subroutine optci(PQMO,NLAY,PLEV,TLEV,TMID,PMID, & DTAUI,TAUCUMI,COSBI,WBARI,TAUGSURF,SEASHAZEFACT) use radinc_h use radcommon_h, only: gasi,gasi_recomb,tlimit,Cmk,gzlat_ig, & tgasref,pfgasref,wnoi,scalep,indi,gweight use gases_h use comcstfi_mod, only: r use callkeys_mod, only: continuum,graybody,corrk_recombin, & callclouds,callmufi,seashaze,uncoupl_optic_haze use tracer_h, only : nmicro,nice use MMP_OPTICS implicit none !================================================================== ! ! Purpose ! ------- ! Calculates longwave optical constants at each level. For each ! layer and spectral interval in the IR it calculates WBAR, DTAU ! and COSBAR. For each level it calculates TAU. ! ! TAUCUMI(L,LW) is the cumulative optical depth at level L (or alternatively ! at the *bottom* of layer L), LW is the spectral wavelength interval. ! ! TLEV(L) - Temperature at the layer boundary (i.e., level) ! PLEV(L) - Pressure at the layer boundary (i.e., level) ! ! Authors ! ------- ! Adapted from the NASA Ames code by R. Wordsworth (2009) ! Clean and adaptation to Titan by J. Vatant d'Ollone (2016-17) ! !================================================================== !========================================================== ! Input/Output !========================================================== REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: PQMO(nlay,nmicro) ! Tracers for microphysics optics (X/m2). INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: NLAY ! Number of pressure layers (for pqmo) REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: PLEV(L_LEVELS), TLEV(L_LEVELS) REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: TMID(L_LEVELS), PMID(L_LEVELS) REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: SEASHAZEFACT(L_LEVELS) REAL*8, INTENT(OUT) :: DTAUI(L_NLAYRAD,L_NSPECTI,L_NGAUSS) REAL*8, INTENT(OUT) :: TAUCUMI(L_LEVELS,L_NSPECTI,L_NGAUSS) REAL*8, INTENT(OUT) :: COSBI(L_NLAYRAD,L_NSPECTI,L_NGAUSS) REAL*8, INTENT(OUT) :: WBARI(L_NLAYRAD,L_NSPECTI,L_NGAUSS) REAL*8, INTENT(OUT) :: TAUGSURF(L_NSPECTI,L_NGAUSS-1) ! ========================================================== real*8 DTAUKI(L_LEVELS,L_NSPECTI,L_NGAUSS) ! Titan customisation ! J. Vatant d'Ollone (2016) real*8 DHAZE_T(L_LEVELS,L_NSPECTI) real*8 DHAZES_T(L_LEVELS,L_NSPECTI) real*8 SSA_T(L_LEVELS,L_NSPECTI) real*8 ASF_T(L_LEVELS,L_NSPECTI) real*8 INT_DTAU(L_NLAYRAD,L_NSPECTI) real*8 K_HAZE(L_NLAYRAD,L_NSPECTI) CHARACTER*2 str2 ! ========================== integer L, NW, NG, K, LK, IAER integer MT(L_LEVELS), MP(L_LEVELS), NP(L_LEVELS) real*8 ANS, TAUGAS real*8 DPR(L_LEVELS), U(L_LEVELS) real*8 LCOEF(4), LKCOEF(L_LEVELS,4) real*8 DCONT double precision wn_cont, p_cont, p_air, T_cont, dtemp, dtempc double precision p_cross real*8 KCOEF(4) ! temporary variable to reduce memory access time to gasi real*8 tmpk(2,2) ! temporary variables for multiple aerosol calculation real*8 atemp real*8 btemp(L_NLAYRAD,L_NSPECTI) ! variables for k in units m^-1 real*8 dz(L_LEVELS) !real*8 rho !! see test below integer igas, jgas, ilay integer interm real*8 m0as,m3as,m0af,m3af real*8 ext_s,sca_s,ssa_s,asf_s real*8 ext_f,sca_f,ssa_f,asf_f logical,save :: firstcall=.true. !