program extract ! program to extract (ie: interpolates) pointwise values of an atmospheric ! variable from a 'zrecast'ed diagfi file (works if altitude is geometrical ! height or a pressure vertical coordinates) ! user has to specify: ! - name of input file ! - date (in sols) offset wrt the input file (e.g. if the input file "begins" ! at Ls=0, then the offset is 0; if the input file begins at Ls=30, the ! offset date corresponding to the first 3 months is 61+66+66=193 sols, etc.) ! - the "extraction mode": ! 1: extract individual values; user will specify values of ! lon lat alt Ls LT (all on a same line) ! on as many lines as there are sought values ! 2: extract a profile: user will specify on a first line the values of ! lon lat Ls LT (all on a same line) ! and then only specify values of altitudes (m or Pa depending on the ! coordinate in the input file), one per line, at which values are ! sought ! - output values are sent to (ASCII) output file 'infile_var_.dat', where ! 'infile' is the input file name (without trailing '.nc') and ! 'var' is the sought variable, for extraction mode 1 as ! lines of "lon lat alt Ls LT value" and for a profile (extraction mode 2) ! as lines of "alt value" ! ! NB: If there is no data to do an appropriate interpolation to extract ! the sought value, then a "missing_value" (taken from the variable's ! attribute in the input file, most likely -9.99E33) is returned. ! ! EM. Sept. 2011 use netcdf implicit none ! Input file: character(len=256) :: infile character(len=256) :: outfile character (len=256) :: text ! to store some text character (len=64) :: varname ! to store the name of the variable to retreive ! NetCDF stuff integer :: status ! NetCDF return code integer :: inid ! NetCDF file IDs integer :: varid ! to store the ID of a variable integer :: lat_dimid,lon_dimid,alt_dimid,time_dimid integer :: datashape(4) real,dimension(:),allocatable :: longitude ! longitude integer lonlen ! # of grid points along longitude real,dimension(:),allocatable :: latitude ! latitude integer latlen ! # of grid points along latitude real,dimension(:),allocatable :: altitude ! can be geometric heights or pressure integer altlen ! # of grid point along altitude real,dimension(:),allocatable :: time ! time integer timelen ! # of points along time character :: alttype ! altitude coord. type:'z' (altitude, m) 'p' (pressure, Pa) real,dimension(:,:,:,:),allocatable :: field real :: missing_value ! value to denote non-existant data real :: starttimeoffset ! offset (in sols) wrt Ls=0 of sol 0 in file integer :: extract_mode ! 1: point-by-point extraction 2: extract a profile ! point at which data is sought: real :: lon,lat,alt,Ls,LT,value real :: sol ! sol GCM date corresponding to sought Ls and LT integer :: nb !=============================================================================== ! 1.1 Input file !=============================================================================== write(*,*) "" write(*,*) " Program valid for or files" write(*,*) " processed by zrecast " write(*,*) " Enter input file name:" read(*,'(a)') infile write(*,*) "" ! open input file status=nf90_open(infile,NF90_NOWRITE,inid) if ( then write(*,*)"Failed to open datafile ",trim(infile) write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(status)) stop endif write(*,*) " Beginning date of the file?" write(*,*) " (i.e. number of sols since Ls=0 that the Time=0.0 in the input" write(*,*) " file corresponds to)" read(*,*) starttimeoffset write(*,*) " Extraction mode?" write(*,*) " ( 1: pointwise extraction , 2: profile extraction)" read(*,*,iostat=status) extract_mode if (( & .or.