pro test getcdf, $ ; file='./wrfout_d01_9999-01-01_05:08:21', $ file='./wrfout_d01_9999-01-01_06:10:00', $ ; file='./wrfout_d01_9999-01-01_07:11:40', $ charvar='W', $ invar=w w1 = max ( w, DIMENSION=3 ) wm1 = min ( TEMPORARY(w), DIMENSION=3 ) ;getcdf, $ ; file='./wrfout_d01_9999-01-01_06:10:00', $ ; charvar='W', $ ; invar=w ;w2 = max ( w, DIMENSION=3 ) ;wm2 = min ( TEMPORARY(w), DIMENSION=3 ) ; ;getcdf, $ ; file='./wrfout_d01_9999-01-01_07:11:40', $ ; charvar='W', $ ; invar=w ;w3 = max ( w, DIMENSION=3 ) ;wm3 = min ( TEMPORARY(w), DIMENSION=3 ) ; ;getcdf, $ ; file='./wrfout_d01_9999-01-01_04:06:40', $ ; charvar='W', $ ; invar=w ;w4 = max ( w, DIMENSION=3 ) ;wm4 = min ( TEMPORARY(w), DIMENSION=3 ) getcdf, $ file='./wrfout_d01_9999-01-01_06:10:00', $ charvar='PSFC', $ invar=psfc gros=50 ;20;5;10 ;gros=5 ;; pour le cas hill var1 = psfc[ where( w1 gt 10.) ] var2 = psfc var3 = psfc[ where( wm1 lt -5.) ] ;var4 = psfc[ where( w1 gt 13.) ] ;; bien mais deja montre avec courbes max r1 = ( float(histogram(floor(var1*gros))) ) ;/ n_elements(var1) * 100. r2 = ( float(histogram(floor(var2*gros))) ) ;/ n_elements(var2) * 100. r3 = ( float(histogram(floor(var3*gros))) ) ;/ n_elements(var3) * 100. r1 = 100. * r1 / max(r1) r2 = 100. * r2 / max(r2) r3 = 100. * r3 / max(r3) t1 = min(var1) + findgen(n_elements(r1))/gros t2 = min(var2) + findgen(n_elements(r2))/gros t3 = min(var3) + findgen(n_elements(r3))/gros PS_START, file='' !P.Charsize = 1.2 !p.charthick = 2.0 !p.thick = 2.0 !x.thick = 2.0 !y.thick = 2.0 !p.psym = 10 plot, t2, r2, xrange=[min(t2)+(max(t2)-min(t2))/2., max(t2)], xtickinterval=1, xtitle='Surface pressure (Pa)', ytitle='Relative quantity (ratio to max value in %)';, yrange=[0,4] oplot, t3, r3, psym=2 oplot, t1, r1, psym=5 PS_END, /PNG getcdf, $ file='./wrfout_d01_9999-01-01_00:00:00', $ charvar='PSFC', $ invar=psfc xx=findgen(n_elements(psfc(*,0,0)))*50. yy=findgen(n_elements(psfc(0,*,0)))*50. PS_START, file='' !P.Charsize = 1.2 !p.charthick = 2.0 !p.thick = 2.0 !x.thick = 2.0 !y.thick = 2.0 levu=[685.,687.,689.,691.,693.,695.,697.,699.,701.,703.,705.,707.,709.,711.,713.,715.,717.,719.] psfc(0,0,1)=684. psfc(0,1,1)=718. loadct, 4 contour, reform(psfc(*,*,1)), xx, yy, /cell_fill, nlevels=60, xtitle='x dimension (m)', ytitle='y dimension (m)', /isotropic, max_value=718., min_value=684. contour, reform(psfc(*,*,1)), xx, yy, lev=levu, c_labels=findgen(n_elements(levu))*0+1, /overplot PS_END, /PNG stop ;m = max(psfc) ;psfc = -11000. * alog ( psfc / m ) PS_START, file='' !P.Charsize = 1.2 !p.charthick = 2.0 !p.thick = 2.0 !x.thick = 2.0 !y.thick = 2.0 plot, psfc, w1, psym=3, title='Maximum of vertical wind amplitude along the vertical (between LT 11 and 15)', xtitle='Surface pressure (Pa)', ytitle='Maximum vertical wind (m s!U-1!N)', yrange=[5.,20.], xrange=[685.,720.] oplot, psfc, w2, psym=3 oplot, psfc, w3, psym=3 oplot, psfc, w4, psym=3 PS_END, /PNG PS_START, file='' !P.Charsize = 1.2 !p.charthick = 2.0 !p.thick = 2.0 !x.thick = 2.0 !y.thick = 2.0 plot, psfc, wm1, psym=3, title='Maximum of vertical wind amplitude along the vertical (between LT 11 and 15)', xtitle='Surface pressure (Pa)', ytitle='Maximum vertical wind (m s!U-1!N)', yrange=[-12.,-4.], xrange=[685.,720.] oplot, psfc, wm2, psym=3 oplot, psfc, wm3, psym=3 oplot, psfc, wm4, psym=3 PS_END, /PNG end