! Copyright Jérémie Burgalat (2010-2015) ! ! burgalat.jeremie@gmail.com ! ! This software is a computer program whose purpose is to provide configuration ! file and command line arguments parsing features to Fortran programs. ! ! This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and ! abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, ! modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B ! license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL ! "http://www.cecill.info". ! ! As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, ! modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only ! with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the ! economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited ! liability. ! ! In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated ! with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the ! software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, ! that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also ! therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced ! professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore ! encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their ! requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or ! data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the ! same conditions as regards security. ! ! The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had ! knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. !! file: fsystem.F90 !! summary: File system methods source file !! date: 2013-2015 !! author: Burgalat #include "defined.h" MODULE FSYSTEM !! File system methods module USE, INTRINSIC :: ISO_C_BINDING USE ERRORS IMPLICIT NONE PUBLIC PRIVATE :: get_umask INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MAX_PATH = 512 !! Maximum length of a path INTERFACE FUNCTION strlen_c(s) RESULT(length) bind(C,name="strlen") !! Get length of C-string up to (but not including) the terminator IMPORT C_PTR, C_SIZE_T TYPE(C_PTR), INTENT(in), VALUE :: s !! C string (a C_PTR type) INTEGER(kind=C_SIZE_T) :: length !! An integer with the size of the string. END FUNCTION strlen_c SUBROUTINE free_c(ptr) bind(C,name="free") !! Free memory used by a C pointer IMPORT C_PTR TYPE(C_PTR), INTENT(in), VALUE :: ptr !! TYPE(C_PTR) object with the underlying C pointer to free END SUBROUTINE free_c FUNCTION errno_c() BIND(C,name="c_get_errno") !! Get last error numbero IMPORT C_INT INTEGER(kind=C_INT) :: errno_c !! Last errno END FUNCTION errno_c FUNCTION usleep_c(usec) BIND(C,name="usleep") !! (attemps to) Sleep for a given number of microseconds IMPORT C_INT INTEGER(kind=C_INT), INTENT(in), VALUE :: usec !! Number of microseconds to sleep INTEGER(kind=C_INT) :: usleep_c !! An integer with 0 on success, last errno otherwise END FUNCTION usleep_c FUNCTION getgid_c() BIND(C, name="getgid") !! Get Group ID IMPORT C_INT INTEGER(kind=C_INT) :: getgid_c !! Group identifier END FUNCTION getgid_c FUNCTION getpid_c() BIND(C, name="getpid") !! Get Process ID IMPORT C_INT INTEGER(kind=C_INT) :: getpid_c !! Current process identifier END FUNCTION getpid_c FUNCTION getuid_c() BIND(C, name="getuid") !! Get User ID IMPORT C_INT INTEGER(kind=C_INT) :: getuid_c !! User identifier END FUNCTION getuid_c FUNCTION umask_c() BIND(C,name="c_umask") !! Get the current umask of the session IMPORT C_INT INTEGER(kind=C_INT) :: umask_c !! Current umask value in decimal system END FUNCTION umask_c FUNCTION access_c(path,perm) BIND(C,name="c_access") !! Check if path is accessible for current user IMPORT c_char, C_INT CHARACTER(len=c_char), INTENT(in) :: path(*) !! Path to check INTEGER(kind=C_INT), INTENT(in), VALUE :: perm !! User's permission to check INTEGER(kind=C_INT) :: access_c !! 0 on success, last errno on failure END FUNCTION access_c FUNCTION create_c(path,mode,asfile,forced) BIND(C,name="c_create") !! Create a directory or a file in given path IMPORT c_char, C_INT CHARACTER(len=c_char), INTENT(in) :: path(*) !! Path to create INTEGER(kind=C_INT), INTENT(in), VALUE :: mode, & !! Decimal permission of the path asfile, & !! 0 to create a directory, any other value to create file forced !! non-zero value to force the creation of intermediate directories INTEGER(kind=C_INT) :: create_c !! 