MODULE interface_icosa_lmdz_mod USE field_mod, ONLY: t_field USE transfert_mod, ONLY: t_message TYPE(t_message),SAVE :: req_u TYPE(t_message),SAVE :: req_dps0, req_dulon0, req_dulat0, req_dTemp0, req_dq0 TYPE(t_field),POINTER,SAVE :: f_p(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER,SAVE :: f_pks(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER,SAVE :: f_pk(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER,SAVE :: f_p_layer(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER,SAVE :: f_theta(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER,SAVE :: f_phi(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER,SAVE :: f_Temp(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER,SAVE :: f_ulon(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER,SAVE :: f_ulat(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER,SAVE :: f_dulon(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER,SAVE :: f_dulat(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER,SAVE :: f_dTemp(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER,SAVE :: f_dq(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER,SAVE :: f_dps(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER,SAVE :: f_duc(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER,SAVE :: f_bounds_lon(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER,SAVE :: f_bounds_lat(:) INTEGER,SAVE :: start_clock INTEGER,SAVE :: stop_clock INTEGER,SAVE :: count_clock=0 REAL,SAVE :: day_length ! length of a day (s) ! REAL,SAVE :: year_length ! length of a year (s) INTEGER,SAVE :: start_day ! reference sol value at beginning of the run wrt Ls=0 INTEGER,SAVE :: nbp_phys INTEGER,SAVE :: nbp_phys_glo CHARACTER(len=20),SAVE,ALLOCATABLE :: tname(:) ! tracer names REAL,SAVE :: pday ! number of ellapsed sols since Ls=0 REAL,SAVE :: ptime ! "universal time" as fraction of sol (e.g. 0.5 for noon) CONTAINS SUBROUTINE initialize_physics USE distrib_icosa_lmdz_mod, ONLY : init_distrib_icosa_lmdz, transfer_icosa_to_lmdz ! from dynamico USE domain_mod USE dimensions USE mpi_mod USE mpipara USE disvert_mod USE xios_mod USE time_mod , init_time_icosa=> init_time USE transfert_mod ! from LMDZ USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz, ONLY : unstructured USE mod_phys_lmdz_omp_data, ONLY: klon_omp USE transfert_mod USE physics_distribution_mod, ONLY : init_physics_distribution IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: ind,i,j,ij,pos REAL(rstd),POINTER :: bounds_lon(:,:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: bounds_lat(:,:) REAL(rstd),ALLOCATABLE :: latfi(:) REAL(rstd),ALLOCATABLE :: lonfi(:) REAL(rstd),ALLOCATABLE :: airefi(:) REAL(rstd),ALLOCATABLE :: bounds_latfi(:,:) REAL(rstd),ALLOCATABLE :: bounds_lonfi(:,:) REAL(rstd) :: pseudoalt(llm) INTEGER :: run_length INTEGER :: annee_ref INTEGER :: day_ref INTEGER :: day_ini REAL :: start_time REAL :: physics_timestep INTEGER :: nqo, nbtr CHARACTER(len=4) :: type_trac CHARACTER(len=20),ALLOCATABLE :: tname(:) ! tracer short name for restart and diagnostics CHARACTER(len=23),ALLOCATABLE :: ttext(:) ! tracer long name for diagnostics INTEGER,ALLOCATABLE :: niadv(:) ! equivalent dyn / physique INTEGER,ALLOCATABLE :: conv_flg(:) ! conv_flg(it)=0 : convection desactivated for tracer number it INTEGER,ALLOCATABLE :: pbl_flg(:) ! pbl_flg(it)=0 : boundary layer diffusion desactivaded for tracer number it CHARACTER(len=8),ALLOCATABLE :: solsym(:) ! tracer name from inca INTEGER :: iflag_phys INTEGER :: nbp_phys, nbp_phys_glo !