program simu_MCS_temp ! program for a MCS observer simulator of the temperature data ! author : Antoine Bierjon, June-December 2019 ! PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR FEEDBACKS ON THIS PROGRAM ! :D ! !=================================================================================================== ! PREFACE !=================================================================================================== ! This program loads Observer's data file (MCS-type, binned by Luca Montabone), serving as a ! reference, then extract the dayside and nightside temperature data from either : ! - a GCM simulation ( that covers the observation period, ! - a GCM stats file ( after extending it to cover the observation period. ! ! Since the MCS data is binned by 5°-intervals of Ls, the GCM simulation's data is interpolated at ! the Observer's spatial coordinates, at every GCM sol value in each 5°-interval of Ls, before ! being averaged to create output bins for each interval. The binning in sols also takes into ! account the variability of Local Time in the bin and try to represent it too. ! ! Eventually, the program outputs a netcdf file, filled with the output bin's data and edited with ! the same format than the MCS file (and with the same dimensions' declaration order). ! ! Minimal requirements : ! - the MCS file must contain the variables dtemp,dtimeave,dtimemax,dtimemin, ! ntemp,ntimeave,ntimemax,ntimemin ! - the GCM file must : contain the variable temp (atmospheric temperature) ; ! have the same altitude type as the MCS file ; ! cover completely the NON-BINNED observation period ! - if the GCM file is a stats file, please name it with "stats" in it (to be changed in the future) ! ! See also NOTA BENE in section 1.3 ! More details can also be found in my internship report (in French) : ! /planeto/abierjon/rapportstage2019/Rapport_de_PFE_Master_Bierjon_2019.pdf ! or directly in my office ! !=================================================================================================== use netcdf !=================================================================================================== ! 0. Variable declarations !=================================================================================================== implicit none ! for no implicitly typed variables ! Files: character(len=256) :: gcmfile ! GCM simulation file logical :: is_stats = .false. ! to check if the GCM file is a or a file character(len=256) :: obsfile ! observation file = MCS/Observer data file character(len=256) :: outfile ! output file ! NetCDF stuff integer :: status ! NetCDF routines return code character (len=256) :: error_text ! to store the error text integer :: gcmfid ! NetCDF gcm file ID integer :: obsfid ! NetCDF observation file ID integer :: outfid ! NetCDF output file ID integer :: GCMvarid, OBSvarid, LT_id, outvarid ! to store the ID of a variable integer :: lat_dimid_obs,lon_dimid_obs,alt_dimid_obs,time_dimid_obs ! dimensions' ID in OBS and output files integer :: lat_dimid_gcm,lon_dimid_gcm,alt_dimid_gcm,time_dimid_gcm ! dimensions' ID in GCM file integer :: GCMvarshape(4), OBSvarshape(4), LTshape(3) ! to store a variable's coordinates order integer :: nb real,dimension(:),allocatable :: GCMlon, OBSlon ! longitude in the GCM & the Observer files integer GCMlonlen, OBSlonlen ! # of grid points along GCMlon & OBSlon real,dimension(:),allocatable :: GCMlat, OBSlat ! latitude in the GCM & the Observer files integer GCMlatlen, OBSlatlen ! # of grid points along GCMlat & OBSlat real,dimension(:),allocatable :: GCMalt, OBSalt ! can be geometric heights or pressure integer GCMaltlen, OBSaltlen ! # of grid point along GCMalt & OBSalt character (len=256) :: units ! to store the units attribute of altitude character(len=1) :: GCMalttype, OBSalttype ! altitude coord. type:'z' (altitude, m) 'p' (pressure, Pa) real,dimension(:),allocatable :: GCMtime, OBSLs ! time in the GCM diagfi (sols) & the Observer files (Ls) real,dimension(:),allocatable :: GCMstatstime ! time in the GCM stats file (LT at lon 0°) integer GCMtimelen, GCMstatstimelen, OBSLslen ! # of points along GCMtime, GCMstatstime, OBSLs real :: starttimeoffset=0 ! offset (in sols) wrt Ls=0 of sol 0 in GCM file character (len=64) :: GCMvarname, OBSvarname ! to store the name of the variable to retrieve real,dimension(:,:,:,:),allocatable :: GCM_var,OBS_var ! the 4D variable extracted from GCM & OBS files character (len=64) :: OBSLTave_name, OBSLTmax_name, OBSLTmin_name ! to store the name of the average, max and min of LT (ex : dtimeave, ntimemax...) real,dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: OBSLT, OBSLTmax, OBSLTmin ! 3D variables extracted from obsfile (average, max and min of LT in a bin) real :: GCMmiss_val, OBSmiss_val, LTmiss_val ! value to denote non-existant data real :: extr_value ! to store the result of the extraction subroutine real :: OBSdeltaLs ! difference of Ls between each observation bin real :: sol, maxsol, minsol ! sol date corresponding to Observed Ls and LT integer :: m_maxsol, m_minsol ! indexes of the maximum and minimum GCM sol taken in a bin for interpolation real,dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: LTmod_arraymax, LTmod_arraymin ! declaration of the type of the function LTmod_array real :: LTmod ! declaration of the type of the function LTmod real :: maxLTvar ! maximum variability of LT within one MCS bin integer :: LTcount ! nb of LT samples on which the interpolation is performed, for every LT interval integer :: solcount ! number of GCM sol integer values in one Ls interval real,dimension(:),allocatable :: int_sol_list ! list of the integer values of GCM sol real,dimension(:),allocatable :: sol_list ! list of the sol values used for the interpolation integer :: solerrcount ! nb of GCM missing values during interpolation, which are removed for the binning integer :: errcount = 0 ! total number of GCM missing values real :: solbinned_value ! to store the extracted value averaged on sol samples, which is finally put in the output bin real :: GCMdeltat ! timestep of the GCM simulation (in Martian hours) real :: lon_val, lat_val, alt_val, Ls_val, LT_val ! where and when the output file is written at integer :: i,j,k,l ! loop iteration indexes integer :: m,m_int,n ! sol binning loops iteration index real, dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: outvar ! outvar(,,,): 4D array to store the output variable's data !=================================================================================================== ! 1. Read the observation file (Observer data) !=================================================================================================== !=============================================================================== ! 1.1 Open the Observer data file obsfile !=============================================================================== ! Ask the user to give a netcdf observation file write(*,*) "-> Enter observation file name :" read(*,*) obsfile status=nf90_open(obsfile,nf90_nowrite,obsfid) ! nowrite mode=the program can only read the opened file error_text="Error: could not open file "//trim(obsfile) call status_check(status,error_text) !=============================================================================== ! 1.2 Get grids for dimensions lon,lat,alt,time from the observation file !