subroutine ballon (iam,dtphys,rjour,rsec,plat,plon, i temp, p, u, v, geop) implicit none c====================================================================== c Auteur: S. Lebonnois (LMD/CNRS) date: 20091201 c Object: Compute balloon trajectories. C No outputs, every quantities are written on the iam+ Files. c c Called by physiq.F if flag ballons activated: c c integer ballons c (...) c ballons = 1 ! (in initialisations) c (...) C OUVERTURE DES FICHIERS FORMATTES CONTENANT LES POSITIONS ET VITESSES C DES BALLONS c if (ballons.eq.1) then c open(30,file='ballons-lat.out',form='formatted') c open(31,file='ballons-lon.out',form='formatted') c open(32,file='ballons-u.out',form='formatted') c open(33,file='ballons-v.out',form='formatted') c open(34,file='ballons-alt.out',form='formatted') c write(*,*)'Ouverture des ballons*.out' c endif !ballons c (...) C CALL ballon(30,pdtphys,rjourvrai,gmtime,rlatd,rlond, CC C t,pplay,u,v,pphi) ! alt above surface (smoothed for GCM) C C t,pplay,u,v,zphi) ! alt above planet average radius c (...) C FERMETURE DES FICHIERS FORMATTES CONTENANT LES POSITIONS ET VITESSES C DES BALLONS c if (ballons.eq.1) then c write(*,*)'Fermeture des ballons*.out' c close(30) c close(31) c close(32) c close(33) c close(34) c endif !ballons c C====================================================================== c Explicit Arguments: c ================== c iam-----input-I-File number where latitudes are written c It is a formatted file that has been opened c in physiq.F c other files: iam+1=longitudes c iam+2=zonal speeds c iam+3=meridional speeds c iam+4=altitudes c dtphys--input-R-pas de temps physique c rjour---input-R-Jour compte depuis le debut de la simu (run.def) c rsec----input-R-Seconde de la journee c plat ---input-R-Latitude en degres c plon ---input-R-Longitude en degres c temp----input-R-Temperature (K) at model levels c p-------input-R-Pressure (Pa) at model levels c u-------input-R-Horizontal wind (m/s) c v-------input-R-Meridional wind (m/s) c geop----input-R-Geopotential !! above surface OR average radius c c c Implicit Arguments: c =================== c c iim--common-I: Number of longitude intervals c jjm--common-I: Number of latitude intervals c klon-common-I: Number of points seen by the physics c iim*(jjm-1)+2 for instance c klev-common-I: Number of vertical layers c RPI,RKBOL--common-R: Pi, KBoltzman c RDAY,RA,RG-common-R: day length in s, planet radius, gravity c====================================================================== c Local Variables: c ================ c c nb ---I: number of balloons (parameter) c phib ---R: Latitude of balloon in radians c lamb ---R: Longitude of balloon in radians c lognb ---R: log(density) of balloon c ub ---R: zonal speed of balloon c vb ---R: meridional speed of balloon c altb ---R: altitude of balloon c zlat ---R: Latitude in radians c zlon ---R: Longitude in radians c logn ---R: log(density) c alt ---R: altitude !! above surface OR average radius c ull ---R: zonal wind for one balloon on the lognb surface c vll ---R: meridional wind for one balloon on the lognb surface c aal ---R: altitude for one balloon on the lognb surface c====================================================================== #include "dimensions.h" #include "dimphy.h" #include "YOMCST.h" c c ARGUMENTS c INTEGER iam REAL dtphys,rjour,rsec,plat(klon),plon(klon) REAL temp(klon,klev),p(klon,klev) REAL u(klon,klev),v(klon,klev),geop(klon,klev) c c Variables locales: c INTEGER i,j,k,l,nb,n parameter (nb=20) !! Adjust the format on line 100 !! INTEGER jj,ii,ll