSPECTV), WAVEV(L_NSPECTV) !BWNV read by master in setspv REAL*8 STELLARF(L_NSPECTV), TAURAY(L_NSPECTV) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(WNOI,DWNI,WAVEI,& !$OMP WNOV,DWNV,WAVEV,& !$OMP STELLARF,TAURAY) !! AS: introduced to avoid doing same computations again for continuum INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: indi INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: indv !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(indi,indv) !!! ALLOCATABLE STUFF SO THAT DIMENSIONS ARE READ in *.dat FILES -- AS 12/2011 REAL*8, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: gasi, gasv REAL*8, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: PGASREF, TGASREF, PFGASREF, GWEIGHT ! For corrk recombining - JVO 18 REAL*8, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: gasi_recomb, gasv_recomb REAL*8, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: pqrold REAL*8, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: w_cum LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: useptold INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: permut_idx !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(gasi_recomb,gasv_recomb,pqrold,w_cum,useptold,permut_idx) LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: RADVAR_MASK ! for corrk recombin -> read by master in sugas_corrk INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: RADVAR_INDX ! for corrk recombin -> read by master in sugas_corrk real*8 FZEROI(L_NSPECTI) real*8 FZEROV(L_NSPECTV) real*8 pgasmin, pgasmax real*8 tgasmin, tgasmax !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(gasi,gasv,& !pgasref,tgasref,pfgasref, gweight read by master in sugas_corrk !$OMP FZEROI,FZEROV) !pgasmin,pgasmax,tgasmin,tgasmax read by master in sugas_corrk REAL,SAVE :: tstellar ! Stellar brightness temperature (SW) real*8,save :: planckir(L_NSPECTI,NTstop-NTstar+1) real*8,save :: PTOP !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(tstellar,planckir,PTOP) real*8,parameter :: UBARI = 0.5D0 ! If the gas optical depth (top to the surface) is less than ! this value, we place that Gauss-point into the "zeros" ! channel. real*8, parameter :: TLIMIT = 1.0D-30 ! Factor to convert pressures from millibars to Pascals real*8, parameter :: SCALEP = 1.00D+2 real*8, parameter :: sigma = 5.67032D-8 real*8, parameter :: grav = 6.672E-11 ! extinction of incoming sunlight (Saturn's rings, eclipses, etc...) REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE ,SAVE :: eclipse !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(eclipse) ! Altitude-Latitude-dependent gravity REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE , SAVE :: gzlat ! This should be stored elsewhere ... REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE , SAVE :: gzlat_ig REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE , SAVE :: Cmk !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(gzlat,gzlat_ig,Cmk) end module radcommon_h