SUBROUTINE calchim(ngrid,qy_c,declin,dtchim, & ctemp,cpphi,cplay,cplev,czlay,czlev,dqyc) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose : Interface subroutine to photochemical C model for Titan GCM. ! ------- ! The subroutine computes the chemical processes for a single vertical column. ! ! - Only tendencies are returned. ! - With moyzon_ch=.true. and input vectors zonally averaged ! the calculation is done only once per lat. band ! ! Authors: + S. Lebonnois : 01/2000 | 09/2003 ! ------- adaptation for Titan 3D : 02/2009 ! adaptation for // : 04/2013 ! extension chemistry up to 1300km : 10/2013 ! ! + J. Vatant d'Ollone ! + 02/17 - adaptation for the issu du generic ! + 01/18 - 03/18 - Major transformations : ! - Upper chemistry fields are now stored in startfi ! and defined on a pressure grid from Vervack profile ! - Altitudes above GCM top are computed using correct g(z) ! to be coherent with obs and with dz=10km for UV processes ! but this should be even better if all physiq "under" was doing this ! ! - These modifs enables to run chemistry with others resolution than 32x48x55 ! ! - Only the actinic fluxes are still read in a 49-lat input but interp. on lat grid ! - Chemistry can still be done in 2D ! -> Calcul. once per band lat and put same tendency in all longi. ! Check for negs in physiq_mod. ! -> If procs sharing a lat band, no problem, the calcul will just be done twice. ! -> Will not work with Dynamico, where the chemistry will have to be done in 3D. ! ( and there'll be work to do to get rid of averaged fields ) ! ! + STILL TO DO : Replug the interaction with haze (cf titan.old) -> to see with JB. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Structure : ! ----------- ! 0. Declarations ! I. Init and firstcall ! 1. Read and store Vervack profile ! 2. Compute planetar averaged atm. properties ! 3. Init compound caracteristics ! 4. Init photodissociations rates from actinic fluxes ! 5. Init chemical reactions ! 6. Init eddy diffusion coeff ! II. Loop on latitudes/grid-points ! 0. Check on 2D chemistry ! 1. Compute atm. properties at grid points ! 2. Interpolate photodissociation rates at lat,alt,dec ! 3. Read composition ! 4. Call main solver gptitan C routine ! 5. Calculate output tendencies on advected tracers ! 6. Update upper chemistry fields ! 0bis. If 2D chemsitry, don't recalculate if needed ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- USE comchem_h USE dimphy USE datafile_mod, ONLY: datadir USE comcstfi_mod, ONLY: g, rad, pi, r, kbol USE geometry_mod, ONLY: latitude USE logic_mod, ONLY: moyzon_ch USE moyzon_mod, ONLY: tmoy, playmoy, phimoy, zlaymoy, zlevmoy IMPLICIT NONE ! ------------------------------------------ ! *********** 0. Declarations ************* ! ------------------------------------------ ! Arguments ! --------- INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ngrid ! Number of atmospheric columns. REAL*8, DIMENSION(ngrid,klev,nkim), INTENT(IN) :: qy_c ! Chemical species on GCM layers after adv.+diss. (mol/mol). REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: declin ! Solar declination (rad). REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: dtchim ! Chemistry timsetep (s). REAL*8, DIMENSION(ngrid,klev), INTENT(IN) :: ctemp ! Mid-layer temperature (K). REAL*8, DIMENSION(ngrid,klev), INTENT(IN) :: cpphi ! Mid-layer geopotential (m2.s-2). REAL*8, DIMENSION(ngrid,klev), INTENT(IN) :: cplay ! Mid-layer pressure (Pa). REAL*8, DIMENSION(ngrid,klev+1), INTENT(IN) :: cplev ! Inter-layer pressure (Pa). REAL*8, DIMENSION(ngrid,klev), INTENT(IN) :: czlay ! Mid-layer altitude (m). REAL*8, DIMENSION(ngrid,klev+1), INTENT(IN) :: czlev ! Inter-layer altitude (m). REAL*8, DIMENSION(ngrid,klev,nkim), INTENT(OUT) :: dqyc ! Chemical species tendencies on GCM layers (mol/mol/s). ! Local variables : ! ----------------- INTEGER :: i , l, ic, ig, igm1 INTEGER :: dec, idec, ipres, ialt, klat REAL*8 :: declin_c ! Declination (deg). REAL*8 :: factp, factalt, factdec, factlat, krpddec, krpddecp1, krpddecm1 REAL*8 :: temp1, logp ! Variables sent into chemistry module (must be in double precision) ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ REAL*8, DIMENSION(nlaykim_tot) :: temp_c ! Temperature (K). REAL*8, DIMENSION(nlaykim_tot) :: press_c ! Pressure (Pa). REAL*8, DIMENSION(nlaykim_tot) :: phi_c ! Geopotential (m2.s-2) - actually not sent in chem. module but used to compute alts. REAL*8, DIMENSION(nlaykim_tot) :: nb ! Density (cm-3). REAL*8, DIMENSION(nlaykim_tot,nkim) :: cqy ! Chemical species in whole column (mol/mol) sent to chem. module. REAL*8, DIMENSION(nlaykim_tot,nkim) :: cqy0 ! " " " " " " before modifs. REAL*8 :: surfhaze(nlaykim_tot) REAL*8 :: cprodaer(nlaykim_tot,4), cmaer(nlaykim_tot,4) REAL*8 :: ccsn(nlaykim_tot,4), ccsh(nlaykim_tot,4) REAL*8, DIMENSION(nlaykim_tot) :: rmil ! Mid-layer distance (km) to planetographic center. REAL*8, DIMENSION(nlaykim_tot) :: rinter ! Inter-layer distance (km) to planetographic center (RA grid in chem. module). ! NB : rinter is on nlaykim_tot too, we don't care of the uppermost layer upper boundary altitude. ! Saved variables initialized at firstcall ! ---------------------------------------- LOGICAL, SAVE :: firstcall = .TRUE. !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(firstcall) REAL*8, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: kedd ! Eddy mixing coefficient for upper chemistry (cm^2.s-1) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(kedd) REAL*8, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: mass ! Molar mass of the compunds (g.mol-1) REAL*8, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: md !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(mass,md) REAL*8, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: r1d, ct1d, p1d, t1d ! Vervack profile ! JVO 18 : No threadprivate for those as they'll be read in tcp.ver by master REAL*8, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: krpd ! Photodissociations rate table REAL*8, DIMENSION(:,:) , ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: krate ! Reactions rate ( photo + chem ) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(krpd,krate) INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: nom_prod, nom_perte INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: reactif INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: prod INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: perte !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(nom_prod,nom_perte,reactif,prod,perte) ! TEMPORARY : Dummy parameters without microphysics ! Here to keep the whole stuff running without modif chem. module ! --------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER :: utilaer(16) INTEGER :: aerprod = 0 INTEGER :: htoh2 = 0 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ***************** I. Initialisations and Firstcall ******************** ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (firstcall) THEN PRINT*, 'CHIMIE, premier appel' call check(nlaykim_tot,klev-15,nlrt_kim,nkim) ALLOCATE(r1d(131)) ALLOCATE(ct1d(131)) ALLOCATE(p1d(131)) ALLOCATE(t1d(131)) ALLOCATE(md(nlaykim_tot,nkim)) ALLOCATE(mass(nkim)) ALLOCATE(kedd(nlaykim_tot)) ALLOCATE(krate(nlaykim_tot,nr_kim)) ALLOCATE(krpd(15,nd_kim+1,nlrt_kim,nlat_actfluxes)) ALLOCATE(nom_prod(nkim)) ALLOCATE(nom_perte(nkim)) ALLOCATE(reactif(5,nr_kim)) ALLOCATE(prod(200,nkim)) ALLOCATE(perte(2,200,nkim)) ! 