=============================================================================== ! OBS Latitude status=nf90_inq_dimid(obsfid,"latitude",lat_dimid_obs) error_text="Failed to find Observer latitude dimension" call status_check(status,error_text) status=nf90_inquire_dimension(obsfid,lat_dimid_obs,len=OBSlatlen) error_text="Failed to find Observer latitude length" call status_check(status,error_text) allocate(OBSlat(OBSlatlen)) status=nf90_inq_varid(obsfid,"latitude",OBSvarid) error_text="Failed to find Observer latitude ID" call status_check(status,error_text) ! Read OBSlat status=nf90_get_var(obsfid,OBSvarid,OBSlat) error_text="Failed to load OBSlat" call status_check(status,error_text) ! OBS Longitude status=nf90_inq_dimid(obsfid,"longitude",lon_dimid_obs) error_text="Failed to find Observer longitude dimension" call status_check(status,error_text) status=nf90_inquire_dimension(obsfid,lon_dimid_obs,len=OBSlonlen) error_text="Failed to find Observer longitude length" call status_check(status,error_text) allocate(OBSlon(OBSlonlen)) status=nf90_inq_varid(obsfid,"longitude",OBSvarid) error_text="Failed to find Observer longitude ID" call status_check(status,error_text) ! Read GCMlon status=nf90_get_var(obsfid,OBSvarid,OBSlon) error_text="Failed to load OBSlon" call status_check(status,error_text) ! OBS Time (Ls) status=nf90_inq_dimid(obsfid,"time",time_dimid_obs) error_text="Failed to find Observer time (Ls) dimension" call status_check(status,error_text) status=nf90_inquire_dimension(obsfid,time_dimid_obs,len=OBSLslen) error_text="Failed to find Observer time (Ls) length" call status_check(status,error_text) allocate(OBSLs(OBSLslen)) status=nf90_inq_varid(obsfid,"time",OBSvarid) error_text="Failed to find Observer time (Ls) ID" call status_check(status,error_text) ! Read OBSLs status=nf90_get_var(obsfid,OBSvarid,OBSLs) error_text="Failed to load OBSLs" call status_check(status,error_text) ! Get the observation timestep between bins OBSdeltaLs=OBSLs(2)-OBSLs(1) ! OBS Altitude status=nf90_inq_dimid(obsfid,"altitude",alt_dimid_obs) error_text="Failed to find Observer altitude dimension" call status_check(status,error_text) status=nf90_inquire_dimension(obsfid,alt_dimid_obs,len=OBSaltlen) error_text="Failed to find Observer altitude length" call status_check(status,error_text) allocate(OBSalt(OBSaltlen)) status=nf90_inq_varid(obsfid,"altitude",OBSvarid) error_text="Failed to find Observer altitude ID" call status_check(status,error_text) ! Read OBSalt status=nf90_get_var(obsfid,OBSvarid,OBSalt) error_text="Failed to load OBSalt" call status_check(status,error_text) ! Check altitude attribute "units" to find out altitude type and compare with the GCM file status=nf90_get_att(obsfid,OBSvarid,"units",units) error_text="Failed to load Observer altitude units attribute" call status_check(status,error_text) ! an unknown and invisible character is placed just after the unit's ! characters in the Observer file so we only take the first characters ! corresponding to the sought unit if (trim(units(1:2)).eq."Pa") then units="Pa" OBSalttype='p' ! pressure coordinate else if (trim(units(1:2)).eq."m") then units="m" OBSalttype='z' ! altitude coordinate else write(*,*)" I do not understand this unit ",trim(units)," for Observer altitude!" stop endif !=============================================================================== ! 1.3 Extraction of the wanted variables from the observation file !=============================================================================== ! Observer variables to extract : !******************** NOTA BENE (cf sections 1.3 and 4)************************* ! We execute the program a first time with the daytime values, and then a second ! time with the nighttime values. However, a lot of instructions below are ! independent of this distinction, hence we execute them only in the first loop, ! when OBSvarname="dtemp". It also implies a lot of IF (when it's only executed in ! the first loop) or CASE (when it's executed in both loops but depends on wether ! it is daytime or nighttime). ! This should be changed one day with a cleaner version of the code... !******************************************************************************* OBSvarname="dtemp" ! we begin with daytime temperature write(*,*)"" ; write(*,*) "Beginning the 1st loop, on daytime values"; write(*,*)"" DAY_OR_NIGHT: DO ! (the end of the loop is in section 4.) ! Check that the observation file contains that variable status=nf90_inq_varid(obsfid,trim(OBSvarname),OBSvarid) error_text="Failed to find variable "//trim(OBSvarname)//" in "//trim(obsfile) call status_check(status,error_text) ! Sanity checks on the variable status=nf90_inquire_variable(obsfid,OBSvarid,ndims=nb,dimids=OBSvarshape) error_text="Failed to obtain information on variable "//trim(OBSvarname) call status_check(status,error_text) ! Check that it is a 4D variable if ( then write(*,*) "Error, expected a 4D (lon-lat-alt-time) variable for ", trim(OBSvarname) stop endif ! Check that its dimensions are indeed lon,lat,alt,time (in the right order) if (OBSvarshape(1).ne.lon_dimid_obs) then write(*,*) "Error, expected first dimension of ", trim(OBSvarname), " to be longitude!" stop endif if (OBSvarshape(2).ne.lat_dimid_obs) then write(*,*) "Error, expected second dimension of ", trim(OBSvarname), " to be latitude!" stop endif if (OBSvarshape(3).ne.alt_dimid_obs) then write(*,*) "Error, expected third dimension of ", trim(OBSvarname), " to be altitude!" stop endif if (OBSvarshape(4).ne.time_dimid_obs) then write(*,*) "Error, expected fourth dimension of ", trim(OBSvarname), " to be time!" stop endif !write(*,*)"Dimensions ID in the obsfile are :" !write(*,*)"lon_dimid=",lon_dimid_obs !write(*,*)"lat_dimid=",lat_dimid_obs !write(*,*)"alt_dimid=",alt_dimid_obs !write(*,*)"time_dimid=",time_dimid_obs ! Length allocation for each dimension of the 4D variable allocate(OBS_var(OBSlonlen,OBSlatlen,OBSaltlen,OBSLslen)) ! Load datasets status=nf90_get_var(obsfid,OBSvarid,OBS_var) error_text="Failed to load "//trim(OBSvarname)//" from the obsfile" call status_check(status,error_text) write(*,*) "Loaded ",trim(OBSvarname)," from the obsfile" ! Get OBS_var missing_value attribute status=nf90_get_att(obsfid,OBSvarid,"_FillValue",OBSmiss_val) error_text="Failed to load missing_value attribute" call status_check(status,error_text) write(*,'(" with missing_value attribute : ",1pe12.5)')OBSmiss_val !=============================================================================== ! 1.4 Extraction of the OBS Local Time (LT) !=============================================================================== SELECT CASE (OBSvarname) CASE ("dtemp") OBSLTave_name = "dtimeave" OBSLTmax_name = "dtimemax" OBSLTmin_name = "dtimemin" CASE ("ntemp") OBSLTave_name = "ntimeave" OBSLTmax_name = "ntimemax" OBSLTmin_name = "ntimemin" END SELECT status=nf90_inq_varid(obsfid,trim(OBSLTave_name),LT_id) error_text="Failed to find Observer local time ("//trim(OBSLTave_name)//") dimension" call status_check(status,error_text) ! Sanity checks on the variable status=nf90_inquire_variable(obsfid,LT_id,ndims=nb,dimids=LTshape) error_text="Failed to obtain information on variable "//trim(OBSLTave_name) call status_check(status,error_text) ! Check that it is a 3D variable if ( then write(*,*) "Error, expected a 3D (lon-lat-time) variable for of "//trim(OBSLTave_name)//"!" stop endif ! Check that its dimensions are indeed lon,lat,time (in the right order) if (LTshape(1).ne.lon_dimid_obs) then write(*,*) "Error, expected first dimension of ", trim(OBSLTave_name), " to be longitude!" stop endif if (LTshape(2).ne.lat_dimid_obs) then write(*,*) "Error, expected second dimension of ", trim(OBSLTave_name), " to be latitude!" stop endif if (LTshape(3).ne.time_dimid_obs) then write(*,*) "Error, expected third dimension of ", trim(OBSLTave_name), " to be time!" stop endif ! Length allocation for each dimension of the 3D variable allocate(OBSLT(OBSlonlen,OBSlatlen,OBSLslen)) ! Load datasets status=nf90_get_var(obsfid,LT_id,OBSLT) error_text="Failed to load "//trim(OBSLTave_name)//" from the obsfile" call status_check(status,error_text) write(*,*) "Loaded ", trim(OBSLTave_name), " from the obsfile" ! Get LT missing_value attribute status=nf90_get_att(obsfid,LT_id,"_FillValue",LTmiss_val) error_text="Failed to load missing_value attribute" call status_check(status,error_text) write(*,'(" with missing_value attribute : ",1pe12.5)')LTmiss_val ! Get the maximum values of LT in the OBS bins status=nf90_inq_varid(obsfid,trim(OBSLTmax_name),LT_id) error_text="Failed to find Observer max local time ("//trim(OBSLTmax_name)//") dimension" call status_check(status,error_text) ! Sanity checks on the variable status=nf90_inquire_variable(obsfid,LT_id,ndims=nb,dimids=LTshape) error_text="Failed to obtain information on variable "//trim(OBSLTmax_name) call status_check(status,error_text) ! Check that it is a 3D variable if ( then write(*,*) "Error, expected a 3D (lon-lat-time) variable