! ! ! SUBROUTINE thermcell_flux(ngrid,nlay,ptimestep,masse, & lalim,lmin,lmax,alim_star,entr_star,detr_star, & f,rhobarz,zlev,zw2,fm,entr, & detr,zqla,lev_out,lunout1,igout) !============================================================================== ! thermcell_flux: deduction des flux !============================================================================== USE print_control_mod, ONLY: prt_level USE thermcell_mod IMPLICIT NONE !============================================================================== ! Declaration !============================================================================== ! inputs: ! ------- INTEGER ngrid INTEGER nlay INTEGER igout INTEGER lev_out INTEGER lunout1 INTEGER lmin(ngrid) INTEGER lmax(ngrid) INTEGER lalim(ngrid) REAL alim_star(ngrid,nlay) REAL entr_star(ngrid,nlay) REAL detr_star(ngrid,nlay) REAL zw2(ngrid,nlay+1) REAL zlev(ngrid,nlay+1) REAL masse(ngrid,nlay) REAL ptimestep REAL rhobarz(ngrid,nlay) REAL f(ngrid) REAL zqla(ngrid,nlay) REAL zmax(ngrid) ! outputs: ! -------- REAL entr(ngrid,nlay) REAL detr(ngrid,nlay) REAL fm(ngrid,nlay+1) ! local: ! ------ INTEGER ig,l INTEGER lout REAL zfm ! mass flux such as updraft fraction is equal to its maximal authorized value alphamax REAL f_old ! save initial value of mass flux REAL eee0 ! save initial value of entrainment REAL ddd0 ! save initial value of detrainment REAL eee ! eee0 - layer mass * maximal authorized mass fraction / dt REAL ddd ! ddd0 - eee REAL zzz ! temporary variable set to mass flux REAL test INTEGER ncorecfm1 INTEGER ncorecfm2 INTEGER ncorecfm3 INTEGER ncorecfm4 INTEGER ncorecfm5 INTEGER ncorecfm6 INTEGER ncorecfm7 INTEGER ncorecfm8 INTEGER ncorecalpha LOGICAL check_debug LOGICAL labort_physic CHARACTER (len=20) :: modname='thermcell_flux' CHARACTER (len=80) :: abort_message !============================================================================== ! Initialization !============================================================================== ncorecfm1 = 0 ncorecfm2 = 0 ncorecfm3 = 0 ncorecfm4 = 0 ncorecfm5 = 0 ncorecfm6 = 0 ncorecfm7 = 0 ncorecfm8 = 0 ncorecalpha = 0 entr(:,:) = 0. detr(:,:) = 0. fm(:,:) = 0. IF (prt_level.ge.10) THEN write(lunout1,*) 'Dans thermcell_flux 0' write(lunout1,*) 'flux base ', f(igout) write(lunout1,*) 'lmax ', lmax(igout) write(lunout1,*) 'lalim ', lalim(igout) write(lunout1,*) 'ig= ', igout write(lunout1,*) ' l E* A* D* ' write(lunout1,'(i4,3e15.5)') (l,entr_star(igout,l), & & alim_star(igout,l),detr_star(igout,l), & & l=1,lmax(igout)) ENDIF !============================================================================== ! Calcul de l'entrainement, du detrainement et du flux de masse !============================================================================== !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Multiplication par la norme issue de la relation de fermeture !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DO l=1,nlay entr(:,l) = f(:) * (entr_star(:,l) + alim_star(:,l)) detr(:,l) = f(:) * detr_star(:,l) ENDDO !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Calcul du flux de masse !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DO l=1,nlay DO ig=1,ngrid IF (l.lt.lmax(ig) .and. l.ge.lmin(ig)) THEN fm(ig,l+1) = fm(ig,l) + entr(ig,l) - detr(ig,l) ELSEIF (l.eq.lmax(ig)) THEN fm(ig,l+1) = 0. detr(ig,l) = fm(ig,l) + entr(ig,l) ELSE fm(ig,l+1) = 0. entr(ig,l) = 0. detr(ig,l) = 0. ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO !============================================================================== ! Tests de validite !============================================================================== DO l=1,nlay !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Verification de la positivite du flux de masse entrant !