# Registry file, EM # # At the present time this file is managed manually and edited by hand. # ################################################################################ # Dimension specifications # # This section of the Registry file is used to specify the dimensions # that will be used to define arrays. Dim is the one-letter name of the # dimension. How defined can either be "standard_domain", which means # that the dimension (1) is one of the three spatial dimensions and (2) # it will be set using the standard namelist mechanism and domain data # structure dimension fields (e.g. sd31,ed31,sd32...). # # Order refers to which of the three sets of just-mentioned internal # dimension variables the dimension is referred to by in the driver. # That is, is it the first, second, or third dimension. The registry # infers the mapping of its internal dimensions according to the # combination of Order and Coord-axis that are specified in this table. # Note that it is all right to more than one dimension name for, say, the # x dimension. However, the Order and Coord-axis relationship must be # consistent throughout. # # Note: these entries do not enforce storage order on a particular field. # That is determined by the dimension strings for each field. But it does # relate the dimspec to the internal data structures that the driver uses # to maintain the three physical domain dimensions. # # "How defined" can also specify the name of a namelist variable from which # the definition for the dimension will come; this is specified as # "namelist=". The namelist variable must have been # defined as an integer and with only one entry in the rconfig table. Or # a constant can be specified. The coordinate axis for the dimension is # either X, Y, Z, or C (for "not a spatial dimension"). The Dimname is # the descriptive name of the dimension that will be included in the # metadata in data sets. Note that the b, f, and t modifiers that appear # as the last characters of dimension strings used # in state and # i1 # registry definitions are not dimensions and do not need to be declared # here. # # Available characters for dimspec: 0123456789@%+=|?.!&[{}] # dimspec i 1 standard_domain x west_east dimspec j 3 standard_domain y south_north dimspec k 2 standard_domain z bottom_top dimspec l 2 namelist=num_soil_layers z soil_layers dimspec u 2 namelist=num_land_cat z land_cat dimspec s 2 namelist=num_soil_cat z soil_cat dimspec p - constant=7501 c microphysics_rstrt_state dimspec w - namelist=spec_bdy_width c spec_bdy_width dimspec e 3 namelist=ensdim z ensemble dimension dimspec n 1 namelist=dfi_time_dim c dfi time dimension dimspec z - namelist=max_obs c max_obs dimspec h - namelist=nobs_err_flds c nobs_err_flds dimspec r - namelist=nobs_ndg_vars c nobs_ndg_vars dimspec g 2 namelist=num_metgrid_levels z num_metgrid_levels dimspec m 2 constant=12 z months_per_year dimspec a - namelist=cam_abs_dim1 c cam_abs_dim1 dimspec c - namelist=cam_abs_dim2 z cam_abs_dim2 dimspec q 2 namelist=levsiz z levsiz dimspec d 2 namelist=paerlev z paerlev dimspec ? - namelist=ts_buf_size c ts_buf_size dimspec ! - namelist=max_ts_locs c max_ts_locs dimspec v - constant=1 z one ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ####MARS MARS MARS MARS MARS ####MARS MARS MARS MARS MARS #### #### variables physiques ecrites dans les fichiers WRF #### - h indique l'ecriture #### #### #### RADIATIVE TRANSFER state real HR_SW ikj misc 1 - - "HR_SW" "HEATING RATE SW" "K/s" state real HR_LW ikj misc 1 - - "HR_LW" "HEATING RATE LW" "K/s" state real HR_DYN ikj misc 1 - - "HR_DYN" "HEATING RATE DYN" "K/s" state real DDT ikj misc 1 - - "DDT" "TEMPERATURE TENDENCY" "K/s" state real DT_RAD ikj misc 1 - - "DT_RAD" "RADIATIVE TEMPERATURE TENDENCY" "K/s" state real DT_VDF ikj misc 1 - - "DT_VDF" "PBL CLMAIN TEMPERATURE TENDENCY" "K/s" state real