SUBROUTINE orodrag( nlon,nlev i , kgwd, kdx, ktest r , ptsphy r , paphm1,papm1,pgeom1,pn2m1,ptm1,pum1,pvm1 r , pmea, pstd, psig, pgam, pthe, ppic, pval c outputs r , pulow,pvlow r , pvom,pvol,pte r , blustr,blvstr,pnlow,zeff,ikenvh c 3D and temporary outputs r , ztau,iknu2,ikbreak) use dimphy IMPLICIT NONE c c c**** *orodrag* - does the SSO drag parametrization. c c purpose. c -------- c c this routine computes the physical tendencies of the c prognostic variables u,v and t due to vertical transports by c subgridscale orographically excited gravity waves, and to c low level blocked flow drag. c c** interface. c ---------- c called from *drag_noro*. c c the routine takes its input from the long-term storage: c u,v,t and p at t-1. c c explicit arguments : c -------------------- c ==== inputs === c nlon----input-I-Total number of horizontal points that get into physics c nlev----input-I-Number of vertical levels c c kgwd- -input-I: Total nb of points where the orography schemes are active c ktest--input-I: Flags to indicate active points c kdx----input-I: Locate the physical location of an active point. c ptsphy--input-R-Time-step (s) c paphm1--input-R: pressure at model 1/2 layer c papm1---input-R: pressure at model layer c pgeom1--input-R: Altitude of layer above ground c pn2m1---input-R-Brunt-Vaisala freq.^2 at 1/2 layers c ptm1, pum1, pvm1--R-: t, u and v c pmea----input-R-Mean Orography (m) C pstd----input-R-SSO standard deviation (m) c psig----input-R-SSO slope c pgam----input-R-SSO Anisotropy c pthe----input-R-SSO Angle c ppic----input-R-SSO Peacks elevation (m) c pval----input-R-SSO Valleys elevation (m) integer nlon,nlev,kgwd real ptsphy c ==== outputs === c pulow, pvlow -output-R: Low-level wind c c pte -----output-R: T tendency c pvom-----output-R: U tendency c pvol-----output-R: V tendency c c c Implicit Arguments: c =================== c c klon-common-I: Number of points seen by the physics c klev-common-I: Number of vertical layers c c method. c ------- c c externals. c ---------- Coff integer ismin, ismax Coff external ismin, ismax c c reference. c ---------- c c author. c ------- c m.miller + b.ritter e.c.m.w.f. 15/06/86. c c f.lott + m. miller e.c.m.w.f. 22/11/94 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c #include "YOMCST.h" #include "YOEGWD.h" c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c* 0.1 arguments c --------- c c real pte(nlon,nlev), * pvol(nlon,nlev), * pvom(nlon,nlev), * pulow(nlon), * pvlow(nlon) real pum1(nlon,nlev), * pvm1(nlon,nlev), * ptm1(nlon,nlev), * pmea(nlon),pstd(nlon),psig(nlon), * pgam(nlon),pthe(nlon),ppic(nlon),pval(nlon), * pgeom1(nlon,nlev),pn2m1(nlon,nlev), * papm1(nlon,nlev), * paphm1(nlon,nlev+1), * pnlow(nlon), ! low level stability * blustr(nlon),blvstr(nlon), ! blocked stress * zeff(nlon) ! effective height c integer kdx(nlon),ktest(nlon) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c* 0.2 local arrays c ------------ integer isect(klon), * icrit(klon), * ikcrith(klon), * ikenvh(klon), * iknu(klon), * iknu2(klon), * ikbreak(klon), * ikcrit(klon), * ikhlim(klon) c real ztau(klon,klev+1), * zstab(klon,klev+1), * zvph(klon,klev+1), * zrho(klon,klev+1), * zri(klon,klev+1), * zpsi(klon,klev+1), * zzdep(klon,klev) real zdudt(klon), * zdvdt(klon), * zdtdt(klon), * zdedt(klon), * zvidis(klon), * ztfr(klon), * znu(klon), * zd1(klon), * zd2(klon), * zdmod(klon) c local quantities: integer jl,jk,ji real ztmst,zdelp,ztemp,zforc,ztend,rover real zb,zc,zconb,zabsv,zzd1,ratio,zbet,zust,zvst,zdis c c------------------------------------------------------------------ c c* 1. initialization c -------------- c c print *,' in orodrag' 100 continue c c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c c* 1.1 computational constants c ----------------------- c 110 continue c c ztmst=twodt c if(nstep.eq.nstart) ztmst=0.5*twodt ztmst=ptsphy c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c 120 continue c c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c c* 1.3 check whether row contains point for printing c --------------------------------------------- c 130 continue c c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c