( then write(*,*) "Error: invalid extraction mode:",extract_mode stop endif !=============================================================================== ! 1.2 Input variable to extract !=============================================================================== write(*,*) "Enter variable to extract:" read(*,*) varname ! check that input file contains that variable status=nf90_inq_varid(inid,trim(varname),varid) if ( then write(*,*) "Failed to find variable ",trim(varname)," in ",trim(infile) write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(status)) write(*,*) " Might as well stop here." stop endif !=============================================================================== ! 1.3 Get grids for dimensions lon,lat,alt,time !=============================================================================== ! latitude status=nf90_inq_dimid(inid,"latitude",lat_dimid) if ( then write(*,*)"Failed to find latitude dimension" write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(status)) stop endif status=nf90_inquire_dimension(inid,lat_dimid,len=latlen) if ( then write(*,*)"Failed to find latitude length" write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(status)) endif allocate(latitude(latlen)) status=nf90_inq_varid(inid,"latitude",varid) if ( then write(*,*) "Failed to find latitude ID" write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(status)) stop endif ! read latitude status=nf90_get_var(inid,varid,latitude) if ( then write(*,*) "Failed to load latitude" write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(status)) stop endif !longitude status=nf90_inq_dimid(inid,"longitude",lon_dimid) if ( then write(*,*)"Failed to find longitude dimension" write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(status)) stop endif status=nf90_inquire_dimension(inid,lon_dimid,len=lonlen) if ( then write(*,*)"Failed to find longitude length" write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(status)) endif allocate(longitude(lonlen)) status=nf90_inq_varid(inid,"longitude",varid) if ( then write(*,*) "Failed to find longitude ID" write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(status)) stop endif ! read longitude status=nf90_get_var(inid,varid,longitude) if ( then write(*,*) "Failed to load longitude" write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(status)) stop endif !time status=nf90_inq_dimid(inid,"Time",time_dimid) if ( then write(*,*)"Failed to find Time dimension" write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(status)) stop endif status=nf90_inquire_dimension(inid,time_dimid,len=timelen) if ( then write(*,*)"Failed to find Time length" write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(status)) endif allocate(time(timelen)) status=nf90_inq_varid(inid,"Time",varid) if ( then write(*,*) "Failed to find Time ID" write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(status)) stop endif ! read Time status=nf90_get_var(inid,varid,time) if ( then write(*,*) "Failed to load Time" write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(status)) stop endif ! add the offset to time(:) time(:)=time(:)+starttimeoffset !altitude status=nf90_inq_dimid(inid,"altitude",alt_dimid) if ( then write(*,*)"Failed to find altitude dimension" write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(status)) stop endif status=nf90_inquire_dimension(inid,alt_dimid,len=altlen) if ( then write(*,*)"Failed to find altitude length" write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(status)) endif