DT_AJS ikj misc 1 - - "DT_AJS" "AJUSTEMENT SEC TEMPERATURE TENDENCY" "K/s" state real SWDOWNZ ij misc 1 - - "SWDOWNZ" "DOWNWARD SW FLUX AT SURFACE" "W m-2" #### DUST CYCLE state real TAU_DUST ij misc 1 - - "TAU_DUST" "REFERENCE VISIBLE DUST OPACITY" "" state real RDUST ikj misc 1 - - "RDUST" "DUST RADIUS" "m" state real QSURFDUST ij misc 1 - - "QSURFDUST" "DUST MASS AT SURFACE" "kg m-2" #### CLOUDS state real MTOT ij misc 1 - - "MTOT" "TOTAL MASS WATER VAPOR in pmic" "pmic" state real ICETOT ij misc 1 - - "ICETOT" "TOTAL MASS WATER ICE" "kg m-2" state real VMR_ICE ikj misc 1 - - "VMR_ICE" "VOL. MIXING RATIO ICE" "ppm" state real TAU_ICE ij misc 1 - - "TAU_ICE" "CLOUD OD at 825 cm-1 TES" "" state real RICE ikj misc 1 - - "RICE" "ICE RADIUS" "m" #### THERMALS state real ZMAX ij misc 1 - - "ZMAX" "MAXIMUM LEVEL THERMALS" "m" state real HFMAX ij misc 1 - - "HFMAX" "MAXIMUM PBL HEAT FLUX" "m.K/s" #### #### ####MARS MARS MARS MARS MARS ####MARS MARS MARS MARS MARS ####MARS MARS MARS MARS MARS ####MARS MARS MARS MARS MARS #### #### #### TRACEURS: POUR L'INSTANT NE PAS CHANGER L'ORDRE (>> mais l'ordre n'est-il pas defini plus bas ? dans les options mars ?) #### - effacer le h si l'on veut eviter les sorties #### state real - ikjftb scalar 1 - - - state real QH2O ikjftb scalar 1 - i01rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "QH2O" "Water vapor mixing ratio" "kg kg-1" state real QH2O_ICE ikjftb scalar 1 - i01rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "QH2O_ICE" "Water ice mixing ratio" "kg kg-1" state real qdust ikjftb scalar 1 - i01rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "QDUST" "Dust mixing ratio" "kg kg-1" state real qdustn ikjftb scalar 1 - i01rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "QDUSTN" "Dust number density" " m-3 " state real qtrac1 ikjftb scalar 1 - i01rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "qtrac1" "Decaying tracer 1" "kg kg-1" state real qccn ikjftb scalar 1 - i01rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "QCCN" "CCN mixing ratio" "kg kg-1" state real qccnn ikjftb scalar 1 - i01rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "QCCNN" "CCN number mixing ratio" "kg kg-1" #### #### ####MARS MARS MARS MARS MARS ####MARS MARS MARS MARS MARS #state real floob ikjb dyn_em 1 - #state real floob_x ikjx dyn_em 1 - #state real floob_y ikjy dyn_em 1 - #xpose FLOOB dyn_em floob,floob_x,floob_y #state real xxx ijk misc 2 - h6ud #halo HALO_FLOOB dyn_em 4:xxx_2 # Lines that start with the word 'state' form a table that is # used by the script use_registry to generate module_state_descript.F # and other files. Also see documentation in use_registry. # # table entries are of the form #
# # It is required that LU_INDEX appears before any variable that is # interpolated with a mask, as lu_index supplies that mask. # this next 1 is for the HFSoLE/PET demo; writing these to auxhist1 output over MCEL for coupling # with wave model, only if compiled with -DMCELIO, JM 2003/05/29 state real LU_INDEX ij misc 1 - i02r01d=(interp_fcnm)u=(copy_fcnm) "LU_INDEX" "LAND USE CATEGORY" "" state real LU_MASK ij misc 1 - i3h1 "LU_MASK" "0 land 1 water" "" # znw, znu, dzs, and zs must be listed before any 3-d fields # in order for the grib output module to work correctly. The grib output # module retrieves the vertical levels from these parameters. If znw, znu # dzs, and zs are not listed first, vertical level will not be encoded at # time 0. state real znu k dyn_em 1 - irh "znu" "eta values on half (mass) levels" "" state real znw k dyn_em 1 Z i01rh "znw" "eta values on full (w) levels" "" state real ZS l misc - Z ir "ZS" "DEPTHS OF CENTERS OF SOIL LAYERS" "m" state real DZS l misc - Z ir "DZS" "THICKNESSES OF SOIL LAYERS" "m" # # Variables from WPS # state real u_gc igj dyn_em 1 XZ i1 "UU" "x-wind component" "m s-1" state real v_gc igj dyn_em 