!**************************************************************** ! ! Photochemical routine ! ! Author: Franck Lefevre ! ------ ! ! Version: 27/04/2017 ! ! ASIS scheme : for details on the method see ! Cariolle et al., Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 1467-1485, 2017. ! !***************************************************************** subroutine photochemistry(nlayer, nq, nesp, ionchem, nb_reaction_3_max, & nb_reaction_4_max, nb_phot_max, nphotion, & jonline, ig, lswitch, zycol, sza, ptimestep, press, & alt, temp, temp_elect, dens, zmmean, & dist_sol, zday, & surfdust1d, surfice1d, jo3, jh2o,tau, iter) use param_v4_h, only: jion implicit none #include "callkeys.h" !=================================================================== ! inputs: !=================================================================== integer, intent(in) :: nlayer ! number of atmospheric layers integer, intent(in) :: nq ! number of tracers in traceur.def integer, intent(in) :: nesp ! number of traceurs in chemistry integer, intent(in) :: nb_reaction_3_max ! number of quadratic reactions integer, intent(in) :: nb_reaction_4_max ! number of bimolecular reactions integer, intent(in) :: nb_phot_max ! number of reactions treated numerically as photodissociations integer, intent(in) :: nphotion ! number of photoionizations logical, intent(in) :: ionchem! switch for ion chemistry logical, intent(in) :: jonline! switch for on-line calculation of photolysis rates integer :: ig ! grid point index real :: sza ! solar zenith angle (deg) real :: ptimestep ! physics timestep (s) real :: press(nlayer) ! pressure (hpa) real :: alt(nlayer) ! altitude (km) real :: temp(nlayer) ! temperature (k) real :: temp_elect(nlayer) ! electronic temperature (K) real :: dens(nlayer) ! density (cm-3) real :: zmmean(nlayer) ! mean molar mass (g/mole) real :: dist_sol ! sun distance (au) real :: zday ! date (time since Ls=0, in martian days) real :: surfdust1d(nlayer) ! dust surface area (cm2/cm3) real :: surfice1d(nlayer) ! ice surface area (cm2/cm3) real :: tau ! dust optical depth !=================================================================== ! input/output: !=================================================================== real :: zycol(nlayer,nq) ! chemical species volume mixing ratio !=================================================================== ! output: !=================================================================== integer :: iter(nlayer) ! iteration counter real :: jo3(nlayer) ! photodissociation rate o3 -> o1d real :: jh2o(nlayer) ! photodissociation rate h2o -> h + oh !=================================================================== ! local: !=================================================================== integer :: phychemrat ! (physical timestep)/(nominal chemical timestep) integer :: j_o3_o1d, j_h2o, ilev, iesp integer :: lswitch logical, save :: firstcall = .true. logical :: jionos ! switch for J parameterization ! tracer indexes in the chemistry: integer,parameter :: i_co2 = 1 integer,parameter :: i_co = 2 integer,parameter :: i_o = 3 integer,parameter :: i_o1d = 4 integer,parameter :: i_o2 = 5 integer,parameter :: i_o3 = 6 integer,parameter :: i_h = 7 integer,parameter :: i_h2 = 8 integer,parameter :: i_oh = 9 integer,parameter :: i_ho2 = 10 integer,parameter :: i_h2o2 = 11 integer,parameter :: i_h2o = 12 integer,parameter :: i_n = 13 integer,parameter :: i_n2d = 14 integer,parameter :: i_no = 15 integer,parameter :: i_no2 = 16 integer,parameter :: i_n2 = 17 integer,parameter :: i_co2plus = 18 integer,parameter :: i_oplus = 19 integer,parameter :: i_o2plus = 20 integer,parameter :: i_noplus = 21 integer,parameter :: i_coplus = 22 integer,parameter :: i_cplus = 23 integer,parameter :: i_n2plus = 24 integer,parameter :: i_nplus = 25 integer,parameter :: i_hplus = 26 integer,parameter :: i_hco2plus= 27 integer,parameter :: i_elec = 28 integer :: ilay real :: ctimestep ! standard timestep for the chemistry (s) real :: dt_guess ! first-guess timestep (s) real :: dt_corrected ! corrected timestep (s) real :: time ! internal time (between 0 and ptimestep, in s) real, dimension(nlayer,nesp) :: rm ! mixing ratios real (kind = 8), dimension(nesp) :: cold ! number densities at previous timestep (molecule.cm-3) real (kind = 8), dimension(nlayer,nesp) :: c ! number densities at current timestep (molecule.cm-3) real (kind = 8), dimension(nesp) :: cnew ! number densities at next timestep (molecule.cm-3) ! reaction rates real (kind = 8), dimension(nlayer, nb_phot_max) :: v_phot real (kind = 8), dimension(nlayer,nb_reaction_3_max) :: v_3 real (kind = 8), dimension(nlayer,nb_reaction_4_max) :: v_4 logical :: hetero_dust, hetero_ice ! matrix real (kind = 8), dimension(nesp,nesp) :: mat, mat1 integer, dimension(nesp) :: indx integer :: code ! production and loss terms (for first-guess solution only) real (kind = 8), dimension(nesp) :: prod, loss !=================================================================== ! initialisation of the reaction indexes !=================================================================== if (firstcall) then print*,'photochemistry: initialize indexes' call indice(nb_reaction_3_max,nb_reaction_4_max, & nb_phot_max, ionchem, i_co2, i_co, i_o, i_o1d, i_o2, & i_o3, i_h,i_h2, i_oh, i_ho2, i_h2o2, i_h2o, & i_n, i_n2d, i_no, i_no2, i_n2, i_co2plus, & i_oplus, i_o2plus, i_noplus, i_coplus, i_cplus, & i_n2plus, i_nplus, i_hplus, i_hco2plus, i_elec) firstcall = .false. end if !=================================================================== ! initialisation of mixing ratios and densities !=================================================================== call gcmtochim(nlayer, ionchem, nq, zycol, lswitch, nesp, & i_co2, i_co, i_o, i_o1d, i_o2, i_o3, i_h, & i_h2, i_oh, i_ho2, i_h2o2, i_h2o, & i_n, i_n2d, i_no, i_no2, i_n2, i_co2plus, & i_oplus, i_o2plus, i_noplus, i_coplus, i_cplus, & i_n2plus, i_nplus, i_hplus, i_hco2plus, & i_elec, dens, rm, c) !=================================================================== ! photolysis rates !=================================================================== jionos = .true. if (jonline) then if (sza <= 113.) then ! day at 300 km call photolysis_online(nlayer, nb_phot_max, alt, press, temp, zmmean, & i_co2, i_co, i_o, i_o1d, i_o2, i_o3, i_h, & i_h2, i_oh, i_ho2, i_h2o2, i_h2o, & i_n, i_n2d, i_no, i_no2, i_n2, nesp, rm, & tau, sza, dist_sol, v_phot) if (jionos .and. ionchem) then call jthermcalc_e107(ig,nlayer,2,c,nesp,temp,alt,sza,zday) do ilay=1,lswitch-1 call phdisrate(ig,nlayer,2,sza,ilay) enddo v_phot(:,14)=jion(1,:,1) v_phot(:,15)=jion(1,:,2) v_phot(:,16)=jion(1,:,2) v_phot(:,17)=jion(1,:,3) v_phot(:,18)=jion(1,:,3) v_phot(:,19)=jion(1,:,4) v_phot(:,20)=jion(1,:,4) v_phot(:,21)=jion(2,:,1) v_phot(:,22)=jion(3,:,1) v_phot(:,23)=jion(10,:,1) v_phot(:,24)=jion(11,:,1) v_phot(:,25)=jion(11,:,2) v_phot(:,26)=jion(11,:,2) v_phot(:,27)=jion(8,:,1) v_phot(:,28)=jion(8,:,2) v_phot(:,29)=jion(8,:,2) v_phot(:,30)=jion(9,:,1) v_phot(:,31)=jion(12,:,1) endif ! write(*,*)'photochemistry/205',c(:,i_co2),ig ! write(*,*)'photochemistry/206',v_phot(:,3),ig else ! night v_phot(:,:) = 0. end if !else if(jparam) then ! call jthermcalc_e107(ig,nlayer,2,c,nesp,temp,alt,sza,zday) ! do ilay=1,lswitch-1 ! call phdisrate(ig,nlayer,2,sza,ilay) ! enddo ! v_phot(:,1)=jdistot(2,:) ! v_phot(:,2)=jdistot_b(2,:) ! v_phot(:,3)=jdistot(1,:) ! v_phot(:,4)=jdistot_b(1,:) ! v_phot(:,5)=jdistot(7,:) ! v_phot(:,6)=jdistot_b(7,:) ! v_phot(:,7)=jdistot(4,:) ! v_phot(:,8)=jdistot(6,:) ! v_phot(:,10)=jdistot(5,:) ! v_phot(:,11)=jdistot(10,:) ! v_phot(:,12)=jdistot(13,:) ! v_phot(:,13)=jdistot(8,:) ! v_phot(:,14)=jion(1,:,1) ! v_phot(:,15)=jion(1,:,2) ! v_phot(:,16)=jion(1,:,2) ! v_phot(:,17)=jion(1,:,3) ! v_phot(:,18)=jion(1,:,3) ! v_phot(:,19)=jion(1,:,4) ! v_phot(:,20)=jion(1,:,4) ! v_phot(:,21)=jion(2,:,1) ! v_phot(:,22)=jion(3,:,1) ! v_phot(:,23)=jion(10,:,1) ! v_phot(:,24)=jion(11,:,1) ! v_phot(:,25)=jion(11,:,2) ! v_phot(:,26)=jion(11,:,2) ! v_phot(:,27)=jion(8,:,1) ! v_phot(:,28)=jion(8,:,2) ! v_phot(:,29)=jion(8,:,2) ! v_phot(:,30)=jion(9,:,1) ! v_phot(:,31)=jion(12,:,1) else tau = tau*7./press(1) ! dust in the lookup table is at 7 hpa call photolysis(nlayer, nb_phot_max, lswitch, press, temp, sza, tau, & zmmean, dist_sol,rm(:,i_co2), rm(:,i_o3), v_phot) end if ! save o3 and h2o photolysis for output j_o3_o1d = 5 jo3(:) = v_phot(:,j_o3_o1d) j_h2o = 7 jh2o(:) = v_phot(:,j_h2o) !=================================================================== ! reaction rates !=================================================================== ! switches for heterogeneous chemistry ! hetero_ice : reactions on ice clouds ! hetero_dust : reactions on dust !=================================================================== hetero_dust = .false. hetero_ice = .true. call reactionrates(nlayer, ionchem, nb_reaction_3_max, nb_reaction_4_max, & nb_phot_max, nphotion, lswitch, dens, c(:,i_co2), & c(:,i_o2), c(:,i_o), c(:,i_n2), press, temp, & temp_elect, hetero_dust, hetero_ice, & surfdust1d, surfice1d, v_phot, v_3, v_4) !