allocate(altitude(altlen)) status=nf90_inq_varid(inid,"altitude",varid) if ( then write(*,*) "Failed to find altitude ID" write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(status)) stop endif ! read altitude status=nf90_get_var(inid,varid,altitude) if ( then write(*,*) "Failed to load altitude" write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(status)) stop endif ! check altitude attribute "units" to find out altitude type status=nf90_get_att(inid,varid,"units",text) if ( then write(*,*) "Failed to load altitude units attribute" write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(status)) stop else if (trim(text).eq."Pa") then alttype="p" ! pressure coordinate else if (trim(text).eq."m") then alttype="z" ! altitude coordinate else write(*,*)" I do not understand this unit ",trim(text)," for altitude!" stop endif endif !=============================================================================== ! 1.3 Get input dataset !=============================================================================== status=nf90_inq_varid(inid,trim(varname),varid) if ( then write(*,*) "Failed to find variable ",trim(varname)," in ",trim(infile) write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(status)) write(*,*) " Might as well stop here." stop endif ! sanity checks on the variable status=nf90_inquire_variable(inid,varid,ndims=nb,dimids=datashape) if ( then write(*,*) "Failed to obtain information on variable ",trim(varname) write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(status)) write(*,*) " Might as well stop here." stop else ! check that it is a 4D variable if ( then write(*,*) "Error, expected a 4D (lon-lat-alt-time) variable!" stop endif ! check that its dimensions are indeed lon,lat,alt,time if (datashape(1).ne.lon_dimid) then write(*,*) "Error, expected first dimension to be longitude!" stop endif if (datashape(2).ne.lat_dimid) then write(*,*) "Error, expected second dimension to be latitude!" stop endif if (datashape(3).ne.alt_dimid) then write(*,*) "Error, expected third dimension to be altitude!" stop endif if (datashape(4).ne.time_dimid) then write(*,*) "Error, expected fourth dimension to be time!" stop endif endif allocate(field(lonlen,latlen,altlen,timelen)) ! load dataset status=nf90_get_var(inid,varid,field) if ( then write(*,*) "Failed to load ",trim(varname) write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(status)) stop else write(*,*) "Loaded ",trim(varname) endif ! get dataset's missing_value attribute status=nf90_get_att(inid,varid,"missing_value",missing_value) if ( then write(*,*) "Failed to load missing_value attribute" write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(status)) stop else write(*,'(" with missing_value attribute : ",1pe12.5)') missing_value endif !=============================================================================== ! 2. Process and interpolate !=============================================================================== !=============================================================================== ! 2.1 Create output file !=============================================================================== outfile=trim(infile(1:index(infile,".nc",back=.true.)-1))//"_"//& trim(varname)//".dat" open(42,file=outfile,form="formatted") write(*,*) "Output file is: ",trim(outfile) !=============================================================================== ! 2.2 Extract values !