c* 2. precompute basic state variables. c* ---------- ----- ----- ---------- c* define low level wind, project winds in plane of c* low level wind, determine sector in which to take c* the variance and set indicator for critical levels. c 200 continue c do jk=1,klev zstab(:,jk) = pn2m1(:,jk) enddo c call orosetup * ( nlon, nlev , ktest * , ikcrit, ikcrith, icrit, isect, ikhlim, ikenvh,iknu,iknu2 * , ikbreak * , paphm1, papm1 , pum1 , pvm1 , ptm1 , pgeom1, zstab, pstd * , zrho , zri , ztau , zvph , zpsi, zzdep * , pulow, pvlow * , pthe,pgam,pmea,ppic,pval,znu ,zd1, zd2, zdmod ) pnlow(:) = sqrt(zstab(:,klev+1)) c c c c*********************************************************** c c c* 3. compute low level stresses using subcritical and c* supercritical forms.computes anisotropy coefficient c* as measure of orographic twodimensionality. c 300 continue c call gwstress * ( nlon , nlev * , ikcrit, isect, ikhlim, ktest, ikcrith, icrit, ikenvh, iknu * , zrho , zstab, zvph , pstd, psig, pmea, ppic, pval * , ztfr , ztau * , pgeom1,pgam,zd1,zd2,zdmod,znu,zeff) c c c* 4. compute stress profile including c trapped waves, wave breaking, c linear decay in stratosphere. c 400 continue c c call gwprofil * ( nlon , nlev * , kgwd , kdx , ktest * , ikcrit, ikcrith, icrit , ikenvh, iknu * ,iknu2 , ikbreak, paphm1, zrho , zstab , ztfr , zvph * , zri , ztau * , zdmod , znu , psig , pgam , pstd , ppic , pval) c c* 5. Compute tendencies from waves stress profile. c Compute low level blocked flow drag. c* -------------------------------------------- c 500 continue c c explicit solution at all levels for the gravity wave c implicit solution for the blocked levels do 510 jl=kidia,kfdia zvidis(jl)=0.0 zdudt(jl)=0.0 zdvdt(jl)=0.0 zdtdt(jl)=0.0 blustr(jl)=0.0 blvstr(jl)=0.0 510 continue c do 524 jk=1,klev c C WAVE STRESS C------------- c c do 523 ji=kidia,kfdia if(ktest(ji).eq.1) then zdelp=paphm1(ji,jk+1)-paphm1(ji,jk) ztemp=-rg*(ztau(ji,jk+1)-ztau(ji,jk))/(zvph(ji,klev+1)*zdelp) zdudt(ji)=(pulow(ji)*zd1(ji)-pvlow(ji)*zd2(ji))*ztemp/zdmod(ji) zdvdt(ji)=(pvlow(ji)*zd1(ji)+pulow(ji)*zd2(ji))*ztemp/zdmod(ji) c c Control Overshoots c if( rover=0.10 if(abs(zdudt(ji)).gt.rover*abs(pum1(ji,jk))/ztmst) C zdudt(ji)=rover*abs(pum1(ji,jk))/ztmst* C zdudt(ji)/(abs(zdudt(ji))+1.E-10) if(abs(zdvdt(ji)).gt.rover*abs(pvm1(ji,jk))/ztmst) C zdvdt(ji)=rover*abs(pvm1(ji,jk))/ztmst* C zdvdt(ji)/(abs(zdvdt(ji))+1.E-10) endif rover=0.25 zforc=sqrt(zdudt(ji)**2+zdvdt(ji)**2) ztend=sqrt(pum1(ji,jk)**2+pvm1(ji,jk)**2)/ztmst if(*ztend)then zdudt(ji)=rover*ztend/zforc*zdudt(ji) zdvdt(ji)=rover*ztend/zforc*zdvdt(ji) endif c c BLOCKED FLOW DRAG: C ----------------- c if( then zb=1.0-0.18*pgam(ji)-0.04*pgam(ji)**2 zc=0.48*pgam(ji)+0.3*pgam(ji)**2 zconb=2.*ztmst*gkwake*psig(ji)/(4.*pstd(ji)) zabsv=sqrt(pum1(ji,jk)**2+pvm1(ji,jk)**2)/2. zzd1=zb*cos(zpsi(ji,jk))**2+zc*sin(zpsi(ji,jk))**2 ratio=(cos(zpsi(ji,jk))**2+pgam(ji)*sin(zpsi(ji,jk))**2)/ * (pgam(ji)*cos(zpsi(ji,jk))**2+sin(zpsi(ji,jk))**2) zbet=max(0.,2.-1./ratio)*zconb*zzdep(ji,jk)*zzd1*zabsv c c OPPOSED TO THE WIND c zdudt(ji)=-pum1(ji,jk)/ztmst zdvdt(ji)=-pvm1(ji,jk)/ztmst c c PERPENDICULAR TO THE SSO MAIN AXIS: C cmod zdudt(ji)=-(pum1(ji,jk)*cos(pthe(ji)*rpi/180.) cmod * +pvm1(ji,jk)*sin(pthe(ji)*rpi/180.)) cmod * *cos(pthe(ji)*rpi/180.)/ztmst cmod zdvdt(ji)=-(pum1(ji,jk)*cos(pthe(ji)*rpi/180.) cmod * +pvm1(ji,jk)*sin(pthe(ji)*rpi/180.)) cmod * *sin(pthe(ji)*rpi/180.)/ztmst C zdudt(ji)=zdudt(ji)*(zbet/(1.+zbet)) zdvdt(ji)=zdvdt(ji)*(zbet/(1.+zbet)) c output blocked flow stress blustr(ji) = blustr(ji) . +zdudt(ji)*(paphm1(ji,jk+1)-paphm1(ji,jk))/rg blvstr(ji) = blvstr(ji) . +zdvdt(ji)*(paphm1(ji,jk+1)-paphm1(ji,jk))/rg end if pvom(ji,jk)=zdudt(ji) pvol(ji,jk)=zdvdt(ji) zust=pum1(ji,jk)+ztmst*zdudt(ji) zvst=pvm1(ji,jk)+ztmst*zdvdt(ji) zdis=0.5*(pum1(ji,jk)**2+pvm1(ji,jk)**2-zust**2-zvst**2) zdedt(ji)=zdis/ztmst zvidis(ji)=zvidis(ji)+zdis*zdelp c VENUS ATTENTION: CP VARIABLE zdtdt(ji)=zdedt(ji)/rcpd c c NO TENDENCIES ON TEMPERATURE ..... c c Instead of, pte(ji,jk)=zdtdt(ji), due to mechanical dissipation c pte(ji,jk)=0.0 endif 523 continue 524 continue c c 501 continue return end