=================================================================== ! ctimestep : standard chemical timestep (s), defined as ! the fraction phychemrat of the physical timestep !=================================================================== phychemrat = 1 ctimestep = ptimestep/real(phychemrat) !print*, "ptimestep = ", ptimestep !print*, "phychemrat = ", phychemrat !print*, "ctimestep = ", ctimestep !stop !=================================================================== ! loop over levels !=================================================================== do ilev = 1,lswitch - 1 ! initializations time = 0. iter(ilev) = 0 dt_guess = ctimestep cold(:) = c(ilev,:) ! internal loop for the chemistry do while (time < ptimestep) iter(ilev) = iter(ilev) + 1 ! iteration counter ! first-guess: fill matrix call fill_matrix(ilev, mat1, prod, loss, c, nesp, nlayer, & nb_reaction_3_max, nb_reaction_4_max, nb_phot_max, & v_phot, v_3, v_4) ! adaptative evaluation of the sub time step call define_dt(nesp, dt_corrected, dt_guess, ctimestep, cold(:), c(ilev,:), & mat1, prod, loss, dens(ilev)) if (time + dt_corrected > ptimestep) then dt_corrected = ptimestep - time end if ! if (dt_corrected /= dt_guess) then ! the timestep has been modified ! form the matrix identity + mat*dt_corrected mat(:,:) = mat1(:,:)*dt_corrected do iesp = 1,nesp mat(iesp,iesp) = 1. + mat(iesp,iesp) end do ! solve the linear system M*Cn+1 = Cn (RHS in cnew, then replaced by solution) cnew(:) = c(ilev,:) #ifdef LAPACK call dgesv(nesp,1,mat,nesp,indx,cnew,nesp,code) #else write(*,*) "photochemistry error, missing LAPACK routine dgesv" stop #endif ! end if ! eliminate small values where (cnew(:)/dens(ilev) < 1.e-30) cnew(:) = 0. end where ! update concentrations cold(:) = c(ilev,:) c(ilev,:) = cnew(:) ! force charge neutrality (mod fgg, july 2019) if (ionchem) then if(c(ilev,i_elec).ne.c(ilev,i_co2plus)+c(ilev,i_oplus)+c(ilev,i_o2plus)+& c(ilev,i_noplus)+c(ilev,i_coplus)+c(ilev,i_cplus)+c(ilev,i_n2plus)+& c(ilev,i_nplus)+c(ilev,i_hplus)+c(ilev,i_hco2plus)) then c(ilev,i_elec) = c(ilev,i_co2plus)+c(ilev,i_oplus)+c(ilev,i_o2plus)+ & c(ilev,i_noplus)+c(ilev,i_coplus)+c(ilev,i_cplus)+ & c(ilev,i_n2plus)+c(ilev,i_nplus)+c(ilev,i_hplus)+ & c(ilev,i_hco2plus) ! write(*,*)'photochemistry/359' ! write(*,*)'Forcing charge neutrality at ilev,',ilev,' ig=',ig end if end if cnew(:) = 0. ! increment internal time time = time + dt_corrected dt_guess = dt_corrected ! first-guess timestep for next iteration end do ! while (time < ptimestep) end do ! ilev !=================================================================== ! save chemical species for the gcm !=================================================================== call chimtogcm(nlayer, ionchem, nq, zycol, lswitch, nesp, & i_co2, i_co, i_o, i_o1d, i_o2, i_o3, i_h, & i_h2, i_oh, i_ho2, i_h2o2, i_h2o, & i_n, i_n2d, i_no, i_no2, i_n2, i_co2plus, & i_oplus, i_o2plus, i_noplus, i_coplus, i_cplus, & i_n2plus, i_nplus, i_hplus, i_hco2plus, & i_elec, dens, c) contains !================================================================ subroutine define_dt(nesp, dtnew, dtold, ctimestep, cold, ccur, mat1, & prod, loss, dens) !================================================================ ! iterative evaluation of the appropriate time step dtnew ! according to curvature criterion based on ! e = 2 Rtol [r Cn+1 -(1-r) Cn + Cn-1 ]/[(1+r) Cn] ! with r = (tn - tn-1)/(tn+1 - tn) !================================================================ implicit none ! input integer :: nesp ! number of species in the chemistry real :: dtold, ctimestep real (kind = 8), dimension(nesp) :: cold, ccur real (kind = 8), dimension(nesp,nesp) :: mat1 real (kind = 8), dimension(nesp) :: prod, loss real :: dens ! output real :: dtnew ! local real (kind = 8), dimension(nesp) :: cnew real (kind = 8), dimension(nesp,nesp) :: mat real (kind = 8) :: atol, ratio, e, es, coef integer :: code, iesp, iter integer, dimension(nesp) :: indx real :: dttest ! parameters real (kind = 8), parameter :: dtmin = 10. ! minimum time step (s) real (kind = 8), parameter :: vmrtol = 1.e-11 ! absolute tolerance on vmr real (kind = 8), parameter :: rtol = 0.05 ! rtol recommended value : 0.1-0.02 integer, parameter :: niter = 3 ! number of iterations real (kind = 8), parameter :: coefmax = 2. real (kind = 8), parameter :: coefmin = 0.1 logical :: fast_guess = .true. dttest = dtold ! dttest = dtold = dt_guess atol = vmrtol*dens ! absolute tolerance in molecule.cm-3 do iter = 1,niter if (fast_guess) then ! first guess : fast semi-implicit method do iesp = 1, nesp cnew(iesp) = (ccur(iesp) + prod(iesp)*dttest)/(1. + loss(iesp)*dttest) end do else ! first guess : form the matrix identity + mat*dt_guess mat(:,:) = mat1(:,:)*dttest do iesp = 1,nesp mat(iesp,iesp) = 1. + mat(iesp,iesp) end do ! form right-hand side (RHS) of the system cnew(:) = ccur(:) ! solve the linear system M*Cn+1 = Cn (RHS in cnew, then replaced by solution) #ifdef LAPACK call dgesv(nesp,1,mat,nesp,indx,cnew,nesp,code) #else write(*,*) "photochemistry error, missing LAPACK routine dgesv" stop #endif end if ! ratio old/new subtimestep ratio = dtold/dttest ! e : local error indicatocitr e = 0. do iesp = 1,nesp es = 2.*abs((ratio*cnew(iesp) - (1. + ratio)*ccur(iesp) + cold(iesp)) & /(1. + ratio)/max(ccur(iesp)*rtol,atol)) if (es > e) then e = es end if end do ! timestep correction coef = max(coefmin, min(coefmax,0.8/sqrt(e))) dttest = max(dtmin,dttest*coef) dttest = min(ctimestep,dttest) end do ! iter ! new timestep dtnew = dttest end subroutine define_dt !====================================================================== subroutine reactionrates(nlayer, ionchem, nb_reaction_3_max, nb_reaction_4_max, & nb_phot_max, nphotion, lswitch, dens, co2, o2, o, & n2, press, t, t_elect, hetero_dust, hetero_ice, & surfdust1d, surfice1d, v_phot, v_3, v_4) !================================================================ ! compute reaction rates ! !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! reaction type array ! !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! A + B --> C + D bimolecular v_4 ! ! A + A --> B + C quadratic v_3 ! ! A + C --> B + C quenching v_phot ! ! A + ice --> B + C heterogeneous v_phot ! !================================================================ use comcstfi_h use photolysis_mod, only : nphot implicit none !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! input !---------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: nlayer ! number of atmospheric layers integer, intent(in) :: nb_reaction_3_max ! number of quadratic reactions integer, intent(in) :: nb_reaction_4_max ! number of bimolecular reactions integer, intent(in) :: nb_phot_max ! number of reactions treated numerically as photodissociations integer, intent(in) :: nphotion ! number of photoionizations logical, intent(in) :: ionchem integer :: lswitch ! interface level between lower ! atmosphere and thermosphere chemistries real, dimension(nlayer) :: dens ! total number density (molecule.cm-3) real, dimension(nlayer) :: press ! pressure (hPa) real, dimension(nlayer) :: t ! temperature (K) real, dimension(nlayer) :: t_elect ! electronic temperature (K) real, dimension(nlayer) :: surfdust1d ! dust surface area (cm2.cm-3) real, dimension(nlayer) :: surfice1d ! ice surface area (cm2.cm-3) real (kind = 8), dimension(nlayer) :: co2 ! co2 number density (molecule.cm-3) real (kind = 8), dimension(nlayer) :: o2 ! o2 number density (molecule.cm-3) real (kind = 8), dimension(nlayer) :: o ! o number density (molecule.cm-3) real (kind = 8), dimension(nlayer) :: n2 ! n2 number density (molecule.cm-3) logical :: hetero_dust, hetero_ice ! switches for heterogeneous chemistry !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! output !---------------------------------------------------------------------- real (kind = 8), dimension(nlayer, nb_phot_max) :: v_phot real (kind = 8), dimension(nlayer,nb_reaction_3_max) :: v_3 real (kind = 8), dimension(nlayer,nb_reaction_4_max) :: v_4 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local !---------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: ilev integer :: nb_phot, nb_reaction_3, nb_reaction_4 real :: ak0, ak1, xpo, rate, rate1, rate2 real :: k1a0, k1b0, k1ainf, k1a, k1b, fc, fx, x, y, gam real, dimension(nlayer) :: deq real, dimension(nlayer) :: a001, a002, a003, & b001, b002, b003, b004, b005, b006, b007, & b008, b009, & c001, c002, c003, c004, c005, c006, c007, & c008, c009, c010, c011, c012, c013, c014, & c015, c016, c017, c018, & d001, d002, d003, d004, d005, d006, d007, & d008, d009, d010, d011, d012, & e001, e002, & i001, i002, i003, i004, i005, i006, & i007, i008, i009, i010, i011, i012, & i013, i014, i015, i016, i017, i018, i019, & i020, i021, i022, i023, i024, i025, i026, & i027, i028, i029, & h001, h002, h003, h004, h005 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialisation !---------------------------------------------------------------------- nb_phot = nphot + nphotion ! initialised to the number of photolysis + number of photoionization rates nb_reaction_3 = 0 nb_reaction_4 = 0 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! oxygen reactions !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- a001: o + o2 + co2 -> o3 + co2 ! jpl 2003 ! ! co2/n2 efficiency as a third body = 2.075 ! from sehested et al., j. geophys. res., 100, 1995. a001(:) = 2.075*6.0e-34*(t(:)/300.)**(-2.4)*dens(:) nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = a001(:) !--- a002: o + o + co2 -> o2 + co2 ! Tsang and Hampson, J. Chem. Phys. Ref. Data, 15, 1087, 1986 ! a002(:) = 2.5*5.2e-35*exp(900./t(:))*dens(:) ! Campbell and Gray, Chem. Phys. Lett., 18, 607, 1973 ! a002(:) = 1.2e-32*(300./t(:))**(2.0)*dens(:) ! yung expression a002(:) = 2.5*9.46e-34*exp(485./t(:))*dens(:) ! nist expression nb_reaction_3 = nb_reaction_3 + 1 v_3(:,nb_reaction_3) = a002(:) !--- a003: o + o3 -> o2 + o2 ! jpl 2003 a003(:) = 8.0e-12*exp(-2060./t(:)) nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = a003(:) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! o(1d) reactions !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- b001: o(1d) + co2 -> o + co2 ! jpl 2006 b001(:) = 7.5e-11*exp(115./t(:)) nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 v_phot(:,nb_phot) = b001(:)*co2(:) !--- b002: o(1d) + h2o -> oh + oh ! jpl 2006 b002(:) = 1.63e-10*exp(60./t(:)) nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = b002(:) !--- b003: o(1d) + h2 -> oh + h ! jpl 2011 b003(:) = 1.2e-10 nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = b003(:) !--- b004: o(1d) + o2 -> o + o2 ! jpl 2006 b004(:) = 3.3e-11*exp(55./t(:)) nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 v_phot(:,nb_phot) = b004(:)*o2(:) !--- b005: o(1d) + o3 -> o2 + o2 ! jpl 2003 b005(:) = 1.2e-10 nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = b005(:) !--- b006: o(1d) + o3 -> o2 + o + o ! jpl 2003 b006(:) = 1.2e-10 nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = b006(:) !--- b007: o(1d) + ch4 -> ch3 + oh ! jpl 2003 b007(:) = 1.5e-10*0.75 !--- b008: o(1d) + ch4 -> ch3o + h ! jpl 2003 b008(:) = 1.5e-10*0.20 ! !--- b009: o(1d) + ch4 -> ch2o + h2 ! jpl 2003 b009(:) = 1.5e-10*0.05 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! hydrogen reactions !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- c001: o + ho2 -> oh + o2 ! jpl 2003 c001(:) = 3.0e-11*exp(200./t(:)) nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = c001(:) !--- c002: o + oh -> o2 + h ! jpl 2011 c002(:) = 1.8e-11*exp(180./t(:)) ! robertson and smith, j. chem. phys. a 110, 6673, 2006 ! c002(:) = 11.2e-11*t(:)**(-0.32)*exp(177./t(:)) nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = c002(:) !--- c003: h + o3 -> oh + o2 ! jpl 2003 c003(:) = 1.4e-10*exp(-470./t(:)) nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = c003(:) !--- c004: h + ho2 -> oh + oh ! jpl 2006 c004(:) = 7.2e-11 nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = c004(:) !--- c005: h + ho2 -> h2 + o2 ! jpl 2006 c005(:) = 6.9e-12 nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = c005(:) !--- c006: h + ho2 -> h2o + o ! jpl 2006 c006(:) = 1.6e-12 nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = c006(:) !--- c007: oh + ho2 -> h2o + o2 ! jpl 2003 ! canty et al., grl, 2006 suggest to increase this rate ! by 20%. not done here. c007(:) = 4.8e-11*exp(250./t(:)) nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = c007(:) !--- c008: ho2 + ho2 -> h2o2 + o2 ! jpl 2015 ! c008(:) = 3.0e-13*exp(460./t(:)) ! christensen et al., grl, 13, 2002 c008(:) = 1.5e-12*exp(19./t(:)) nb_reaction_3 = nb_reaction_3 + 1 v_3(:,nb_reaction_3) = c008(:) !--- c009: oh + h2o2 -> h2o + ho2 ! jpl 2006 c009(:) = 1.8e-12 nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = c009(:) !--- c010: oh + h2 -> h2o + h ! jpl 2006 c010(:) = 2.8e-12*exp(-1800./t(:)) nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = c010(:) !--- c011: h + o2 + co2 -> ho2 + co2 ! jpl 2011 ! co2/n2 efficiency as a third body = 2.4 ! from ashman and haynes, 27th symposium on combustion, 1998. do ilev = 1,lswitch-1 ak0 = 2.4*4.4e-32*(t(ilev)/300.)**(-1.3) ak1 = 7.5e-11*(t(ilev)/300.)**(0.2) rate = (ak0*dens(ilev))/(1. + ak0*dens(ilev)/ak1) xpo = 1./(1. + alog10((ak0*dens(ilev))/ak1)**2) c011(ilev) = rate*0.6**xpo end do nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = c011(:) !--- c012: o + h2o2 -> oh + ho2 ! jpl 2003 c012(:) = 1.4e-12*exp(-2000./t(:)) nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = c012(:) !--- c013: oh + oh -> h2o + o ! jpl 2006 c013(:) = 1.8e-12 nb_reaction_3 = nb_reaction_3 + 1 v_3(:,nb_reaction_3) = c013(:) !--- c014: oh + o3 -> ho2 + o2 ! jpl 2003 c014(:) = 1.7e-12*exp(-940./t(:)) nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = c014(:) !--- c015: ho2 + o3 -> oh + o2 + o2 ! jpl 2003 c015(:) = 1.0e-14*exp(-490./t(:)) nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = c015(:) !--- c016: ho2 + ho2 + co2 -> h2o2 + o2 + co2 ! jpl 2011 c016(:) = 2.5*2.1e-33*exp(920./t(:))*dens(:) nb_reaction_3 = nb_reaction_3 + 1 v_3(:,nb_reaction_3) = c016(:) !--- c017: oh + oh + co2 -> h2o2 + co2 ! jpl 2003 do ilev = 1,lswitch-1 ak0 = 2.5*6.9e-31*(t(ilev)/300.)**(-1.0) ak1 = 2.6e-11*(t(ilev)/300.)**(0.0) rate = (ak0*dens(ilev))/(1. + ak0*dens(ilev)/ak1) xpo = 1./(1. + alog10((ak0*dens(ilev))/ak1)**2) c017(ilev) = rate*0.6**xpo end do nb_reaction_3 = nb_reaction_3 + 1 v_3(:,nb_reaction_3) = c017(:) !--- c018: h + h + co2 -> h2 + co2 ! baulch et al., 2005 c018(:) = 2.5*1.8e-30*(t(:)**(-1.0))*dens(:) nb_reaction_3 = nb_reaction_3 + 1 v_3(:,nb_reaction_3) = c018(:) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! nitrogen reactions !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- d001: no2 + o -> no + o2 ! jpl 2006 d001(:) = 5.1e-12*exp(210./t(:)) nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = d001(:) !--- d002: no + o3 -> no2 + o2 ! jpl 2006 d002(:) = 3.0e-12*exp(-1500./t(:)) nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = d002(:) !--- d003: no + ho2 -> no2 + oh ! jpl 2011 d003(:) = 3.3e-12*exp(270./t(:)) nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = d003(:) !--- d004: n + no -> n2 + o ! jpl 2011 d004(:) = 2.1e-11*exp(100./t(:)) nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = d004(:) !--- d005: n + o2 -> no + o ! jpl 2011 d005(:) = 1.5e-11*exp(-3600./t(:)) nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = d005(:) !--- d006: no2 + h -> no + oh ! jpl 2011 d006(:) = 4.0e-10*exp(-340./t(:)) nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = d006(:) !--- d007: n + o -> no d007(:) = 2.8e-17*(300./t(:))**0.5 nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = d007(:) !--- d008: n + ho2 -> no + oh ! brune et al., j. chem. phys., 87, 1983 d008(:) = 2.19e-11 nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = d008(:) !--- d009: n + oh -> no + h ! atkinson et al., j. phys. chem. ref. data, 18, 881, 1989 d009(:) = 3.8e-11*exp(85./t(:)) nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = d009(:) !--- d010: n(2d) + o -> n + o ! herron, j. phys. chem. ref. data, 1999 d010(:) = 3.3e-12*exp(-260./t(:)) nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 v_phot(:,nb_phot) = d010(:)*o(:) !--- d011: n(2d) + n2 -> n + n2 ! herron, j. phys. chem. ref. data, 1999 d011(:) = 1.7e-14 nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 v_phot(:,nb_phot) = d011(:)*n2(:) !--- d012: n(2d) + co2 -> no + co ! herron, j. phys. chem. ref. data, 1999 d012(:) = 3.6e-13 nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = d012(:) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! carbon reactions !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- e001: oh + co -> co2 + h ! jpl 2003 ! e001(:) = 1.5e-13*(1 + 0.6*press(:)/1013.) ! mccabe et al., grl, 28, 3135, 2001 ! e001(:) = 1.57e-13 + 3.54e-33*dens(:) ! jpl 2015 ! do ilev = 1,lswitch-1 ! branch 1 : oh + co -> h + co2 ! rate1 = 1.5e-13*(t(ilev)/300.)**(0.0) ! branch 2 : oh + co + m -> hoco + m ! ak0 = 5.9e-33*(t(ilev)/300.)**(-1.0) ! ak1 = 1.1e-12*(t(ilev)/300.)**(1.3) ! rate2 = (ak0*dens(ilev))/(1. + ak0*dens(ilev)/ak1) ! xpo = 1./(1. + alog10((ak0*dens(ilev))/ak1)**2) ! e001(ilev) = rate1 + rate2*0.6**xpo ! end do ! joshi et al., 2006 do ilev = 1,lswitch-1 k1a0 = 1.34*2.5*dens(ilev) & *1/(1/(3.62e-26*t(ilev)**(-2.739)*exp(-20./t(ilev))) & + 1/(6.48e-33*t(ilev)**(0.14)*exp(-57./t(ilev)))) ! typo in paper corrected k1b0 = 1.17e-19*t(ilev)**(2.053)*exp(139./t(ilev)) & + 9.56e-12*t(ilev)**(-0.664)*exp(-167./t(ilev)) k1ainf = 1.52e-17*t(ilev)**(1.858)*exp(28.8/t(ilev)) & + 4.78e-8*t(ilev)**(-1.851)*exp(-318./t(ilev)) x = k1a0/(k1ainf - k1b0) y = k1b0/(k1ainf - k1b0) fc = 0.628*exp(-1223./t(ilev)) + (1. - 0.628)*exp(-39./t(ilev)) & + exp(-t(ilev)/255.) fx = fc**(1./(1. + (alog(x))**2)) ! typo in paper corrected k1a = k1a0*((1. + y)/(1. + x))*fx k1b = k1b0*(1./(1.