SUBROUTINE mucorr(npts,plongi, plat, pmu, pfract) IMPLICIT NONE c======================================================================= c c Calcul of equivalent solar angle and and fraction of day whithout c diurnal cycle. c c parmeters : c ----------- c c Input : c ------- c npts number of points c plongi solar longitude (degres) c plat(npts) latitude (en degres) c c Output : c -------- c pmu(npts) equivalent cosinus of the solar angle c pfract(npts) fractionnal day c c======================================================================= c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c 0. Declarations : c ----------------- #include "YOMCST.h" c Arguments : c ----------- INTEGER npts REAL plat(npts),pmu(npts), pfract(npts) REAL plongi c c Local variables : c ----------------- INTEGER j REAL pi REAL z,cz,sz,tz,phi,cphi,sphi,tphi REAL ap,a,t,b,tp real pdeclin,incl,lon_sun c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c pi = 4. * atan(1.0) c print*,'PI=',pi pi=2.*asin(1.) c print*,'PI=B',pi incl=R_incl * pi / 180. ! obliquite en radian lon_sun = plongi * pi / 180.0 ! Ls en radian pdeclin = ASIN (SIN(lon_sun)*SIN(incl) ) ! declin en radian c print*,'npts,pdeclin',npts,pdeclin*180./pi z = pdeclin cz = cos (z) sz = sin (z) c print*,'cz,sz',cz,sz DO 20 j = 1, npts phi = plat(j)*pi/180. ! latitude en radian cphi = cos(phi) if (cphi.le.1.e-9) cphi=1.e-9 sphi = sin(phi) tphi = sphi / cphi b = cphi * cz t = -tphi * sz / cz a = 1.0 - t*t ap = a IF(t.eq.0.) then t=0.5*pi ELSE IF ( a = 0. t = sqrt(a) / t IF ( then tp = -atan (-t) + pi ELSE tp = atan(t) ENDIF t = tp ENDIF pmu(j) = (sphi*sz*t) / pi + b*sin(t)/pi pfract(j) = t / pi IF (ap .lt.0.) then pmu(j) = sphi * sz pfract(j) = 1.0 ENDIF IF (pmu(j).le.0.0) pmu(j) = 0.0 pmu(j) = pmu(j) / pfract(j) IF (pmu(j).eq.0.) pfract(j) = 0. 20 CONTINUE c call dump2d(48,31,pfract(2),'FRACT ') c call dump2d(48,31,pmu(2),'MU0 ') c stop c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c correction de rotondite: c ------------------------ c print*,'dans mucorr avant correction rotondite' c print*,'pmu(1)=',pmu(1),' pmu(npts/2)=',pmu(npts/2) c print*,'pfract(1)=',pfract(1),' pfract(npts/2)=',pfract(npts/2) DO 30 j=1,npts c !!!!!! pmu(j)=sqrt(1224.*pmu(j)*pmu(j)+1.)/35. 30 CONTINUE c print*,'dans mucorr apres correction rotondite' c print*,'pmu(1)=',pmu(1),' pmu(npts/2)=',pmu(npts/2) RETURN END