for of ", trim(OBSLTmax_name), "!" stop endif ! Check that its dimensions are indeed lon,lat,time (in the right order) if (LTshape(1).ne.lon_dimid_obs) then write(*,*) "Error, expected first dimension of ", trim(OBSLTmax_name), " to be longitude!" stop endif if (LTshape(2).ne.lat_dimid_obs) then write(*,*) "Error, expected second dimension of ", trim(OBSLTmax_name), " to be latitude!" stop endif if (LTshape(3).ne.time_dimid_obs) then write(*,*) "Error, expected third dimension of ", trim(OBSLTmax_name), " to be time!" stop endif ! Length allocation for each dimension of the 3D variable allocate(OBSLTmax(OBSlonlen,OBSlatlen,OBSLslen)) ! Load datasets status=nf90_get_var(obsfid,LT_id,OBSLTmax) error_text="Failed to load "//trim(OBSLTmax_name)//" from the obsfile" call status_check(status,error_text) write(*,*) "Loaded ", trim(OBSLTmax_name), " from the obsfile" ! Get the minimum values of LT in the OBS bins status=nf90_inq_varid(obsfid,trim(OBSLTmin_name),LT_id) error_text="Failed to find Observer min local time ("//trim(OBSLTmin_name)//") dimension" call status_check(status,error_text) ! Sanity checks on the variable status=nf90_inquire_variable(obsfid,LT_id,ndims=nb,dimids=LTshape) error_text="Failed to obtain information on variable "//trim(OBSLTmin_name) call status_check(status,error_text) ! Check that it is a 3D variable if ( then write(*,*) "Error, expected a 3D (lon-lat-time) variable for of ", trim(OBSLTmin_name), "!" stop endif ! Check that its dimensions are indeed lon,lat,time (in the right order) if (LTshape(1).ne.lon_dimid_obs) then write(*,*) "Error, expected first dimension of ", trim(OBSLTmin_name), " to be longitude!" stop endif if (LTshape(2).ne.lat_dimid_obs) then write(*,*) "Error, expected second dimension of ", trim(OBSLTmin_name), " to be latitude!" stop endif if (LTshape(3).ne.time_dimid_obs) then write(*,*) "Error, expected third dimension of ", trim(OBSLTmin_name), " to be time!" stop endif ! Length allocation for each dimension of the 3D variable allocate(OBSLTmin(OBSlonlen,OBSlatlen,OBSLslen)) ! Load datasets status=nf90_get_var(obsfid,LT_id,OBSLTmin) error_text="Failed to load "//trim(OBSLTmin_name)//" from the obsfile" call status_check(status,error_text) write(*,*) "Loaded ", trim(OBSLTmin_name), " from the obsfile" SELECT CASE (OBSvarname) CASE ("dtemp") maxLTvar=maxval((OBSLTmax(:,:,:)-OBSLTmin(:,:,:))) write(*,*)"The max daytime LT variability is ",maxLTvar,"hours (within a same bin)" CASE ("ntemp") ! in case of night local times, we replace hours from a [0;24[ interval to a ! [-12;12[ interval in which midnight = 0, with the subroutine LTmod allocate(LTmod_arraymax(OBSlonlen,OBSlatlen,OBSLslen)) allocate(LTmod_arraymin(OBSlonlen,OBSlatlen,OBSLslen)) do i=1,OBSlonlen do j=1,OBSlatlen do l=1,OBSLslen LTmod_arraymax(i,j,l) = LTmod(OBSLTmax(i,j,l)) LTmod_arraymin(i,j,l) = LTmod(OBSLTmin(i,j,l)) enddo enddo enddo maxLTvar=maxval(LTmod_arraymax(:,:,:) - LTmod_arraymin(:,:,:)) write(*,*)"The max nighttime LT variability is ",maxLTvar,"hours (within a same bin)" END SELECT LTcount=floor(maxLTvar) ! integer nb of hours fitting in the broadest interval of LT !=================================================================================================== ! 2. Read the input file (GCM simulation) !=================================================================================================== IF (OBSvarname.EQ."dtemp") THEN ! reading the GCM file is done only in the first loop !=============================================================================== ! 2.1 Open the GCM simulation file gcmfile !=============================================================================== ! Ask the user to give a netcdf input file write(*,*)"";write(*,*) "-> Enter input file name (GCM simulation) :" read(*,*) gcmfile if (index(gcmfile,"stats").ne.0) then ! if the GCM file name contains "stats", we assume it is a stats file ! => A REMPLACER PAR UN TEST SUR LA DIMENSION TIME ? REGARDER DANS AUTRES UTILITAIRES is_stats = .true. write(*,*)"The GCM file is recognized as a stats file." else write(*,*)"The GCM file is recognized as a diagfi/concatnc file." endif ! Open GCM file status=nf90_open(gcmfile,nf90_nowrite,gcmfid) ! nowrite mode=the program can only read the opened file error_text="Failed to open datafile "//trim(gcmfile) call status_check(status,error_text) !=============================================================================== ! 2.2 Get grids for dimensions lon,lat,alt,time from the GCM file !=============================================================================== ! GCM Latitude status=nf90_inq_dimid(gcmfid,"latitude",lat_dimid_gcm) error_text="Failed to find GCM latitude dimension" call status_check(status,error_text) status=nf90_inquire_dimension(gcmfid,lat_dimid_gcm,len=GCMlatlen) error_text="Failed to find GCM latitude length" call status_check(status,error_text) allocate(GCMlat(GCMlatlen)) status=nf90_inq_varid(gcmfid,"latitude",GCMvarid) error_text="Failed to find GCM latitude ID" call status_check(status,error_text) ! Read GCMlat status=nf90_get_var(gcmfid,GCMvarid,GCMlat) error_text="Failed to load GCMlat" call status_check(status,error_text) ! GCM Longitude status=nf90_inq_dimid(gcmfid,"longitude",lon_dimid_gcm) error_text="Failed to find GCM longitude dimension" call status_check(status,error_text) status=nf90_inquire_dimension(gcmfid,lon_dimid_gcm,len=GCMlonlen) error_text="Failed to find GCM longitude length" call status_check(status,error_text) allocate(GCMlon(GCMlonlen)) status=nf90_inq_varid(gcmfid,"longitude",GCMvarid) error_text="Failed to find GCM longitude ID" call status_check(status,error_text) ! Read GCMlon status=nf90_get_var(gcmfid,GCMvarid,GCMlon) error_text="Failed to load GCMlon" call status_check(status,error_text) ! GCM Time status=nf90_inq_dimid(gcmfid,"Time",time_dimid_gcm) error_text="Failed to find GCM time (sols) dimension" call status_check(status,error_text) if (.not.is_stats) then status=nf90_inquire_dimension(gcmfid,time_dimid_gcm,len=GCMtimelen) error_text="Failed to find GCM time length" call status_check(status,error_text) allocate(GCMtime(GCMtimelen)) else status=nf90_inquire_dimension(gcmfid,time_dimid_gcm,len=GCMstatstimelen) error_text="Failed to find GCM stats time length" call status_check(status,error_text) allocate(GCMstatstime(GCMstatstimelen)) endif status=nf90_inq_varid(gcmfid,"Time",GCMvarid) error_text="Failed to find GCM time ID" call status_check(status,error_text) ! Read GCMtime if (.not.is_stats) then ! if GCM file is a diagfi, time is in sols at longitude 0° status=nf90_get_var(gcmfid,GCMvarid,GCMtime) error_text="Failed to load GCMtime (sols)" call status_check(status,error_text) else ! if GCM file is a stats, time is in LT at longitude 0° status=nf90_get_var(gcmfid,GCMvarid,GCMstatstime) error_text="Failed to load GCMstatstime (LT at lon 0)" call status_check(status,error_text) endif ! Simulation time offset management if (.not.is_stats) then write(*,*) "Beginning date of the simulation file?" write(*,*) "(i.e. number of sols since Ls=0 at the Time=0.0 in the GCM file)" read(*,*) starttimeoffset ! Add the offset to GCMtime(:) GCMtime(:)=GCMtime(:)+starttimeoffset endif ! Get the timestep of the simulation (in Martian hours) if (.not.is_stats) then GCMdeltat = (GCMtime(2)-GCMtime(1))*24. else GCMdeltat = (GCMstatstime(2)-GCMstatstime(1)) endif write(*,*)"GCM simulation's timestep is ", GCMdeltat, " hours." ! Check of temporal coherence between gcmfile & obsfile call ls2sol(OBSLs(OBSLslen),maxsol) ! maximum date considered call ls2sol(OBSLs(1),minsol) ! minimum date considered if (.not.is_stats) then ! if it is a diagfi, we check the time coherence between the 2 files if (( then write(*,*)"Error : obsfile temporal bounds exceed the GCM simulation bounds." write(*,*)"Please use a GCM file whose time interval contains the observation period." stop else write(*,*)"Both files are temporally coherent. The program continues..." endif else ! if it is a stats, we create the array GCMtime array (in sols) covering the observation period ! and filled with the mean GCM day stored in GCMtimelen = ((ceiling(maxsol)-floor(minsol)+1)+2) ! we add 2 days