$OMP PARALLEL CALL allocate_field(f_bounds_lon,field_t,type_real,6) CALL allocate_field(f_bounds_lat,field_t,type_real,6) CALL allocate_field(f_p,field_t,type_real,llm+1,name="p_in") CALL allocate_field(f_pks,field_t,type_real) CALL allocate_field(f_pk,field_t,type_real,llm) CALL allocate_field(f_p_layer,field_t,type_real,llm,name="p_layer_in") CALL allocate_field(f_theta,field_t,type_real,llm) CALL allocate_field(f_phi,field_t,type_real,llm,name="phi_in") CALL allocate_field(f_Temp,field_t,type_real,llm,name="Temp_in") CALL allocate_field(f_ulon,field_t,type_real,llm,name="ulon_in") CALL allocate_field(f_ulat,field_t,type_real,llm,name="ulat_in") CALL allocate_field(f_dulon,field_t,type_real,llm,name="dulon_out") CALL allocate_field(f_dulat,field_t,type_real,llm,name="dulat_out") CALL allocate_field(f_dTemp,field_t,type_real,llm,name="dTemp_out") CALL allocate_field(f_dq,field_t,type_real,llm,nqtot,name="dq_out") CALL allocate_field(f_dps,field_t,type_real,name="dps_out") CALL allocate_field(f_duc,field_t,type_real,3,llm) CALL init_message(f_dps,req_i0,req_dps0) CALL init_message(f_dulon,req_i0,req_dulon0) CALL init_message(f_dulat,req_i0,req_dulat0) CALL init_message(f_dTemp,req_i0,req_dTemp0) CALL init_message(f_dq,req_i0,req_dq0) !$OMP END PARALLEL nbp_phys=0 DO ind=1,ndomain CALL swap_dimensions(ind) DO j=jj_begin,jj_end DO i=ii_begin,ii_end IF (domain(ind)%own(i,j)) nbp_phys=nbp_phys+1 ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO !initialize LMDZ5 physic mpi decomposition CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE(nbp_phys,nbp_phys_glo,1,MPI_INTEGER,MPI_SUM,comm_icosa,ierr) CALL init_physics_distribution(unstructured, 6, nbp_phys, 1, nbp_phys_glo, llm, comm_icosa) DO ind=1,ndomain CALL swap_dimensions(ind) CALL swap_geometry(ind) bounds_lon=f_bounds_lon(ind) bounds_lat=f_bounds_lat(ind) DO j=jj_begin,jj_end DO i=ii_begin,ii_end ij=(j-1)*iim+i CALL xyz2lonlat(xyz_v(ij+z_rup,:), bounds_lon(ij,1), bounds_lat(ij,1)) CALL xyz2lonlat(xyz_v(ij+z_up,:), bounds_lon(ij,2), bounds_lat(ij,2)) CALL xyz2lonlat(xyz_v(ij+z_lup,:), bounds_lon(ij,3), bounds_lat(ij,3)) CALL xyz2lonlat(xyz_v(ij+z_ldown,:), bounds_lon(ij,4), bounds_lat(ij,4)) CALL xyz2lonlat(xyz_v(ij+z_down,:), bounds_lon(ij,5), bounds_lat(ij,5)) CALL xyz2lonlat(xyz_v(ij+z_rdown,:), bounds_lon(ij,6), bounds_lat(ij,6)) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO !$OMP PARALLEL CALL initialize_physics_omp !$OMP END PARALLEL CALL xios_set_context END SUBROUTINE initialize_physics SUBROUTINE initialize_physics_omp USE distrib_icosa_lmdz_mod, ONLY : init_distrib_icosa_lmdz, transfer_icosa_to_lmdz ! from dynamico USE domain_mod USE dimensions USE mpi_mod USE mpipara USE disvert_mod USE xios_mod USE time_mod , ONLY: init_time_icosa=> init_time, dt, itaumax, itau_physics USE omp_para ! from LMDZ USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz, ONLY : unstructured USE mod_phys_lmdz_omp_data, ONLY: klon_omp USE time_phylmdz_mod, ONLY: init_time_lmdz => init_time USE transfert_mod USE physics_distribution_mod, ONLY : init_physics_distribution USE dimphy, ONLY: init_dimphy USE geometry_mod, ONLY : init_geometry USE vertical_layers_mod, ONLY : init_vertical_layers ! USE planete_mod, ONLY: ini_planete_mod USE cpdet_phy_mod, ONLY: init_cpdet_phy USE infotrac_phy, ONLY: init_infotrac_phy USE netcdf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: ind,i,j,k,ij,pos REAL(rstd),POINTER :: bounds_lon(:,:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: bounds_lat(:,:) REAL(rstd),ALLOCATABLE :: latfi(:) REAL(rstd),ALLOCATABLE :: lonfi(:) REAL(rstd),ALLOCATABLE :: airefi(:) REAL(rstd),ALLOCATABLE :: bounds_latfi(:,:) REAL(rstd),ALLOCATABLE :: bounds_lonfi(:,:) REAL(rstd),ALLOCATABLE :: ind_cell_glo(:) REAL(rstd),ALLOCATABLE :: dx(:) REAL(rstd),ALLOCATABLE :: dy(:) REAL(rstd) :: pseudoalt(llm) REAL(rstd) :: aps(llm) REAL(rstd) :: bps(llm) real(rstd) :: scaleheight ! For Cp(T) REAL(rstd) :: nu_venus REAL(rstd) :: t0_venus ! Calendar related stuff REAL(rstd) :: ptimestep INTEGER :: run_length INTEGER :: annee_ref INTEGER :: day_ref INTEGER :: day_ini INTEGER :: day_end ! Tracer related information INTEGER :: iflag_trac CHARACTER(len=4) :: type_trac CHARACTER(len=20),ALLOCATABLE :: tname(:) ! tracer short name for restart and diagnostics CHARACTER(len=23),ALLOCATABLE :: ttext(:) ! tracer long name for diagnostics TYPE(t_field),POINTER,SAVE :: f_ind_cell_glo(:) INTEGER :: iflag_phys INTEGER :: nq !! to get values from controle array !! --------------------------------------------- logical :: startphy_file ! NetCDF stuff integer :: status ! NetCDF return code integer :: ncid ! NetCDF file ID integer :: varid ! NetCDF variable ID real :: tab_cntrl(100) CALL init_distrib_icosa_lmdz ALLOCATE(latfi(klon_omp)) ALLOCATE(lonfi(klon_omp)) ALLOCATE(airefi(klon_omp)) ALLOCATE(bounds_latfi(klon_omp,6)) ALLOCATE(bounds_lonfi(klon_omp,6)) ALLOCATE(ind_cell_glo(klon_omp)) ALLOCATE(dx(klon_omp)) ALLOCATE(dy(klon_omp)) CALL transfer_icosa_to_lmdz(geom%lat_i,latfi) CALL transfer_icosa_to_lmdz(geom%lon_i,lonfi) CALL transfer_icosa_to_lmdz(f_bounds_lat,bounds_latfi) CALL transfer_icosa_to_lmdz(f_bounds_lon,bounds_lonfi) CALL transfer_icosa_to_lmdz(geom%Ai,airefi) CALL allocate_field(f_ind_cell_glo,field_t,type_real) DO ind=1,ndomain IF (.NOT. assigned_domain(ind) .OR. .NOT. is_omp_level_master ) CYCLE CALL swap_dimensions(ind) CALL swap_geometry(ind) DO j=jj_begin,jj_end DO i=ii_begin,ii_end ij=(j-1)*iim+i f_ind_cell_glo(ind)%rval2d(ij)=domain(ind)%assign_cell_glo(i,j) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO !$OMP BARRIER CALL transfer_icosa_to_lmdz(f_ind_cell_glo,ind_cell_glo) CALL deallocate_field(f_ind_cell_glo) ! Initialize dimphy module CALL init_dimphy(klon_omp,llm) ! Dummy initializations for dx(),dy() In principle these are not used ! in the physics; but this should be checked further... dx(:)=1 ; dy(:)=1 CALL init_geometry(klon_omp,lonfi,latfi,bounds_lonfi,bounds_latfi,& airefi,INT(ind_cell_glo),dx,dy) scaleheight=scale_height/1000. ! Atmospheric scale height (km) aps(1:llm)=0.5*(ap(1:llm)+ap(2:llm+1)) bps(1:llm)=0.5*(bp(1:llm)+bp(2:llm+1)) pseudoalt(:)=-scaleheight*log(presnivs(:)/preff) CALL init_vertical_layers(llm,preff,scaleheight,ap,bp,aps,bps,presnivs,pseudoalt) ! Initialize planet_mod (quite redundant wrt vertical_levels...) ! CALL ini_planete_mod(llm,preff,ap,bp) ! Initialize tracer names, numbers, etc. for physics !