1 YZ i1 "VV" "y-wind component" "m s-1" state real t_gc igj dyn_em 1 Z i1 "TT" "temperature" "K" state real rh_gc igj dyn_em 1 Z i1 "RH" "relative humidity" "%" state real ght_gc igj dyn_em 1 Z i1 "GHT" "geopotential height" "m" state real p_gc igj dyn_em 1 Z i1 "PRES" "pressure" "Pa" state real xlat_gc ij dyn_em 1 - i1 "XLAT_M" "latitude, positive north" "degrees" state real xlong_gc ij dyn_em 1 - i1 "XLONG_M" "longitude, positive east" "degrees" state real ht_gc ij dyn_em 1 - i1 "HGT_M" "topography elevation" "m" state real tsk_gc ij dyn_em 1 - i1 "SKINTEMP" "skin temperature" "K" state real tavgsfc ij dyn_em 1 - i1 "TAVGSFC" "daily mean of surface air temperature" "K" state real tmn_gc ij dyn_em 1 - i1 "SOILTEMP" "annual mean deep soil temperature" "K" state real pslv_gc ij dyn_em 1 - i1 "PMSL" "sea level pressure" "Pa" state real greenfrac imj dyn_em 1 Z i1 "GREENFRAC" "monthly greenness fraction" "0 - 1 fraction" state real albedo12m imj dyn_em 1 Z i1 "ALBEDO12M" "background albedo" "0 - 1 fraction" state real pd_gc igj dyn_em 1 Z - "PD" "dry pressure" "Pa" state real psfc_gc ij dyn_em 1 - - "PSFC_GC" "surface pressure" "Pa" state real intq_gc ij dyn_em 1 - - "INTQ" "integrated mixing ratio" "Pa" state real pdhs ij dyn_em 1 - - "PDHS" "hydrostatic dry surface pressure" "Pa" state real qv_gc igj dyn_em 1 Z i1 "QV" "mixing ratio" "kg kg-1" ifdef RUC_CLOUD state real qr_gc igj dyn_em 1 Z i1 "QR" "rain water mixing ratio" "kg kg-1" state real qc_gc igj dyn_em 1 Z i1 "QC" "cloud water mixing ratio" "kg kg-1" state real qs_gc igj dyn_em 1 Z i1 "QS" "snow mixing ratio" "kg kg-1" state real qi_gc igj dyn_em 1 Z i1 "QI" "cloud ice mixing ratio" "kg kg-1" state real qg_gc igj dyn_em 1 Z i1 "QG" "graupel mixing ratio" "kg kg-1" state real qni_gc igj dyn_em 1 Z i1 "QNI" "ice no concentration" "m-3" endif ####MARS MARS MARS MARS MARS ####MARS MARS MARS MARS MARS #### #### INITIALISATION #### #### variables dans real #### state real albedo_gcm_gc ij dyn_em 1 - i1 "ALBEDO_GCM" "albedo of naked ground" "0 - 1 fraction" state real therm_inert_gc ij dyn_em 1 - i1 "THERMAL_INERTIA" "thermal inertia" "J/m2/K/s0.5" state real z0_gc ij dyn_em 1 - i1 "SURF_ROUGHNESS" "surface roughness" "cm" state real slpx_gc ij dyn_em 1 - i1 "SLPX" "slope x direction" "rad" state real slpy_gc ij dyn_em 1 - i1 "SLPY" "slope y direction" "rad" state real hv_gc igj dyn_em 1 Z i1 "HV" "water vapor" "kg/kg" state real hi_gc igj dyn_em 1 Z i1 "HI" "water ice" "kg/kg" state real tsoil_gc igj dyn_em 1 Z i1 "TSOIL" "soil temperatures" "K" state real isoil_gc igj dyn_em 1 Z i1 "ISOIL" "soil thermal inertia" "tiu" state real dsoil_gc igj dyn_em 1 Z i1 "DSOIL" "soil depths" "m" #### #### variables dans wrf #### #### 'm_' prefix is to avoid redundancies with possible existing terrestrial variables #### #### vvvv nom pour module_initialize, solve_em, lmd_driver (interne fortran) #### vvvv nom fichier netCDF (important initialisation ################################################################################################################ state real m_albedo ij misc 1 - i012rd "MARS_ALB" "albedo of naked ground" "0 - 1 fraction" state real m_ti ij misc 1 - i012rd "MARS_TI" "thermal inertia" "J/m2/K/s0.5" state real m_z0 ij misc 1 - i012rd "MARS_Z0" "surface roughness" "m" state real slpx ij misc 1 - i012rd "SLOPEX" "slope x direction" "rad" state real slpy ij misc 1 - i012rd "SLOPEY" "slope y direction" "rad" state real m_emiss ij misc 1 - i012rd "MARS_EMISS" "emissivity" "0 - 1 fraction" state real m_co2ice ij misc 1 - i012rd "MARS_CICE" "co2 ground ice" "kg/m2" state real m_h2oice ij misc 1 - i012rd "MARS_WICE" "h2o ground ice" "kg/m2" state real m_fluxrad ij misc 1 - i012rd "MARS_FLUXRAD" "net rad flux at surf" "W.m-2" state real m_wstar ij misc 1 - i012rd "MARS_WSTAR" "free convection velocity" "m.s-1" state real m_tsurf ij