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! AB : I remove the correction and replace it by an uncompromising test. ! According to the previous derivations, we MUST have positive mass flux ! everywhere! Indeed, as soon as fm becomes negative, the plume stops. ! Then the only value which can be negative is the mass flux at the top of ! the plume. However, this value was set to zero a few lines above. !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ labort_physic=.false. DO ig=1,ngrid IF (fm(ig,l).lt.0.) THEN labort_physic = .true. igout = ig lout = l ENDIF ENDDO IF (labort_physic) THEN print *, 'ERROR: mass flux has negative value(s)!' print *, 'ig,l,fm',ig,l,entr(igout,lout) abort_message = 'negative incoming fm in thermcell_flux' CALL abort_physic(modname,abort_message,1) ENDIF !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Test sur fraca constante ou croissante au-dessus de lalim !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! AB : Do we have to decree that? If so, set iflag_thermals_optflux to 0 IF (iflag_thermals_optflux==0) THEN DO ig=1,ngrid IF (l.ge.lalim(ig).and.l.le.lmax(ig).and.(zw2(ig,l+1).gt.1.e-10).and.(zw2(ig,l).gt.1.e-10) ) THEN zzz = fm(ig,l) * rhobarz(ig,l+1) * zw2(ig,l+1) & & / (rhobarz(ig,l) * zw2(ig,l)) IF (fm(ig,l+1).gt.zzz) THEN detr(ig,l) = detr(ig,l) + fm(ig,l+1) - zzz fm(ig,l+1) = zzz ncorecfm4 = ncorecfm4 + 1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Test sur flux de masse constant ou decroissant au-dessus de lalim !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! AB : Do we have to decree that? If so, set iflag_thermals_optflux to 0 IF (iflag_thermals_optflux==0) THEN DO ig=1,ngrid IF ((fm(ig,l+1).gt.fm(ig,l)).and.(l.gt.lalim(ig))) then f_old = fm(ig,l+1) fm(ig,l+1) = fm(ig,l) detr(ig,l) = detr(ig,l) + f_old - fm(ig,l+1) ncorecfm5 = ncorecfm5 + 1 ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Test entrainment et detrainment positif !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! AB : According to the previous derivations, we MUST have positive entrainment ! and detrainment everywhere! ! Indeed, they are set to max between zero and a computed value. ! Then tests are uncompromising. !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ labort_physic=.false. DO ig=1,ngrid IF (entr(ig,l).lt.0.) THEN labort_physic = .true. igout = ig lout = l ENDIF ENDDO IF (labort_physic) THEN print *, 'ERROR: entrainment has negative value(s)!' print *, 'ig,l,entr', igout, lout, entr(igout,lout) abort_message = 'negative entrainment in thermcell_flux' CALL abort_physic(modname,abort_message,1) ENDIF DO ig=1,ngrid IF (detr(ig,l).lt.0.) THEN labort_physic = .true. igout = ig lout = l ENDIF ENDDO IF (labort_physic) THEN print *, 'ERROR: detrainment has negative value(s)!' print *, 'ig,l,detr', igout, lout, detr(igout,lout) abort_message = 'negative detrainment in thermcell_flux' CALL abort_physic(modname,abort_message,1) ENDIF !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Test detrainment inferieur au flux de masse !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! AB : Even if fm has no negative value, it can be lesser than detr. ! That's not suitable because when we will mix the plume with the ! environment, it will detrain more mass than it is physically able to do. ! When it occures, that imply that entr + fm is greater than detr, ! otherwise we get a negative outgoing mass flux (cf. above). ! That is why we correct the detrainment as follows. !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DO ig=1,ngrid IF (detr(ig,l).gt.fm(ig,l)) THEN detr(ig,l) = fm(ig,l) entr(ig,l) = fm(ig,l+1) IF (prt_level.ge.10) THEN print *, 'Detrainment is modified in thermcell_flux' print *, 'ig,l,lmax', ig, l, lmax(ig) ENDIF IF (prt_level.ge.100) THEN print *, 'fm-', fm(ig,l) print *, 'entr,detr', entr(ig,l), detr(ig,l) print *, 'fm+', fm(ig,l+1) ENDIF ncorecfm6 = ncorecfm6 + 1 !