! ! $Header: /home/cvsroot/LMDZ4/libf/phylmd/conf_phys.F90,v 1.3 2005/02/07 15:15:31 fairhead Exp $ ! ! ! subroutine conf_phys(ok_journe, ok_mensuel, ok_instan, & & if_ebil) use init_print_control_mod, only: init_print_control use print_control_mod, only: lunout use IOIPSL, only: getin implicit none include "YOMCST.h" include "clesphys.h" include "compbl.h" ! ok_journe: sorties journalieres ! ok_mensuel: sorties mensuelles ! ok_instan: sorties instantanees ! Sortie: logical,intent(out) :: ok_journe, ok_mensuel, ok_instan integer,intent(out) :: if_ebil ! ! Configuration de la "physique" de LMDZ a l'aide de la fonction ! GETIN de IOIPSL ! ! LF 05/2001 ! !--- Ca lit le physiq.def --- ! initialize print_control module variables call init_print_control !******************* parametres anciennement lus dans gcm.def ! do we read a startphy.nc file? (default: .true.) startphy_file=.true. CALL getin("startphy_file",startphy_file) !Config Key = cycle_diurne !Config Desc = Cycle diurne !Config Def = y !Config Help = Cette option permet d'eteidre le cycle diurne. !Config Peut etre util pour accelerer le code ! cycle_diurne = .TRUE. call getin('cycle_diurne',cycle_diurne) !Config Key = soil_model !Config Desc = Modele de sol !Config Def = y !Config Help = Choix du modele de sol (Thermique ?) !Config Option qui pourait un string afin de pouvoir !Config plus de choix ! Ou meme une liste d'options ! soil_model = .true. call getin('soil_model',soil_model) !Config Key = ok_orodr !Config Desc = Oro drag !Config Def = y !Config Help = GW drag orographie !Config ok_orodr = .false. call getin('ok_orodr',ok_orodr) !Config Key = ok_orolf !Config Desc = Oro lift !Config Def = n !Config Help = GW lift orographie (pas utilise) ok_orolf = .false. call getin('ok_orolf', ok_orolf) !Config Key = ok_gw_nonoro !Config Desc = Gravity waves parameterization !Config Def = n !Config Help = GW drag non-orographique ok_gw_nonoro = .false. call getin('ok_gw_nonoro',ok_gw_nonoro) !Config Key = nbapp_rad !Config Desc = Frequence d'appel au rayonnement !Config Def = 12 !Config Help = Nombre d'appels des routines de rayonnements !Config par jour. nbapp_rad = 12 call getin('nbapp_rad',nbapp_rad) print*,"nbapp_rad",nbapp_rad !Config Key = nbapp_chim !Config Desc = Frequence d'appel a la chimie !Config Def = 1 !Config Help = Nombre d'appels des routines de chimie !Config par jour. nbapp_chim = 1 call getin('nbapp_chim',nbapp_chim) !Config Key = iflag_con !Config Desc = Flag de convection !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = Flag pour la convection les options suivantes existent : !Config 0 : ajsec simple (VENUS, TITAN) !Config 1 pour LMD, !Config 2 pour Tiedtke, !Config 3 pour CCM(NCAR) iflag_con = 0 call getin('iflag_con',iflag_con) !******************* fin parametres anciennement lus dans gcm.def !Config Key = OK_journe !Config Desc = Pour des sorties journalieres !Config Def = .false. !Config Help = Pour creer le fichier histday contenant les sorties ! journalieres ! ok_journe = .false. call getin('OK_journe', ok_journe) ! !Config Key = OK_mensuel !Config Desc = Pour des sorties mensuelles !Config Def = .false. !Config Help = Pour creer le fichier histmth contenant les sorties ! mensuelles ! ok_mensuel = .false. call getin('OK_mensuel', ok_mensuel) ! !Config Key = OK_instan !Config Desc = Pour des sorties instantanees !Config Def = .false. !Config Help = Pour creer le fichier histins contenant les sorties ! instantanees ! ok_instan = .false. call getin('OK_instan', ok_instan) ! !Config Key = ecritphy !Config Desc = Frequence d'ecriture dans histmth et histins !Config Def = 1 !Config Help = frequence de l'ecriture du fichier histmth et histins !Config en jours. ! ecriphy = 1. call getin('ecritphy', ecriphy) ! ! !Config Key = if_ebil !Config Desc = Niveau de sortie pour les diags bilan d'energie !