=============================================================================== if (extract_mode==1) then ! pointwise extraction write(*,*) " Enter values of: lon lat alt Ls LT (all on the same line," write(*,*) " using as many lines as sought data values)" write(*,*) " (enter anything else, e.g. blank line, nonesense,... to quit)" else ! extract_mode==2 , profile extraction write(*,*) " Enter values of: lon lat Ls LT (all on the same line)" read(*,*) lon,lat,Ls,LT write(*,*) " Enter values of altitude (one per line)" write(*,*) " (enter anything else, e.g. blank line, nonesense,... to quit)" endif do ! 2.1 read coordinates and do some sanity checks text="" !initialize text to empty string read(*,'(a)') text ! store input as text (to spot empty input line) if (len_trim(adjustl(text)).eq.0) exit if (extract_mode==1) then read(text,*,iostat=status) lon,lat,alt,Ls,LT ! Ls in degrees, LT (local true solar time) in hours, i.e. in [0:24] else ! extract_mode==2 , read alt only read(text,*,iostat=status) alt endif if ( exit if (( then write(*,*) "Unexpected value for lon: ",lon stop endif ! we want lon in [-180:180] if ( lon=lon+360. if ( lon=lon-360. if (( then write(*,*) "Unexpected value for lat: ",lat stop endif if (( then write(*,*) "Unexpected value for Ls: ",Ls stop endif if (( then write(*,*) "Unexpected value for LT: ",LT stop endif ! 2.2 compute GCM sol date corresponding to sought Ls and LT call ls2sol(Ls,sol) !shift 'sol' decimal part to ensure a compatible LT with the desired one sol=floor(sol)+(LT-lon/15.)/24. ! handle bordeline cases: if ( sol=sol-669 if ( sol=sol+669 ! write(*,*) " Ls=",Ls," LT=",LT," => sol=",sol ! 2.3 do the interpolation call extraction(lon,lat,alt,sol,& lonlen,latlen,altlen,timelen,& longitude,latitude,altitude,time,& field,missing_value,alttype,varname,value) ! 2.4 Write value to output if (extract_mode==1) then ! pointwise extraction write(42,'(6(1x,1pe12.5))')lon,lat,alt,Ls,LT,value else ! profile write(42,'(6(1x,1pe12.5))')alt,value endif enddo ! of do while ! close output file close(42) end program extract !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine extraction(lon,lat,alt,sol,& lonlen,latlen,altlen,timelen,& longitude,latitude,altitude,time,& field,missing_value,alttype,varname,value) implicit none ! Arguments: real,intent(in) :: lon ! sought longitude (deg, in [-180:180]) real,intent(in) :: lat ! sought latitude (deg, in [-90:90]) real,intent(in) :: alt ! sought altitude (m or Pa) real,intent(in) :: sol ! sought date (sols) integer,intent(in) :: lonlen integer,intent(in) :: latlen integer,intent(in) :: altlen integer,intent(in) :: timelen real,intent(in) :: longitude(lonlen) real,intent(in) :: latitude(latlen) real,intent(in) :: altitude(altlen) real,intent(in) :: time(timelen) real,intent(in) :: field(lonlen,latlen,altlen,timelen) real,intent(in) :: missing_value ! default value in GCM file for "no data" character,intent(in) :: alttype ! altitude coord. type:'z' (altitude, m) ! 'p' (pressure, Pa) character(len=*),intent(in) :: varname ! variable name (in GCM file) real,intent(out) :: value ! Local variables: real,save :: prev_lon=-99 ! previous value of 'lon' routine was called with real,save :: prev_lat=-99 ! previous value of 'lat' routine was called with real,save :: prev_alt=-9.e20 ! ! previous value of 'alt' real,save :: prev_sol=-99 ! previous value of 'sol' routine was called with ! encompasing indexes: integer,save :: ilon_inf=-1,ilon_sup=-1 ! along longitude integer,save :: ilat_inf=-1,ilat_sup=-1 ! along latitude integer,save :: ialt_inf=-1,ialt_sup=-1 ! along altitude integer,save :: itim_inf=-1,itim_sup=-1 ! along time ! intermediate interpolated values real :: t_interp(2,2,2) ! after time interpolation real :: zt_interp(2,2) ! after altitude interpolation real :: yzt_interp(2) ! after latitude interpolation real :: coeff ! interpolation coefficient integer :: i ! By default, set value to missing_value value=missing_value ! 