misc 1 - i012rhd "MARS_TSURF" "surface temperature" "K" state real m_tsoil ilj misc 1 - i012rd "MARS_TSOIL" "soil temperatures" "K" state real m_q2 ikj misc 1 Z i012rd "MARS_Q2" "parameterized TKE" "kg.m-3" state real m_isoil ilj misc 1 - i012rd "MARS_ISOIL" "soil thermal inertia" "tiu" state real m_dsoil ilj misc 1 - i012rd "MARS_DSOIL" "soil depths" "m" state real m_gw ilj misc 1 - i012rd "MARS_GW" "gwparam" " " #### #### ####MARS MARS MARS MARS MARS ####MARS MARS MARS MARS MARS #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Variables for Eulerian mass coordinate dynamics # # Velocities # # U Vel state real u ikjb dyn_em 2 X \ i01rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "U" "x-wind component" "m s-1" state real ru ikj dyn_em 1 X - "MU_U" "mu-coupled u" "Pa m s-1" state real ru_m ikj dyn_em 1 X - "ru_m" "" "" state real ru_tend ikj dyn_em 1 X - "ru_tend" "" "" i1 real ru_tendf ikj dyn_em 1 X state real u_save ikj dyn_em 1 X - "u_save" # # V Vel state real v ikjb dyn_em 2 Y \ i01rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "V" "y-wind component" "m s-1" state real rv ikj dyn_em 1 Y - "MU_V" "mu-coupled v" "Pa m s-1" state real rv_m ikj dyn_em 1 Y - "rv_m" state real rv_tend ikj dyn_em 1 Y - "rv_tend" i1 real rv_tendf ikj dyn_em 1 Y state real v_save ikj dyn_em 1 Y - "v_save" # # Vertical Vel state real w ikjb dyn_em 2 Z \ irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "w" "z-wind component" "m s-1" state real ww ikj dyn_em 1 Z r "ww" "mu-coupled eta-dot" "Pa s-1" state real rw ikj dyn_em 1 Z - "rw" "mu-coupled w" "Pa m s-1" i1 real ww1 ikj dyn_em 1 Z state real ww_m ikj dyn_em 1 Z r "ww_m" "time-avg mu-coupled eta-dot" "Pa s-1" i1 real wwp ikj dyn_em 1 Z i1 real rw_tend ikj dyn_em 1 Z i1 real rw_tendf ikj dyn_em 1 Z i1 real w_save ikj dyn_em 1 Z # Geopotential state real ph ikjb dyn_em 2 Z \ irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ph" "perturbation geopotential" "m2 s-2" state real phb ikj dyn_em 1 Z irdus "phb" "base-state geopotential" "m2 s-2" state real phb_fine ikj dyn_em 1 Z - "phb_fine" "for nesting, temp holding interpolated coarse grid phb" "m2 s-2" state real ph0 ikj dyn_em 1 Z r "ph0" "initial geopotential" "m2 s-2" state real php ikj dyn_em 1 Z r "php" "geopotential" "m2 s-2" i1 real ph_tend ikj dyn_em 1 Z i1 real ph_tendf ikj dyn_em 1 Z i1 real ph_save ikj dyn_em 1 Z ## ## MARS: TO GET LIGHTER HISTORY FILES ## state real phtot ikj dyn_em 1 Z irh "PHTOT" "total geopotential" "m2 s-2" # Potential Temperature state real t ikjb dyn_em 2 - \ i01rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "t" "perturbation potential temperature (theta-t0)" "K" state real t_init ikj dyn_em 1 - ir "t_init" "initial potential temperature" "K" i1 real t_tend ikj dyn_em 1 - i1 real t_tendf ikj dyn_em 1 - state real tp ikj dyn_em 2 - i1 real t_2save ikj dyn_em 1 - state real t_save ikj dyn_em 1 - "t_save" # state real tz_init ikj dyn_em 1 - ir "tz_init" "initial potential temperature" "K" # Mass state real mu ijb dyn_em 2 - \ irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "mu" "perturbation dry air mass in column" "Pa" state real mub ij dyn_em 1 - irdus "mub" "base state dry air mass in column" "Pa" state real mub_fine ij dyn_em 1 - - "mub_fine" "nest temp, holds interpolated coarse grid mub" "Pa" state real mub_save ij dyn_em 1 - - "mub_save" "nest temp, holds orig fine grid mub" "Pa" state real mu0 ij dyn_em 1 - i01rdu "mu0" "initial dry mass in column" "Pa" state real mudf ij dyn_em 1 - - "mudf" "" "" state real muu ij dyn_em 1 - "muu" i1 real muus ij dyn_em 1 - state real muv ij dyn_em 1 - "muv" i1 real muvs ij dyn_em 1 - state real mut ij dyn_em 1 - "mut" state real muts ij dyn_em 1 - "muts" i1 real muave ij dyn_em 1 - i1 real mu_save ij dyn_em 1 - i1 real mu_tend ij dyn_em 1 - i1 real mu_tendf ij dyn_em 1 - #diagnostic for looking