+x))*fx e001(ilev) = k1a + k1b end do nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = e001(:) !--- e002: o + co + m -> co2 + m ! tsang and hampson, 1986. e002(:) = 2.5*6.5e-33*exp(-2184./t(:))*dens(:) nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = e002(:) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ionospheric reactions ! only if ionchem=true !---------------------------------------------------------------------- if (ionchem) then !--- i001: co2+ + o2 -> o2+ + co2 ! aninich, j. phys. chem. ref. data 1993 i001(:) = 5.5e-11*(300./t_elect(:))**0.5 nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = i001(:) !--- i002: co2+ + o -> o+ + co2 ! UMIST database i002(:) = 9.6e-11 nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = i002(:) !--- i003: co2+ + o -> o2+ + co ! UMIST database i003(:) = 1.64e-10 nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = i003(:) !--- i004: o2+ + e- -> o + o ! Alge et al., J. Phys. B, At. Mol. Phys. 1983 i004(:) = 2.0e-7*(300./t_elect(:))**0.7 nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = i004(:) !--- i005: o+ + co2 -> o2+ + co ! UMIST database i005(:) = 9.4e-10 nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = i005(:) !--- i006: co2+ + e- -> co + o ! UMIST database i006(:) = 3.8e-7*(300./t_elect(:))**0.5 nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = i006(:) !--- i007: co2+ + no -> no+ + co2 ! UMIST database i007(:) = 1.2e-10 nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = i007(:) !--- i008: o2+ + no -> no+ + o2 ! UMIST database i008(:) = 4.6e-10 nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = i008(:) !--- i009: o2+ + n2 -> no+ + no ! Fox & Sung 2001 i009(:) = 1.0e-15 nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = i009(:) !--- i010: o2+ + n -> no+ + o ! Fox & Sung 2001 i010(:) = 1.0e-10 nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = i010(:) !--- i011: o+ + n2 -> no+ + n ! Fox & Sung 2001 i011(:) = 1.2e-12 * (300./t_elect(:))**0.45 nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = i011(:) !--- i012: no+ + e -> n + o ! UMIST database i012(:) = 4.3e-7*(300./t_elect(:))**0.37 nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = i012(:) !--- i013: co+ + co2 -> co2+ + co ! UMIST database i013(:) = 1.0e-9 nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = i013(:) !--- i014: co+ + o -> o+ + co ! UMIST database i014(:) = 1.4e-10 nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = i014(:) !--- i015: c+ + co2 -> co+ + co ! UMIST database i015(:) = 1.1e-9 nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = i015(:) !--- i016: N2+ + co2 -> co2+ + N2 ! Fox & Song 2001 i016(:) = 9.0e-10*(300./t_elect(:))**0.23 nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = i016(:) !--- i017: N2+ + o -> no+ + N ! Fox & Song 2001 i017(:) = 1.33e-10*(300./t_elect(:))**0.44 nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = i017(:) !--- i018: N2+ + co -> co+ + N2 ! UMIST i018(:) = 7.4e-11 nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = i018(:) !--- i019: N2+ + e -> N + N ! UMIST i019(:) = 7.7e-7*(300./t_elect(:))**0.3 nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = i016(:) !--- i020: N2+ + o -> o+ + N2 ! Fox & Song 2001 i020(:) = 7.0e-12*(300./t_elect(:))**0.23 nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = i020(:) !--- i021: N+ + co2 -> co2+ + N ! UMIST i021(:) = 7.5e-10 nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = i021(:) !--- i022: CO+ + H -> H+ + CO ! Fox & Sung 2001 i022(:) = 4.0e-10 nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = i022(:) !--- i023: O+ + H -> H+ + O ! UMIST i023(:) = 5.66e-10*((t_elect(:)/300.)**0.36)*exp(8.6/t_elect(:)) nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = i023(:) !--- i024: H+ + O -> O+ + H ! UMIST i024(:) = 6.86e-10*((t_elect(:)/300.)**0.26)*exp(-224.3/t_elect(:)) nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = i024(:) !--- i025: CO+ + H2 -> HCO2+ + H ! UMIST i025(:) = 9.5e-10 nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = i025(:) !--- i026: HCO2+ + e -> H + CO2 ! UMIST i026(:) = 1.75e-8*((300./t_elect(:))**0.5) nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = i026(:) !--- i027+i028: HCO2+ + e -> H + O + CO ! UMIST !Reaction splitted in 2: i027: 0.5 (HCO2+ + e-) -> H !i028: 0.5 (HCO2+ + e-) -> O + CO i027(:) = 2.38e-7*((300./t_elect(:))**0.5) nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = i027(:) nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = i027(:) !--- i029: HCO2+ + e -> H + CO2 ! UMIST i029(:) = 9.45e-8*((300./t_elect(:))**0.5) nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 v_4(:,nb_reaction_4) = i029(:) end if !ionchem !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! heterogeneous chemistry !---------------------------------------------------------------------- if (hetero_ice) then ! k = (surface*v*gamma)/4 (s-1) ! v = 100*sqrt(8rt/(pi*m)) (cm s-1) !--- h001: ho2 + ice -> products ! cooper and abbatt, 1996: gamma = 0.025 gam = 0.025 h001(:) = surfice1d(:) & *100.*sqrt(8.*8.31*t(:)/(33.e-3*pi))*gam/4. ! h002: oh + ice -> products ! cooper and abbatt, 1996: gamma = 0.03 gam = 0.03 h002(:) = surfice1d(:) & *100.*sqrt(8.*8.31*t(:)/(17.e-3*pi))*gam/4. !--- h003: h2o2 + ice -> products ! gamma = 0. test value gam = 0. h003(:) = surfice1d(:) & *100.*sqrt(8.*8.31*t(:)/(34.e-3*pi))*gam/4. else h001(:) = 0. h002(:) = 0. h003(:) = 0. end if nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 v_phot(:,nb_phot) = h001(:) nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 v_phot(:,nb_phot) = h002(:) nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 v_phot(:,nb_phot) = h003(:) if (hetero_dust) then !--- h004: ho2 + dust -> products ! jacob, 2000: gamma = 0.2 ! see dereus et al., atm. chem. phys., 2005 gam = 0.2 h004(:) = surfdust1d(:) & *100.*sqrt(8.*8.31*t(:)/(33.e-3*pi))*gam/4. !--- h005: h2o2 + dust -> products ! gamma = 5.e-4 ! see dereus et al., atm. chem. phys., 2005 gam = 5.e-4 h005(:) = surfdust1d(:) & *100.*sqrt(8.*8.31*t(:)/(34.e-3*pi))*gam/4. else h004(:) = 0. h005(:) = 0. end if nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 v_phot(:,nb_phot) = h004(:) nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 v_phot(:,nb_phot) = h005(:) end subroutine reactionrates !====================================================================== subroutine fill_matrix(ilev, mat, prod, loss, c, nesp, nlayer, & nb_reaction_3_max, nb_reaction_4_max, nb_phot_max, & v_phot, v_3, v_4) !====================================================================== ! filling of the jacobian matrix !====================================================================== use types_asis implicit none ! input integer :: ilev ! level index integer :: nesp ! number of species in the chemistry integer, intent(in) :: nlayer ! number of atmospheric layers integer, intent(in) :: nb_reaction_3_max ! number of quadratic reactions integer, intent(in) :: nb_reaction_4_max ! number of bimolecular reactions integer, intent(in) :: nb_phot_max ! number of processes treated numerically as photodissociations real (kind = 8), dimension(nlayer,nesp) :: c ! number densities real (kind = 8), dimension(nlayer, nb_phot_max) :: v_phot real (kind = 8), dimension(nlayer,nb_reaction_3_max) :: v_3 real (kind = 8), dimension(nlayer,nb_reaction_4_max) :: v_4 ! output real (kind = 8), dimension(nesp,nesp), intent(out) :: mat ! matrix real (kind = 8), dimension(nesp), intent(out) :: prod, loss ! local integer :: iesp integer :: ind_phot_2,ind_phot_4,ind_phot_6 integer :: ind_3_2,ind_3_4,ind_3_6 integer :: ind_4_2,ind_4_4,ind_4_6,ind_4_8 integer :: iphot,i3,i4 real(kind = 8) :: eps, eps_4 ! implicit/explicit coefficient ! initialisations mat(:,:) = 0. prod(:) = 0. loss(:) = 0. ! photodissociations ! or reactions a + c -> b + c ! or reactions a + ice -> b + c do iphot = 1,nb_phot_max ind_phot_2 = indice_phot(iphot)%z2 ind_phot_4 = indice_phot(iphot)%z4 ind_phot_6 = indice_phot(iphot)%z6 mat(ind_phot_2,ind_phot_2) = mat(ind_phot_2,ind_phot_2) + indice_phot(iphot)%z1*v_phot(ilev,iphot) mat(ind_phot_4,ind_phot_2) = mat(ind_phot_4,ind_phot_2) - indice_phot(iphot)%z3*v_phot(ilev,iphot) mat(ind_phot_6,ind_phot_2) = mat(ind_phot_6,ind_phot_2) - indice_phot(iphot)%z5*v_phot(ilev,iphot) loss(ind_phot_2) = loss(ind_phot_2) + indice_phot(iphot)%z1*v_phot(ilev,iphot) prod(ind_phot_4) = prod(ind_phot_4) + indice_phot(iphot)%z3*v_phot(ilev,iphot)*c(ilev,ind_phot_2) prod(ind_phot_6) = prod(ind_phot_6) + indice_phot(iphot)%z5*v_phot(ilev,iphot)*c(ilev,ind_phot_2) end do ! reactions a + a -> b + c do i3 = 1,nb_reaction_3_max ind_3_2 = indice_3(i3)%z2 ind_3_4 = indice_3(i3)%z4 ind_3_6 = indice_3(i3)%z6 