1. Read Vervack profile "tcp.ver", once for all ! ----------------------------------------------- !$OMP MASTER OPEN(11,FILE=TRIM(datadir)//'/tcp.ver',STATUS='old') READ(11,*) DO i=1,131 READ(11,*) r1d(i), t1d(i), ct1d(i), p1d(i) ! For debug : ! ----------- ! PRINT*, "tcp.ver", r1d(i), t1d(i), ct1d(i), p1d(i) ENDDO CLOSE(11) !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP BARRIER ! 2. Calculation of temp_c, densities and altitudes in planetary average ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! JVO18 : altitudes calculated in firstcall are just for diag, as I set kedd in pressure grid ! a. For GCM layers we just copy-paste !$OMP MASTER PRINT*,'Init chemistry : pressure, density, temperature ... :' PRINT*,'level, rmil (km), press_c (mbar), nb (cm-3), temp_c(K)' !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP BARRIER IF (ngrid.NE.1) THEN DO l=1,klev rinter(l) = (zlevmoy(l)+rad)/1000.0 ! km rmil(l) = (zlaymoy(l)+rad)/1000.0 ! km temp_c(l) = tmoy(l) ! K phi_c(l) = phimoy(l) ! m2.s-2 press_c(l) = playmoy(l)/100. ! mbar nb(l) = 1.e-4*press_c(l) / (kbol*temp_c(l)) ! cm-3 !$OMP MASTER PRINT*, l, rmil(l)-rad/1000.0, press_c(l), nb(l), temp_c(l), phi_c(l) !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP BARRIER ENDDO rinter(klev+1)=(zlevmoy(klev+1)+rad)/1000. ELSE DO l=1,klev rinter(l) = (czlev(1,l)+rad)/1000.0 ! km rmil(l) = (czlay(1,l)+rad)/1000.0 ! km temp_c(l) = ctemp(1,l) ! K phi_c(l) = cpphi(1,l) ! m2.s-2 press_c(l) = cplay(1,l)/100. ! mbar nb(l) = 1.e-4*press_c(l) / (kbol*temp_c(l)) ! cm-3 PRINT*, l, rmil(l)-rad/1000.0, press_c(l), nb(l), temp_c(l), phi_c(l) ENDDO rinter(klev+1)=(czlev(1,klev+1)+rad)/1000. ENDIF ! if ! b. Extension in upper atmosphere with Vervack profile ! NB : Maybe the transition klev/klev+1 is harsh ... ipres=1 DO l=klev+1,nlaykim_tot press_c(l) = preskim(l-klev) / 100.0 DO i=ipres,130 IF ( (press_c(l).LE.p1d(i)) .AND. (press_c(l).GT.p1d(i+1)) ) THEN ipres=i ENDIF ENDDO factp = (press_c(l)-p1d(ipres)) / (p1d(ipres+1)-p1d(ipres)) nb(l) = exp( log(ct1d(ipres))*(1-factp) + log(ct1d(ipres+1))* factp ) temp_c(l) = t1d(ipres)*(1-factp) + t1d(ipres+1)*factp ENDDO ! We build altitude with hydrostatic equilibrium on preskim grid with Vervack profile ! ( keeping in mind that preskim is built based on Vervack profile with dz=10km ) DO l=klev+1,nlaykim_tot ! Compute geopotential on the upper grid, to have correct altitude ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! NB : Upper chemistry model is based on observational profiles and needs correct altitudes !! ! Altitudes can (and must) be calculated with correct g even if it's not the case in the GCM under temp1 = 0.5*(temp_c(l-1)+temp_c(l)) ! interlayer temp phi_c(l) = phi_c(l-1) + r*temp1*log(press_c(l-1)/press_c(l)) ! Geopotential assuming hydrostatic equilibrium rmil(l) = ( g*rad*rad / (g*rad - phi_c(l)) ) / 1000.0 ! z(phi) with g varying with altitude !$OMP MASTER PRINT*, l , rmil(l)-rad/1000.0, press_c(l), nb(l), temp_c(l), phi_c(l) !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP BARRIER ENDDO DO l=klev+2,nlaykim_tot rinter(l) = 0.5*(rmil(l-1) + rmil(l)) ENDDO ! 3. Compounds caracteristics ! --------------------------- mass(:) = 0.0 call comp(nomqy_c,nb,temp_c,mass,md) PRINT*,' Mass' DO ic=1,nkim PRINT*, nomqy_c(ic), mass(ic) ENDDO ! 4. Photodissociation rates ! -------------------------- call disso(krpd,nlat_actfluxes) ! 5. Init. chemical reactions with planetary average T prof. ! ---------------------------------------------------------- ! NB : Chemical reactions rate are assumed to be constant within the T range of Titan's atm ! so we fill their krate once for all but krate for photodiss will be filled at each timestep call chimie(nomqy_c,nb,temp_c,krate,reactif, & nom_perte,nom_prod,perte,prod) ! 