in the beginning and the end ! to be sure we cover the observation period allocate(GCMtime(GCMstatstimelen * GCMtimelen)) do l=1,GCMtimelen do m=1,GCMstatstimelen GCMtime(m+(l-1)*GCMstatstimelen) = (floor(minsol)-1) + (l-1) + GCMstatstime(m)/24. enddo enddo GCMtimelen = GCMstatstimelen * GCMtimelen write(*,*)"GCMtime has been created from the time and the observation period. The program continues..." endif ! GCM Altitude status=nf90_inq_dimid(gcmfid,"altitude",alt_dimid_gcm) error_text="Failed to find GCM altitude dimension" call status_check(status,error_text) status=nf90_inquire_dimension(gcmfid,alt_dimid_gcm,len=GCMaltlen) error_text="Failed to find GCM altitude length" call status_check(status,error_text) allocate(GCMalt(GCMaltlen)) status=nf90_inq_varid(gcmfid,"altitude",GCMvarid) error_text="Failed to find GCM altitude ID" call status_check(status,error_text) ! Read GCMalt status=nf90_get_var(gcmfid,GCMvarid,GCMalt) error_text="Failed to load GCMalt" call status_check(status,error_text) ! Check altitude attribute "units" to find out altitude type status=nf90_get_att(gcmfid,GCMvarid,"units",units) error_text="Failed to load GCM altitude units attribute" call status_check(status,error_text) if (trim(units).eq."Pa") then GCMalttype='p' ! pressure coordinate else if (trim(units).eq."m") then GCMalttype='z' ! altitude coordinate else write(*,*)"I do not understand this unit ",trim(units)," for GCM altitude!" if (OBSalttype.eq.'p') then write(*,*)"Please use zrecast to put the altitude in the same type as the MCS file (pressure in Pa)" else if (OBSalttype.eq.'z') then write(*,*)"Please use zrecast to put the altitude in the same type as the MCS file (altitude in m)" endif stop endif if( then write(*,*)"Observer altitude type (", OBSalttype,") and ", & "GCM altitude type (",GCMalttype,") don't match!" stop endif !=============================================================================== ! 2.3 Extraction of the wanted variables (the ones to compare with observer data) !=============================================================================== ! GCM variable to extract for both MCS dtemp & ntemp is : temp GCMvarname="temp" ! temperature ! Check that the GCM file contains that variable status=nf90_inq_varid(gcmfid,trim(GCMvarname),GCMvarid) error_text="Failed to find variable "//trim(GCMvarname)//" in "//trim(gcmfile) call status_check(status,error_text) ! Sanity checks on the variable status=nf90_inquire_variable(gcmfid,GCMvarid,ndims=nb,dimids=GCMvarshape) error_text="Failed to obtain information on variable "//trim(GCMvarname) call status_check(status,error_text) ! Check that it is a 4D variable if ( then write(*,*) "Error, expected a 4D (lon-lat-alt-time) variable for ", trim(GCMvarname) stop endif ! Check that its dimensions are indeed lon,lat,alt,time (in the right order) if (GCMvarshape(1).ne.lon_dimid_gcm) then write(*,*) "Error, expected first dimension of ", trim(GCMvarname), " to be longitude!" stop endif if (GCMvarshape(2).ne.lat_dimid_gcm) then write(*,*) "Error, expected second dimension of ", trim(GCMvarname), " to be latitude!" stop endif if (GCMvarshape(3).ne.alt_dimid_gcm) then write(*,*) "Error, expected third dimension of ", trim(GCMvarname), " to be altitude!" stop endif if (GCMvarshape(4).ne.time_dimid_gcm) then write(*,*) "Error, expected fourth dimension of ", trim(GCMvarname), " to be time!" stop endif ! Length allocation for each dimension of the 4D variable allocate(GCM_var(GCMlonlen,GCMlatlen,GCMaltlen,GCMtimelen)) ! Load datasets if (.not.is_stats) then status=nf90_get_var(gcmfid,GCMvarid,GCM_var) error_text="Failed to load "//trim(GCMvarname) call status_check(status,error_text) else ! if it is a stats file, we load only the first sol, and then copy it to all the other sols status=nf90_get_var(gcmfid,GCMvarid,GCM_var(:,:,:,1:GCMstatstimelen)) error_text="Failed to load "//trim(GCMvarname) call status_check(status,error_text) ! write(*,*)"GCMstatstimelen = ", GCMstatstimelen ! write(*,*)"GCMtimelen = ", GCMtimelen do l=(GCMstatstimelen+1),GCMtimelen if (modulo(l,GCMstatstimelen).ne.0) then GCM_var(:,:,:,l) = GCM_var(:,:,:,modulo(l,GCMstatstimelen)) else ! if l is a multiple of GCMstatstimelen, since index modulo(l,GCMstatstimelen)=0 doesn't exist, ! we make a special case GCM_var(:,:,:,l) = GCM_var(:,:,:,GCMstatstimelen) endif enddo endif write(*,*) "Loaded ",trim(GCMvarname), " from the GCM file" ! Get dataset's missing_value attribute status=nf90_get_att(gcmfid,GCMvarid,"missing_value",GCMmiss_val) error_text="Failed to load missing_value attribute" call status_check(status,error_text) write(*,'(" with missing_value attribute : ",1pe12.5)')GCMmiss_val ENDIF ! end of IF (OBSvarname.EQ."dtemp") !=================================================================================================== ! 3. Output file !=================================================================================================== !=============================================================================== ! 3.1 Create the output file & initialize the coordinates !=============================================================================== IF (OBSvarname.EQ."dtemp") THEN ! creating the output file is done only in the first loop ! Name of the outfile if (.not.is_stats) then outfile=obsfile(1:index(obsfile, ".nc")-1)//"" else outfile=obsfile(1:index(obsfile, ".nc")-1)//"" endif ! Creation of the outfile status=nf90_create(outfile,nf90_clobber,outfid) ! NB: clobber mode=overwrite any dataset with the same file name ! error_text="Error: could not create file "//trim(outfile) call status_check(status,error_text) write(*,*)"";write(*,*)"-> Output file is: ",trim(outfile) ! Creation of the dimensions call inidim(outfid,OBSlonlen,OBSlatlen,OBSaltlen,OBSLslen,OBSlon,OBSlat,OBSalt,OBSLs,OBSalttype,& lon_dimid_obs,lat_dimid_obs,alt_dimid_obs,time_dimid_obs) !write(*,*)"Dimensions ID in the outfile are :" !write(*,*)"lon_dimid=",lon_dimid_obs !write(*,*)"lat_dimid=",lat_dimid_obs !write(*,*)"alt_dimid=",alt_dimid_obs !write(*,*)"time_dimid=",time_dimid_obs ENDIF ! end of IF (OBSvarname.EQ."dtemp") !=============================================================================== ! 3.2 Create the outfile variables (other variables than the coordinates) !=============================================================================== ! Switch to netcdf define mode status=nf90_redef(outfid) error_text="Error: could not switch to define mode in the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) ! Insert the definition of the variables status=nf90_def_var(outfid,trim(OBSvarname),nf90_float,OBSvarshape,outvarid) error_text="Error: could not define the variable "//trim(OBSvarname)//" in the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) status=nf90_def_var(outfid,trim(OBSLTave_name),nf90_float,LTshape,LT_id) error_text="Error: could not define the variable "//trim(OBSLTave_name)//" in the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) ! Write the attributes !! Temperature SELECT CASE (OBSvarname) CASE ("dtemp") status=nf90_put_att(outfid,outvarid,"long_name","Temperature - day side (interpolated from GCM)") CASE ("ntemp") status=nf90_put_att(outfid,outvarid,"long_name","Temperature - night side (interpolated from GCM)") END SELECT error_text="Error: could not put the long_name attribute for the variable "//trim(OBSvarname)//" in the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) status=nf90_put_att(outfid,outvarid,"units","K") error_text="Error: could not put the units attribute for the variable "//trim(OBSvarname)//" in the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) status=nf90_put_att(outfid,outvarid,"_FillValue",OBSmiss_val) error_text="Error: could not put the _FillValue attribute for the variable "//trim(OBSvarname)//" in the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) write(*,*)trim(OBSvarname)," has been created in the outfile" write(*,'(" with missing_value attribute : ",1pe12.5)')OBSmiss_val !! Local Time (average in bin) SELECT CASE (OBSvarname) CASE ("dtemp") status=nf90_put_att(outfid,LT_id,"long_name","Local Time, evaluated as average local time in bin - day side [6h, 18h]") CASE ("ntemp") status=nf90_put_att(outfid,LT_id,"long_name","Local Time, evaluated as average local time in bin - night side [18h, 6h]") END SELECT error_text="Error: could not put the long_name attribute for the variable "//trim(OBSLTave_name)//" in the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) status=nf90_put_att(outfid,LT_id,"units","hours") error_text="Error: could not put the units attribute for the variable "//trim(OBSLTave_name)//" in the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) status=nf90_put_att(outfid,LT_id,"_FillValue",LTmiss_val) error_text="Error: could not put the _FillValue attribute for the variable "//trim(OBSLTave_name)//" in the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) write(*,*)"Local Time (", trim(OBSLTave_name), ") has been created in the outfile" write(*,'(" with missing_value attribute : ",1pe12.5)')OBSmiss_val ! End the netcdf define mode (and thus enter the "data writing" mode) status=nf90_enddef(outfid) error_text="Error: could not close the define mode of the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) !