mat(ind_3_2,ind_3_2) = mat(ind_3_2,ind_3_2) + indice_3(i3)%z1*v_3(ilev,i3)*c(ilev,ind_3_2) mat(ind_3_4,ind_3_2) = mat(ind_3_4,ind_3_2) - indice_3(i3)%z3*v_3(ilev,i3)*c(ilev,ind_3_2) mat(ind_3_6,ind_3_2) = mat(ind_3_6,ind_3_2) - indice_3(i3)%z5*v_3(ilev,i3)*c(ilev,ind_3_2) loss(ind_3_2) = loss(ind_3_2) + indice_3(i3)%z1*v_3(ilev,i3)*c(ilev,ind_3_2) prod(ind_3_4) = prod(ind_3_4) + indice_3(i3)%z3*v_3(ilev,i3)*c(ilev,ind_3_2)*c(ilev,ind_3_2) prod(ind_3_6) = prod(ind_3_6) + indice_3(i3)%z5*v_3(ilev,i3)*c(ilev,ind_3_2)*c(ilev,ind_3_2) end do ! reactions a + b -> c + d eps = 1.d-10 do i4 = 1,nb_reaction_4_max ind_4_2 = indice_4(i4)%z2 ind_4_4 = indice_4(i4)%z4 ind_4_6 = indice_4(i4)%z6 ind_4_8 = indice_4(i4)%z8 eps_4 = abs(c(ilev,ind_4_2))/(abs(c(ilev,ind_4_2)) + abs(c(ilev,ind_4_4)) + eps) eps_4 = min(eps_4,1.0) mat(ind_4_2,ind_4_2) = mat(ind_4_2,ind_4_2) + indice_4(i4)%z1*v_4(ilev,i4)*(1. - eps_4)*c(ilev,ind_4_4) mat(ind_4_2,ind_4_4) = mat(ind_4_2,ind_4_4) + indice_4(i4)%z1*v_4(ilev,i4)*eps_4*c(ilev,ind_4_2) mat(ind_4_4,ind_4_2) = mat(ind_4_4,ind_4_2) + indice_4(i4)%z3*v_4(ilev,i4)*(1. - eps_4)*c(ilev,ind_4_4) mat(ind_4_4,ind_4_4) = mat(ind_4_4,ind_4_4) + indice_4(i4)%z3*v_4(ilev,i4)*eps_4*c(ilev,ind_4_2) mat(ind_4_6,ind_4_2) = mat(ind_4_6,ind_4_2) - indice_4(i4)%z5*v_4(ilev,i4)*(1. - eps_4)*c(ilev,ind_4_4) mat(ind_4_6,ind_4_4) = mat(ind_4_6,ind_4_4) - indice_4(i4)%z5*v_4(ilev,i4)*eps_4*c(ilev,ind_4_2) mat(ind_4_8,ind_4_2) = mat(ind_4_8,ind_4_2) - indice_4(i4)%z7*v_4(ilev,i4)*(1. - eps_4)*c(ilev,ind_4_4) mat(ind_4_8,ind_4_4) = mat(ind_4_8,ind_4_4) - indice_4(i4)%z7*v_4(ilev,i4)*eps_4*c(ilev,ind_4_2) loss(ind_4_2) = loss(ind_4_2) + indice_4(i4)%z1*v_4(ilev,i4)*c(ilev,ind_4_4) loss(ind_4_4) = loss(ind_4_4) + indice_4(i4)%z3*v_4(ilev,i4)*c(ilev,ind_4_2) prod(ind_4_6) = prod(ind_4_6) + indice_4(i4)%z5*v_4(ilev,i4)*c(ilev,ind_4_2)*c(ilev,ind_4_4) prod(ind_4_8) = prod(ind_4_8) + indice_4(i4)%z7*v_4(ilev,i4)*c(ilev,ind_4_2)*c(ilev,ind_4_4) end do end subroutine fill_matrix !================================================================ subroutine indice(nb_reaction_3_max, nb_reaction_4_max, & nb_phot_max, ionchem, i_co2, i_co, i_o, i_o1d, i_o2, & i_o3, i_h,i_h2, i_oh, i_ho2, i_h2o2, i_h2o, & i_n, i_n2d, i_no, i_no2, i_n2, i_co2plus, & i_oplus, i_o2plus, i_noplus, i_coplus, i_cplus, & i_n2plus, i_nplus, i_hplus, i_hco2plus, i_elec) !================================================================ ! set the "indice" arrays used to fill the jacobian matrix ! !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! reaction type ! !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! A + hv --> B + C photolysis indice_phot ! ! A + B --> C + D bimolecular indice_4 ! ! A + A --> B + C quadratic indice_3 ! ! A + C --> B + C quenching indice_phot ! ! A + ice --> B + C heterogeneous indice_phot ! !================================================================ use types_asis implicit none ! input integer :: i_co2, i_co, i_o, i_o1d, i_o2, i_o3, i_h, & i_h2, i_oh, i_ho2, i_h2o2, i_h2o, & i_n, i_n2d, i_no, i_no2, i_n2, & i_co2plus, i_oplus, i_o2plus, i_noplus, i_coplus, & i_cplus, i_n2plus, i_nplus, i_hplus, i_hco2plus, i_elec integer, intent(in) :: nb_reaction_3_max ! number of quadratic reactions integer, intent(in) :: nb_reaction_4_max ! number of bimolecular reactions integer, intent(in) :: nb_phot_max ! number of processes treated numerically as photodissociations logical, intent(in) :: ionchem ! local integer :: nb_phot, nb_reaction_3, nb_reaction_4 integer :: i_dummy allocate (indice_phot(nb_phot_max)) allocate (indice_3(nb_reaction_3_max)) allocate (indice_4(nb_reaction_4_max)) i_dummy = 1 nb_phot = 0 nb_reaction_3 = 0 nb_reaction_4 = 0 !=========================================================== ! O2 + hv -> O + O !=========================================================== nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(1.0, i_o2, 2.0, i_o, 0.0, i_dummy) !=========================================================== ! O2 + hv -> O + O(1D) !=========================================================== nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(1.0, i_o2, 1.0, i_o, 1.0, i_o1d) !=========================================================== ! CO2 + hv -> CO + O !=========================================================== nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(1.0, i_co2, 1.0, i_co, 1.0, i_o) !=========================================================== ! CO2 + hv -> CO + O(1D) !=========================================================== nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(1.0, i_co2, 1.0, i_co, 1.0, i_o1d) !=========================================================== ! O3 + hv -> O2 + O(1D) !=========================================================== nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(1.0, i_o3, 1.0, i_o2, 1.0, i_o1d) !=========================================================== ! O3 + hv -> O2 + O !=========================================================== nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(1.0, i_o3, 1.0, i_o2, 1.0, i_o) !=========================================================== ! H2O + hv -> H + OH !=========================================================== nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(1.0, i_h2o, 1.0, i_h, 1.0, i_oh) !=========================================================== ! H2O2 + hv -> OH + OH !=========================================================== nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(1.0, i_h2o2, 2.0, i_oh, 0.0, i_dummy) !=========================================================== ! HO2 + hv -> OH + O !=========================================================== nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(1.0, i_ho2, 1.0, i_oh, 1.0, i_o) !=========================================================== ! H2 + hv -> H + H !=========================================================== nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(1.0, i_h2, 1.0, i_h, 1.0, i_h) !=========================================================== ! NO + hv -> N + O !=========================================================== nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(1.0, i_no, 1.0, i_n, 1.0, i_o) !=========================================================== ! NO2 + hv -> NO + O !=========================================================== nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(1.0, i_no2, 1.0, i_no, 1.0, i_o) !=========================================================== ! N2 + hv -> N + N !=========================================================== nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(1.0, i_n2, 1.0, i_n2d, 1.0, i_n) !Only if ion chemistry included if (ionchem) then !=========================================================== ! CO2 + hv -> CO2+ + e- !=========================================================== nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(1.0, i_co2, 1.0, i_co2plus, 1.0, i_elec) !=========================================================== ! CO2 + hv -> O+ + CO + e- !=========================================================== !We divide this reaction in two !0.5 CO2 + hv -> CO nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(0.5, i_co2, 1.0, i_co, 0.0, i_dummy) !0.5 CO2 + hv -> O+ + e- nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(0.5, i_co2, 1.0, i_oplus, 1.0, i_elec) !=========================================================== ! CO2 + hv -> CO+ + O + e- !=========================================================== !We divide this reaction in two !0.5 CO2 + hv -> O nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(0.5, i_co2, 1.0, i_o, 0.0, i_dummy) !0.5 CO2 + hv -> CO+ + e- nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(0.5, i_co2, 1.0, i_coplus, 1.0, i_elec) !=========================================================== ! CO2 + hv -> C+ + O2 + e- !=========================================================== !We divide this reaction in two !0.5 CO2 + hv -> O2 nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(0.5, i_co2, 1.0, i_o2, 0.0, i_dummy) !0.5 CO2 + hv -> C+ + e- nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(0.5, i_co2, 1.0, i_cplus, 1.0, i_elec) !=========================================================== ! O2 + hv -> O2+ + e- !=========================================================== nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(1.0, i_o2, 1.0, i_o2plus, 1.0, i_elec) !=========================================================== ! O + hv -> O+ + e- !=========================================================== nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(1.0, i_o, 1.0, i_oplus, 1.0, i_elec) !=========================================================== ! NO + hv -> NO+ + e- !=========================================================== nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(1.0, i_no, 1.0, i_noplus, 1.0, i_elec) !=========================================================== ! CO + hv -> CO+ + e- !