6. Eddy mixing coefficients (constant with time and space) ! ---------------------------------------------------------- kedd(:) = 1.e3 ! Default value =/= zero ! NB : Eddy coeffs from 1D models (e.g. Lavvas et al 08) in altitude but they're rather linked to pressure ! Below GCM top we have dynamic mixing and for levs < nld=klev-15 the chem. solver ignores diffusion ! First calculate kedd for upper chemistry layers DO l=klev+1,nlaykim_tot logp=-log10(press_c(l)) ! 1E6 at 300 km ~ 10-1 mbar IF ( .and. logp.le.4.0 ) THEN kedd(l) = 10.**(6.0+1.1*(logp-1.0)) ! 2E7 at 600 km ~ 10-4 mbar ELSEIF ( .and. logp.le.6.0 ) THEN kedd(l) = 10.**(7.3+0.35*(logp-4.0)) ! 1E8 above 900 km ~ 10-6 mbar ELSEIF ( ) THEN kedd(l) = 1.e8 ENDIF ENDDO ! Then adjust 15 last layers profile fading to default value depending on kedd(ptop) DO l=klev-15,klev temp1 = ( log10(press_c(l)/press_c(klev-15)) ) / ( log10(press_c(klev+1)/press_c(klev-15)) ) kedd(l) = 10.**( 3.0 + log10(kedd(klev+1)/1.e3) * temp1 ) ENDDO firstcall = .FALSE. ENDIF ! firstcall declin_c = declin*180./pi ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! *********************** II. Loop on latitudes ************************* ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO ig=1,ngrid IF (ig.eq.1) THEN igm1=1 ELSE igm1=ig-1 ENDIF ! If 2D chemistry, trick to do the calculation only once per latitude band within the chunk ! NB1 : Will be obsolete with DYNAMICO, the chemistry will necessarly be 3D ! NB2 : Test of same latitude with dlat=0.5 : I think that if you run sims better than 1/10th degree then ! either it's with Dynamico and doesn't apply OR it is more than enough in terms of "preco / calc time" ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( ( moyzon_ch .AND. ( ig.EQ.1 .OR. (ABS(latitude(ig)-latitude(igm1)).GT.0.1*pi/180.)) ) .OR. (.NOT. moyzon_ch) ) THEN ! 1. Compute altitude for the grid point with hydrostat. equilib. ! --------------------------------------------------------------- ! a. For GCM layers we just copy-paste DO l=1,klev rinter(l) = (czlev(ig,l)+rad)/1000.0 ! km rmil(l) = (czlay(ig,l)+rad)/1000.0 ! km temp_c(l) = ctemp(ig,l) ! K phi_c(l) = cpphi(ig,l) ! m2.s-2 press_c(l) = cplay(ig,l)/100. ! mbar nb(l) = 1.e-4*press_c(l) / (kbol*temp_c(l)) ! cm-3 ENDDO rinter(klev+1)=(czlev(ig,klev+1)+rad)/1000. ! b. Extension in upper atmosphere with Vervack profile ! NB : The transition klev/klev+1 is maybe harsh if we have correct g above but not under ipres=1 DO l=klev+1,nlaykim_tot press_c(l) = preskim(l-klev) / 100.0 DO i=ipres,130 IF ( (press_c(l).LE.p1d(i)) .AND. (press_c(l).GT.p1d(i+1)) ) THEN ipres=i ENDIF ENDDO factp = (press_c(l)-p1d(ipres)) / (p1d(ipres+1)-p1d(ipres)) nb(l) = exp( log(ct1d(ipres))*(1-factp) + log(ct1d(ipres+1))* factp ) temp_c(l) = t1d(ipres)*(1-factp) + t1d(ipres+1)*factp ENDDO ! We build altitude with hydrostatic equilibrium on preskim grid with Vervack profile ! ( keeping in mind that preskim is built based on Vervack profile with dz=10km ) DO l=klev+1,nlaykim_tot ! Compute geopotential on the upper grid, to have correct altitude ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! NB : Upper chemistry model is based on observational profiles and needs correct altitudes !! ! Altitudes can (and must) be calculated with correct g even if it's not the case in the GCM under temp1 = 0.5*(temp_c(l-1)+temp_c(l)) ! interlayer temp phi_c(l) = phi_c(l-1) + r*temp1*log(press_c(l-1)/press_c(l)) ! Geopotential assuming hydrostatic equilibrium rmil(l) = ( g*rad*rad / (g*rad - phi_c(l)) ) / 1000.0 ! z(phi) with g varying with altitude ENDDO DO l=klev+2,nlaykim_tot rinter(l) = 0.5*(rmil(l-1) + rmil(l)) ENDDO ! 