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! Dans le cas ou on est au dessus de la couche d'alimentation et que le ! detrainement est plus fort que le flux de masse, on stope le thermique. ! test : on commente ! ! AB : Do we have to stop the plume here? ! ! AB : WARNING: if lmax is modified, be sure that fm, zw2, entr and detr are ! set to zero above this level! !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! IF (l.gt.lalim(ig)) THEN ! lmax(ig)=l ! fm(ig,l+1)=0. ! entr(ig,l)=0. ! ELSE ! ncorecfm7=ncorecfm7+1 ! ENDIF ENDIF ! ! IF (l.gt.lmax(ig)) THEN ! detr(ig,l) = 0. ! fm(ig,l+1) = 0. ! entr(ig,l) = 0. ! ENDIF ENDDO ! labort_physic=.false. ! ! DO ig=1,ngrid ! IF (entr(ig,l).lt.0.) THEN ! labort_physic=.true. ! igout=ig ! ENDIF ! ENDDO ! ! IF (labort_physic) THEN ! print *, 'ERROR: detrainment is greater than mass flux and' ! print *, ' entrainment cannot compensate it!' ! print *, 'ig,l,lmax(ig)', igout, l, lmax(igout) ! print *, 'entr(ig,l)', entr(igout,l) ! print *, 'fm(ig,l)', fm(igout,l) ! abort_message = 'problem in thermcell_flux' ! CALL abort_physic (modname,abort_message,1) ! ENDIF !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Test fraction masse entrainee inferieure a fomass_max !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! AB : Entrainment is bigger than the maximal authorized value. ! If we consider that the excess entrainement is in fact plume air which ! is not detrained then we compensate it by decreasing detr. ! If it's not enough, we can increase entr in the layer above and decrease ! the outgoing mass flux in the current layer. ! If it's still unsufficient, code will abort. !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ labort_physic=.false. DO ig=1,ngrid eee0 = entr(ig,l) ddd0 = detr(ig,l) eee = entr(ig,l) - masse(ig,l) * fomass_max / ptimestep ddd = detr(ig,l) - eee IF (eee.gt.0.) THEN entr(ig,l) = entr(ig,l) - eee ncorecfm3 = ncorecfm3 + 1 print *, 'CORRECTION: entr is to large!' print *, 'ig,l,lmax', ig, l, lmax(ig) IF (ddd.gt.0.) THEN detr(ig,l) = ddd ELSE IF (l.eq.lmax(ig)) THEN detr(ig,l) = fm(ig,l) + entr(ig,l) ELSEIF (l.lt.lmax(ig)) THEN entr(ig,l+1) = entr(ig,l+1) - ddd detr(ig,l) = 0. fm(ig,l+1) = fm(ig,l) + entr(ig,l) ELSE igout=ig lout=l labort_physic=.true. ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO IF (labort_physic) THEN print *, ' ERROR: Entrainment is greater than its maximal authorized value!' print *, ' Nor detrainment neither entrainment can compensate it!' print *, 'ig,l,lmax', igout, lout, lmax(igout) print *, 'entr :', eee0 print *, 'detr :', ddd0 print *, 'e_max :', masse(igout,lout)*fomass_max/ptimestep print *, ' --- fomass_max :', fomass_max print *, ' --- masse :', masse(igout,lout) print *, ' --- ptimestep :', ptimestep print *, 'eee :', eee print *, 'ddd :', ddd print *, 'fm-', fm(ig,l) print *, 'entr,detr', entr(ig,l), detr(ig,l) print *, 'fm+', fm(ig,l+1) abort_message = 'problem in thermcell_flux' CALL abort_physic (modname,abort_message,1) ENDIF !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Test fraction couverte inferieure a alphamax !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! FH : Partie a revisiter. ! Il semble qu'etaient codees ici deux optiques dans le cas F/(rho*w) > 1 ! - soit limiter la hauteur du thermique en considerant que c'est ! la derniere chouche ! - soit limiter F a rho w. ! Dans le second cas, il faut en fait limiter a un peu moins que ca parce ! qu'on a des 1/(1-alpha) un peu plus loin dans thermcell_main et qu'il ! semble de toutes facons deraisonable d'avoir des fractions de 1... ! Ci-dessous, et dans l'etat actuel, le premier des deux if est sans doute inutile. !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DO ig=1,ngrid zfm = rhobarz(ig,l+1) * zw2(ig,l+1) * alphamax IF (fm(ig,l+1) .gt. zfm) THEN f_old = fm(ig,l+1) fm(ig,l+1) = zfm detr(ig,l) = detr(ig,l) + f_old - fm(ig,l+1) !