=========================================================== nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(1.0, i_co, 1.0, i_coplus, 1.0, i_elec) !=========================================================== ! CO + hv -> C+ + O + e- !=========================================================== !We divide this reaction in two !0.5 CO + hv -> O nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(0.5, i_co, 1.0, i_o, 0.0, i_dummy) !0.5 CO + hv -> C+ + e- nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(0.5, i_co, 1.0, i_cplus, 1.0, i_elec) !=========================================================== ! N2 + hv -> N2+ + e- !=========================================================== nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(1.0, i_n2, 1.0, i_n2plus, 1.0, i_elec) !=========================================================== ! N2 + hv -> N+ + N + e- !=========================================================== !We divide this reaction in two !0.5 N2 + hv -> N nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(0.5, i_n2, 1.0, i_n, 0.0, i_dummy) !0.5 N2 + hv -> N+ + e- nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(0.5, i_n2, 1.0, i_nplus, 1.0, i_elec) !=========================================================== ! N + hv -> N+ + e- !=========================================================== nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(1.0, i_n, 1.0, i_nplus, 1.0, i_elec) !=========================================================== ! H + hv -> H+ + e- !=========================================================== nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(1.0, i_h, 1.0, i_hplus, 1.0, i_elec) end if !ionchem !=========================================================== ! a001 : O + O2 + CO2 -> O3 + CO2 !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_o, 1.0, i_o2, 1.0, i_o3, 0.0, i_dummy) !=========================================================== ! a002 : O + O + CO2 -> O2 + CO2 !=========================================================== nb_reaction_3 = nb_reaction_3 + 1 indice_3(nb_reaction_3) = z3spec(2.0, i_o, 1.0, i_o2, 0.0, i_dummy) !=========================================================== ! a003 : O + O3 -> O2 + O2 !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_o, 1.0, i_o3, 2.0, i_o2, 0.0, i_dummy) !=========================================================== ! b001 : O(1D) + CO2 -> O + CO2 !=========================================================== nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(1.0, i_o1d, 1.0, i_o, 0.0, i_dummy) !=========================================================== ! b002 : O(1D) + H2O -> OH + OH !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_o1d, 1.0, i_h2o, 2.0, i_oh, 0.0, i_dummy) !=========================================================== ! b003 : O(1D) + H2 -> OH + H !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_o1d, 1.0, i_h2, 1.0, i_oh, 1.0, i_h) !=========================================================== ! b004 : O(1D) + O2 -> O + O2 !=========================================================== nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(1.0, i_o1d, 1.0, i_o, 0.0, i_dummy) !=========================================================== ! b005 : O(1D) + O3 -> O2 + O2 !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_o1d, 1.0, i_o3, 2.0, i_o2, 0.0, i_dummy) !=========================================================== ! b006 : O(1D) + O3 -> O2 + O + O !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_o1d, 1.0, i_o3, 1.0, i_o2, 2.0, i_o) !=========================================================== ! c001 : O + HO2 -> OH + O2 !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_o, 1.0, i_ho2, 1.0, i_oh, 1.0, i_o2) !=========================================================== ! c002 : O + OH -> O2 + H !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_o, 1.0, i_oh, 1.0, i_o2, 1.0, i_h) !=========================================================== ! c003 : H + O3 -> OH + O2 !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_h, 1.0, i_o3, 1.0, i_oh, 1.0, i_o2) !=========================================================== ! c004 : H + HO2 -> OH + OH !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_h, 1.0, i_ho2, 2.0, i_oh, 0.0, i_dummy) !=========================================================== ! c005 : H + HO2 -> H2 + O2 !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_h, 1.0, i_ho2, 1.0, i_h2, 1.0, i_o2) !=========================================================== ! c006 : H + HO2 -> H2O + O !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_h, 1.0, i_ho2, 1.0, i_h2o, 1.0, i_o) !=========================================================== ! c007 : OH + HO2 -> H2O + O2 !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_oh, 1.0, i_ho2, 1.0, i_h2o, 1.0, i_o2) !=========================================================== ! c008 : HO2 + HO2 -> H2O2 + O2 !=========================================================== nb_reaction_3 = nb_reaction_3 + 1 indice_3(nb_reaction_3) = z3spec(2.0, i_ho2, 1.0, i_h2o2, 1.0, i_o2) !=========================================================== ! c009 : OH + H2O2 -> H2O + HO2 !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_oh, 1.0, i_h2o2, 1.0, i_h2o, 1.0, i_ho2) !=========================================================== ! c010 : OH + H2 -> H2O + H !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_oh, 1.0, i_h2, 1.0, i_h2o, 1.0, i_h) !=========================================================== ! c011 : H + O2 + CO2 -> HO2 + CO2 !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_h, 1.0, i_o2, 1.0, i_ho2, 0.0, i_dummy) !=========================================================== ! c012 : O + H2O2 -> OH + HO2 !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_o, 1.0, i_h2o2, 1.0, i_oh, 1.0, i_ho2) !=========================================================== ! c013 : OH + OH -> H2O + O !=========================================================== nb_reaction_3 = nb_reaction_3 + 1 indice_3(nb_reaction_3) = z3spec(2.0, i_oh, 1.0, i_h2o, 1.0, i_o) !=========================================================== ! c014 : OH + O3 -> HO2 + O2 !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_oh, 1.0, i_o3, 1.0, i_ho2, 1.0, i_o2) !=========================================================== ! c015 : HO2 + O3 -> OH + O2 + O2 !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_ho2, 1.0, i_o3, 1.0, i_oh, 2.0, i_o2) !=========================================================== ! c016 : HO2 + HO2 + CO2 -> H2O2 + O2 + CO2 !=========================================================== nb_reaction_3 = nb_reaction_3 + 1 indice_3(nb_reaction_3) = z3spec(2.0, i_ho2, 1.0, i_h2o2, 1.0, i_o2) !=========================================================== ! c017 : OH + OH + CO2 -> H2O2 + CO2 !=========================================================== nb_reaction_3 = nb_reaction_3 + 1 indice_3(nb_reaction_3) = z3spec(2.0, i_oh, 1.0, i_h2o2, 0.0, i_dummy) !=========================================================== ! c018 : H + H + CO2 -> H2 + CO2 !=========================================================== nb_reaction_3 = nb_reaction_3 + 1 indice_3(nb_reaction_3) = z3spec(2.0, i_h, 1.0, i_h2, 0.0, i_dummy) !=========================================================== ! d001 : NO2 + O -> NO + O2 !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_no2, 1.0, i_o, 1.0, i_no, 1.0, i_o2) !=========================================================== ! d002 : NO + O3 -> NO2 + O2 !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_no, 1.0, i_o3, 1.0, i_no2, 1.0, i_o2) !=========================================================== ! d003 : NO + HO2 -> NO2 + OH !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_no, 1.0, i_ho2, 1.0, i_no2, 1.0, i_oh) !=========================================================== ! d004 : N + NO -> N2 + O !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_n, 1.0, i_no, 1.0, i_n2, 1.0, i_o) !=========================================================== ! d005 : N + O2 -> NO + O !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_n, 1.0, i_o2, 1.0, i_no, 1.0, i_o) !=========================================================== ! d006 : NO2 + H -> NO + OH !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_no2, 1.0, i_h, 1.0, i_no, 1.0, i_oh) !=========================================================== ! d007 : N + O -> NO !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_n, 1.0, i_o, 1.0, i_no, 0.0, i_dummy) !=========================================================== ! d008 : N + HO2 -> NO + OH !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_n, 1.0, i_ho2, 1.0, i_no, 1.0, i_oh) !=========================================================== ! d009 : N + OH -> NO + H !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_n, 1.0, i_oh, 1.0, i_no, 1.0, i_h) !=========================================================== ! d010 : N(2D) + O -> N + O !