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = ! ! if_ebil = 0 call getin('if_ebil', if_ebil) !! !! Constante solaire & Parametres orbitaux & taux gaz effet de serre BEG !! !Config Key = R_ecc !Config Desc = Excentricite !Config Def = 0.006787 !Config Help = ! ! VENUS ! R_ecc = 0.006787 R_ecc = 0.0 call getin('R_ecc', R_ecc) !! !Config Key = R_peri !Config Desc = Equinoxe !Config Def = !Config Help = ! ! VENUS R_peri = 0. call getin('R_peri', R_peri) !! !Config Key = R_incl !Config Desc = Inclinaison !Config Def = !Config Help = ! ! VENUS R_incl = 0.0 call getin('R_incl', R_incl) ! !Config Key = solaire !Config Desc = Constante solaire en W/m2 ! VENUS !Config Def = 2620. !Config Help = ! solaire = 2620. call getin('solaire', solaire) ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! PARAMETER FOR THE PLANETARY BOUNDARY LAYER AND SOIL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! !Config Key = iflag_pbl !Config Desc = !Config Def = 1 !Config Help = ! ! 2 = calculs Cd et K simples pour VENUS : ! parametres = z0, lmixmin, ksta (en dur: umin2,ric,cepdu2,karman) ! 1 = calculs Cd et K issus LMDZ Terre ! parametres = ksta, ok_kzmin (et plein d'autres en dur...) ! 6-9 = schema des thermiques Fred iflag_pbl = 1 call getin('iflag_pbl',iflag_pbl) ! !Config Key = ksta !Config Desc = !Config Def = 1.0e-7 !Config Help = ! ksta = 1.0e-7 call getin('ksta',ksta) ! !Config Key = z0 !Config Desc = !Config Def = 1.0e-2 !Config Help = ! z0 = 1.0e-2 call getin('z0',z0) ! !Config Key = lmixmin !Config Desc = !Config Def = 35. !Config Help = ! lmixmin = 35. call getin('lmixmin',lmixmin) ! !Config Key = ok_kzmin !Config Desc = !Config Def = .false. !Config Help = ! ok_kzmin = .false. call getin('ok_kzmin',ok_kzmin) cclmain = .true. call getin('clmain',cclmain) !Config Key = iflag_ajs !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = ! iflag_ajs = 0 call getin('iflag_ajs',iflag_ajs) ! !Config Key = inertie !Config Desc = !Config Def = 2000. !Config Help = ! inertie = 2000. call getin('inertie',inertie) ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! PARAMETER FOR THE OUTPUT LEVELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! !Config Key = lev_histins !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = ! lev_histins = 0 call getin('lev_histins',lev_histins) ! !Config Key = lev_histday !Config Desc = !Config Def = 1 !Config Help = ! lev_histday = 1 call getin('lev_histday',lev_histday) ! !Config Key = lev_histmth !Config Desc = !Config Def = 2 !Config Help = ! lev_histmth = 2 call getin('lev_histmth',lev_histmth) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! PARAMETER FOR THE TRACERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! !Config Key = tr_scheme !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = ! ! 0 = Nothing is done (passive tracers) ! 1 = pseudo-chemistry with relaxation toward fixed profile ! See Marcq&Lebonnois 2013 ! 2 = surface emission ! For the moment, inspired from Mars version ! However, the variable 'source' could be used in physiq ! so the call to phytrac_emiss could be to initialise it. ! 3 = Full chemistry and/or clouds => phytrac_chimie ! Need ok_chem or ok_cloud tr_scheme = 0 call getin('tr_scheme',tr_scheme) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! PARAMETRES DE LA CHIMIE/NUAGE dans physiq.def !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! !Config Key = reinit_trac !Config Desc = !Config Def = .FALSE. !Config Help = ! reinit_trac = .FALSE. call getin('reinit_trac',reinit_trac) ! !Config Key = ok_cloud !Config Desc = !Config Def = .FALSE. !Config Help = ! ok_cloud = .false. call getin('ok_cloud',ok_cloud) ! !Config Key = cl_scheme !Config Desc = !Config Def = 2 !Config Help = ! ! 1 = Simple microphysics (Aurelien Stolzenbach's PhD) ! 2 = Full microphysics (momentum scheme, Sabrina Guilbon's PhD) cl_scheme = 2 call getin('cl_scheme',cl_scheme) ! !Config Key = ok_chem !Config Desc = !Config Def = .FALSE. !Config Help = ! ok_chem = .false. call getin('ok_chem',ok_chem) if (((tr_scheme.ne.3).and.