pro profile_uvt ; ; ; what_I_plot=0. overcontour=0 mention='' SPAWN, '\rm param_plot.idl ; cp param_plot.idl ; cp -f '+save_ps+'' if (n_elements(coord2d) eq 0) then coord2d='false' ; ; ; zefile=save_ps PS_Start, filename=zefile+'.ps' print, zefile+'.ps' !P.Charsize = 1.2 !p.charthick = 2.0 !p.thick = 2.0 !x.thick = 2.0 !y.thick = 2.0 !p.multi=[0,2,2] !P.Charsize = 1.0 ; ; ; if (n_elements(field1) ne 0) then getcdf, file=filename, charvar=field1, invar=cfield1 u = getget(filename, 'Um', count=[1,1,0,1], offset=[zex, zey, 0,ntime]) v = getget(filename, 'Vm', count=[1,1,0,1], offset=[zex, zey, 0,ntime]) w = getget(filename, 'WAVE', count=[1,1,0,1], offset=[zex, zey, 0,ntime]) u2 = getget(filename, 'Um', count=[1,1,0,1], offset=[zex2,zey2,0,ntime]) v2 = getget(filename, 'Vm', count=[1,1,0,1], offset=[zex2,zey2,0,ntime]) w2 = getget(filename, 'WAVE', count=[1,1,0,1], offset=[zex2,zey2,0,ntime]) tk = getget(filename, 'tk', count=[1,1,0,1], offset=[zex, zey, 0,ntime]) tk2 = getget(filename, 'tk', count=[1,1,0,1], offset=[zex2, zey2, 0,ntime]) tpot = getget(filename, 'tpot', count=[1,1,0,1], offset=[zex, zey, 0,ntime]) tpot2 = getget(filename, 'tpot', count=[1,1,0,1], offset=[zex2, zey2, 0,ntime]) getcdf, file=filename, charvar='XLONG', invar=longi getcdf, file=filename, charvar='XLAT', invar=lati getcdf, file=filename, charvar='HGT', invar=hgt getcdf, file=filename, charvar='vert', invar=vert getcdf, file=filename, charvar='TSURF', invar=tsurf getcdf, file=filename, charvar='USTM', invar=ustar print, longi(zex ,zey ,0), lati(zex ,zey ,0) print, longi(zex2,zey2,0), lati(zex2,zey2,0) ; ; ; loadct, 0 contour, reform(hgt(*,*,ntime)), $ reform(longi(*,*,ntime)), $ reform(lati(*,*,ntime)), $ nlevels=20, $ xtitle='Longitude', $ ytitle='Latitude', $ ;xrange=[-146.,-126.], $ ;yrange=[11.,27.], $ xrange=[-141.,-133.], $ yrange=[18.,26.], $ xtickinterval=1., $ ytickinterval=1., $ max_value=22000., $ min_value=-4000., $ /cell_fill xyouts, longi(zex ,zey ,0), lati(zex ,zey ,0), '+ full', color=255, charsize=1.5 xyouts, longi(zex2 ,zey2 ,0), lati(zex2 ,zey2 ,0), '+ dashed', color=255, charsize=1.5 ; ; ; ;plot, tsurf(zex ,zey ,*), yrange=[150, 300] ;oplot, tsurf(zex2 ,zey2 ,*), linestyle=1 ; ; ; what_I_plot = tk & column = vert ;yeye = tsurf(zex,zey,ntime) & what_I_plot = [yeye,reform(what_I_plot)] & column = [0.01, vert] overplot = tk2 & overplot_column = vert ;yeye = tsurf(zex2,zey2,ntime) & overplot = [yeye,reform(overplot)] & overplot_column = [0.01, vert] print, min(what_I_plot), max(what_I_plot) print, min(overplot), max(overplot) mention='three' ; ; ; profile, $ what_I_plot, $ ; 1D vertical profile column, $ ; altitudes alt=alt, $ ; altitude range [altmin, altmax] minfield=minfield_init2, $ ; minimum value of plotted field (=0: calculate) maxfield=maxfield_init2, $ ; maximum value of plotted field (=0: calculate) inprofile=overplot, $ ; another vertical profile to overplot incolumn=overplot_column, $ ; altitudes of the other vertical profile (in case /= column) discrete=discrete, $ ; show the profile points (= type of points in !psym) title_plot=title_user, $ ; title of the plot ('Profile' is default) title_axis=title_axis2, $ ; title of the [x,y] axis (['Field','Altitude'] is default) mention=mention ; add text precision within the plot window (default is nothing or '') xyouts, 210.,20.,'T!Ds!N = '+string(tsurf(zex,zey,ntime),'(I0)')+' K' xyouts, 163.,20.,'T!Ds!N = '+string(tsurf(zex2,zey2,ntime),'(I0)')+' K' ; ; ; what_I_plot = w & column = vert overplot = w2 & overplot_column = vert ; ; ; profile, $ what_I_plot, $ ; 1D vertical profile column, $ ; altitudes alt=alt, $ ; altitude range [altmin, altmax] minfield=minfield_init, $ ; minimum value of plotted field (=0: calculate) maxfield=maxfield_init, $ ; maximum value of plotted field (=0: calculate) inprofile=overplot, $ ; another vertical profile to overplot incolumn=overplot_column, $ ; altitudes of the other vertical profile (in case /= column) discrete=discrete, $ ; show the profile points (= type of points in !psym) title_plot=title_user, $ ; title of the plot ('Profile' is default) title_axis=title_axis, $ ; title of the [x,y] axis (['Field','Altitude'] is default) mention=mention ; add text precision within the plot window (default is nothing or '') ; ; ; ;plot, tpot, vert ;oplot, tpot2, vert, linestyle=2 ;PS_End, /PNG ;stop what_I_plot = u*u + v*v & what_I_plot = sqrt(what_I_plot) & column = vert overplot = u2*u2 + v2*v2 & overplot = sqrt(overplot) & overplot_column = vert print, min(what_I_plot), max(what_I_plot) print, min(overplot), max(overplot) mention='two' ; ; ; profile, $ what_I_plot, $ ; 1D vertical profile column, $ ; altitudes alt=alt, $ ; altitude range [altmin, altmax] minfield=minfield_init2, $ ; minimum value of plotted field (=0: calculate) maxfield=maxfield_init2, $ ; maximum value of plotted field (=0: calculate) inprofile=overplot, $ ; another vertical profile to overplot incolumn=overplot_column, $ ; altitudes of the other vertical profile (in case /= column) discrete=discrete, $ ; show the profile points (= type of points in !psym) title_plot=title_user, $ ; title of the plot ('Profile' is default) title_axis=title_axis2, $ ; title of the [x,y] axis (['Field','Altitude'] is default) mention=mention ; add text precision within the plot window (default is nothing or '') xyouts, 23.5,20.,'u!D*!N = '+string(ustar(zex,zey,ntime),'(F4.1)')+' m s!U-1!N' xyouts, 5.,20.,'u!D*!N = '+string(ustar(zex2,zey2,ntime),'(F4.1)')+' m s!U-1!N' ; ; ; PS_End, /PNG end