$OMP MASTER ! init tracers model for standard lmdz case ALLOCATE(tname(nqtot)) ALLOCATE(ttext(nqtot)) ! read tname() from traceur.def file OPEN(unit=42,file="traceur.def",form="formatted",status="old",iostat=ierr) IF (ierr==0) THEN READ(42,*) nq ! should be the same as nqtot IF (nq /= nqtot) THEN WRITE(*,*) "Error: number of tracers in tracer.def should match nqtot!" WRITE(*,*) " will just use nqtot=",nqtot," tracers" ENDIF DO i=1,nqtot READ(42,*) j,k,tname(i) ttext(i)=trim(tname(i))//"VL1" ENDDO CLOSE(42) ENDIF !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP BARRIER ! Get/set some constants for the physics !$OMP MASTER startphy_file=.true. CALL getin('startphy_file',startphy_file) IF (startphy_file) THEN ! Read in some information from the file status=nf90_open('',NF90_NOWRITE,ncid) if ( then write(*,*)"Failed to open" write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(status)) stop endif status=nf90_inq_varid(ncid,"controle",varid) if ( then write(*,*)"Failed to find controle variable" write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(status)) stop endif status=nf90_get_var(ncid,varid,tab_cntrl) ! extract needed variables from tab_cntrl day_end=tab_cntrl(13) annee_ref=tab_cntrl(14) status=nf90_close(ncid) ELSE ! required information that is not in tab_cntrl ! has to be default or read from def files day_end=0 CALL getin('day_end',day_end) annee_ref=0 CALL getin('annee_ref',annee_ref) ENDIF ! Other required values which have to be read from def files day_ref=0 CALL getin('day_ref',day_ref) day_ini=0 CALL getin('day_ini',day_ini) day_length=0 CALL getin('day_length',day_length) iflag_trac=0 CALL getin('iflag_trac',iflag_trac) !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP BARRIER ! Initialize some physical constants CALL suphec ! Initialize cpdet_phy module nu_venus=0.35 t0_venus=460. CALL init_cpdet_phy(cpp,nu_venus,t0_venus) ! Initialize some "temporal and calendar" related variables ptimestep=itau_physics*dt CALL init_time_lmdz(annee_ref,day_ref,day_ini,day_end,ptimestep) ! Initialize tracers in physics CALL init_infotrac_phy(iflag_trac,nqtot,tname,ttext) ! Initializations of some module variables !$OMP MASTER ! initialize pday and ptime pday = day_ini ptime = 0 ! assume we start at midnight ... !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP BARRIER END SUBROUTINE initialize_physics_omp SUBROUTINE physics USE icosa USE time_mod USE disvert_mod USE transfert_mod USE mpipara USE xios_mod USE wxios USE trace USE distrib_icosa_lmdz_mod, ONLY : transfer_icosa_to_lmdz, transfer_lmdz_to_icosa USE physics_external_mod, ONLY : it, f_phis, f_ps, f_theta_rhodz, f_u, f_wflux, f_q USE write_field_mod USE checksum_mod ! from LMDZ USE mod_phys_lmdz_omp_data, ONLY: klon_omp USE geometry_mod, ONLY : cell_area USE physiq_mod, ONLY: physiq IMPLICIT NONE REAL(rstd),POINTER :: phis(:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: ps(:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: theta_rhodz(:,:,:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: u(:,:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: wflux(:,:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: q(:,:,:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: p(:,:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: pks(:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: pk(:,:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: p_layer(:,:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: theta(:,:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: phi(:,:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: Temp(:,:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: ulon(:,:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: ulat(:,:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: dulon(:,:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: dulat(:,:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: dTemp(:,:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: dq(:,:,:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: dps(:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: duc(:,:,:) INTEGER :: ind,l REAL(rstd),ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: ps_phy(:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ps_phy) REAL(rstd),ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: p_phy(:,:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(p_phy) REAL(rstd),ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: p_layer_phy(:,:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(p_layer_phy) REAL(rstd),ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: pk_phy(:,:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(p_layer_phy) REAL(rstd),ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: Temp_phy(:,:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(Temp_phy) REAL(rstd),ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: phis_phy(:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(phis_phy) REAL(rstd),ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: phi_phy(:,:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(phi_phy) REAL(rstd),ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: ulon_phy(:,:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ulon_phy) REAL(rstd),ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: ulat_phy(:,:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ulat_phy) REAL(rstd),ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: q_phy(:,:,:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(q_phy) REAL(rstd),ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: wflux_phy(:,:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(wflux_phy) REAL(rstd),ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: dulon_phy(:,:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(dulon_phy) REAL(rstd),ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: dulat_phy(:,:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(dulat_phy) REAL(rstd),ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: dTemp_phy(:,:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(dTemp_phy) REAL(rstd),ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: dq_phy(:,:,:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(dq_phy) REAL(rstd),ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: dps_phy(:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(dps_phy) REAL(rstd) :: dtphy LOGICAL :: debut LOGICAL :: lafin LOGICAL,SAVE :: first=.TRUE. !