0 on success, last errno otherwise END FUNCTION create_c FUNCTION uname_c(uid) BIND(C, name="c_uname") !! Get the name of the given user id IMPORT C_INT, c_ptr INTEGER(kind=C_INT), INTENT(in), VALUE :: uid !! User id TYPE(C_PTR) :: uname_c !! C_PTR to the underlying char* pointer storing user name END FUNCTION uname_c FUNCTION gname_c(gid) BIND(C, name="c_gname") !! Get the name of the given group id IMPORT C_INT, c_ptr INTEGER(kind=C_INT), INTENT(in), VALUE :: gid !! Group id TYPE(C_PTR) :: gname_c !! C_PTR to the underlying char* pointer storing group name END FUNCTION gname_c FUNCTION dirname_c(path) BIND(C,name="c_dirname") !! Get the directory name of the path IMPORT c_char, c_ptr CHARACTER(kind=c_char), INTENT(in) :: path(*) !! Input path TYPE(C_PTR) :: dirname_c !! C_PTR to the underlying char* pointer storing dirname END FUNCTION dirname_c FUNCTION basename_c(path) BIND(C,name="c_basename") !! Get the basename of the path IMPORT c_char, c_ptr CHARACTER(kind=c_char), INTENT(in) :: path(*) !! Input path TYPE(C_PTR) :: basename_c !! C_PTR to the underlying char* pointer sotring basename END FUNCTION basename_c FUNCTION getcwd_c() BIND(C,name="c_getcwd") !! Get the current working directory IMPORT c_ptr TYPE(C_PTR) :: getcwd_c !! C_PTR to the underlying char* pointer storing current working directory END FUNCTION getcwd_c FUNCTION realpath_c(path) BIND(C, name="c_realpath") !! Get the real path from given path IMPORT c_char, c_ptr CHARACTER(kind=c_char), INTENT(in) :: path(*) !! The path to expand TYPE(C_PTR) :: realpath_c !! C_PTR to the underlying char* pointer storing realpath END FUNCTION realpath_c FUNCTION relpath_c(fname,reldir) BIND(C, name="c_relpath") !! Get the relative path of path from another IMPORT c_char, c_ptr CHARACTER(kind=c_char), INTENT(in) :: fname(*), & !! Path to process reldir(*) !! New base path TYPE(C_PTR) :: relpath_c !! C_PTR to the underlying char* pointer storing relative path END FUNCTION FUNCTION rename_c(input,output) BIND(C,name="c_rename") !! Rename a path IMPORT c_char, C_INT CHARACTER(kind=c_char), INTENT(in) :: input(*) !! Path to rename CHARACTER(kind=c_char), INTENT(in) :: output(*) !! New name of the path INTEGER(kind=C_INT) :: rename_c !! 0 on success, last errno on failure END FUNCTION rename_c FUNCTION chmod_c(path,mode) BIND(C,name="c_chmod") !! Change file/directory permissions IMPORT c_char, C_INT CHARACTER(kind=c_char), INTENT(in) :: path(*) !! Path to modify INTEGER(kind=C_INT), INTENT(in), VALUE :: mode !! New decimal permissions of the path to set INTEGER(kind=C_INT) :: chmod_c !! 0 on success, last errno on failure END FUNCTION chmod_c FUNCTION chdir_c(new) BIND(C,name="c_chdir") !! Change current directory IMPORT c_char, C_INT CHARACTER(kind=c_char), INTENT(in) :: new(*) !! Path of the new working directory INTEGER(kind=C_INT) :: chdir_c !! 0 on success, last errno on failure END FUNCTION chdir_c FUNCTION mkdir_c(dirname,mode) BIND(C,name="c_mkdir") !! Create directory IMPORT c_char, C_INT CHARACTER(kind=c_char), INTENT(in) :: dirname(*) !! Path of the directory to create INTEGER(kind=C_INT), INTENT(in), VALUE :: mode !! Decimal permission to set INTEGER(kind=C_INT) :: mkdir_c !! 0 on success, last errno on failure END FUNCTION mkdir_c FUNCTION mkdirp_c(dirname,mode) BIND(C,name="c_mkdirp") !! Create directory recursively IMPORT c_char, C_INT CHARACTER(kind=c_char), INTENT(in) :: dirname(*) !! Path of the directory to create INTEGER(kind=C_INT), INTENT(in), VALUE :: mode !! Decimal permission to set INTEGER(kind=C_INT) :: mkdirp_c !! 0 on success, last errno on failure END FUNCTION mkdirp_c FUNCTION remove_c(path) BIND(C,name="c_remove") !! Remove a file (or a directory) from the filesystem IMPORT c_char, C_INT CHARACTER(kind=c_char), INTENT(in) :: path(*) !! Path to delete INTEGER(kind=C_INT) :: remove_c !! 0 on success, last errno on failure END FUNCTION remove_c FUNCTION rmdir_c(dirpath) BIND(C,name="c_rmdir") !! Remove empty directory IMPORT c_char, C_INT CHARACTER(kind=c_char), INTENT(in) :: dirpath(*) !! Directory to delete INTEGER(kind=C_INT) :: rmdir_c !! 0 on success, last errno on failure END FUNCTION rmdir_c FUNCTION rmdirf_c(dirpath) BIND(C,name="c_rmdir_f") !! Remove directory (forced) IMPORT c_char, C_INT CHARACTER(kind=c_char), INTENT(in) :: dirpath(*) !! Directory to delete INTEGER(kind=C_INT) :: rmdirf_c !! 