(ok_chem.or.ok_cloud)).or. & ((tr_scheme.eq.3).and.(.not.ok_chem.and..not.ok_cloud))) then write(*,*) "Attention, incoherence :" write(*,*) "tr_scheme=",tr_scheme," / ok_chem=",ok_chem, & " / ok_cloud=",ok_cloud write(*,*) "Verifier votre physiq.def" stop endif ! !Config Key = ok_sedim !Config Desc = !Config Def = .FALSE. !Config Help = ! ok_sedim = .false. call getin('ok_sedim',ok_sedim) ! !Config Key = nb_mode !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = ! nb_mode = 0 call getin('nb_mode',nb_mode) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! PARAMETER FOR NLTE PHYSICS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! !Config Key = callnlte !Config Desc = !Config Def = .false. !Config Help = ! callnlte = .false. call getin('callnlte',callnlte) ! !Config Key = callnirco2 !Config Desc = !Config Def = .false. ! callnirco2 = .false. call getin('callnirco2',callnirco2) ! !Config Key = nircorr !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = ! nircorr = 0 call getin('nircorr',nircorr) ! !Config Key = callthermos !Config Desc = !Config Def = .false. !Config Help = ! callthermos = .false. call getin('callthermos',callthermos) ! !Config Key = nltemodel !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = ! nltemodel = 0 call getin('nltemodel',nltemodel) ! !Config Key = solvarmod !Config Desc = !Config Def = 1 !Config Help = ! solvarmod = 1 call getin('solvarmod',solvarmod) ! !Config Key = solarcondate !Config Desc = !Config Def = 1993.4 ## Average solar cycle condition !Config Help = ! solarcondate = 1993.4 call getin('solarcondate',solarcondate) ! !Config Key = euveff !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0.21 !Config Help = ! euveff = 0.21 call getin('euveff',euveff) ! ! !Config Key = !Config Desc = !Config Def = !Config Help = ! ! = ! call getin('',) ! ! ! ! write(lunout,*)' ##############################################' write(lunout,*)' Configuration des parametres de la physique: ' write(lunout,*)' cycle_diurne = ', cycle_diurne write(lunout,*)' soil_model = ', soil_model write(lunout,*)' ok_orodr = ', ok_orodr write(lunout,*)' ok_orolf = ', ok_orolf write(lunout,*)' ok_gw_nonoro = ', ok_gw_nonoro write(lunout,*)' nbapp_rad = ', nbapp_rad write(lunout,*)' nbapp_chim = ', nbapp_chim write(lunout,*)' iflag_con = ', iflag_con write(lunout,*)' Sortie journaliere = ', ok_journe write(lunout,*)' Sortie mensuelle = ', ok_mensuel write(lunout,*)' Sortie instantanee = ', ok_instan write(lunout,*)' frequence sorties = ', ecriphy write(lunout,*)' Sortie bilan d''energie, if_ebil =', if_ebil write(lunout,*)' Excentricite = ',R_ecc write(lunout,*)' Equinoxe = ',R_peri write(lunout,*)' Inclinaison =',R_incl write(lunout,*)' tr_scheme = ', tr_scheme write(lunout,*)' iflag_pbl = ', iflag_pbl write(lunout,*)' z0 = ',z0 write(lunout,*)' lmixmin = ',lmixmin write(lunout,*)' ksta = ',ksta write(lunout,*)' ok_kzmin = ',ok_kzmin write(lunout,*)' inertie = ', inertie write(lunout,*)' clmain = ',cclmain write(lunout,*)' iflag_ajs = ', iflag_ajs write(lunout,*)' lev_histins = ',lev_histins write(lunout,*)' lev_histday = ',lev_histday write(lunout,*)' lev_histmth = ',lev_histmth write(lunout,*)' reinit_trac = ',reinit_trac write(lunout,*)' ok_cloud = ',ok_cloud write(lunout,*)' cl_scheme = ',cl_scheme write(lunout,*)' ok_chem = ',ok_chem write(lunout,*)' ok_sedim = ',ok_sedim write(lunout,*)' nb_mode = ',nb_mode write(lunout,*)' callnlte = ',callnlte write(lunout,*)' nltemodel = ',nltemodel write(lunout,*)' callnirco2 = ',callnirco2 write(lunout,*)' nircorr = ',nircorr write(lunout,*)' callthermos = ',callthermos write(lunout,*)' solvarmod = ',solvarmod write(lunout,*)' solarcondate = ',solarcondate write(lunout,*)' euveff = ',euveff end subroutine conf_phys