=========================================================== nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(1.0, i_n2d, 1.0, i_n, 0.0, i_dummy) !=========================================================== ! d011 : N(2D) + N2 -> N + N2 !=========================================================== nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(1.0, i_n2d, 1.0, i_n, 0.0, i_dummy) !=========================================================== ! d012 : N(2D) + CO2 -> NO + CO !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_n2d, 1.0, i_co2, 1.0, i_no, 1.0, i_co) !=========================================================== ! e001 : CO + OH -> CO2 + H !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_co, 1.0, i_oh, 1.0, i_co2, 1.0, i_h) !=========================================================== ! e002 : CO + O + M -> CO2 + M !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_co, 1.0, i_o, 1.0, i_co2, 0.0, i_dummy) !Only if ion chemistry if (ionchem) then !=========================================================== ! i001 : CO2+ + O2 -> O2+ + CO2 !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_co2plus, 1.0, i_o2, 1.0, i_o2plus, 1.0, i_co2) !=========================================================== ! i002 : CO2+ + O -> O+ + CO2 !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_co2plus, 1.0, i_o, 1.0, i_oplus, 1.0, i_co2) !=========================================================== ! i003 : CO2+ + O -> O2+ + CO !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_co2plus, 1.0, i_o, 1.0, i_o2plus, 1.0, i_co) !=========================================================== ! i004 : O2+ + e- -> O + O !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_o2plus, 1.0, i_elec, 2.0, i_o, 0.0, i_dummy) !=========================================================== ! i005 : O+ + CO2 -> O2+ + CO !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_oplus, 1.0, i_co2, 1.0, i_o2plus, 1.0, i_co) !=========================================================== ! i006 : CO2+ + e -> CO + O !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_co2plus, 1.0, i_elec, 1.0, i_co, 1.0, i_o) !=========================================================== ! i007 : CO2+ + NO -> NO+ + CO2 !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_co2plus, 1.0, i_no, 1.0, i_noplus, 1.0, i_co2) !=========================================================== ! i008 : O2+ + NO -> NO+ + O2 !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_o2plus, 1.0, i_no, 1.0, i_noplus, 1.0, i_o2) !=========================================================== ! i009 : O2+ + N2 -> NO+ + NO !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_o2plus, 1.0, i_n2, 1.0, i_noplus, 1.0, i_no) !=========================================================== ! i010 : O2+ + N -> NO+ + O !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_o2plus, 1.0, i_n, 1.0, i_noplus, 1.0, i_o) !=========================================================== ! i011 : O+ + N2 -> NO+ + N !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_oplus, 1.0, i_n2, 1.0, i_noplus, 1.0, i_n) !=========================================================== ! i012 : NO+ + e -> N + O !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_noplus, 1.0, i_elec, 1.0, i_n, 1.0, i_o) !=========================================================== ! i013 : CO+ + CO2 -> CO2+ + CO !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_coplus, 1.0, i_co2, 1.0, i_co2plus, 1.0, i_co) !=========================================================== ! i014 : CO+ + O -> O+ + CO !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_coplus, 1.0, i_o, 1.0, i_oplus, 1.0, i_co) !=========================================================== ! i015 : C+ + CO2 -> CO+ + CO !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_cplus, 1.0, i_co2, 1.0, i_coplus, 1.0, i_co) !=========================================================== ! i016 : N2+ + CO2 -> CO2+ + N2 !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_n2plus, 1.0, i_co2, 1.0, i_co2plus, 1.0, i_n2) !=========================================================== ! i017 : N2+ + O -> NO+ + N !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_n2plus, 1.0, i_o, 1.0, i_noplus, 1.0, i_n) !=========================================================== ! i018 : N2+ + CO -> CO+ + N2 !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_n2plus, 1.0, i_co, 1.0, i_coplus, 1.0, i_n2) !=========================================================== ! i019 : N2+ + e -> N + N !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_n2plus, 1.0, i_elec, 2.0, i_n, 0.0, i_dummy) !=========================================================== ! i020 : N2+ + O -> O+ + N2 !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_n2plus, 1.0, i_o, 1.0, i_oplus, 1.0, i_n2) !=========================================================== ! i021 : N+ + CO2 -> CO2+ + N !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_nplus, 1.0, i_co2, 1.0, i_co2plus, 1.0, i_n) !=========================================================== ! i022 : CO+ + H -> H+ + CO !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_coplus, 1.0, i_h, 1.0, i_hplus, 1.0, i_co) !=========================================================== ! i023 : O+ + H -> H+ + O !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_oplus, 1.0, i_h, 1.0, i_hplus, 1.0, i_o) !=========================================================== ! i024 : H+ + O -> O+ + H !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_hplus, 1.0, i_o, 1.0, i_oplus, 1.0, i_h) !=========================================================== ! i025 : CO2+ + H2 -> HCO2+ + H !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_co2plus, 1.0, i_h2, 1.0, i_hco2plus, 1.0, i_h) !=========================================================== ! i026 : HCO2+ + e -> H + CO2 !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_hco2plus, 1.0, i_elec, 1.0, i_h, 1.0, i_co2) !=========================================================== ! i027 : HCO2+ + e -> H + O + CO !=========================================================== !We divide this reaction in two !0.5HCO2+ + 0.5e -> H nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(.5, i_hco2plus, 0.5, i_elec, 1.0, i_h, 0.0, i_dummy) !0.5 HCO2+ + 0.5 e -> O + CO nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(0.5, i_hco2plus, 0.5, i_elec, 1.0, i_o, 1.0, i_co) !=========================================================== ! i029 : HCO2+ + e -> OH + CO !=========================================================== nb_reaction_4 = nb_reaction_4 + 1 indice_4(nb_reaction_4) = z4spec(1.0, i_hco2plus, 1.0, i_elec, 1.0, i_oh, 1.0, i_co) end if !ionchem !=========================================================== ! h001: HO2 + ice -> products ! treated as ! HO2 -> 0.5 H2O + 0.75 O2 !=========================================================== nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(1.0, i_ho2, 0.5, i_h2o, 0.75, i_o2) !=========================================================== ! h002: OH + ice -> products ! treated as ! OH -> 0.5 H2O + 0.25 O2 !=========================================================== nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(1.0, i_oh, 0.5, i_h2o, 0.25, i_o2) !=========================================================== ! h003: H2O2 + ice -> products ! treated as ! H2O2 -> H2O + 0.5 O2 !=========================================================== nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(1.0, i_h2o2, 1.0, i_h2o, 0.5, i_o2) !=========================================================== ! h004: HO2 + dust -> products ! treated as ! HO2 -> 0.5 H2O + 0.75 O2 !=========================================================== nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(1.0, i_ho2, 0.5, i_h2o, 0.75, i_o2) !=========================================================== ! h005: H2O2 + dust -> products ! treated as ! H2O2 -> H2O + 0.5 O2 !=========================================================== nb_phot = nb_phot + 1 indice_phot(nb_phot) = z3spec(1.0, i_h2o2, 1.0, i_h2o, 0.5, i_o2) !=========================================================== ! check dimensions !=========================================================== print*, 'nb_phot = ', nb_phot print*, 'nb_reaction_4 = ', nb_reaction_4 print*, 'nb_reaction_3 = ', nb_reaction_3 if ((nb_phot /= nb_phot_max) .or. & (nb_reaction_3 /= nb_reaction_3_max) .or. & (nb_reaction_4 /= nb_reaction_4_max)) then print*, 'wrong dimensions in indice' stop end if end subroutine indice !***************************************************************** subroutine gcmtochim(nlayer, ionchem, nq, zycol, lswitch, nesp,& i_co2, i_co, i_o, i_o1d, i_o2, i_o3, i_h, & i_h2, i_oh, i_ho2, i_h2o2, i_h2o, & i_n, i_n2d, i_no, i_no2, i_n2, & i_co2plus, i_oplus, i_o2plus, i_noplus, & i_coplus, i_cplus, i_n2plus, i_nplus, & i_hplus, i_hco2plus, i_elec, dens, rm, c) !