=============================================================================== ! 3.3 Fill the output file !=============================================================================== allocate(outvar(OBSlonlen,OBSlatlen,OBSaltlen,OBSLslen)) !!=============================================================== !! 3.3.1 Do some checks !!=============================================================== Ls: do l=1,OBSLslen ! loop on all observed Solar longitudes Ls_val=OBSLs(l) ! Ls_val=center of the output bin if (( then write(*,*) "Unexpected value for OBSLs: ",Ls_val stop endif ! Convert the Ls bin into a sol interval on which the binning is done : !-> get the index of the maximum value of GCM sol (m_maxsol) that is lower than Ls bin's superior bound (maxsol) call ls2sol(Ls_val+OBSdeltaLs/2.,maxsol) m_maxsol=1 do while (((GCMtime(m_maxsol)+0.5).lt.maxsol).AND.(m_maxsol.le.(GCMtimelen-1))) !! The +0.5 is there to take into account the whole planet (lon=[-180°;180°]) and not just the lon=0° from the GCM m_maxsol=m_maxsol+1 enddo !-> get the index of the minimum value of GCM sol (m_minsol) that is greater than Ls bin's inferior bound (minsol) call ls2sol(Ls_val-OBSdeltaLs/2.,minsol) m_minsol=1 do while (((GCMtime(m_minsol)-0.5).le.minsol).AND.(m_minsol.le.(GCMtimelen-1))) !! Same comment for the -0.5 m_minsol=m_minsol+1 enddo if ( then write(*,*) "No value in gcmfile between sol=",minsol," and sol=",maxsol," (Ls=",Ls_val,"°)" ! Write a missing_value to output outvar(:,:,:,l)=OBSmiss_val CYCLE Ls ! go directly to the next Ls endif ! Get all the integer values of GCM sols that fit in this interval solcount=floor(GCMtime(m_maxsol))-ceiling(GCMtime(m_minsol))+1 ! sols that are not fully in the interval are not counted allocate(int_sol_list(solcount)) m_int=1 ! write(*,*) "GCMminsol=", GCMtime(m_minsol) ! write(*,*)"GCMmaxsol=", GCMtime(m_maxsol) do m=m_minsol,m_maxsol ! loop on all GCM sols of the bin sol=GCMtime(m) if (sol.eq.floor(sol)) then ! write(*,*)"sol=",sol int_sol_list(m_int)=sol m_int=m_int+1 endif enddo ! write(*,*)"int_sol_list=",int_sol_list latitude: do j=1,OBSlatlen ! loop on all observed latitudes lat_val=OBSlat(j) if (( then write(*,*) "Unexpected value for OBSlat: ",lat_val stop endif longitude: do i=1,OBSlonlen ! loop on all observed longitudes lon_val=OBSlon(i) if (( then write(*,*) "Unexpected value for lon_val: ",lon_val stop endif ! We want lon_val in [-180:180] for the subroutine extraction if ( lon_val=lon_val+360. if ( lon_val=lon_val-360. LT_val=OBSLT(i,j,l) ! find the Observer corresponding LT value at lon_val, lat_val, Ls_val if (( then if (LT_val.eq.LTmiss_val) then ! write(*,*) "Missing value in obsfile for LT_val" ! Write a missing_value to output outvar(i,j,:,l)=OBSmiss_val CYCLE longitude ! go directly to the next longitude else write(*,*) "Unexpected value for LT_val: ",LT_val stop endif endif ! Generate the sol list for the interpolation allocate(sol_list(solcount*LTcount)) call gen_sol_list(solcount,int_sol_list,LTcount,LT_val,OBSLTmax(i,j,l),OBSLTmin(i,j,l),lon_val,LTmod,OBSvarname,& sol_list) altitude: do k=1,OBSaltlen ! loop on all observed altitudes alt_val=OBSalt(k) if (OBS_var(i,j,k,l).eq.OBSmiss_val) then ! write(*,*) "Missing value in obsfile for ",OBSvarname ! Write a missing_value to output outvar(i,j,k,l)=OBSmiss_val CYCLE altitude ! go directly to the next altitude endif !!=============================================================== !! 3.3.2 Compute GCM sol date corresponding to Observer Ls !! (via m_(min/max)sol) and LT (via OBSLT(min/max)) !!=============================================================== solerrcount=0 solbinned_value=0 sol_bin: do n=1,solcount*LTcount ! loop on all GCM sols of the bin sol=sol_list(n) ! write(*,*)"sol=",sol !!=============================================================== !! 3.3.3 Do the interpolation and binning for the given location !!=============================================================== call extraction(lon_val,lat_val,alt_val,sol,& GCMlonlen,GCMlatlen,GCMaltlen,GCMtimelen,& GCMlon,GCMlat,GCMalt,GCMtime,& GCM_var,GCMmiss_val,GCMalttype,GCMvarname,extr_value) if (extr_value.eq.GCMmiss_val) then ! write(*,*) "Missing value in gcmfile at lon=",lon_val,"; lat=",lat_val,"; alt=",alt_val,"; sol=",sol solerrcount=solerrcount+1 CYCLE sol_bin ! go directly to the next GCM sol of the bin endif solbinned_value=solbinned_value+extr_value enddo sol_bin ! end loop on all GCM sols of the bin if ((solcount*LTcount-solerrcount).ne.0) then solbinned_value=solbinned_value/(solcount*LTcount-solerrcount) else ! write(*,*)"No GCM value in this sol bin" solbinned_value=OBSmiss_val endif ! Write value to output outvar(i,j,k,l)=solbinned_value errcount=errcount+solerrcount enddo altitude ! end loop on observed altitudes deallocate(sol_list) enddo longitude ! end loop on observed longitudes enddo latitude ! end loop on observed latitudes deallocate(int_sol_list) enddo Ls ! end loop on observed Solar longitudes !write(*,*)"Nb of GCM missing values :",errcount !!=============================================================== !! 3.3.4 Write the data in the netcdf output file !!=============================================================== status = nf90_put_var(outfid, outvarid, outvar) error_text="Error: could not write "//trim(OBSvarname)//" data in the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) status = nf90_put_var(outfid, LT_id, OBSLT) ! write the MCS d/ntimeave as the output Local Time error_text="Error: could not write Local Time data in the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) !!============================================================================== !! 4. End of the Day/Night loop !!============================================================================== IF (OBSvarname.EQ."dtemp") THEN ! this is the end of the first loop (on daytime values) ! and we still have to loop on nighttime values OBSvarname="ntemp" deallocate(OBS_var) deallocate(OBSLT) deallocate(OBSLTmax) deallocate(OBSLTmin) deallocate(outvar) write(*,*)"";write(*,*)""; write(*,*) "Beginning the 2nd loop, on nighttime values" ; write(*,*)"" CYCLE DAY_OR_NIGHT ELSE ! i.e. OBSvarname="ntemp" ! this is the end of the second loop (on nighttime values) ! and thus the end of the program EXIT DAY_OR_NIGHT ENDIF ENDDO DAY_OR_NIGHT ! end of the day/night loop that begins in section 1.3 !=============================================================================== ! 5. Close output file !=============================================================================== status = nf90_close(outfid) error_text="Error: could not close file "//trim(outfile) call status_check(status,error_text) write(*,*)"";write(*,*)"-> Program completed!" end program simu_MCS_temp !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !=================================================================================================== ! Subroutines !=================================================================================================== subroutine extraction(lon,lat,alt,sol,& lonlen,latlen,altlen,timelen,& longitude,latitude,altitude,time,& field,missing_value,alttype,varname,value) implicit none !