2. From krpd, compute krate for dissociations (declination-latitude-altitude interpolation) ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! a. Calculate declination dependence if ((declin_c*10+267).lt.14.) then idec = 0 dec = 0 else if ((declin_c*10+267).gt.520.) then idec = 14 dec = 534 else idec = 1 dec = 27 do while( (declin_c*10+267).ge.real(dec+20) ) dec = dec+40 idec = idec+1 enddo endif endif if (( then factdec = ( declin_c - (dec-267)/10. ) / 4. else factdec = ( declin_c - (dec-267)/10. ) / 2.7 endif ! b. Calculate klat for interpolation on fixed latitudes of actinic fluxes input klat=1 DO i=1,nlat_actfluxes IF (latitude(ig).LT.lat_actfluxes(i)) klat=i ENDDO IF (klat==nlat_actfluxes) THEN ! avoid rounding problems klat = nlat_actfluxes-1 factlat = 1.0 ELSE factlat = (latitude(ig)-lat_actfluxes(klat))/(lat_actfluxes(klat+1)-lat_actfluxes(klat)) ENDIF ! c. Altitude loop DO l=1,nlaykim_tot ! Calculate ialt for interpolation in altitude (krpd every 2 km) ialt = int((rmil(l)-rad/1000.)/2.)+1 factalt = (rmil(l)-rad/1000.)/2.-(ialt-1) ! Altitude can go above top limit of UV levels - in this case we keep the 1310km top fluxes IF (ialt.GT.nlrt_kim-1) THEN ialt = nlrt_kim-1 ! avoid out-of-bound array factalt = 1.0 ENDIF DO i=1,nd_kim+1 ! nd_kim+1 is dissociation of N2 by GCR krpddec = ( krpd(idec+1,i,ialt ,klat) * (1.0-factalt) & + krpd(idec+1,i,ialt+1,klat) * factalt ) * (1.0-factlat) & * ( krpd(idec+1,i,ialt ,klat+1) * (1.0-factalt) & + krpd(idec+1,i,ialt+1,klat+1) * factalt ) * factlat if ( ) then krpddecm1 = ( krpd(idec ,i,ialt ,klat) * (1.0-factalt) & + krpd(idec ,i,ialt+1,klat) * factalt ) * (1.0-factlat) & * ( krpd(idec ,i,ialt ,klat+1) * (1.0-factalt) & + krpd(idec ,i,ialt+1,klat+1) * factalt ) * factlat krate(l,i) = krpddecm1 * abs(factdec) + krpddec * ( 1.0 + factdec) else if ( ) then krpddecp1 = ( krpd(idec+2,i,ialt ,klat) * (1.0-factalt) & + krpd(idec+2,i,ialt+1,klat) * factalt ) * (1.0-factlat) & * ( krpd(idec+2,i,ialt ,klat+1) * (1.0-factalt) & + krpd(idec+2,i,ialt+1,klat+1) * factalt ) * factlat krate(l,i) = krpddecp1 * factdec + krpddec * ( 1.0 - factdec) else if ( factdec.eq.0. ) then krate(l,i) = krpddec endif ENDDO ! i=1,nd_kim+1 ENDDO ! l=1,nlaykim_tot ! 3. Read composition ! ------------------- DO ic=1,nkim DO l=1,klev cqy(l,ic) = qy_c(ig,l,ic) ! advected tracers for the GCM part converted to molar frac. ENDDO DO l=1,nlaykim_up cqy(klev+l,ic) = ykim_up(ic,ig,l) ! ykim_up for the upper atm. ENDDO ENDDO cqy0(:,:) = cqy(:,:) ! Stores compo. before modifs ! 4. Call main Titan chemistry C routine ! -------------------------------------- call gptitan(rinter,temp_c,nb, & nomqy_c,cqy, & dtchim,latitude(ig)*180./pi,mass,md, & kedd,botCH4,krate,reactif, & nom_prod,nom_perte,prod,perte, & aerprod,utilaer,cmaer,cprodaer,ccsn,ccsh, & htoh2,surfhaze) ! 5. Calculates tendencies on composition for advected tracers ! ------------------------------------------------------------ DO ic=1,nkim DO l=1,klev dqyc(ig,l,ic) = (cqy(l,ic) - cqy0(l,ic))/dtchim ! (mol/mol/s) ENDDO ENDDO ! 6. Update ykim_up ! ----------------- DO ic=1,nkim DO l=1,nlaykim_up ykim_up(ic,ig,l) = cqy(klev+l,ic) ENDDO ENDDO ! NB: The full vertical composition grid will be created only for the outputs ELSE ! In 2D chemistry, if following grid point at same latitude, same zonal mean so don't do calculations again ! dqyc(ig,:,:) = dqyc(igm1,:,:) ! will be put back in 3D with longitudinal variations assuming same relative tendencies within a lat band ykim_up(:,ig,:) = ykim_up(:,igm1,:) ! no horizontal mixing in upper layers -> no longitudinal variations ENDIF ENDDO END SUBROUTINE calchim