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(firstcall) !! AS: to save time in computing continuum (see bilinearbig) IF (.not.ALLOCATED(indi)) THEN ALLOCATE(indi(L_NSPECTI,ngasmx,ngasmx)) indi = -9999 ! this initial value means "to be calculated" ENDIF ! Some initialisation beacause there's a pb with disr_haze at the limits (nw=1) ! I should check this - For now we set vars to zero : better than nans - JVO 2017 dhaze_t(:,:) = 0. ssa_t(:,:) = 0. asf_t(:,:) = 0. !======================================================================= ! Determine the total gas opacity throughout the column, for each ! spectral interval, NW, and each Gauss point, NG. taugsurf(:,:) = 0.0 dpr(:) = 0.0 lkcoef(:,:) = 0.0 do K=2,L_LEVELS ilay = k / 2 ! int. arithmetic => gives the gcm layer index DPR(k) = PLEV(K)-PLEV(K-1) ! if we have continuum opacities, we need dz dz(k) = dpr(k)*R*TMID(K)/(gzlat_ig(ilay)*PMID(K)) U(k) = Cmk(ilay)*DPR(k) ! only Cmk line in optci.F call tpindex(PMID(K),TMID(K),pfgasref,tgasref,LCOEF,MT(K),MP(K)) do LK=1,4 LKCOEF(K,LK) = LCOEF(LK) end do end do ! levels do NW=1,L_NSPECTI do K=2,L_LEVELS ilay = k / 2 ! int. arithmetic => gives the gcm layer index ! Optical coupling of YAMMS is plugged but inactivated for now ! as long as the microphysics only isn't fully debugged -- JVO 01/18 IF (callmufi .AND. (.NOT. uncoupl_optic_haze)) THEN m0as = pqmo(ilay,1) m3as = pqmo(ilay,2) m0af = pqmo(ilay,3) m3af = pqmo(ilay,4) IF (.NOT.mmp_sph_optics_ir(m0as,m3as,nw,ext_s,sca_s,ssa_s,asf_s)) & CALL abort_gcm("optcv", "Fatal error in mmp_sph_optics_ir", 12) IF (.NOT.mmp_fra_optics_ir(m0af,m3af,nw,ext_f,sca_f,ssa_f,asf_f)) & CALL abort_gcm("optcv", "Fatal error in mmp_fra_optics_ir", 12) dhaze_T(k,nw) = ext_s+ext_f SSA_T(k,nw) = (sca_s+sca_f)/dhaze_T(k,nw) ASF_T(k,nw) = (asf_s*sca_s + asf_f*sca_f) /(sca_s+sca_f) IF (callclouds.and.firstcall) & WRITE(*,*) 'WARNING: In optci, optical properties & &calculations are not implemented yet' ELSE ! Call fixed vertical haze profile of extinction - same for all columns call disr_haze(dz(k),plev(k),wnoi(nw),dhaze_T(k,nw),SSA_T(k,nw),ASF_T(k,nw)) if (seashaze) dhaze_T(k,nw) = dhaze_T(k,nw)*seashazefact(k) ENDIF DCONT = 0.0d0 ! continuum absorption if(continuum.and.