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! AB : The previous change doesn't observe the equation df/dz = e - d. ! To avoid this issue, what is better to do? I choose to increase the ! entrainment in the layer above. !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ entr(ig,l+1) = entr(ig,l+1) + f_old - fm(ig,l+1) IF (prt_level.ge.10) THEN print *, 'Mass flux is modified in thermcell_flux' print *, 'ig,l,lmax', ig, l, lmax(ig) ENDIF IF (prt_level.ge.100) THEN print *, 'fm-', fm(ig,l) print *, 'entr,detr', entr(ig,l), detr(ig,l) print *, 'fm+', fm(ig,l+1) ENDIF ncorecalpha = ncorecalpha+1 ENDIF ENDDO !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Test sur fm sortant positif !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! AB : Is it usefull to do that? ! We will check fm in the first test with the next value of l !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! DO ig=1,ngrid ! IF (fm(ig,l+1).lt.0.) THEN ! detr(ig,l) = detr(ig,l) + fm(ig,l+1) ! fm(ig,l+1) = 0. ! ncorecfm2 = ncorecfm2 + 1 ! ENDIF ! ENDDO ! ! labort_physic=.false. ! ! DO ig=1,ngrid ! IF (detr(ig,l).lt.0.) THEN ! labort_physic = .true. ! igout = ig ! lout = l ! ENDIF ! ENDDO ! ! IF (labort_physic) THEN ! print *, ' ERROR: mass flux has negative value(s) and detrainement' ! print *, ' cannot compensate it!' ! print*,'ig,l,entr', igout, lout, entr(igout,lout) ! abort_message = 'negative outgoing fm in thermcell flux' ! CALL abort_physic (modname,abort_message,1) ! ENDIF ENDDO !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! We check if fm, entr and detr vanish correctly in layer lmax !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! AB : test added to avoid problem when lmax = 0, which is not a fortran index. !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IF (lmax(ig).gt.0) THEN DO ig=1,ngrid detr(ig,lmax(ig)) = fm(ig,lmax(ig)) + entr(ig,lmax(ig)) fm(ig,lmax(ig)+1) = 0. entr(ig,lmax(ig)) = 0. ENDDO ENDIF !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Impression des bidouilles utilisees pour corriger les problemes !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IF (prt_level.ge.1) THEN ! AB : those outputs are commented for their uselessness. ! IF (ncorecfm2.ge.1) THEN ! print *, 'WARNING: Outgoing mass flux has negative value(s)!' ! print *, 'in', ncorecfm2, 'point(s)' ! ENDIF IF (ncorecfm4.ge.1) THEN print *, 'WARNING: Deacreasing updraft fraction above lalim!' print *, 'in', ncorecfm4, 'point(s)' ENDIF IF (ncorecfm5.ge.1) THEN print *, 'WARNING: Increasing mass flux above lalim!' print *, 'in', ncorecfm5, 'point(s)' ENDIF IF (ncorecfm6.ge.1) THEN print *, 'WARNING: Detrainment is greater than mass flux!' print *, 'in', ncorecfm6, 'point(s)' ENDIF ! AB : those outputs are commented because corresponding test is also commented. ! IF (ncorecfm7.ge.1) THEN ! print *, 'WARNING: Detrainment is greater than mass flux!' ! print *, 'in', ncorecfm7, 'point(s)' ! ENDIF IF (ncorecfm3.ge.1) THEN print *, 'WARNING: Entrained mass is greater than its maximal authorized value!' print *, 'in', ncorecfm3, 'point(s)' ENDIF IF (ncorecalpha.ge.1) THEN print *, 'WARNING: Updraft fraction is greater than its maximal authorized value!' print *, 'in', ncorecalpha, 'point(s)' ENDIF ENDIF !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! AB : temporary test added to check the validity of eq. df/dz = e - d !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! DO l=1,nlay ! DO ig=1,ngrid ! test = abs(fm(ig,l) + entr(ig,l) - detr(ig,l) - fm(ig,l+1)) ! IF (test.gt.1.e-10) THEN ! print *, 'WARNING: df/dz != entr - detr' ! print *, 'ig,l', ig, l ! print *, 'fm- :', fm(ig,l) ! print *, 'entr,detr', entr(ig,l), detr(ig,l) ! print *, 'fm+ :', fm(ig,l+1) ! print *, 'err. :', test ! ENDIF ! ENDDO ! ENDDO RETURN END