0 on success, last errno on failure END FUNCTION rmdirf_c FUNCTION fstat_c(pa, pe, ln, ty, ui, gi, si, at, mt, ct) BIND(C, name='c_fstat') !! Get file informations IMPORT c_char, c_long, C_INT CHARACTER(kind=c_char), INTENT(in) :: pa(*) !! Path of the file INTEGER(kind=C_INT), INTENT(out) :: pe !! Decimal permission of the path INTEGER(kind=C_INT), INTENT(out) :: ln !! Number of links INTEGER(kind=C_INT), INTENT(out) :: ty !! Type of the path INTEGER(kind=C_INT), INTENT(out) :: ui !! User ID of the path INTEGER(kind=C_INT), INTENT(out) :: gi !! Group ID of the path INTEGER(kind=c_long), INTENT(out) :: si !! Size of the path CHARACTER(kind=c_char), INTENT(out) :: at(20) !! Last access date CHARACTER(kind=c_char), INTENT(out) :: mt(20) !! Last modification date CHARACTER(kind=c_char), INTENT(out) :: ct(20) !! Creation date INTEGER(kind=C_INT) :: fstat_c !! 0 on success, last errno on failure END FUNCTION fstat_c FUNCTION termsize_c(r,c) BIND(C, name='c_termsize') !! Get terminal window size IMPORT C_INT INTEGER(kind=C_INT), INTENT(out) :: r, & !! Number of rows c !! Number of columns INTEGER(kind=C_INT) :: termsize_c !! 0 on success, last errno on failure END FUNCTION termsize_c END INTERFACE CONTAINS FUNCTION fstring(string) RESULT(str) !! Convert C string to Fortran string !! !! The method copies the input C string up to the last C_NULL_CHAR found (not including it), !! and returns the converted Fortran string. !! All other C_NULL_CHAR found in the C string are removed. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: string !! A string from C CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! Converted fortran string INTEGER :: i,idx str = "" idx = INDEX(string,C_NULL_CHAR,.true.) IF (idx == 0) THEN str = string ELSE DO i=1,idx-1 IF (string(i:i) /= C_NULL_CHAR) str = str//string(i:i) ENDDO ENDIF str = TRIM(str) END FUNCTION fstring FUNCTION cstr2fstr(cstr) RESULT(fstr) !! Get a Fortran (allocatable) string from a C string !! !! The method build the fortran string from a TYPE(C_PTR) object that represent a !! C char\* pointer string. !! @note !! If __cstr__ is not allocated (i.e. the C_PTR is not associated) or if it is set !! to a C empty string (i.e. '\0') then the method returns an empty string. !! @attention !! The method does not free the underlying C string and it should be free using !! [[fsystem(module):free_c(interface)]] method. TYPE(C_PTR), INTENT(in) :: cstr !! A TYPE(C_PTR) that represent the pointer to the C char array. CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: fstr !! An allocatable Fortran string with the content of the input char array. CHARACTER(len=1,kind=C_CHAR), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: pchars INTEGER :: i,length IF (.NOT.C_ASSOCIATED(cstr)) THEN fstr = "" RETURN ENDIF length = INT(strlen_c(cstr), kind=4) IF (length ==0) THEN fstr = "" RETURN ENDIF CALL C_F_POINTER(cstr,pchars,(/length/)) ALLOCATE(CHARACTER(len=length) :: fstr) DO i=1,length fstr(i:i) = pchars(i) ENDDO END FUNCTION cstr2fstr FUNCTION cstring(string) RESULT(str) !> convert Fortran string to cstring !! !! The method returns a copy of the input string suitable for C functions argument. !! @note !! Input string is trimmed during computations CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: string !! A fortran string CHARACTER(len=:,kind=C_CHAR), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! Same string as __string__ except that C_NULL_CHAR is appended at the end INTEGER :: slen slen = LEN_TRIM(string) ALLOCATE(CHARACTER(len=slen+1,kind=C_CHAR) :: str) str(:slen) = TRIM(string) ; str(slen+1:slen+1) = C_NULL_CHAR END FUNCTION cstring !=============================================================================== ! C WRAPPER FUNCTIONS/SUBROUTINES !=============================================================================== FUNCTION fs_getgid() RESULT(ret) !! Get Group ID INTEGER(kind=4) :: ret !! An integer with the group identifier ret = INT(getgid_c(),kind=4) RETURN END FUNCTION fs_getgid FUNCTION fs_getpid() RESULT(ret) !! Get Process ID INTEGER(kind=4) :: ret !! An integer with the current process identifier ret = INT(getpid_c(),kind=4) RETURN END FUNCTION fs_getpid FUNCTION fs_getuid() RESULT(ret) !! Get User ID INTEGER(kind=4) :: ret !! An integer with the user identifier ret = INT(getuid_c(),kind=4) RETURN END FUNCTION fs_getuid FUNCTION fs_gname(gid) RESULT(gname) !! Get a group name from a group id INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: gid !! User id to check CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: gname !! A string with the name of the group id TYPE(C_PTR) :: zname zname = gname_c(gid) IF (.NOT.C_ASSOCIATED(zname)) THEN gname = "" ELSE gname = cstr2fstr(zname) ENDIF CALL free_c(zname) END FUNCTION fs_gname FUNCTION fs_uname(uid) RESULT(uname) !! Get