REAL zlon(iim+1),zlat(jjm+1) save zlon,zlat REAL time REAL logn(klon,klev),ull(klon),vll(klon) REAL alt(klon,klev),aal(klon) real ub(nb),vb(nb),phib(nb),lamb(nb),lognb(nb),altb(nb) save phib,lamb,lognb REAL factalt c RungeKutta order - If not RK, Nrk=1 integer Nrk,irk parameter (Nrk=1) real dtrk logical first save first data first/.true./ time = rjour*RDAY+rsec logn(:,:) = log10(p(:,:)/(RKBOL*temp(:,:))) alt(:,:) = geop(:,:)/RG c--------------------------------------------- C INITIALIZATIONS c--------------------------------------------- if (first) then print*,"BALLOONS ACTIVATED" C Latitudes: zlat(1)=plat(1)*RPI/180. do j = 2,jjm k=(j-2)*iim+2 zlat(j)=plat(k)*RPI/180. enddo zlat(jjm+1)=plat(klon)*RPI/180. C Longitudes: do i = 1,iim k=i+1 zlon(i)=plon(k)*RPI/180. enddo zlon(iim+1)=zlon(1)+2.*RPI c verif init lat de 90 à -90, lon de -180 à 180 c print*,"Latitudes:",zlat*180./RPI c print*,"Longitudes:",zlon*180./RPI c stop c initial positions of balloons (in degrees for lat/lon) do j=1,5 do i=1,4 k=(j-1)*4+i phib(k)= (j-1)*20.*RPI/180. lamb(k)= (i-3)*90.*RPI/180. ! de -180 à 90 c A REVOIR POUR TITAN lognb(k)= log10(5.e4/(RKBOL*300.)) ! ~55km in VIRA model enddo enddo print*,"Balloon density (m^-3)=",10.**(lognb(1)) c print*,"log(density) profile:" c do l=1,klev c print*,logn(klon/2,l) c enddo c stop !verif init first=.false. endif ! first c--------------------------------------------- c------------------------------------------------- c loop over the balloons c------------------------------------------------- do n=1,nb c Interpolation in altitudes c------------------------------------------------- do k=1,klon ll=1 ! en bas do l=2,klev if (lognb(n).lt.logn(k,l)) ll=l enddo factalt= (lognb(n)-logn(k,ll))/(logn(k,ll+1)-logn(k,ll)) ull(k) = u(k,ll+1)*factalt + u(k,ll)*(1-factalt) vll(k) = v(k,ll+1)*factalt + v(k,ll)*(1-factalt) aal(k) = alt(k,ll+1)*factalt + alt(k,ll)*(1-factalt) enddo c Interpolation in latitudes and longitudes c------------------------------------------- call wind_interp(ull,vll,aal,zlat,zlon, . phib(n),lamb(n),ub(n),vb(n),altb(n)) enddo ! over balloons c------------------------------------------------- c------------------------------------------------- c Output of positions and speed at time c------------------------------------------------- write(iam, 100) time, phib*180./RPI write(iam+1,100) time, lamb*180./RPI write(iam+2,100) time, ub write(iam+3,100) time, vb write(iam+4,100) time, altb c stop !verif init c !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nb !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 100 format(E14.7,20(1x,E12.5)) c------------------------------------------------- c Implementation: positions at time+dt c RK order Nrk c------------------------------------------------- dtrk = dtphys/Nrk time=time+dtrk do n=1,nb call pos_implem(phib(n),lamb(n),ub(n),vb(n),dtrk) enddo if ( then do irk=2,Nrk do n=1,nb time=time+dtrk call wind_interp(ull,vll,aal,zlat,zlon, . phib(n),lamb(n),ub(n),vb(n),altb(n)) call pos_implem(phib(n),lamb(n),ub(n),vb(n),dtrk) enddo enddo endif end c====================================================================== c====================================================================== c====================================================================== subroutine wind_interp(map_u,map_v,map_a,latit,longit, . phi,lam,ubal,vbal,abal) implicit none c====================================================================== c Auteur: S. Lebonnois (LMD/CNRS) date: 20091201 c Object: interpolate balloon speed from its