================================================================ ! Arguments: !================================================================ real,intent(in) :: lon ! sought longitude (deg, in [-180:180]) real,intent(in) :: lat ! sought latitude (deg, in [-90:90]) real,intent(in) :: alt ! sought altitude (m or Pa) real,intent(in) :: sol ! sought date (sols) integer,intent(in) :: lonlen integer,intent(in) :: latlen integer,intent(in) :: altlen integer,intent(in) :: timelen real,intent(in) :: longitude(lonlen) real,intent(in) :: latitude(latlen) real,intent(in) :: altitude(altlen) real,intent(in) :: time(timelen) real,intent(in) :: field(lonlen,latlen,altlen,timelen) real,intent(in) :: missing_value ! default value for "no data" character,intent(in) :: alttype ! altitude coord. type:'z' (altitude, m) ! 'p' (pressure, Pa) character(len=*),intent(in) :: varname ! variable name (in GCM file) real,intent(out) :: value !================================================================ ! Local variables: !================================================================ real,save :: prev_lon=-99 ! previous value of 'lon' routine was called with real,save :: prev_lat=-99 ! previous value of 'lat' routine was called with real,save :: prev_alt=-9.e20 ! ! previous value of 'alt' real,save :: prev_sol=-99 ! previous value of 'sol' routine was called with ! encompasing indexes: integer,save :: ilon_inf=-1,ilon_sup=-1 ! along longitude integer,save :: ilat_inf=-1,ilat_sup=-1 ! along latitude integer,save :: ialt_inf=-1,ialt_sup=-1 ! along altitude integer,save :: itim_inf=-1,itim_sup=-1 ! along time ! intermediate interpolated values real :: t_interp(2,2,2) ! after time interpolation real :: zt_interp(2,2) ! after altitude interpolation real :: yzt_interp(2) ! after latitude interpolation real :: coeff ! interpolation coefficient integer :: i ! By default, set value to missing_value value=missing_value !================================================================ ! 1. Find encompassing indexes !================================================================ if ( then do i=1,lonlen-1 if (longitude(i).le.lon) then ilon_inf=i else exit endif enddo ilon_sup=ilon_inf+1 endif ! of if ( !write(*,*) 'ilon_inf=',ilon_inf," longitude(ilon_inf)=",longitude(ilon_inf) if ( then ! recall that latitudes start from north pole do i=1,latlen-1 if (latitude(i) then ilat_inf=i else exit endif enddo ilat_sup=ilat_inf+1 endif ! of if ( !write(*,*) 'ilat_inf=',ilat_inf," latitude(ilat_inf)=",latitude(ilat_inf) if ( then if (alttype.eq.'p') then ! pressures are ordered from max to min !handle special case for alt not in the altitude(1:altlen) interval if (( then ialt_inf=-1 ialt_sup=-1 ! return to main program (with value=missing_value) ! write(*,*)"Problem in extraction : GCM alt p" return else ! general case do i=1,altlen-1 if (altitude(i).ge.alt) then ialt_inf=i else exit endif enddo ialt_sup=ialt_inf+1 endif ! of if (( else ! altitudes (m) are ordered from min to max !handle special case for alt not in the altitude(1:altlen) interval if (( then ialt_inf=-1 ialt_sup=-1 ! return to main program (with value=missing_value) ! write(*,*)"Problem in extraction : GCM alt z" return else ! general case do i=1,altlen-1 if (altitude(i).le.alt) then ialt_inf=i else exit endif enddo ialt_sup=ialt_inf+1 endif ! of if (( endif ! of if (alttype.eq.'p') endif ! of if ( !write(*,*) 'ialt_inf=',ialt_inf," altitude(ialt_inf)=",altitude(ialt_inf) if ( then !handle special case for sol not in the time(1):time(timenlen) interval if (( then itim_inf=-1 itim_sup=-1 ! return to main program (with value=missing_value) ! write(*,*)"Problem in extraction : GCM sol" return else ! general case do i=1,timelen-1 if (time(i).le.sol) then itim_inf=i else exit endif enddo itim_sup=itim_inf+1 endif ! of if (( endif ! of if ( !write(*,*) 'itim_inf=',itim_inf," time(itim_inf)=",time(itim_inf) !write(*,*) 'itim_sup=',itim_sup," time(itim_sup)=",time(itim_sup) !================================================================ ! 2. Interpolate !================================================================ ! check that there are no "missing_value" in the field() elements we need ! otherwise return to main program (with value=missing_value) if (field(ilon_inf,ilat_inf,ialt_inf,itim_inf).eq.missing_value) then ! write(*,*)"Error 1 in extraction" return endif if (field(ilon_inf,ilat_inf,ialt_inf,itim_sup).eq.missing_value) then ! write(*,*)"Error 2 in extraction" return endif if (field(ilon_inf,ilat_inf,ialt_sup,itim_inf).eq.missing_value) then ! write(*,*)"Error 3 in extraction" return endif if (field(ilon_inf,ilat_inf,ialt_sup,itim_sup).eq.missing_value) then ! write(*,*)"Error 4 in extraction" return endif if (field(ilon_inf,ilat_sup,ialt_inf,itim_inf).eq.missing_value) then ! write(*,*)"Error 5 in extraction" return endif if (field(ilon_inf,ilat_sup,ialt_inf,itim_sup).eq.missing_value) then ! write(*,*)"Error 6 in extraction" return endif if (field(ilon_inf,ilat_sup,ialt_sup,itim_inf).eq.missing_value) then ! write(*,*)"Error 7 in extraction" return endif if (field(ilon_inf,ilat_sup,ialt_sup,itim_sup).eq.missing_value) then ! write(*,*)"Error 8 in extraction" return endif if (field(ilon_sup,ilat_inf,ialt_inf,itim_inf).eq.missing_value) then ! write(*,*)"Error 9 in extraction" return endif if (field(ilon_sup,ilat_inf,ialt_inf,itim_sup).eq.missing_value) then ! write(*,*)"Error 10 in extraction" return endif if (field(ilon_sup,ilat_inf,ialt_sup,itim_inf).eq.missing_value) then ! write(*,*)"Error 11 in extraction" return endif if (field(ilon_sup,ilat_inf,ialt_sup,itim_sup).eq.missing_value) then ! write(*,*)"Error 12 in extraction" return endif if (field(ilon_sup,ilat_sup,ialt_inf,itim_inf).eq.missing_value) then ! write(*,*)"Error 13 in extraction" return endif if (field(ilon_sup,ilat_sup,ialt_inf,itim_sup).eq.missing_value) then ! write(*,*)"Error 14 in extraction" return endif if (field(ilon_sup,ilat_sup,ialt_sup,itim_inf).eq.missing_value) then ! write(*,*)"Error 15 in extraction" return endif if (field(ilon_sup,ilat_sup,ialt_sup,itim_sup).eq.missing_value) then ! write(*,*)"Error 16 in extraction" return endif !================================================================ ! 2.1 Linear interpolation in time !================================================================ coeff=(sol-time(itim_inf))/(time(itim_sup)-time(itim_inf)) t_interp(1,1,1)=field(ilon_inf,ilat_inf,ialt_inf,itim_inf)+ & coeff*(field(ilon_inf,ilat_inf,ialt_inf,itim_sup)- & field(ilon_inf,ilat_inf,ialt_inf,itim_inf)) t_interp(1,1,2)=field(ilon_inf,ilat_inf,ialt_sup,itim_inf)+ & coeff*(field(ilon_inf,ilat_inf,ialt_sup,itim_sup)- & field(ilon_inf,ilat_inf,ialt_sup,itim_inf)) t_interp(1,2,1)=field(ilon_inf,ilat_sup,ialt_inf,itim_inf)+ & coeff*(field(ilon_inf,ilat_sup,ialt_inf,itim_sup)- & field(ilon_inf,ilat_sup,ialt_inf,itim_inf)) t_interp(1,2,2)=field(ilon_inf,ilat_sup,ialt_sup,itim_inf)+ & coeff*(field(ilon_inf,ilat_sup,ialt_sup,itim_sup)- & field(ilon_inf,ilat_sup,ialt_sup,itim_inf)) t_interp(2,1,1)=field(ilon_sup,ilat_inf,ialt_inf,itim_inf)+ & coeff*(field(ilon_sup,ilat_inf,ialt_inf,itim_sup)- & field(ilon_sup,ilat_inf,ialt_inf,itim_inf)) t_interp(2,1,2)=field(ilon_sup,ilat_inf,ialt_sup,itim_inf)+ & coeff*(field(ilon_sup,ilat_inf,ialt_sup,itim_sup)- & field(ilon_sup,ilat_inf,ialt_sup,itim_inf)) t_interp(2,2,1)=field(ilon_sup,ilat_sup,ialt_inf,itim_inf)+ & coeff*(field(ilon_sup,ilat_sup,ialt_inf,itim_sup)- & field(ilon_sup,ilat_sup,ialt_inf,itim_inf)) t_interp(2,2,2)=field(ilon_sup,ilat_sup,ialt_sup,itim_inf)+ & coeff*(field(ilon_sup,ilat_sup,ialt_sup,itim_sup)- & field(ilon_sup,ilat_sup,ialt_sup,itim_inf)) !================================================================ ! 2.2 Vertical interpolation !================================================================ if (((varname=='rho').or.(varname=='pressure')).and.