a user name from a user id INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: uid !! User id to check CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: uname !! A string with the name of the user id TYPE(C_PTR) :: zname zname = gname_c(uid) IF (.NOT.C_ASSOCIATED(zname)) THEN uname = "" ELSE uname = cstr2fstr(zname) ENDIF CALL free_c(zname) END FUNCTION fs_uname FUNCTION fs_dirname(path) RESULT(opath) !! Get the parent directory path of the given path CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: path !! A string with a (valid) path CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: opath !! A Fortran allocated string with the parent directory path or an empty string if method fails TYPE(C_PTR) :: zpath IF (LEN_TRIM(path) == 0) THEN opath = "" RETURN ENDIF zpath = dirname_c(cstring(ADJUSTL(path))) IF (.NOT.C_ASSOCIATED(zpath)) THEN opath = "" ELSE opath = cstr2fstr(zpath) ENDIF CALL free_c(zpath) END FUNCTION fs_dirname FUNCTION fs_basename(path) RESULT(opath) !! Get the base name of the path CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: path !! A string with a (valid) path CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: opath !! The basename of the path or an empty string if method fails TYPE(C_PTR) :: zpath IF (LEN_TRIM(path) == 0) THEN opath = "" RETURN ENDIF zpath = basename_c(cstring(ADJUSTL(path))) IF (.NOT.C_ASSOCIATED(zpath)) THEN opath = "" ELSE opath = cstr2fstr(zpath) ENDIF CALL free_c(zpath) END FUNCTION fs_basename FUNCTION fs_realpath(path) RESULT(opath) !! Get the real path of the path !! !! The method computes the absolute path of the given path using C realpath function. !! @note !! If the input path is empty then current working directory is returned. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: path !! A string with a (valid) path CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: opath !! The absolute of the path or an empty string if method fails TYPE(C_PTR) :: zpath zpath = realpath_c(cstring(ADJUSTL(path))) IF (.NOT.C_ASSOCIATED(zpath)) THEN opath = "" ELSE opath = cstr2fstr(zpath) ENDIF CALL free_c(zpath) END FUNCTION fs_realpath FUNCTION fs_relpath(path,reldir) RESULT(res) !! Get the relative representation of two paths !! !! The method computes the relative representation of __path__ from __reldir__ if possible. !! If no common prefix is found, the method returns __path__. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: path, & !! Path to be computed relative to reldir reldir !! A directory path from which output should be relative to CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: res !! An allocated string with the resulting path TYPE(C_PTR) :: zpath zpath = relpath_c(cstring(ADJUSTL(path)),cstring(ADJUSTL(reldir))) IF (.NOT.C_ASSOCIATED(zpath)) THEN res = TRIM(ADJUSTL(path)) ELSE res = cstr2fstr(zpath) ENDIF CALL free_c(zpath) END FUNCTION fs_relpath FUNCTION fs_getcwd() RESULT(path) !! Get the current working directory CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: path !! The current working directory or an empty string if method fails TYPE(C_PTR) :: zpath zpath = getcwd_c() IF (C_ASSOCIATED(zpath)) THEN path = cstr2fstr(zpath) ELSE path = "" ENDIF CALL free_c(zpath) RETURN END FUNCTION fs_getcwd FUNCTION fs_remove(path) RESULT(ret) !! Delete the file/directory pointed by the given path CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: path !! A string with the (valid) file path to delete LOGICAL :: ret !! True on success, false otherwise. IF (LEN_TRIM(path) == 0) THEN ret = .false. ELSE ret = INT(remove_c(cstring(ADJUSTL(path)))) == 0 ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION fs_remove FUNCTION fs_rename(old, new) RESULT(ret) !! Rename a path CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: old, & !! A string with the (valid) path to rename new !! A string with the new name of the path LOGICAL :: ret !! True on success, false otherwise. IF (LEN_TRIM(old) == 0.OR.LEN_TRIM(new) == 0) THEN ret = .false. ELSE ret = INT(rename_c(cstring(ADJUSTL(old)),cstring(ADJUSTL(new)))) == 0 ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION fs_rename FUNCTION fs_chmod(path, mode) RESULT(ret) !! Change file/directory permissions CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: path !! Path to modify INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: mode !! New octal permissions of the file LOGICAL :: ret !! True on success, false otherwise. INTEGER(kind=C_INT) :: zmode IF (LEN_TRIM(path) == 0) THEN ret = .false. ELSE zmode = INT(oct_2_dec(mode),kind=C_INT) ret = INT(chmod_c(cstring(ADJUSTL(path)), zmode)) == 0 ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION fs_chmod FUNCTION fs_chdir(path) RESULT(ret) !! Change current working directory CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: path !! Path of the new working directory LOGICAL :: ret !! True on success, false otherwise. IF (LEN_TRIM(path) == 0) THEN ret = .false. ELSE ret = INT(chdir_c(cstring(ADJUSTL(path)))) == 0 ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION fs_chdir FUNCTION fs_mkdir(path, mode, permissive) RESULT(ret) !! Create directory !! !! The method attempts to create a new directory pointed by __path__ with the permission !! given by mode. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: path !! The path to modify INTEGER, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: mode !! Optional octal permission to set for the new directory LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: permissive !! Optional boolean with .true. to create intermediate directories in the path LOGICAL :: ret !! True on success, false otherwise. INTEGER :: zmode LOGICAL :: zperm IF (LEN_TRIM(path) == 0) THEN ret = .false. ELSE zmode = oct_2_dec(744) IF (PRESENT(mode)) THEN IF (.NOT.chk_pm(mode)) THEN ret = .false. ; RETURN ENDIF zmode = oct_2_dec(mode) ENDIF zperm = .false. ; IF (PRESENT(permissive)) zperm = permissive IF (zperm) THEN ret = INT(mkdirp_c(cstring(ADJUSTL(path)),INT(zmode,kind=C_INT))) == 0 ELSE ret = INT(mkdir_c(cstring(ADJUSTL(path)),INT(zmode,kind=C_INT))) == 0 ENDIF ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION fs_mkdir FUNCTION fs_rmdir(path,forced) RESULT(ret) !! Remove directory !! !! By default, the function removes an __empty__ directory. If __forced__ is given and set !! to .true. then the function recursively deletes the directory and __ALL__ its content. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: path !! The path of the directory to delete LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: forced !! Optional boolean with @ti{.true.} to remove all contents of the directory. LOGICAL :: ret !! True on success, false otherwise. LOGICAL :: zforce IF (LEN_TRIM(path) == 0) THEN ret = .false. ELSE zforce = .false. ; IF (PRESENT(forced)) zforce = forced IF (.NOT.zforce) THEN ret = INT(rmdir_c(cstring(ADJUSTL(path)))) == 0 ELSE ret = INT(rmdirf_c(cstring(ADJUSTL(path)))) == 0 ENDIF ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION fs_rmdir FUNCTION fs_stat(path,type,perm,nlnks,uid,gid,fsize,atime,mtime,ctime) RESULT(ret) !! Get some informations about a path !! !! The method retrieves various informations about the input path using fstat C function. !! The type of path as returned in __type__ argument is can take the following values: !! !! - 0, a file !! - 1, a link to a file !! - 2, a directory !! - 3, a link to a directory !! - 4, other (fifo, socket, block special, char special...) CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: path !! Input path INTEGER, INTENT(out), OPTIONAL :: type, & !! Optional type of path (see function documentation). perm, & !! Optional permission of the path nlnks, & !! Optional number of links to the path uid, & !! Optional user id gid !! Optional group id INTEGER(kind=8), INTENT(out), OPTIONAL :: fsize !! Optional file size CHARACTER(len=19), INTENT(out), OPTIONAL :: atime, & !! Optional last access time mtime, & !! Optional last modification time ctime !! Optional creation time LOGICAL :: ret !! True on success, false otherwise. INTEGER :: ty,pe,ln,ud,gd INTEGER(kind=8) :: fs CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: at,mt,ct INTEGER(kind=C_INT) :: p,l,t,u,g INTEGER(kind=c_long) :: f CHARACTER(len=20,kind=C_CHAR) :: ta,tm,tc IF (LEN_TRIM(path) == 0) THEN ret = .false.; RETURN ELSE IF (.NOT.(PRESENT(type) .OR. PRESENT(perm) .OR. PRESENT(nlnks) .OR. & PRESENT(uid) .OR. PRESENT(gid) .OR. PRESENT(fsize) .OR. & PRESENT(atime) .OR. PRESENT(mtime) .OR. PRESENT(ctime))) THEN ret = .true. ELSE ! set default values pe=-1 ; ty=-1 ; ud=-1 ; gd=-1 ; fs=-1 ; at="" ; mt="" ; ct="" ret = INT(fstat_c(cstring(ADJUSTL(path)),p,l,t,u,g,f,ta,tm,tc)) == 0 IF (ret) THEN pe=INT(p) ; ln=INT(l) ; ty=INT(t) ; ud=INT(u) ; gd=INT(g) fs=INT(f,kind=8) at = fstring(ta) mt = fstring(tm) ct = fstring(tc) ENDIF IF (PRESENT(type)) type = ty IF (PRESENT(perm)) perm = pe IF (PRESENT(nlnks)) nlnks = ln IF (PRESENT(uid)) uid = ud IF (PRESENT(gid)) gid = gd IF (PRESENT(fsize)) fsize = fs IF (PRESENT(atime)) atime = at IF (PRESENT(mtime)) mtime = mt IF (PRESENT(ctime)) ctime = ct ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION fs_stat FUNCTION fs_isdir(path) RESULT (ret) !! Check if a path is a directory !! !! The method is just a wrapper of [[fsystem(module):fs_stat(function)]] to get only specific !! information about __path__ type. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: path !! The path to check LOGICAL :: ret !! .true. if the path is a directory, .false. otherwise. INTEGER :: ty ret = fs_stat(path,type=ty) ret = ret.AND.(ty==2.or.ty==3) RETURN END FUNCTION fs_isdir FUNCTION fs_isfile(path) RESULT (ret) !! Check if a path is a file !! !! The method is just a wrapper of [[fsystem(module):fs_stat(function)]] to get only specific !! information about __path__ type. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: path !! The path to check LOGICAL :: ret !! .true. if the path is a file, .false. otherwise. INTEGER :: ty ret=fs_stat(path,type=ty) ret = ret.and.(ty==0.or.ty==1) RETURN END FUNCTION fs_isfile FUNCTION fs_islink(path) RESULT (ret) !! Check if a path is a link !! !! The method is just a wrapper of [[fsystem(module):fs_stat(function)]] to get only specific !! information about __path__ type. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: path !! The path to check LOGICAL :: ret !! .true. if the path is a link, .false. otherwise. INTEGER :: ty ret=fs_stat(path,type=ty) ret = ret.and.(ty==1.or.ty==3) RETURN END FUNCTION fs_islink FUNCTION fs_access(path,permission) RESULT(ret) !! Check if a path is accessible for current user !! !! The method checks if the given path is accessible for the current user. By default, !! it does not check for specific permissions. If __permission__ is given it should be !! an integer between 0 and 7 resulting from the possible combinations: !! !! - 0 : Checks for path existence (default) !! - 1 : Checks for EXECUTE permission !! - 2 : Checks for WRITE permission !! - 4 : Checks for READ permission CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: path !! Path to check INTEGER, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: permission !! Optional permission to check LOGICAL :: ret !! True on success, false otherwise. INTEGER(kind=C_INT) :: zp IF (LEN_TRIM(path) == 0) THEN ret = .false. ELSE zp = 0 ; IF (PRESENT(permission)) zp = INT(permission,kind=C_INT) ! Defaults are set in the C function. ret = INT(access_c(cstring(ADJUSTL(path)),zp)) == 0 ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION fs_access FUNCTION fs_split_ext(path, base, ext, absolute) RESULT(ret) !! Split given path into base,extension !! !! The __base__ of a path is conventionnally defined as all characters before the last dot of the path. !! The extension (__ext__) of the path gathers consequently all characters from the last dot to the end !! of the string. !! @note !! If the basename of the path begins by a dot then the path is assumed to be an hidden file (directory). !! __ext__ will then be empty. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: path !! Path to split CHARACTER(len=:), INTENT(out), ALLOCATABLE :: base, & !! Output base of the path ext !! Output extension of the path LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: absolute !! .true. to return absolute path LOGICAL :: ret !! .true. on success, .false. otherwise. LOGICAL :: zabs INTEGER :: p CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: d,b,apath base = "" ; ext = "" ret = .false. IF (LEN_TRIM(path) == 0) THEN RETURN ENDIF zabs = .false. ; IF (PRESENT(absolute)) zabs = absolute apath = TRIM(path) IF (zabs) THEN apath = fs_realpath(path) ; IF (LEN_TRIM(apath) == 0) RETURN ENDIF d = fs_dirname(apath) ; IF (LEN_TRIM(d) == 0) RETURN b = fs_basename(apath) ; IF (LEN_TRIM(b) == 0) RETURN p = INDEX(b,".",.true.) ! If dot is set as first char of basename : it's an hidden file IF (p > 1) THEN ext = b(p:) ; base = TRIM(d)//"/"//b(:p-1) ELSE base = TRIM(apath) ENDIF ret = .true. RETURN END FUNCTION fs_split_ext FUNCTION fs_create(path, mode, type, permissive) RESULT(ret) !! Create a directory/file !! !! The method creates the file/directory pointed by given __path__. !! If __type__ is not given, the method builds the path as : !! !! -# A file if the basename of the path contains an extension !! -# A directory in any other cases. !! !! Otherwise __type__ should be set to "f" for file or "d" for directory. !! !! Unless __permissive__ is set to .true., the method will fails if intermediate !! directories in the path do not exist. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: path !! Path to create INTEGER, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: mode !! Optional octal permisions to set CHARACTER(len=1), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: type !! Optional type of path to create LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: permissive !! .true. to create intermediate directories if not existing LOGICAL :: ret !! True on success, false otherwise. INTEGER :: zmd,zt,zp CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: b,e ret = .false. ! Checking for existence IF (LEN_TRIM(path) == 0) THEN RETURN ELSE IF (fs_access(path)) THEN RETURN ENDIF ! Set type of path IF (PRESENT(type)) THEN IF (.NOT.(type(1:1)=="f".OR.type(1:1)=="d")) THEN RETURN ELSE zt=0 ; IF (type(1:1)=="f") zt = 1 ENDIF ELSE IF(.NOT.fs_split_ext(path,b,e)) RETURN zt = 0 ; IF (LEN_TRIM(e) /= 0) zt=1 ENDIF ! set permissions according to type IF (zt == 0) THEN zmd = oct_2_dec(777)-get_umask() ELSE zmd = oct_2_dec(666) -get_umask() ENDIF ! Check mode argument if present IF (PRESENT(mode)) THEN IF(.NOT.chk_pm(mode)) THEN ! not a valid permission : We raise an error and abort RETURN ELSE zmd = oct_2_dec(mode) ENDIF ENDIF zp = 0 ; IF(PRESENT(permissive)) THEN ; IF(permissive) zp=1 ; ENDIF ret = INT(create_c(cstring(ADJUSTL(path)),INT(zmd,kind=C_INT),INT(zt,kind=C_INT),INT(zp,kind=C_INT))) == 0 RETURN END FUNCTION fs_create FUNCTION fs_get_parent(path, n) RESULT(opath) !! Get the nth parent of the given path !! !! The method first resolves the given path using [[fsystem(module):fs_realpath(function)]] !! to get an absolute path. !! @note !! If __n__ is greater than the maximum parent level of the path, "/" is returned. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: path !! Input path INTEGER, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: n !! The level of the parent to get CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: opath !! The nth parent of the given path, or an empty string if the parent can not be computed CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: zp INTEGER :: i,mx,zl,mzl opath = "" zl = 1 ; IF (PRESENT(n)) zl = MAX(n,1) IF (LEN_TRIM(path) == 0) THEN RETURN ENDIF ! Gets the absolute path zp = fs_realpath(TRIM(ADJUSTL(path))) IF (LEN_TRIM(zp) == 0) RETURN ! removing trailing / (only if it's not the first ^^) mx = LEN_TRIM(zp) ; IF (zp(mx:mx)=="/".AND.mx/=1) zp(mx:mx) = "" ! compute maximum level mzl = 1 ; DO i=1,mx ; IF(zp(i:i) == '/') mzl=mzl+1 ; ENDDO i=0 DO mx = INDEX(zp(1:mx),'/',.true.) ; i=i+1 IF (mx==0.OR.i>=zl.OR.i>=mzl) EXIT mx = mx - 1 ENDDO IF (mx >= 1) THEN opath = zp(1:MAX(1,mx-1)) ELSE opath = "/" ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION fs_get_parent SUBROUTINE fs_termsize(row, column) !! Get the current terminal window size !! @attention !! If the program is redirected to a file (and maybe some other device), the C !! function can raise an error. In that case, the default values (20,80) are !! returned by the C function and thus the subroutine ! INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: row, & !! Number of rows of the window column !! Number of columns of the window INTEGER(kind=C_INT) :: r, c, ret ret = termsize_c(r,c) row = INT(r) ; column = INT(c) RETURN END SUBROUTINE fs_termsize SUBROUTINE fs_usleep(usec) !! Sleep for a given number of microseconds !! @note !! Currently if C usleep function failed, the system... does not sleep ! INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: usec !! The number of microseconds to sleep for INTEGER(kind=C_INT) :: ret ! usleep expects useconds_t (unsigned int) which is given here as a 4-bytes int ret = usleep_c(INT(usec,kind=C_INT)) END SUBROUTINE fs_usleep SUBROUTINE fs_msleep(msec) !! Sleep for a given number of milliseconds INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: msec !! The number of milliseconds to sleep for CALL fs_usleep(msec*1000) END SUBROUTINE fs_msleep !=============================================================================== ! MODULE MISCELLANEOUS METHODS !=============================================================================== FUNCTION oct_2_dec(octal) RESULT(res) !