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(first) REAL(rstd),ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: plevmoy(:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(plevmoy) REAL(rstd),ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: tmoy(:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(tmoy) IF(first) THEN debut=.TRUE. ELSE debut=.FALSE. ENDIF IF(it-itau0>=itaumax) THEN lafin=.TRUE. ELSE lafin=.FALSE. ENDIF IF (first) THEN first=.FALSE. CALL init_message(f_u,req_e1_vect,req_u) ALLOCATE(ps_phy(klon_omp)) ALLOCATE(p_phy(klon_omp,llm+1)) ALLOCATE(p_layer_phy(klon_omp,llm)) ALLOCATE(pk_phy(klon_omp,llm)) ALLOCATE(Temp_phy(klon_omp,llm)) ALLOCATE(phis_phy(klon_omp)) ALLOCATE(phi_phy(klon_omp,llm)) ALLOCATE(ulon_phy(klon_omp,llm)) ALLOCATE(ulat_phy(klon_omp,llm)) ALLOCATE(q_phy(klon_omp,llm,nqtot)) ALLOCATE(wflux_phy(klon_omp,llm)) ALLOCATE(dulon_phy(klon_omp,llm)) ALLOCATE(dulat_phy(klon_omp,llm)) ALLOCATE(dTemp_phy(klon_omp,llm)) ALLOCATE(dq_phy(klon_omp,llm,nqtot)) ALLOCATE(dps_phy(klon_omp)) ALLOCATE(plevmoy(llm+1)) ALLOCATE(tmoy(llm)) !$OMP BARRIER ENDIF !$OMP MASTER ! CALL update_calendar(it) !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP BARRIER dtphy=itau_physics*dt CALL transfert_message(f_u,req_u) DO ind=1,ndomain CALL swap_dimensions(ind) IF (assigned_domain(ind)) THEN CALL swap_geometry(ind) phis=f_phis(ind) ps=f_ps(ind) theta_rhodz=f_theta_rhodz(ind) u=f_u(ind) q=f_q(ind) wflux=f_wflux(ind) p=f_p(ind) pks=f_pks(ind) pk=f_pk(ind) p_layer=f_p_layer(ind) theta=f_theta(ind) phi=f_phi(ind) Temp=f_Temp(ind) ulon=f_ulon(ind) ulat=f_ulat(ind) CALL grid_icosa_to_physics ENDIF ENDDO !$OMP BARRIER !$OMP MASTER CALL SYSTEM_CLOCK(start_clock) !$OMP END MASTER CALL trace_start("physic") ! CALL trace_off() ! CALL writeField("p_in",f_p) ! CALL writeField("p_layer_in",f_p_layer) ! CALL writeField("phi_in",f_phi) ! CALL writeField("phis_in",f_phis) ! CALL writeField("ulon_in",f_ulon) ! CALL writeField("ulat_in",f_ulat) ! CALL writeField("Temp_in",f_Temp) ! CALL writeField("q_in",f_q) ! CALL writeField("wflux_in",f_wflux) ! CALL checksum(f_p) ! CALL checksum(f_p_layer) ! CALL checksum(f_phi) ! CALL checksum(f_phis) ! CALL checksum(f_ulon) ! CALL checksum(f_ulat) ! CALL checksum(f_Temp) ! CALL checksum(f_q) ! CALL checksum(f_wflux) CALL transfer_icosa_to_lmdz(f_p , p_phy) CALL transfer_icosa_to_lmdz(f_p_layer, p_layer_phy) CALL transfer_icosa_to_lmdz(f_pk , pk_phy) CALL transfer_icosa_to_lmdz(f_phi , phi_phy) CALL transfer_icosa_to_lmdz(f_phis , phis_phy ) CALL transfer_icosa_to_lmdz(f_ulon , ulon_phy ) CALL transfer_icosa_to_lmdz(f_ulat , ulat_phy) CALL transfer_icosa_to_lmdz(f_Temp , Temp_phy) CALL transfer_icosa_to_lmdz(f_q , q_phy) CALL transfer_icosa_to_lmdz(f_wflux , wflux_phy) DO l=1,llm wflux_phy(:,l)=wflux_phy(:,l)*cell_area(:) phi_phy(:,l)=phi_phy(:,l)-phis_phy(:) ENDDO CALL wxios_set_context() ! Update pday and ptime to send to physics !$OMP MASTER ptime=ptime+dtphy/day_length IF (ptime >= 1.) THEN ptime=ptime-1 pday=pday+1 ENDIF !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP BARRIER ! NB: arguments plevmoy(:) planet-averaged mean pressure (Pa) at interlayers ! and tmoy(:) planet-averaged mean temperature (K) at mid-layers ! are an issue. For now we just set them to unphysical values plevmoy(:)=-999 tmoy(:)=-999 ! Ehouarn test: add some noise to ulon_phy and vlon_phy if they are zero IF(minval(ulon_phy).eq.maxval(ulon_phy)) ulon_phy(:,:)=1.e-15 IF(minval(ulat_phy).eq.maxval(ulat_phy)) ulat_phy(:,:)=-1.e-15 CALL physiq(klon_omp, llm, nqtot, & debut, lafin, & pday, ptime, dtphy, & p_phy, p_layer_phy, pk_phy, & phi_phy, phis_phy, presnivs, & ulon_phy, ulat_phy, Temp_phy, q_phy, & wflux_phy, plevmoy, tmoy, & dulon_phy, dulat_phy, dTemp_phy, dq_phy, dps_phy) CALL transfer_lmdz_to_icosa(dulon_phy, f_dulon ) CALL