(.not.graybody))then ! include continua if necessary wn_cont = dble(wnoi(nw)) T_cont = dble(TMID(k)) do igas=1,ngasmx p_cont = dble(PMID(k)*scalep*gfrac(igas,ilay)) dtemp=0.0d0 if(igas.eq.igas_N2)then interm = indi(nw,igas,igas) call interpolateN2N2(wn_cont,T_cont,p_cont,dtemp,.false.,interm) indi(nw,igas,igas) = interm elseif(igas.eq.igas_H2)then ! first do self-induced absorption interm = indi(nw,igas,igas) call interpolateH2H2(wn_cont,T_cont,p_cont,dtemp,.false.,interm) indi(nw,igas,igas) = interm ! then cross-interactions with other gases do jgas=1,ngasmx p_cross = dble(PMID(k)*scalep*gfrac(jgas,ilay)) dtempc = 0.0d0 if(jgas.eq.igas_N2)then interm = indi(nw,igas,jgas) call interpolateN2H2(wn_cont,T_cont,p_cross,p_cont,dtempc,.false.,interm) indi(nw,igas,jgas) = interm endif dtemp = dtemp + dtempc enddo elseif(igas.eq.igas_CH4)then ! first do self-induced absorption interm = indi(nw,igas,igas) call interpolateCH4CH4(wn_cont,T_cont,p_cont,dtemp,.false.,interm) indi(nw,igas,igas) = interm ! then cross-interactions with other gases do jgas=1,ngasmx p_cross = dble(PMID(k)*scalep*gfrac(jgas,ilay)) dtempc = 0.0d0 if(jgas.eq.igas_N2)then interm = indi(nw,igas,jgas) call interpolateN2CH4(wn_cont,T_cont,p_cross,p_cont,dtempc,.false.,interm) indi(nw,igas,jgas) = interm endif dtemp = dtemp + dtempc enddo endif DCONT = DCONT + dtemp enddo DCONT = DCONT*dz(k) endif do ng=1,L_NGAUSS-1 ! Now compute TAUGAS ! JVO 2017 : added tmpk because the repeated calls to gasi/v increased dramatically ! the execution time of optci/v -> ~ factor 2 on the whole radiative ! transfer on the tested simulations ! if (corrk_recombin) then tmpk = GASI_RECOMB(MT(K):MT(K)+1,MP(K):MP(K)+1,NW,NG) else tmpk = GASI(MT(K):MT(K)+1,MP(K):MP(K)+1,1,NW,NG) endif KCOEF(1) = tmpk(1,1) ! KCOEF(1) = GASI(MT(K),MP(K),1,NW,NG) KCOEF(2) = tmpk(1,2) ! KCOEF(2) = GASI(MT(K),MP(K)+1,1,NW,NG) KCOEF(3) = tmpk(2,2) ! KCOEF(3) = GASI(MT(K)+1,MP(K)+1,1,NW,NG) KCOEF(4) = tmpk(2,1) ! KCOEF(4) = GASI(MT(K)+1,MP(K),1,NW,NG) ! Interpolate the gaseous k-coefficients to the requested T,P values ANS = LKCOEF(K,1)*KCOEF(1) + LKCOEF(K,2)*KCOEF(2) + & LKCOEF(K,3)*KCOEF(3) + LKCOEF(K,4)*KCOEF(4) TAUGAS = U(k)*ANS TAUGSURF(NW,NG) = TAUGSURF(NW,NG) + TAUGAS + DCONT DTAUKI(K,nw,ng) = TAUGAS & + DCONT & ! For parameterized continuum absorption + DHAZE_T(K,NW) ! For Titan haze end do ! Now fill in the "clear" part of the spectrum (NG = L_NGAUSS), ! which holds continuum opacity only NG = L_NGAUSS DTAUKI(K,nw,ng) = 0.d0 & + DCONT & ! For parameterized continuum absorption + DHAZE_T(K,NW) ! For Titan Haze end do end do !======================================================================= ! Now the full treatment for the layers, where besides the opacity ! we need to calculate the scattering albedo and asymmetry factors ! ====================================================================== ! Haze scattering DO NW=1,L_NSPECTI DO K=2,L_LEVELS DHAZES_T(K,NW) = DHAZE_T(K,NW) * SSA_T(K,NW) ENDDO ENDDO DO NW=1,L_NSPECTI DO L=1,L_NLAYRAD-1 K = 2*L+1 btemp(L,NW) = DHAZES_T(K,NW) + DHAZES_T(K+1,NW) END