position. C====================================================================== c Explicit Arguments: c ================== c map_u ---R: zonal wind on the lognb surface c map_v ---R: meridional wind on the lognb surface c map_a ---R: altitude on the lognb surface c latit ---R: Latitude in radians c longit---R: Longitude in radians c phi ---R: Latitude of balloon in radians c lam ---R: Longitude of balloon in radians c ubal ---R: zonal speed of balloon c vbal ---R: meridional speed of balloon c abal ---R: altitude of balloon c====================================================================== c Local Variables: c ================ c c ujj ---R: zonal wind interpolated in latitude c vjj ---R: meridional wind interpolated in latitude c ajj ---R: altitude interpolated in latitude c====================================================================== #include "dimensions.h" #include "dimphy.h" #include "YOMCST.h" c c ARGUMENTS c real map_u(klon),map_v(klon),map_a(klon) real latit(jjm+1),longit(iim) real phi,lam,ubal,vbal,abal c c Variables locales: c INTEGER i,j,k INTEGER jj,ii REAL ujj(iim+1),vjj(iim+1),ajj(iim+1) REAL factlat,factlon c Interpolation in latitudes c------------------------------------------------- jj=1 ! POLE NORD do j=2,jjm if ( jj=j enddo factlat = (phi-latit(jj))/(latit(jj+1)-latit(jj)) c pole nord if (jj.eq.1) then do i=1,iim ujj(i) = map_u(i+1)*factlat + map_u(1)*(1-factlat) vjj(i) = map_v(i+1)*factlat + map_v(1)*(1-factlat) ajj(i) = map_a(i+1)*factlat + map_a(1)*(1-factlat) enddo c pole sud elseif (jj.eq.jjm) then do i=1,iim k = (jj-2)*iim+1+i ujj(i) = map_u(klon)*factlat + map_u(k)*(1-factlat) vjj(i) = map_v(klon)*factlat + map_v(k)*(1-factlat) ajj(i) = map_a(klon)*factlat + map_a(k)*(1-factlat) enddo c autres latitudes else do i=1,iim k = (jj-2)*iim+1+i ujj(i) = map_u(k+iim)*factlat + map_u(k)*(1-factlat) vjj(i) = map_v(k+iim)*factlat + map_v(k)*(1-factlat) ajj(i) = map_a(k+iim)*factlat + map_a(k)*(1-factlat) enddo endif ujj(iim+1)=ujj(1) vjj(iim+1)=vjj(1) ajj(iim+1)=ajj(1) c Interpolation in longitudes c------------------------------------------------- ii=1 ! lon=-180 do i=2,iim if ( ii=i enddo factlon = (lam-longit(ii))/(longit(ii+1)-longit(ii)) ubal = ujj(ii+1)*factlon + ujj(ii)*(1-factlon) vbal = vjj(ii+1)*factlon + vjj(ii)*(1-factlon) abal = ajj(ii+1)*factlon + ajj(ii)*(1-factlon) end c====================================================================== c====================================================================== c====================================================================== subroutine pos_implem(phi,lam,ubal,vbal,dt) implicit none c====================================================================== c Auteur: S. Lebonnois (LMD/CNRS) date: 20091201 c Object: implementation of balloon position. C====================================================================== c Explicit Arguments: c ================== c phi ---R: Latitude of balloon in radians c lam ---R: Longitude of balloon in radians c ubal ---R: zonal speed of balloon c vbal ---R: meridional speed of balloon c dt ---R: time step c====================================================================== #include "dimensions.h" #include "dimphy.h" #include "YOMCST.h" c c ARGUMENTS c real phi,lam,ubal,vbal,abal,dt c incrementation longitude lam = lam + ubal*dt/(RA*cos(phi)) c maintenue entre -PI et PI: do while ( lam=lam-2*RPI enddo do while (*RPI)) lam=lam+2*RPI enddo c incrementation latitude phi = phi + vbal*dt/RA c maintenue entre -PI/2 et PI/2: if ( 0.5*RPI)) phi= RPI-phi if (phi.le.(-0.5*RPI)) phi=-1.*RPI-phi end