> Octal to decimal conversion !! !! The method converts the octal number ranging from 0 to 777 in the decimal system. !! @attention !! If the __octal__ number is out of range then the method returns 384 (600 in octal). INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: octal !! The octal value to convert INTEGER :: res !! The converted decimal value INTEGER :: o,d,i IF (octal < 0 .OR. octal > 777) THEN res = 384 ; RETURN ! --> 600 in octal : rw------- ENDIF d = 0 ; i = 0 ; o = octal DO WHILE(o/=0) d=d+mod(o,10)*8**i ; i=i+1 ; o=o/10 ENDDO res=d RETURN END FUNCTION oct_2_dec FUNCTION dec_2_oct(decimal) RESULT(res) !! Decimal to octal conversion !! The method converts the decimal number ranging from 0 to 511 in the octal system. !! @attention !! If the __decimal__ number is out of range, then it the method returns 600 (384 in decimal). INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: decimal !! The decimal value to convert INTEGER :: res !! The converted octal value ! - LOCAL INTEGER :: o,d,i,m IF (decimal < 0 .OR. decimal > 511) THEN res = 600 ; RETURN ! --> 384 in decimal : rw------- ENDIF o=0 ; d = decimal ; i=0 ; m=0 DO WHILE(d/=0) d=d/8 ; m=m+1 ENDDO m=m-1 ; d=decimal DO i=0,m o=o+mod(d,8)*10**i ; d=d/8 ENDDO res = o RETURN END FUNCTION dec_2_oct FUNCTION sp_2_op(str) RESULT(oct) !! Get octal number of string representation's permission CHARACTER(len=3),INTENT(in) :: str !! The permission to convert INTEGER :: oct !! Octal value of the string permission on succes, -1 otherwise. oct = -1 IF (LEN_TRIM(str) /= 3) RETURN SELECT CASE(str) CASE("---") ; oct = 0 CASE("--x") ; oct = 1 CASE("-w-") ; oct = 2 CASE("-wx") ; oct = 3 CASE("r--") ; oct = 4 CASE("r-x") ; oct = 5 CASE("rw-") ; oct = 6 CASE("rwx") ; oct = 7 CASE DEFAULT oct = -1 ; RETURN END SELECT RETURN END FUNCTION sp_2_op FUNCTION op_2_sp(oct) RESULT(str) !! Get string representation of the octal number's permission INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: oct !! Octal number to convert CHARACTER(len=3) :: str !! String representation of the octal number on succes, 'ukn' otherwise SELECT CASE(oct) CASE(0) ; str="---" CASE(1) ; str="--x" CASE(2) ; str="-w-" CASE(3) ; str="-wx" CASE(4) ; str="r--" CASE(5) ; str="r-x" CASE(6) ; str="rw-" CASE(7) ; str="rwx" CASE DEFAULT str='ukn' ; RETURN END SELECT RETURN END FUNCTION op_2_sp FUNCTION str_perm(oct_perm) RESULT(ret) !! Get the string representation of the given permission mask INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: oct_perm !! The octal representation of the permission CHARACTER(len=9) :: ret !! String representation of the octal number on succes, 'ukn' otherwise INTEGER :: u,g,o IF (.NOT.chk_pm(oct_perm)) THEN ret = "ukn" ; RETURN ENDIF u=int(oct_perm/100) ; g=int((oct_perm-u*100)/10) ; o=int(oct_perm-u*100-g*10) ret(1:3) = op_2_sp(u) ; ret(4:6) = op_2_sp(g) ; ret(7:9) = op_2_sp(o) RETURN END FUNCTION str_perm FUNCTION oct_perm(str) RESULT(ret) !! Get the string representation of the given permission mask CHARACTER(len=9), INTENT(in) :: str !! The string representation of the permission INTEGER :: ret !! Octal permission on success, -1 otherwise ! - LOCAL INTEGER :: u,g,o u = sp_2_op(str(1:3)) ; g = sp_2_op(str(4:6)) ; o = sp_2_op(str(7:9)) IF (u==-1.OR.g==-1.OR.o==-1) THEN ret = -1 ; RETURN ELSE ret = u*100 + g*10 + o ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION oct_perm FUNCTION chk_pm(perm) RESULT(valid) !! Check if the given permission is valid INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: perm !! Octal permission mask LOGICAL :: valid !! .true. if the permission mask is valid, .false. otherwise INTEGER :: u,g,o u=int(perm/100) ; g=int((perm-u*100)/10) ; o=int(perm-u*100-g*10) valid = (u>=0.AND.u<=7).AND.(g>=0.AND.g<=7).AND.(o>=0.AND.o<=7) RETURN END FUNCTION chk_pm FUNCTION get_umask() RESULT(mask) !! Get the umask value of the current session INTEGER :: mask !! Current umask value in decimal system mask = INT(umask_c()) RETURN END FUNCTION get_umask FUNCTION sz2str(file_size) RESULT(fstr) !! Get a human readable file size INTEGER(kind=8), INTENT(in) :: file_size !! File size (assumed to be bytes) CHARACTER(len=50) :: fstr !! Size in a human readable format ! - LOCAL INTEGER :: cc REAL(kind=8) :: zfs CHARACTER(len=2), DIMENSION(6), PARAMETER :: sn = & (/'B ','KB','MB','GB','TB','PB'/) zfs=DBLE(file_size) DO cc=1,size(sn)-1 ; IF (zfs<1024.) EXIT ; zfs=zfs/1024. ; ENDDO IF (MOD(zfs,1.0) == 0) THEN WRITE(fstr,'(I50)') INT(zfs) ; fstr = TRIM(ADJUSTL(fstr))//sn(cc) ELSE WRITE(fstr,'(F50.2)') zfs ; fstr = TRIM(ADJUSTL(fstr))//sn(cc) ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION sz2str END MODULE FSYSTEM