SUBROUTINE concentrations(pplay,pt,pdt,pq,pdq,ptimestep) IMPLICIT NONE c======================================================================= c CALCULATION OF MEAN MOLECULAR MASS, Cp, Akk and R c c mmean(ngridmx,nlayermx) amu c cpnew(ngridmx,nlayermx) J/kg/K c rnew(ngridmx,nlayermx) J/kg/K c akknew(ngridmx,nlayermx) coefficient of thermal concduction c c======================================================================= c 0. Declarations : c ------------------ c #include "dimensions.h" #include "dimphys.h" #include "comcstfi.h" #include "callkeys.h" #include "comdiurn.h" #include "chimiedata.h" #include "tracer.h" #include "conc.h" c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Input/Output c ------------ REAL pplay(ngridmx,nlayermx) REAL pt(ngridmx,nlayermx) REAL pdt(ngridmx,nlayermx) real pq(ngridmx,nlayermx,nqmx) REAL pdq(ngridmx,nlayermx,nqmx) REAL ptimestep c Local variables : c ----------------- INTEGER,SAVE :: ngrid,nlayer,nq INTEGER iq,l,ig,ll,n,k integer,save :: gind(ncomptot) real ni(ncomptot) real nt, ntot real q2(ngridmx,nlayermx,ncomptot) real zt(ngridmx,nlayermx) real q2tot(ngridmx,nlayermx) real,save :: aki(ncomptot) real,save :: cpi(ncomptot) logical,save :: firstcall=.true. cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c tracer numbering for the thermal conduction and c specific heat coefficients cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c integer,parameter :: i_co2 = 1 integer,parameter :: i_co = 2 integer,parameter :: i_o = 3 integer,parameter :: i_o1d = 4 integer,parameter :: i_o2 = 5 integer,parameter :: i_o3 = 6 integer,parameter :: i_h = 7 integer,parameter :: i_h2 = 8 integer,parameter :: i_oh = 9 integer,parameter :: i_ho2 = 10 integer,parameter :: i_h2o2 = 11 integer,parameter :: i_n2 = 12 integer,parameter :: i_ar = 13 integer,parameter :: i_h2o = 14 ! Tracer indexes in the GCM: integer,save :: g_co2=0 integer,save :: g_co=0 integer,save :: g_o=0 integer,save :: g_o1d=0 integer,save :: g_o2=0 integer,save :: g_o3=0 integer,save :: g_h=0 integer,save :: g_h2=0 integer,save :: g_oh=0 integer,save :: g_ho2=0 integer,save :: g_h2o2=0 integer,save :: g_n2=0 integer,save :: g_ar=0 integer,save :: g_h2o_vap=0 ! Initializations at first call if (firstcall) then ! identify the indexes of the tracers we'll need g_co2=igcm_co2 if (g_co2.eq.0) then write(*,*) "concentrations: Error; no CO2 tracer !!!" stop endif g_co=igcm_co if (g_co.eq.0) then write(*,*) "concentrations: Error; no CO tracer !!!" stop endif g_o=igcm_o if (g_o.eq.0) then write(*,*) "concentrations: Error; no O tracer !!!" stop endif g_o1d=igcm_o1d if (g_o1d.eq.0) then write(*,*) "concentrations: Error; no O1D tracer !!!" stop endif g_o2=igcm_o2 if (g_o2.eq.0) then write(*,*) "concentrations: Error; no O2 tracer !!!" stop endif g_o3=igcm_o3 if (g_o3.eq.0) then write(*,*) "concentrations: Error; no O3 tracer !!!" stop endif g_h=igcm_h if (g_h.eq.0) then write(*,*) "concentrations: Error; no H tracer !!!" stop endif g_h2=igcm_h2 if (g_h2.eq.0) then write(*,*) "concentrations: Error; no H2 tracer !!!" stop endif g_oh=igcm_oh if (g_oh.eq.0) then write(*,*) "concentrations: Error; no OH tracer !!!" stop endif g_ho2=igcm_ho2 if (g_ho2.eq.0) then write(*,*) "concentrations: Error; no HO2 tracer !!!" stop endif g_h2o2=igcm_h2o2 if (g_h2o2.eq.0) then write(*,*) "concentrations: Error; no H2O2 tracer !!!" stop endif g_n2=igcm_n2 if (g_n2.eq.0) then write(*,*) "concentrations: Error; no N2 tracer !!!" stop endif g_ar=igcm_ar if (g_ar.eq.0) then write(*,*) "concentrations: Error; no AR tracer !!!" stop endif g_h2o_vap=igcm_h2o_vap if (g_h2o_vap.eq.0) then write(*,*) "concentrations: Error; no water vapor tracer !!!" stop endif cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c fill local array of tracer indexes cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c gind(i_co2) = g_co2 ! co2 gind(i_co) = g_co ! co gind(i_o) = g_o ! o gind(i_o1d) = g_o1d ! o1d gind(i_o2) = g_o2 ! o2 gind(i_o3) = g_o3 ! o3 gind(i_h) = g_h ! h gind(i_h2) = g_h2 ! h2 gind(i_oh) = g_oh ! oh gind(i_ho2) = g_ho2 ! ho2 gind(i_h2o2) = g_h2o2 ! h2o2 gind(i_n2) = g_n2 ! n2 gind(i_ar) = g_ar ! ar gind(i_h2o) = g_h2o_vap ! h2o cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c Thermal conductivity and specific heat coefficients cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c aki(i_co2) = 3.072e-4 aki(i_co) = 4.87e-4 aki(i_o) = 7.59e-4 aki(i_o1d) = 7.59e-4 !? aki(i_o2) = 5.68e-4 aki(i_o3) = 3.00e-4 !? aki(i_h) = 0.0 aki(i_h2) = 36.314e-4 aki(i_oh) = 7.00e-4 !? aki(i_ho2) = 0.0 aki(i_h2o2) = 0.0 aki(i_n2) = 5.6e-4 aki(i_ar) = 0.0 !? aki(i_h2o) = 0.0 cpi(i_co2) = 0.834e3 cpi(i_co) = 1.034e3 cpi(i_o) = 1.3e3 cpi(i_o1d) = 1.3e3 !? cpi(i_o2) = 0.9194e3 cpi(i_o3) = 0.800e3 !? cpi(i_h) = 20.780e3 cpi(i_h2) = 14.266e3 cpi(i_oh) = 1.045e3 cpi(i_ho2) = 1.065e3 !? cpi(i_h2o2) = 1.000e3 !? cpi(i_n2) = 1.034e3 cpi(i_ar) = 1.000e3 !? cpi(i_h2o) = 1.870e3 c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc nlayer=nlayermx ngrid=ngridmx nq=nqmx firstcall=.false. endif ! of if (firstcall) DO l=1,nlayer DO ig=1,ngrid DO n=1,ncomptot q2(ig,l,n)=max(1.e-30, . pq(ig,l,gind(n))+pdq(ig,l,gind(n))*ptimestep) ENDDO zt(ig,l)=pt(ig,l) +pdt(ig,l)*ptimestep ENDDO ENDDO do l=1,nlayermx do ig=1,ngridmx ntot=pplay(ig,l)/(1.381e-23*zt(ig,l))*1.e-6 ! in #/cm3 cpnew(ig,l)=0. akknew(ig,l)=0. mmean(ig,l)=0. q2tot(ig,l)=0. nt=0. do n=1,ncomptot ni(n)=0.0 do k=1,ncomptot if( ni(n)=ni(n)+q2(ig,l,k)/mmol(gind(k)) enddo ni(n)=ntot/(1.+mmol(gind(n))/q2(ig,l,n)*ni(n)) cpnew(ig,l)=cpnew(ig,l)+ni(n)*cpi(n) akknew(ig,l)=akknew(ig,l)+ni(n)*aki(n) mmean(ig,l)=mmean(ig,l)+q2(ig,l,n)/mmol(gind(n)) q2tot(ig,l)=q2tot(ig,l)+q2(ig,l,n) c if(ig.eq.1.and.l.eq.1) write(*,*)'q2tot(ig,l)',n,q2tot(ig,l) if(cpi(n) .ne. 0.0) nt=nt+ni(n) enddo c print*,"concentrations rep 3",l,ig,nt,mmean(ig,l),zt(ig+1,l) cpnew(ig,l)=cpnew(ig,l)/nt akknew(ig,l)=akknew(ig,l)/nt mmean(ig,l)=1/mmean(ig,l) ! in amu rnew(ig,l)=8.314/mmean(ig,l)*1.e3 ! J/kg/K enddo c print*,l,mmean(1,l),cpnew(1,l),rnew(1,l) c write(228,*),l,pplay(1,l),ntot enddo return end