***************************************************************** use tracer_mod, only: igcm_co2, igcm_co, igcm_o, igcm_o1d, & & igcm_o2, igcm_o3, igcm_h, igcm_h2, igcm_oh, & & igcm_ho2, igcm_h2o2, igcm_h2o_vap, & & igcm_n, igcm_n2d, igcm_no, igcm_no2, igcm_n2,& & igcm_co2plus, igcm_oplus, igcm_o2plus, & & igcm_noplus, igcm_coplus, igcm_cplus, & & igcm_n2plus, igcm_nplus, igcm_hplus, & & igcm_hco2plus, igcm_elec implicit none #include "callkeys.h" !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ! input: !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc integer, intent(in) :: nlayer ! number of atmospheric layers integer, intent(in) :: nq ! number of tracers in the gcm logical, intent(in) :: ionchem integer :: nesp ! number of species in the chemistry integer :: lswitch ! interface level between chemistries integer :: i_co2, i_co, i_o, i_o1d, i_o2, i_o3, i_h, & i_h2, i_oh, i_ho2, i_h2o2, i_h2o, & i_n, i_n2d, i_no, i_no2, i_n2, & i_co2plus, i_oplus, i_o2plus, i_noplus, i_coplus, & i_cplus, i_n2plus, i_nplus, i_hplus, i_hco2plus, i_elec real :: zycol(nlayer,nq) ! volume mixing ratios in the gcm real :: dens(nlayer) ! total number density (molecule.cm-3) !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ! output: !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc real, dimension(nlayer,nesp) :: rm ! volume mixing ratios real (kind = 8), dimension(nlayer,nesp) :: c ! number densities (molecule.cm-3) !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ! local: !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc integer :: l, iesp logical,save :: firstcall = .true. ! first call initializations if (firstcall) then ! identify the indexes of the tracers we need if (igcm_co2 == 0) then write(*,*) "gcmtochim: Error; no CO2 tracer !!!" stop endif if (igcm_co == 0) then write(*,*) "gcmtochim: Error; no CO tracer !!!" stop end if if (igcm_o == 0) then write(*,*) "gcmtochim: Error; no O tracer !!!" stop end if if (igcm_o1d == 0) then write(*,*) "gcmtochim: Error; no O1D tracer !!!" stop end if if (igcm_o2 == 0) then write(*,*) "gcmtochim: Error; no O2 tracer !!!" stop end if if (igcm_o3 == 0) then write(*,*) "gcmtochim: Error; no O3 tracer !!!" stop end if if (igcm_h == 0) then write(*,*) "gcmtochim: Error; no H tracer !!!" stop end if if (igcm_h2 == 0) then write(*,*) "gcmtochim: Error; no H2 tracer !!!" stop end if if (igcm_oh == 0) then write(*,*) "gcmtochim: Error; no OH tracer !!!" stop end if if (igcm_ho2 == 0) then write(*,*) "gcmtochim: Error; no HO2 tracer !!!" stop end if if (igcm_h2o2 == 0) then write(*,*) "gcmtochim: Error; no H2O2 tracer !!!" stop end if if (igcm_n == 0) then write(*,*) "gcmtochim: Error; no N tracer !!!" stop end if if (igcm_n2d == 0) then write(*,*) "gcmtochim: Error; no N2D tracer !!!" stop end if if (igcm_no == 0) then write(*,*) "gcmtochim: Error; no NO tracer !!!" stop end if if (igcm_no2 == 0) then write(*,*) "gcmtochim: Error; no NO2 tracer !!!" stop end if if (igcm_n2 == 0) then write(*,*) "gcmtochim: Error; no N2 tracer !!!" stop end if if (igcm_h2o_vap == 0) then write(*,*) "gcmtochim: Error; no water vapor tracer !!!" stop end if if (ionchem) then if (igcm_co2plus == 0) then write(*,*) "gcmtochim: Error; no CO2+ tracer !!!" stop end if if (igcm_oplus == 0) then write(*,*) "gcmtochim: Error; no O+ tracer !!!" stop end if if (igcm_o2plus == 0) then write(*,*) "gcmtochim: Error; no O2+ tracer !!!" stop end if if (igcm_noplus == 0) then write(*,*) "gcmtochim: Error; no NO+ tracer !!!" stop endif if (igcm_coplus == 0) then write(*,*) "gcmtochim: Error; no CO+ tracer !!!" stop endif if (igcm_cplus == 0) then write(*,*) "gcmtochim: Error; no C+ tracer !!!" stop endif if (igcm_n2plus == 0) then write(*,*) "gcmtochim: Error; no N2+ tracer !!!" stop endif if (igcm_nplus == 0) then write(*,*) "gcmtochim: Error; no N+ tracer !!!" stop endif if (igcm_hplus == 0) then write(*,*) "gcmtochim: Error; no H+ tracer !!!" stop endif if (igcm_hco2plus == 0) then write(*,*) "gcmtochim: Error; no HCO2+ tracer !!!" stop endif if (igcm_elec == 0) then write(*,*) "gcmtochim: Error; no e- tracer !!!" stop end if end if ! ionchem firstcall = .false. end if ! of if (firstcall) !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ! initialise mixing ratios !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc do l = 1,nlayer rm(l,i_co2) = zycol(l, igcm_co2) rm(l,i_co) = zycol(l, igcm_co) rm(l,i_o) = zycol(l, igcm_o) rm(l,i_o1d) = zycol(l, igcm_o1d) rm(l,i_o2) = zycol(l, igcm_o2) rm(l,i_o3) = zycol(l, igcm_o3) rm(l,i_h) = zycol(l, igcm_h) rm(l,i_h2) = zycol(l, igcm_h2) rm(l,i_oh) = zycol(l, igcm_oh) rm(l,i_ho2) = zycol(l, igcm_ho2) rm(l,i_h2o2) = zycol(l, igcm_h2o2) rm(l,i_h2o) = zycol(l, igcm_h2o_vap) rm(l,i_n) = zycol(l, igcm_n) rm(l,i_n2d) = zycol(l, igcm_n2d) rm(l,i_no) = zycol(l, igcm_no) rm(l,i_no2) = zycol(l, igcm_no2) rm(l,i_n2) = zycol(l, igcm_n2) end do if (ionchem) then do l = 1,nlayer rm(l,i_co2plus) = zycol(l, igcm_co2plus) rm(l,i_oplus) = zycol(l, igcm_oplus) rm(l,i_o2plus) = zycol(l, igcm_o2plus) rm(l,i_noplus) = zycol(l, igcm_noplus) rm(l,i_coplus) = zycol(l, igcm_coplus) rm(l,i_cplus) = zycol(l, igcm_cplus) rm(l,i_n2plus) = zycol(l, igcm_n2plus) rm(l,i_nplus) = zycol(l, igcm_nplus) rm(l,i_hplus) = zycol(l, igcm_hplus) rm(l,i_hco2plus) = zycol(l, igcm_hco2plus) rm(l,i_elec) = zycol(l, igcm_elec) end do end if where (rm(:,:) < 1.e-30) rm(:,:) = 0. end where !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ! initialise number densities !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc do iesp = 1,nesp do l = 1,nlayer c(l,iesp) = rm(l,iesp)*dens(l) end do end do end subroutine gcmtochim !***************************************************************** subroutine chimtogcm(nlayer, ionchem, nq, zycol, lswitch, nesp, & i_co2, i_co, i_o, i_o1d, i_o2, i_o3, i_h, & i_h2, i_oh, i_ho2, i_h2o2, i_h2o, & i_n, i_n2d, i_no, i_no2, i_n2, & i_co2plus, i_oplus, i_o2plus, i_noplus, & i_coplus, i_cplus, i_n2plus, i_nplus, & i_hplus, i_hco2plus, i_elec, dens, c) !***************************************************************** use tracer_mod, only: igcm_co2, igcm_co, igcm_o, igcm_o1d, & igcm_o2, igcm_o3, igcm_h, igcm_h2, igcm_oh, & igcm_ho2, igcm_h2o2, igcm_h2o_vap, & igcm_n, igcm_n2d, igcm_no, igcm_no2, igcm_n2, & igcm_co2plus, igcm_oplus, igcm_o2plus, & igcm_noplus, igcm_coplus, igcm_cplus, & igcm_n2plus, igcm_nplus, igcm_hplus, & igcm_hco2plus, igcm_elec implicit none #include "callkeys.h" !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ! inputs: !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc integer, intent(in) :: nlayer ! number of atmospheric layers integer, intent(in) :: nq ! number of tracers in the gcm logical, intent(in) :: ionchem integer :: nesp ! number of species in the chemistry integer :: lswitch ! interface level between chemistries integer :: i_co2, i_co, i_o, i_o1d, i_o2, i_o3, i_h, & i_h2, i_oh, i_ho2, i_h2o2, i_h2o, & i_n, i_n2d, i_no, i_no2, i_n2, & i_co2plus, i_oplus, i_o2plus, i_noplus, & i_coplus, i_cplus, i_n2plus, i_nplus, & i_hplus, i_hco2plus, i_elec real :: dens(nlayer) ! total number density (molecule.cm-3) real (kind = 8), dimension(nlayer,nesp) :: c ! number densities (molecule.cm-3) !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ! output: !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc real zycol(nlayer,nq) ! volume mixing ratios in the gcm !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ! local: !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc integer l !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ! save mixing ratios for the gcm !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc do l = 1,lswitch-1 zycol(l, igcm_co2) = c(l,i_co2)/dens(l) zycol(l, igcm_co) = c(l,i_co)/dens(l) zycol(l, igcm_o) = c(l,i_o)/dens(l) zycol(l, igcm_o1d) = c(l,i_o1d)/dens(l) zycol(l, igcm_o2) = c(l,i_o2)/dens(l) zycol(l, igcm_o3) = c(l,i_o3)/dens(l) zycol(l, igcm_h) = c(l,i_h)/dens(l) zycol(l, igcm_h2) = c(l,i_h2)/dens(l) zycol(l, igcm_oh) = c(l,i_oh)/dens(l) zycol(l, igcm_ho2) = c(l,i_ho2)/dens(l) zycol(l, igcm_h2o2) = c(l,i_h2o2)/dens(l) zycol(l, igcm_h2o_vap) = c(l,i_h2o)/dens(l) zycol(l, igcm_n) = c(l,i_n)/dens(l) zycol(l, igcm_n2d) = c(l,i_n2d)/dens(l) zycol(l, igcm_no) = c(l,i_no)/dens(l) zycol(l, igcm_no2) = c(l,i_no2)/dens(l) zycol(l, igcm_n2) = c(l,i_n2)/dens(l) end do if (ionchem) then do l = 1,lswitch-1 zycol(l, igcm_co2plus) = c(l,i_co2plus)/dens(l) zycol(l, igcm_oplus) = c(l,i_oplus)/dens(l) zycol(l, igcm_o2plus) = c(l,i_o2plus)/dens(l) zycol(l, igcm_noplus) = c(l,i_noplus)/dens(l) zycol(l, igcm_coplus) = c(l,i_coplus)/dens(l) zycol(l, igcm_cplus) = c(l,i_cplus)/dens(l) zycol(l, igcm_n2plus) = c(l,i_n2plus)/dens(l) zycol(l, igcm_nplus) = c(l,i_nplus)/dens(l) zycol(l, igcm_hplus) = c(l,i_hplus)/dens(l) zycol(l, igcm_hco2plus)= c(l,i_hco2plus)/dens(l) zycol(l, igcm_elec) = c(l,i_elec)/dens(l) end do end if end subroutine chimtogcm end subroutine photochemistry