(alttype=='z')) then ! do the interpolation on the log of the quantity coeff=(alt-altitude(ialt_inf))/(altitude(ialt_sup)-altitude(ialt_inf)) zt_interp(1,1)=log(t_interp(1,1,1))+coeff* & (log(t_interp(1,1,2))-log(t_interp(1,1,1))) zt_interp(1,2)=log(t_interp(1,2,1))+coeff* & (log(t_interp(1,2,2))-log(t_interp(1,2,1))) zt_interp(2,1)=log(t_interp(2,1,1))+coeff* & (log(t_interp(2,1,2))-log(t_interp(2,1,1))) zt_interp(2,2)=log(t_interp(2,2,1))+coeff* & (log(t_interp(2,2,2))-log(t_interp(2,2,1))) zt_interp(1:2,1:2)=exp(zt_interp(1:2,1:2)) else ! general case coeff=(alt-altitude(ialt_inf))/(altitude(ialt_sup)-altitude(ialt_inf)) zt_interp(1,1)=t_interp(1,1,1)+coeff*(t_interp(1,1,2)-t_interp(1,1,1)) zt_interp(1,2)=t_interp(1,2,1)+coeff*(t_interp(1,2,2)-t_interp(1,2,1)) zt_interp(2,1)=t_interp(2,1,1)+coeff*(t_interp(2,1,2)-t_interp(2,1,1)) zt_interp(2,2)=t_interp(2,2,1)+coeff*(t_interp(2,2,2)-t_interp(2,2,1)) endif !================================================================ ! 2.3 Latitudinal interpolation !================================================================ coeff=(lat-latitude(ilat_inf))/(latitude(ilat_sup)-latitude(ilat_inf)) yzt_interp(1)=zt_interp(1,1)+coeff*(zt_interp(1,2)-zt_interp(1,1)) yzt_interp(2)=zt_interp(2,1)+coeff*(zt_interp(2,2)-zt_interp(2,1)) !================================================================ ! 2.4 longitudinal interpolation !================================================================ coeff=(lon-longitude(ilon_inf))/(longitude(ilon_sup)-longitude(ilon_inf)) value=yzt_interp(1)+coeff*(yzt_interp(2)-yzt_interp(1)) end subroutine extraction !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine inidim(outfid,lonlen,latlen,altlen,timelen,lon,lat,alt,time,units_alt,& londimid,latdimid,altdimid,timedimid) !================================================================ ! Purpose: ! Initialize a data file (NetCDF format) !================================================================ ! Remarks: ! The NetCDF file remains open !================================================================ use netcdf ! NetCDF definitions implicit none !================================================================ ! Arguments: !================================================================ integer, intent(in):: outfid ! outfid: [netcdf] file ID integer, intent(in):: lonlen ! lonlen: longitude length (# of longitude values) integer, intent(in):: latlen ! latlen: latitude length (# of latitude values) integer, intent(in):: altlen ! altlen: altitude length (# of altitude values) integer, intent(in):: timelen ! timelen: time length (# of time values) real, intent(in):: lon(lonlen) ! lon(): longitude real, intent(in):: lat(latlen) ! lat(): latitude real, intent(in):: alt(altlen) ! alt(): altitude real, intent(in):: time(timelen) ! time(): time (Ls) character(len=1), intent(in) :: units_alt ! units_alt: altitude coord. type:'z' (altitude, m) 'p' (pressure, Pa) integer,intent(inout):: londimid ! londimid: [netcdf] lon() (i.e.: longitude) ID in MCS and output files (they are the same) integer,intent(inout) :: latdimid ! latdimid: [netcdf] lat() ID in MCS and output files (they are the same) integer,intent(inout):: altdimid ! altdimid: [netcdf] alt() ID in MCS and output files (they are the same) integer,intent(inout):: timedimid ! timedimid: [netcdf] time() ID in MCS and output files (they are the same) !================================================================ ! Local variables: !================================================================ integer :: lonvarid,latvarid,altvarid,timevarid,status ! *varid: [netcdf] ID of a variable ! status: [netcdf] return error code (from called subroutines) character(len=256) :: error_text integer :: d ! loop index on dimensions ID !=============================================================== ! 1. Define/write "dimensions" in the same order than MCS file ! and get their IDs !================================================================ do d=1,4 if (altdimid.eq.d) then status=nf90_def_dim(outfid, "altitude", altlen, altdimid) error_text="Error: could not define the altitude dimension in the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) else if (timedimid.eq.d) then status=nf90_def_dim(outfid, "time", timelen, timedimid) error_text="Error: could not define the time dimension in the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) else if (latdimid.eq.d) then status=nf90_def_dim(outfid, "latitude", latlen, latdimid) error_text="Error: could not define the latitude dimension in the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) else if (londimid.eq.d) then status=nf90_def_dim(outfid, "longitude", lonlen, londimid) error_text="Error: could not define the longitude dimension in the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) endif enddo !================================================================ ! 2. Define "variables" and their attributes !================================================================ !================================================================ ! 2.1 Write "longitude" (data and attributes) !================================================================ ! Insert the definition of the variable status=nf90_def_var(outfid,"longitude",nf90_float,(/londimid/),lonvarid) error_text="Error: could not define the longitude variable in the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) ! Write the attributes status=nf90_put_att(outfid,lonvarid,"long_name","longitude") error_text="Error: could not put the long_name attribute for the longitude variable in the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) status=nf90_put_att(outfid,lonvarid,"units","degrees_east") error_text="Error: could not put the units attribute for the longitude variable in the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) !================================================================ ! 2.2 "latitude" !================================================================ ! Insert the definition of the variable status=nf90_def_var(outfid,"latitude",nf90_float,(/latdimid/),latvarid) error_text="Error: could not define the latitude variable in the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) ! Write the attributes status=nf90_put_att(outfid,latvarid,"long_name","latitude") error_text="Error: could not put the long_name attribute for the latitude variable in the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) status=nf90_put_att(outfid,latvarid,"units","degrees_north") error_text="Error: could not put the units attribute for the latitude variable in the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) !================================================================ ! 2.3 Write "altitude" (data and attributes) !================================================================ ! Insert the definition of the variable status=nf90_def_var(outfid,"altitude",nf90_float,(/altdimid/),altvarid) error_text="Error: could not define the altitude variable in the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) ! Write the attributes if (units_alt.eq.'p') then ! pressure coordinate status=nf90_put_att(outfid,altvarid,"long_name","pressure") error_text="Error: could not put the long_name attribute for the altitude variable in the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) status=nf90_put_att(outfid,altvarid,'units',"Pa") error_text="Error: could not put the units attribute for the altitude variable in the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) status=nf90_put_att(outfid,altvarid,'positive',"down") error_text="Error: could not put the positive attribute for the altitude variable in the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) status=nf90_put_att(outfid,altvarid,'comment',& "The vertical variable is in fact pressure, not altitude. We just call it altitude for easy reading in Ferret and Grads.") error_text="Error: could not put the comment attribute for the altitude variable in the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) else if (units_alt.eq.'z') then ! altitude coordinate status=nf90_put_att(outfid,altvarid,"long_name","altitude") error_text="Error: could not put the long_name attribute for the altitude variable in the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) status=nf90_put_att(outfid,altvarid,'units',"m") error_text="Error: could not put the units attribute for the altitude variable in the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) status=nf90_put_att(outfid,altvarid,'positive',"up") error_text="Error: could not put the positive attribute for the altitude variable in the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) else write(*,*)"I do not understand this unit type ",units_alt," for outfile altitude!" stop end if !