1. Find encompassing indexes if ( then do i=1,lonlen-1 if (longitude(i).le.lon) then ilon_inf=i else exit endif enddo ilon_sup=ilon_inf+1 endif ! of if ( !write(*,*) 'ilon_inf=',ilon_inf," longitude(ilon_inf)=",longitude(ilon_inf) if ( then ! recall that latitudes start from north pole do i=1,latlen-1 if (latitude(i) then ilat_inf=i else exit endif enddo ilat_sup=ilat_inf+1 endif ! of if ( !write(*,*) 'ilat_inf=',ilat_inf," latitude(ilat_inf)=",latitude(ilat_inf) if ( then if (alttype.eq.'p') then ! pressures are ordered from max to min !handle special case for alt not in the altitude(1:altlen) interval if (( then ialt_inf=-1 ialt_sup=-1 ! return to main program (with value=missing_value) return else ! general case do i=1,altlen-1 if (altitude(i).ge.alt) then ialt_inf=i else exit endif enddo ialt_sup=ialt_inf+1 endif ! of if (( else ! altitudes (m) are ordered from min to max !handle special case for alt not in the altitude(1:altlen) interval if (( then ialt_inf=-1 ialt_sup=-1 ! return to main program (with value=missing_value) return else ! general case do i=1,altlen-1 if (altitude(i).le.alt) then ialt_inf=i else exit endif enddo ialt_sup=ialt_inf+1 endif ! of if (( endif ! of if (alttype.eq.'p') endif ! of if ( !write(*,*) 'ialt_inf=',ialt_inf," altitude(ialt_inf)=",altitude(ialt_inf) if ( then !handle special case for sol not in the time(1):time(timenlen) interval if (( then itim_inf=-1 itim_sup=-1 ! return to main program (with value=missing_value) return else ! general case do i=1,timelen-1 if (time(i).le.sol) then itim_inf=i else exit endif enddo itim_sup=itim_inf+1 endif ! of if (( endif ! of if ( !write(*,*) 'itim_inf=',itim_inf," time(itim_inf)=",time(itim_inf) !write(*,*) 'itim_sup=',itim_sup," time(itim_sup)=",time(itim_sup) ! 2. Interpolate ! check that there are no "missing_value" in the field() elements we need ! otherwise return to main program (with value=missing_value) if (field(ilon_inf,ilat_inf,ialt_inf,itim_inf).eq.missing_value) return if (field(ilon_inf,ilat_inf,ialt_inf,itim_sup).eq.missing_value) return if (field(ilon_inf,ilat_inf,ialt_sup,itim_inf).eq.missing_value) return if (field(ilon_inf,ilat_inf,ialt_sup,itim_sup).eq.missing_value) return if (field(ilon_inf,ilat_sup,ialt_inf,itim_inf).eq.missing_value) return if (field(ilon_inf,ilat_sup,ialt_inf,itim_sup).eq.missing_value) return if (field(ilon_inf,ilat_sup,ialt_sup,itim_inf).eq.missing_value) return if (field(ilon_inf,ilat_sup,ialt_sup,itim_sup).eq.missing_value) return if (field(ilon_sup,ilat_inf,ialt_inf,itim_inf).eq.missing_value) return if (field(ilon_sup,ilat_inf,ialt_inf,itim_sup).eq.missing_value) return if (field(ilon_sup,ilat_inf,ialt_sup,itim_inf).eq.missing_value) return if (field(ilon_sup,ilat_inf,ialt_sup,itim_sup).eq.missing_value) return if (field(ilon_sup,ilat_sup,ialt_inf,itim_inf).eq.missing_value) return if (field(ilon_sup,ilat_sup,ialt_inf,itim_sup).eq.missing_value) return if (field(ilon_sup,ilat_sup,ialt_sup,itim_inf).eq.missing_value) return if (field(ilon_sup,ilat_sup,ialt_sup,itim_sup).eq.missing_value) return ! 