subroutine interpolateH2Ocont_PPC(wn,temp,presS,presF,abcoef,firstcall) !================================================================== ! ! Purpose ! ------- ! Calculates the H2O continuum opacity, using the formulae ! provided in Pierrehumbert, PPC (2010). As this is based on ! the CKD continuum, it provides a useful check for the ! implementation of the more general interpolateH2Ocont_CKD.F90. ! ! Authors ! ------- ! R. Wordsworth (2012) ! !================================================================== use watercommon_h, only: mH2O use datafile_mod, only: datadir implicit none ! input double precision wn ! wavenumber (cm^-1) double precision temp ! temperature (Kelvin) double precision presS ! self-pressure (Pascals) double precision presF ! foreign (air) pressure (Pascals) ! parameters double precision, parameter :: T0 = 296.0 double precision, parameter :: p0 = 1.D+4 ! variables double precision rho_w, x ! output double precision abcoef ! absorption coefficient (m^-1) logical firstcall x = wn - 2500. if(firstcall)then ! called by sugas_corrk only print*,'----------------------------------------------------' print*,'Testing H2O continuum...' print*,'interpolateH2Ocont: At wavenumber ',wn,' cm^-1' print*,' temperature ',temp,' K' print*,' H2O pressure ',presS,' Pa' rho_w = presS/((8.31446/(mH2O/1000.))*temp) if( .and. abcoef = exp(12.167 - 0.050898*wn + 8.3207e-5*wn**2 - 7.0748e-8*wn**3 + 2.3261e-11*wn**4)*(T0/temp)**4.25*(presS/p0) elseif( .and. abcoef = exp(-6.0055 - 0.0021363*x + 6.4723e-7*x**2 - 1.493e-8*x**3 + 2.5621e-11*x**4 + 7.328e-14*x**5)*(T0/temp)**4.25*(presS/p0) else abcoef = 0.0 endif abcoef = abcoef*rho_w print*,'The self absorption is ',abcoef,' m^-1' print*,'And optical depth / km : ',1000.0*abcoef else rho_w = presS/((8.31446/(mH2O/1000.))*temp) if( .and. abcoef = exp(12.167 - 0.050898*wn + 8.3207e-5*wn**2 - 7.0748e-8*wn**3 + 2.3261e-11*wn**4)*(T0/temp)**4.25*(presS/p0) elseif( .and. abcoef = exp(-6.0055 - 0.0021363*x + 6.4723e-7*x**2 - 1.493e-8*x**3 + 2.5621e-11*x**4 + 7.328e-14*x**5)*(T0/temp)**4.25*(presS/p0) else abcoef = 0.0 endif abcoef = abcoef*rho_w ! unlike for Rayleigh scattering, we do not currently weight by the BB function ! however our bands are normally thin, so this is no big deal. endif return end subroutine interpolateH2Ocont_PPC