transfer_lmdz_to_icosa(dulat_phy, f_dulat ) CALL transfer_lmdz_to_icosa(dTemp_phy, f_dTemp ) CALL transfer_lmdz_to_icosa(dq_phy , f_dq ) CALL transfer_lmdz_to_icosa(dps_phy , f_dps ) ! CALL writeField("dulon_out",f_dulon) ! CALL writeField("dulat_out",f_dulat) ! CALL writeField("dTemp_out",f_dTemp) ! CALL writeField("dq_out",f_dq) ! CALL writeField("dps_out",f_dps) ! CALL checksum(f_dulon) ! CALL checksum(f_dulat) ! CALL checksum(f_dTemp) ! CALL checksum(f_dq) ! CALL checksum(f_dps) CALL send_message(f_dps,req_dps0) CALL send_message(f_dulon,req_dulon0) CALL send_message(f_dulat,req_dulat0) CALL send_message(f_dTemp,req_dTemp0) CALL send_message(f_dq,req_dq0) CALL wait_message(req_dps0) CALL wait_message(req_dulon0) CALL wait_message(req_dulat0) CALL wait_message(req_dTemp0) CALL wait_message(req_dq0) ! CALL trace_on() CALL trace_end("physic") !$OMP MASTER CALL SYSTEM_CLOCK(stop_clock) count_clock=count_clock+stop_clock-start_clock !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP BARRIER DO ind=1,ndomain CALL swap_dimensions(ind) IF (assigned_domain(ind)) THEN CALL swap_geometry(ind) theta_rhodz=f_theta_rhodz(ind) u=f_u(ind) q=f_q(ind) ps=f_ps(ind) dulon=f_dulon(ind) dulat=f_dulat(ind) Temp=f_temp(ind) dTemp=f_dTemp(ind) dq=f_dq(ind) dps=f_dps(ind) duc=f_duc(ind) p=f_p(ind) pks=f_pks(ind) pk=f_pk(ind) CALL grid_physics_to_icosa ENDIF ENDDO !$OMP BARRIER CALL xios_set_context CONTAINS SUBROUTINE grid_icosa_to_physics USE pression_mod USE exner_mod USE theta2theta_rhodz_mod USE geopotential_mod USE wind_mod USE omp_para IMPLICIT NONE REAL(rstd) :: uc(3) INTEGER :: i,j,ij,l ! compute pression DO l = ll_begin,ll_endp1 DO j=jj_begin,jj_end DO i=ii_begin,ii_end ij=(j-1)*iim+i p(ij,l) = ap(l) + bp(l) * ps(ij) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO !$OMP BARRIER ! compute exner IF (is_omp_first_level) THEN DO j=jj_begin,jj_end DO i=ii_begin,ii_end ij=(j-1)*iim+i pks(ij) = cpp * ( ps(ij)/preff ) ** kappa ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ! 3D : pk DO l = ll_begin,ll_end DO j=jj_begin,jj_end DO i=ii_begin,ii_end ij=(j-1)*iim+i pk(ij,l) = cpp * ((.5/preff)*(p(ij,l)+p(ij,l+1))) ** kappa ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO !$OMP BARRIER ! compute theta, temperature and pression at layer DO l = ll_begin, ll_end DO j=jj_begin,jj_end DO i=ii_begin,ii_end ij=(j-1)*iim+i theta(ij,l) = theta_rhodz(ij,l,1) / ((p(ij,l)-p(ij,l+1))/g) Temp(ij,l) = theta(ij,l) * pk(ij,l) / cpp p_layer(ij,l)=preff*(pk(ij,l)/cpp)**(1./kappa) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO !!! Compute geopotential ! for first layer IF (is_omp_first_level) THEN DO j=jj_begin,jj_end DO i=ii_begin,ii_end ij=(j-1)*iim+i phi( ij,1 ) = phis( ij ) + theta(ij,1) * ( pks(ij) - pk(ij,1) ) ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF !!-> implicit flush on phi(:,1) ! for other layers DO l = ll_beginp1, ll_end DO j=jj_begin,jj_end DO i=ii_begin,ii_end ij=(j-1)*iim+i phi(ij,l) = 0.5 * ( theta(ij,l) + theta(ij,l-1) ) & * ( pk(ij,l-1) - pk(ij,l) ) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO !$OMP BARRIER IF (is_omp_first_level) THEN DO l = 2, llm DO j=jj_begin,jj_end ! ---> Bug compilo intel ici en openmp ! ---> Couper la boucle IF (j==jj_end+1) PRINT*,"this message must not be printed" DO i=ii_begin,ii_end ij=(j-1)*iim+i phi(ij,l) = phi(ij,l)+ phi(ij,l-1) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ! --> IMPLICIT FLUSH on phi --> non ENDIF ! compute wind centered lon lat compound DO l=ll_begin,ll_end DO j=jj_begin,jj_end DO i=ii_begin,ii_end ij=(j-1)*iim+i uc(:)=1/Ai(ij)* & ( ne(ij,right)*u(ij+u_right,l)*le(ij+u_right)*((xyz_v(ij+z_rdown,:)+xyz_v(ij+z_rup,:))/2-centroid(ij,:)) & + ne(ij,rup)*u(ij+u_rup,l)*le(ij+u_rup)*((xyz_v(ij+z_rup,:)+xyz_v(ij+z_up,:))/2-centroid(ij,:)) & + ne(ij,lup)*u(ij+u_lup,l)*le(ij+u_lup)*((xyz_v(ij+z_up,:)+xyz_v(ij+z_lup,:))/2-centroid(ij,:)) & + ne(ij,left)*u(ij+u_left,l)*le(ij+u_left)*((xyz_v(ij+z_lup,:)+xyz_v(ij+z_ldown,:))/2-centroid(ij,:)) & + ne(ij,ldown)*u(ij+u_ldown,l)*le(ij+u_ldown)*((xyz_v(ij+z_ldown,:)+xyz_v(ij+z_down,:))/2-centroid(ij,:))& + ne(ij,rdown)*u(ij+u_rdown,l)*le(ij+u_rdown)*((xyz_v(ij+z_down,:)+xyz_v(ij+z_rdown,:))/2-centroid(ij,:))) ulon(ij,l)=sum(uc(:)*elon_i(ij,:)) ulat(ij,l)=sum(uc(:)*elat_i(ij,:)) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO !$OMP BARRIER END SUBROUTINE grid_icosa_to_physics SUBROUTINE grid_physics_to_icosa USE theta2theta_rhodz_mod USE omp_para IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: i,j,ij,l,iq DO l=ll_begin,ll_end DO j=jj_begin,jj_end DO i=ii_begin,ii_end ij=(j-1)*iim+i duc(ij,:,l)=dulon(ij,l)*elon_i(ij,:)+dulat(ij,l)*elat_i(ij,:) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO DO l=ll_begin,ll_end DO j=jj_begin,jj_end DO i=ii_begin,ii_end ij=(j-1)*iim+i u(ij+u_right,l) = u(ij+u_right,l) + dtphy * sum( 0.5*(duc(ij,:,l) + duc(ij+t_right,:,l))*ep_e(ij+u_right,:) ) u(ij+u_lup,l) = u(ij+u_lup,l) + dtphy * sum( 0.5*(duc(ij,:,l) + duc(ij+t_lup,:,l))*ep_e(ij+u_lup,:) ) u(ij+u_ldown,l) = u(ij+u_ldown,l) + dtphy*sum( 0.5*(duc(ij,:,l) + duc(ij+t_ldown,:,l))*ep_e(ij+u_ldown,:) ) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO DO l=ll_begin,ll_end DO j=jj_begin,jj_end DO i=ii_begin,ii_end ij=(j-1)*iim+i Temp(ij,l)=Temp(ij,l)+ dtphy * dTemp(ij,l) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO DO iq=1,nqtot DO l=ll_begin,ll_end DO j=jj_begin,jj_end DO i=ii_begin,ii_end ij=(j-1)*iim+i q(ij,l,iq)=q(ij,l,iq)+ dtphy * dq(ij,l,iq) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO !$OMP BARRIER IF (is_omp_first_level) THEN DO j=jj_begin,jj_end DO i=ii_begin,ii_end ij=(j-1)*iim+i ps(ij)=ps(ij)+ dtphy * dps(ij) ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ! CALL compute_temperature2theta_rhodz(ps,Temp,theta_rhodz,0) ! compute pression !$OMP BARRIER DO l = ll_begin,ll_endp1 DO j=jj_begin,jj_end DO i=ii_begin,ii_end ij=(j-1)*iim+i p(ij,l) = ap(l) + bp(l) * ps(ij) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO !$OMP BARRIER ! compute exner IF (is_omp_first_level) THEN DO j=jj_begin,jj_end DO i=ii_begin,ii_end ij=(j-1)*iim+i pks(ij) = cpp * ( ps(ij)/preff ) ** kappa ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ! 3D : pk DO l = ll_begin,ll_end DO j=jj_begin,jj_end DO i=ii_begin,ii_end ij=(j-1)*iim+i pk(ij,l) = cpp * ((.5/preff)*(p(ij,l)+p(ij,l+1))) ** kappa ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO !$OMP BARRIER ! compute theta, temperature and pression at layer DO l = ll_begin, ll_end DO j=jj_begin,jj_end DO i=ii_begin,ii_end ij=(j-1)*iim+i theta_rhodz(ij,l,1) = temp(ij,l) * ((p(ij,l)-p(ij,l+1))/g) / (pk(ij,l) / cpp ) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO END SUBROUTINE grid_physics_to_icosa END SUBROUTINE physics END MODULE interface_icosa_lmdz_mod