2.1 Linear interpolation in time coeff=(sol-time(itim_inf))/(time(itim_sup)-time(itim_inf)) t_interp(1,1,1)=field(ilon_inf,ilat_inf,ialt_inf,itim_inf)+ & coeff*(field(ilon_inf,ilat_inf,ialt_inf,itim_sup)- & field(ilon_inf,ilat_inf,ialt_inf,itim_inf)) t_interp(1,1,2)=field(ilon_inf,ilat_inf,ialt_sup,itim_inf)+ & coeff*(field(ilon_inf,ilat_inf,ialt_sup,itim_sup)- & field(ilon_inf,ilat_inf,ialt_sup,itim_inf)) t_interp(1,2,1)=field(ilon_inf,ilat_sup,ialt_inf,itim_inf)+ & coeff*(field(ilon_inf,ilat_sup,ialt_inf,itim_sup)- & field(ilon_inf,ilat_sup,ialt_inf,itim_inf)) t_interp(1,2,2)=field(ilon_inf,ilat_sup,ialt_sup,itim_inf)+ & coeff*(field(ilon_inf,ilat_sup,ialt_sup,itim_sup)- & field(ilon_inf,ilat_sup,ialt_sup,itim_inf)) t_interp(2,1,1)=field(ilon_sup,ilat_inf,ialt_inf,itim_inf)+ & coeff*(field(ilon_sup,ilat_inf,ialt_inf,itim_sup)- & field(ilon_sup,ilat_inf,ialt_inf,itim_inf)) t_interp(2,1,2)=field(ilon_sup,ilat_inf,ialt_sup,itim_inf)+ & coeff*(field(ilon_sup,ilat_inf,ialt_sup,itim_sup)- & field(ilon_sup,ilat_inf,ialt_sup,itim_inf)) t_interp(2,2,1)=field(ilon_sup,ilat_sup,ialt_inf,itim_inf)+ & coeff*(field(ilon_sup,ilat_sup,ialt_inf,itim_sup)- & field(ilon_sup,ilat_sup,ialt_inf,itim_inf)) t_interp(2,2,2)=field(ilon_sup,ilat_sup,ialt_sup,itim_inf)+ & coeff*(field(ilon_sup,ilat_sup,ialt_sup,itim_sup)- & field(ilon_sup,ilat_sup,ialt_sup,itim_inf)) ! 2.2 Vertical interpolation if (((varname=='rho').or.(varname=='pressure')).and.(alttype=='z')) then ! do the interpolation on the log of the quantity coeff=(alt-altitude(ialt_inf))/(altitude(ialt_sup)-altitude(ialt_inf)) zt_interp(1,1)=log(t_interp(1,1,1))+coeff* & (log(t_interp(1,1,2))-log(t_interp(1,1,1))) zt_interp(1,2)=log(t_interp(1,2,1))+coeff* & (log(t_interp(1,2,2))-log(t_interp(1,2,1))) zt_interp(2,1)=log(t_interp(2,1,1))+coeff* & (log(t_interp(2,1,2))-log(t_interp(2,1,1))) zt_interp(2,2)=log(t_interp(2,2,1))+coeff* & (log(t_interp(2,2,2))-log(t_interp(2,2,1))) zt_interp(1:2,1:2)=exp(zt_interp(1:2,1:2)) else ! general case coeff=(alt-altitude(ialt_inf))/(altitude(ialt_sup)-altitude(ialt_inf)) zt_interp(1,1)=t_interp(1,1,1)+coeff*(t_interp(1,1,2)-t_interp(1,1,1)) zt_interp(1,2)=t_interp(1,2,1)+coeff*(t_interp(1,2,2)-t_interp(1,2,1)) zt_interp(2,1)=t_interp(2,1,1)+coeff*(t_interp(2,1,2)-t_interp(2,1,1)) zt_interp(2,2)=t_interp(2,2,1)+coeff*(t_interp(2,2,2)-t_interp(2,2,1)) endif ! 2.3 Latitudinal interpolation coeff=(lat-latitude(ilat_inf))/(latitude(ilat_sup)-latitude(ilat_inf)) yzt_interp(1)=zt_interp(1,1)+coeff*(zt_interp(1,2)-zt_interp(1,1)) yzt_interp(2)=zt_interp(2,1)+coeff*(zt_interp(2,2)-zt_interp(2,1)) ! 2.4 longitudinal interpolation coeff=(lon-longitude(ilon_inf))/(longitude(ilon_sup)-longitude(ilon_inf)) value=yzt_interp(1)+coeff*(yzt_interp(2)-yzt_interp(1)) end subroutine extraction !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine ls2sol(ls,sol) implicit none ! Arguments: real,intent(in) :: ls real,intent(out) :: sol ! Local: double precision xref,zx0,zteta,zz !xref: mean anomaly, zteta: true anomaly, zx0: eccentric anomaly double precision year_day double precision peri_day,timeperi,e_elips double precision pi,degrad parameter (year_day=668.6d0) ! number of sols in a martian year parameter (peri_day=485.35d0) ! date (in sols) of perihelion ! timeperi: 2*pi*( 1 - Ls(perihelion)/ 360 ); Ls(perihelion)=250.99 parameter (timeperi=1.90258341759902d0) parameter (e_elips=0.0934d0) ! eccentricity of orbit parameter (pi=3.14159265358979d0) parameter (degrad=57.2957795130823d0) if (abs(ls).lt.1.0e-5) then if ( then sol = 0.0 else sol = real(year_day) end if return end if zteta = ls/degrad + timeperi zx0 = 2.0*datan(dtan(0.5*zteta)/dsqrt((1.+e_elips)/(1.-e_elips))) xref = zx0-e_elips*dsin(zx0) zz = xref/(2.*pi) sol = real(zz*year_day + peri_day) if ( sol = sol + real(year_day) if ( sol = sol - real(year_day) end subroutine ls2sol