================================================================ ! 2.4 "time" !================================================================ ! Insert the definition of the variable status=nf90_def_var(outfid,"time",nf90_float,(/timedimid/),timevarid) error_text="Error: could not define the time variable in the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) ! Write the attributes status=nf90_put_att(outfid,timevarid,"long_name","Solar longitude") error_text="Error: could not put the long_name attribute for the time variable in the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) status=nf90_put_att(outfid,timevarid,"units","days since 0000-01-1 00:00:00") error_text="Error: could not put the units attribute for the time variable in the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) status=nf90_put_att(outfid,timevarid,"comment",& "Units is in fact degrees, but set to a dummy value of days for compatibility with Ferret and Grads.") error_text="Error: could not put the comment attribute for the time variable in the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) !================================================================ ! 2.5 End netcdf define mode !================================================================ status=nf90_enddef(outfid) error_text="Error: could not end the define mode of the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) !================================================================ ! 3. Write "variables" (data of the dimension variables) !================================================================ ! "time" status=nf90_put_var(outfid,timevarid,time) error_text="Error: could not write the time variable's data in the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) ! "latitude" status=nf90_put_var(outfid,latvarid,lat) error_text="Error: could not write the latitude variable's data in the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) ! "longitude" status=nf90_put_var(outfid,lonvarid,lon) error_text="Error: could not write the longitude variable's data in the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) ! "altitude" status=nf90_put_var(outfid,altvarid,alt) error_text="Error: could not write the altitude variable's data in the outfile" call status_check(status,error_text) end subroutine inidim !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine ls2sol(ls,sol) implicit none !================================================================ ! Arguments: !================================================================ real,intent(in) :: ls real,intent(out) :: sol !================================================================ ! Local: !================================================================ double precision xref,zx0,zteta,zz !xref: mean anomaly, zteta: true anomaly, zx0: eccentric anomaly double precision year_day double precision peri_day,timeperi,e_elips double precision pi,degrad parameter (year_day=668.6d0) ! number of sols in a martian year parameter (peri_day=485.35d0) ! date (in sols) of perihelion !timeperi: 2*pi*( 1 - Ls(perihelion)/ 360 ); Ls(perihelion)=250.99 parameter (timeperi=1.90258341759902d0) parameter (e_elips=0.0934d0) ! eccentricity of orbit parameter (pi=3.14159265358979d0) parameter (degrad=57.2957795130823d0) if (abs(ls).lt.1.0e-5) then if ( then sol = 0.0 else sol = real(year_day) end if return end if zteta = ls/degrad + timeperi zx0 = 2.0*datan(dtan(0.5*zteta)/dsqrt((1.+e_elips)/(1.-e_elips))) xref = zx0-e_elips*dsin(zx0) zz = xref/(2.*pi) sol = real(zz*year_day + peri_day) if ( sol = sol + real(year_day) if ( sol = sol - real(year_day) end subroutine ls2sol !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine gen_sol_list(solcount,int_sol_list,LTcount,LTave,LTmax,LTmin,lon,f_LT,LTname,& sol_list) !================================================================ ! Purpose: ! Generate a list that is the combination of two lists : ! - int_sol_list, which is a list of integer values of sol ! - LT_list, which contains a number LTcount of LT values in the ! interval [LTmin;LTmax] which are evenly distributed around ! LTave (so that their average is LTave) !================================================================ implicit none !================================================================ ! Arguments: !================================================================ integer, intent(in) :: solcount ! nb of integer values of sol real, intent(in) :: int_sol_list(solcount) ! list of the integer values of sol integer, intent(in) :: LTcount ! nb of LT per sol to be interpolated real, intent(in) :: LTave ! average of LT real, intent(in) :: LTmax, LTmin ! bounds of the LT interval for the interpolation real, intent(in) :: lon ! longitude value for the transformation into a sol value at lon=0° external f_LT ! function that changes LT interval for night LT real :: f_LT character (len=64), intent(in) :: LTname ! to know if we have day or night values real, intent(out) :: sol_list(solcount*LTcount) ! all the sol values at lon=0° to interpolate !================================================================ ! Local variables: !================================================================ integer :: N integer :: a,b,c ! loop iteration indexes real :: LT_list(LTcount) N = floor(LTcount/2.) !================================================================ ! 1. Filling of LT_list !================================================================ SELECT CASE (LTname) CASE ("dtemp") if (abs(LTave-LTmax).le.abs(LTave-LTmin)) then ! LTave is closer to LTmax than to LTmin do a=1,N LT_list(a)=LTave+a*abs(LTave-LTmax)/(N+1) LT_list(N+a)=LTave-a*abs(LTave-LTmax)/(N+1) enddo else ! LTave is closer to LTmin than to LTmax do a=1,N LT_list(a)=LTave+a*abs(LTave-LTmin)/(N+1) LT_list(N+a)=LTave-a*abs(LTave-LTmin)/(N+1) enddo endif CASE ("ntemp") if (abs(f_LT(LTave)-f_LT(LTmax)).le.abs(f_LT(LTave)-f_LT(LTmin))) then ! LTave is closer to LTmax than to LTmin do a=1,N LT_list(a)=LTave+a*abs(f_LT(LTave)-f_LT(LTmax))/(N+1) LT_list(a)=mod(LT_list(a),24.) ! reput the LT in a [0;24[ interval if needed LT_list(N+a)=LTave-a*abs(f_LT(LTave)-f_LT(LTmax))/(N+1) LT_list(N+a)=mod(LT_list(N+a),24.) enddo else ! LTave is closer to LTmin than to LTmax do a=1,N LT_list(a)=LTave+a*abs(f_LT(LTave)-f_LT(LTmin))/(N+1) LT_list(a)=mod(LT_list(a),24.) LT_list(N+a)=LTave-a*abs(f_LT(LTave)-f_LT(LTmin))/(N+1) LT_list(N+a)=mod(LT_list(N+a),24.) enddo endif END SELECT if (mod(LTcount,2).eq.1) then ! if LTcount is an odd number LT_list(LTcount)=LTave ! add LTave to the list endif !================================================================ ! 2. Combination of int_sol_list & LT_list into sol_list !================================================================ c=1 do a=1,solcount do b=1,LTcount sol_list(c)=int_sol_list(a)+(LT_list(b)-lon/15.)/24. c=c+1 enddo enddo end subroutine gen_sol_list !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine status_check(status,error_text) use netcdf implicit none !================================================================ ! Arguments: !================================================================ integer,intent(in) :: status character(len=256),intent(in) :: error_text if ( then write(*,*)trim(error_text) write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(status)) stop endif end subroutine status_check !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! real function LTmod(LT) !================================================================ ! Purpose: ! For night local times management, replace hours ! from a [0;24[ interval to a [-12;12[ interval in which ! midnight = 0 (in order to ensure continuity when comparing ! night local times) !================================================================ real :: LT LTmod = 2*mod(LT,12.)-LT return end function LTmod