DO ! L vertical loop ! Last level L = L_NLAYRAD K = 2*L+1 btemp(L,NW) = DHAZES_T(K,NW) END DO ! NW spectral loop DO NW=1,L_NSPECTI NG = L_NGAUSS DO L=1,L_NLAYRAD-1 K = 2*L+1 DTAUI(L,nw,ng) = DTAUKI(K,NW,NG) + DTAUKI(K+1,NW,NG)! + 1.e-50 atemp = 0. if(DTAUI(L,NW,NG) .GT. 1.0D-9) then atemp = atemp + & ASF_T(K,NW)*DHAZES_T(K,NW) + & ASF_T(K+1,NW)*DHAZES_T(K+1,NW) WBARI(L,nw,ng) = btemp(L,nw) / DTAUI(L,NW,NG) else WBARI(L,nw,ng) = 0.0D0 DTAUI(L,NW,NG) = 1.0D-9 endif if(btemp(L,nw) .GT. 0.0d0) then cosbi(L,NW,NG) = atemp/btemp(L,nw) else cosbi(L,NW,NG) = 0.0D0 end if END DO ! L vertical loop ! Last level L = L_NLAYRAD K = 2*L+1 DTAUI(L,nw,ng) = DTAUKI(K,NW,NG) ! + 1.e-50 atemp = 0. if(DTAUI(L,NW,NG) .GT. 1.0D-9) then atemp = atemp + ASF_T(K,NW)*DHAZES_T(K,NW) WBARI(L,nw,ng) = btemp(L,nw) / DTAUI(L,NW,NG) else WBARI(L,nw,ng) = 0.0D0 DTAUI(L,NW,NG) = 1.0D-9 endif if(btemp(L,nw) .GT. 0.0d0) then cosbi(L,NW,NG) = atemp/btemp(L,nw) else cosbi(L,NW,NG) = 0.0D0 end if ! Now the other Gauss points, if needed. DO NG=1,L_NGAUSS-1 IF(TAUGSURF(NW,NG) .gt. TLIMIT) THEN DO L=1,L_NLAYRAD-1 K = 2*L+1 DTAUI(L,nw,ng) = DTAUKI(K,NW,NG)+DTAUKI(K+1,NW,NG)! + 1.e-50 if(DTAUI(L,NW,NG) .GT. 1.0D-9) then WBARI(L,nw,ng) = btemp(L,nw) / DTAUI(L,NW,NG) else WBARI(L,nw,ng) = 0.0D0 DTAUI(L,NW,NG) = 1.0D-9 endif cosbi(L,NW,NG) = cosbi(L,NW,L_NGAUSS) END DO ! L vertical loop ! Last level L = L_NLAYRAD K = 2*L+1 DTAUI(L,nw,ng) = DTAUKI(K,NW,NG)! + 1.e-50 if(DTAUI(L,NW,NG) .GT. 1.0D-9) then WBARI(L,nw,ng) = btemp(L,nw) / DTAUI(L,NW,NG) else WBARI(L,nw,ng) = 0.0D0 DTAUI(L,NW,NG) = 1.0D-9 endif cosbi(L,NW,NG) = cosbi(L,NW,L_NGAUSS) END IF END DO ! NG Gauss loop END DO ! NW spectral loop ! Total extinction optical depths DO NG=1,L_NGAUSS ! full gauss loop DO NW=1,L_NSPECTI TAUCUMI(1,NW,NG)=0.0D0 DO K=2,L_LEVELS TAUCUMI(K,NW,NG)=TAUCUMI(K-1,NW,NG)+DTAUKI(K,NW,NG) END DO END DO ! end full gauss loop END DO ! be aware when comparing with textbook results ! (e.g. Pierrehumbert p. 218) that ! taucumi does not take the =0.5 factor into ! account. It is the optical depth for a vertically ! ascending ray with angle theta = 0. ! Titan's outputs (J.V.O, 2016)=============================================== ! do l=1,L_NLAYRAD ! do nw=1,L_NSPECTI ! INT_DTAU(L,NW) = 0.0d+0 ! DO NG=1,L_NGAUSS ! INT_DTAU(L,NW)= INT_DTAU(L,NW) + dtaui(L,nw,ng)*gweight(NG) ! enddo ! enddo ! enddo ! do nw=1,L_NSPECTI ! write(str2,'(i2.2)') nw ! call writediagfi(1,'kgi'//str2,'Gaz extinction coefficient IR band '//str2,'m-1',1,int_dtau(L_NLAYRAD:1:-1,nw)/dz_lay(L_NLAYRAD:1:-1)) ! call writediagfi(1,'khi'//str2,'Haze extinction coefficient IR band '//str2,'m-1',1,k_haze(L_NLAYRAD:1:-1,nw)/dz_lay(L_NLAYRAD:1:-1)) ! enddo ! ============================================================================== if(firstcall) firstcall = .false. return end subroutine optci