at nest position in output. A mungy version of terrain height. state real nest_pos ij misc 1 - ru=(mark_domain) "NEST_POS" state real nest_mask ij misc 1 - ru=(mark_domain) "NEST_MASK" "LOCATION OF NEST IF ANY" state real ht_coarse ij misc 1 - r - "STORAGE FOR LOW-RES TERRAIN" # TKE state real tke ikj dyn_em 2 - r "tke" "TURBULENCE KINETIC ENERGY" "m2 s-2" i1 real tke_tend ikj dyn_em 1 - # Pressure and Density state real p ikj dyn_em 1 - r "p" "perturbation pressure" "Pa" state real al ikj dyn_em 1 - r "al" "inverse perturbation density" "m3 kg-1" state real alt ikj dyn_em 1 - r "alt" "inverse density" "m3 kg-1" state real alb ikj dyn_em 1 - rdus "alb" "inverse base density" "m3 kg-1" state real zx ikj dyn_em 1 X - " " " " " " state real zy ikj dyn_em 1 Y - " " " " " " state real rdz ikj dyn_em 1 Z - " " " " " " state real rdzw ikj dyn_em 1 Z - " " " " " " state real pb ikj dyn_em 1 - rdus "pb" "BASE STATE PRESSURE " "Pa" ## ## MARS: TO GET LIGHTER HISTORY FILES ## state real ptot ikj dyn_em 1 - irh "PTOT" "total pressure" "Pa" # # Other dyn # i1 real advect_tend ikj dyn_em 1 - i1 real alpha ikj dyn_em 1 - i1 real a ikj dyn_em 1 - i1 real gamma ikj dyn_em 1 - i1 real c2a ikj dyn_em 1 - - i1 real rho ikj dyn_em 1 - - i1 real phm ikj dyn_em 1 - - i1 real cqu ikj dyn_em 1 - - i1 real cqv ikj dyn_em 1 - - i1 real cqw ikj dyn_em 1 - - i1 real pm1 ikj dyn_em 1 - - state real sr ij dyn_em 1 - ir "sr" "fraction of frozen precipitation" state real potevp ij dyn_em 1 - r "potevp" "accumulated potential evaporation" "W m-2" state real snopcx ij dyn_em 1 - r "snopcx" "snow phase change heat flux" "W m-2" state real soiltb ij dyn_em 1 - - "soiltb" "bottom soil temperature" "K" state real fnm k dyn_em 1 - ir "fnm" "upper weight for vertical stretching" "" state real fnp k dyn_em 1 - ir "fnp" "lower weight for vertical stretching" "" state real rdnw k dyn_em 1 - ir "rdnw" "inverse d(eta) values between full (w) levels" "" state real rdn k dyn_em 1 - ir "rdn" "inverse d(eta) values between half (mass) levels" "" state real dnw k dyn_em 1 - ir "dnw" "d(eta) values between full (w) levels" "" state real dn k dyn_em 1 - ir "dn " "d(eta) values between half (mass) levels" "" state real t_base k dyn_em 1 - ir "t_base" "BASE STATE T IN IDEALIZED CASES" "K" state real z ikj dyn_em 1 - - " " " " " " i1 real mu_3d ikj dyn_em 1 - i1 real z_at_w ikj dyn_em 1 Z state real cfn - misc - - ir "cfn" "extrapolation constant" "" state real cfn1 - misc - - ir "cfn1" "extrapolation constant" "" state integer step_number - misc - - ir "step_number" "" # 2m and 10m output diagnostics state real Q2 ij misc 1 - ird "Q2" "QV at 2 M" "kg kg-1" state real T2 ij misc 1 - ird "T2" "TEMP at 2 M" "K" state real TH2 ij misc 1 - ird "TH2" "POT TEMP at 2 M" "K" state real PSFC ij misc 1 - i01rhd "PSFC" "SFC PRESSURE" "Pa" # these next 2 are for the HFSoLE/PET demo; writing these to auxhist1 output over MCEL for coupling # with wave model, only if compiled with -DMCELIO, JM 2003/05/29 state real U10 ij misc 1 - ir01d "U10" "U at 10 M" "m s-1" state real V10 ij misc 1 - ir01d "V10" "V at 10 M" "m s-1" # these next 4 are for observational nudging state real uratx ij misc 1 - r "URATX" "Ratio of U over U10 on mass points " "dimensionless" state real vratx ij misc 1 - r "VRATX" "Ratio of V over V10 on mass points " "dimensionless" state real tratx ij misc 1 - r "TRATX" "Ratio of T over TH2 on mass points " "dimensionless" state real obs_savwt hikj dyn_em 1 X - "OBS_SAVWT" # Other state real rdx - misc - - ir "rdx" "INVERSE X GRID LENGTH" "" state real rdy - misc - - ir "rdy" "INVERSE Y GRID LENGTH" "" state real dts - misc - - ir "dts" "SMALL TIMESTEP" "" state real dtseps - misc - - ir "dtseps" "TIME WEIGHT CONSTANT FOR SMALL STEPS" "" state real resm - misc - - ir "resm" "TIME WEIGHT CONSTANT FOR SMALL STEPS" "" state real zetatop - misc - - ir "zetatop" "ZETA AT MODEL TOP" "" state real cf1 - misc - - ir "cf1" "2nd order extrapolation constant" "" state real cf2 - misc - - ir "cf2" "2nd order extrapolation constant" "" state real cf3 - misc - - ir "cf3" "2nd order extrapolation constant" "" state integer number_at_same_level - - - - - "number_at_same_level" "" "" # State for derived time quantities. state integer itimestep - - - - r "itimestep" "" "" state real xtime - - - - r "xtime" "minutes since simulation start" "" state real julian - - - - - "julian" "day of year, 0.0 at 0Z on 1 Jan." "days" # input file descriptor for lbcs on parent domain state integer lbc_fid - - - - - "lbc_fid" "" "" # indicates if tiling has been computed state logical tiled - - - - - "tiled" "" "" # indicates if patches have been computed state logical patched - - - - - "patched" "" "" # indicates whether to read input from file or generate #state logical input_from_file - - - - - "input_from_file" "" "" # indicates whether to recompute mu state logical press_adj - - - - - "press_adj" "T/F flag adjust mu" "" # Mask for moving nest interpolations state integer imask_nostag ij misc 1 - state integer imask_xstag ij misc 1 X state integer imask_ystag ij misc 1 Y state integer imask_xystag ij misc 1 XY # vortex center indices; need for restarts of moving nests state real xi - misc - - r state real xj - misc - - r state real vc_i - misc - - r state real vc_j - misc - - r #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Scalar (4D) arrays # Moist Scalars # # The first line ensures that there will be identifiers named moist and # moist_tend even if there are not any moist scalars (so the essentially # dry code will will still link properly) # state real - ikjftb moist 1 - - - state real qv ikjftb moist 1 - \ i01rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "QVAPOR" "Water vapor mixing ratio" "kg kg-1" state real qc ikjftb moist 1 - \ i01rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "QCLOUD" "Cloud water mixing ratio" "kg kg-1" state real qr ikjftb moist 1 - \ i01rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "QRAIN" "Rain water mixing ratio" "kg kg-1" state real qi ikjftb moist 1 - \ i01rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "QICE" "Ice mixing ratio" "kg kg-1" state real qs ikjftb moist 1 - \ i01rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "QSNOW" "Snow mixing ratio" "kg kg-1" state real qg ikjftb moist 1 - \ i01rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "QGRAUP" "Graupel mixing ratio" "kg kg-1" state real - ikjftb dfi_moist 1 - - - state real dfi_qv ikjftb dfi_moist 1 - \ rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "DFI_QVAPOR" "Water vapor mixing ratio" "kg kg-1" state real dfi_qc ikjftb dfi_moist 1 - \ rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "DFI_QCLOUD" "Cloud water mixing ratio" "kg kg-1" state real dfi_qr ikjftb dfi_moist 1 - \ rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "DFI_QRAIN" "Rain water mixing ratio" "kg kg-1" state real dfi_qi ikjftb dfi_moist 1 - \ rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "DFI_QICE" "Ice mixing ratio" "kg kg-1" state real dfi_qs ikjftb dfi_moist 1 - \ rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "DFI_QSNOW" "Snow mixing ratio" "kg kg-1" state real dfi_qg ikjftb dfi_moist 1 - \ rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "DFI_QGRAUP" "Graupel mixing ratio" "kg kg-1" # Chem Scalars state real - ikjftb chem 1 - - - # Other Scalars state real - ikjftb scalar 1 - - - state real qndrop ikjftb scalar 1 - \ i01rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "QNDROP" "Droplet number mixing ratio" "# kg-1" state real qni ikjftb scalar 1 - \ i01rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "QNICE" "Ice Number concentration" "# kg-1" state real qt ikjftb scalar 1 - \ i01rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "CWM" "Total condensate mixing ratio" "kg kg-1" state real qns ikjftb scalar 1 - \ i01rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "QNSNOW" "Snow Number concentration" "# kg(-1)" state real qnr ikjftb scalar 1 - \ i01rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "QNRAIN" "Rain Number concentration" "# kg(-1)" state real qng ikjftb scalar 1 - \ i01rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "QNGRAUPEL" "Graupel Number concentration" "# kg(-1)" state real - ikjftb dfi_scalar 1 - - - state real dfi_qndrop ikjftb dfi_scalar 1 - \ rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "DFI_QNDROP" "Droplet number mixing ratio" "# kg-1" state real dfi_qni ikjftb dfi_scalar 1 - \ rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "DFI_QNICE" "Ice Number concentration" "# kg-1" state real dfi_qt ikjftb dfi_scalar 1 - \ rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "DFI_CWM" "Total condensate mixing ratio" "kg kg-1" state real dfi_qns ikjftb dfi_scalar 1 - \ rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "DFI_QNSNOW" "Snow Number concentration" "# kg(-1)" state real dfi_qnr ikjftb dfi_scalar 1 - \ rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "DFI_QNRAIN" "Rain Number concentration" "# kg(-1)" state real dfi_qng ikjftb dfi_scalar 1 - \ rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "DFI_QNGRAUPEL" "Graupel Number concentration" "# kg(-1)" #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Arrays for Specified LBCs (lbc arrays REMOVED; Boundary arrays are now specified with the state array; see above, 20050413 JM ) state real fcx w misc - - ir "fcx" "RELAXATION TERM FOR BOUNDARY ZONE" "" state real gcx w misc - - ir "gcx" "2ND RELAXATION TERM FOR BOUNDARY ZONE" "" state real dtbc - misc - - ir "dtbc" "TIME SINCE BOUNDARY READ" "" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Physics Related State Varibles #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SI - start variables from netCDF format from Standard Initialization, most eventually for use in LSM schemes #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- state real sm000007 ij misc 1 - i1 "SM000007" "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3" state real sm007028 ij misc 1 - i1 "SM007028" "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3" state real sm028100 ij misc 1 - i1 "SM028100" "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3" state real sm100255 ij misc 1 - i1 "SM100255" "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3" state real st000007 ij misc 1 - i1 "ST000007" "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K" state real st007028 ij misc 1 - i1 "ST007028" "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K" state real st028100 ij misc 1 - i1 "ST028100" "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K" state real st100255 ij misc 1 - i1 "ST100255" "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K" state real sm000010 ij misc 1 - i1 "SM000010" "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3" state real sm010040 ij misc 1 - i1 "SM010040 " "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3" state real sm040100 ij misc 1 - i1 "SM040100 " "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3" state real sm100200 ij misc 1 - i1 "SM100200 " "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3" state real sm010200 ij misc 1 - i1 "SM010200" "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3" state real soilm000 ij misc 1 - i1 "SOILM000" "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3" state real soilm005 ij misc 1 - i1 "SOILM005" "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3" state real soilm020 ij misc 1 - i1 "SOILM020" "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3" state real soilm040 ij misc 1 - i1 "SOILM040" "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3" state real soilm160 ij misc 1 - i1 "SOILM160" "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3" state real soilm300 ij misc 1 - i1 "SOILM300" "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3" state real sw000010 ij misc 1 - i1 "SW000010" "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3" state real sw010040 ij misc 1 - i1 "SW010040" "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3" state real sw040100 ij misc 1 - i1 "SW040100" "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3" state real sw100200 ij misc 1 - i1 "SW100200" "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3" state real sw010200 ij misc 1 - i1 "SW010200" "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3" state real soilw000 ij misc 1 - i1 "SOILW000" "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3" state real soilw005 ij misc 1 - i1 "SOILW005" "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3" state real soilw020 ij misc 1 - i1 "SOILW020" "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3" state real soilw040 ij misc 1 - i1 "SOILW040" "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3" state real soilw160 ij misc 1 - i1 "SOILW160" "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3" state real soilw300 ij misc 1 - i1 "SOILW300" "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3" state real st000010 ij misc 1 - i1 "ST000010" "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K" state real st010040 ij misc 1 - i1 "ST010040" "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K" state real st040100 ij misc 1 - i1 "ST040100" "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K" state real st100200 ij misc 1 - i1 "ST100200" "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K" state real st010200 ij misc 1 - i1 "ST010200" "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K" state real soilt000 ij misc 1 - i1 "SOILT000" "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K" state real soilt005 ij misc 1 - i1 "SOILT005" "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K" state real soilt020 ij misc 1 - i1 "SOILT020" "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K" state real soilt040 ij misc 1 - i1 "SOILT040" "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K" state real soilt160 ij misc 1 - i1 "SOILT160" "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K" state real soilt300 ij misc 1 - i1 "SOILT300" "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K" state real landmask ij misc 1 - i012rd=(interp_fcnm)u=(copy_fcnm) "LANDMASK" "LAND MASK (1 FOR LAND, 0 FOR WATER)" "" state real topostdv ij misc 1 - i12 "TOPOSTDV" "ELEVATION STD DEV" "m" state real toposlpx ij misc 1 - i12 "TOPOSLPX" "ELEVATION X SLOPE" "" state real toposlpy ij misc 1 - i12 "TOPOSLPY" "ELEVATION Y SLOPE" "" state real shdmax ij misc 1 - i012r "SHDMAX" "ANNUAL MAX VEG FRACTION" "" state real shdmin ij misc 1 - i012r "SHDMIN" "ANNUAL MIN VEG FRACTION" "" state real snoalb ij misc 1 - i012r "SNOALB" "ANNUAL MAX SNOW ALBEDO IN FRACTION" "" state real slopecat ij misc 1 - i12 "SLOPECAT" "SLOPE CATEGORY" "" state real toposoil ij misc 1 - i12 "SOILHGT" "ELEVATION OF LSM DATA" "m" state real landusef iuj misc 1 Z i012r "LANDUSEF" "LANDUSE FRACTION BY CATEGORY" "" state real soilctop isj misc 1 Z i012 "SOILCTOP" "SOIL CAT FRACTION (TOP)" "" state real soilcbot isj misc 1 Z i012 "SOILCBOT" "SOIL CAT FRACTION (BOTTOM)" "" state real soilcat ij misc 1 - i12 "SOILCAT" "SOIL CAT DOMINANT TYPE" "" state real vegcat ij misc 1 - i12 "VEGCAT" "VEGETATION CAT DOMINANT TYPE" "" #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SI - end variables from netCDF format from Standard Initialization #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # soil model variables (Note that they are marked as staggered in the vertical dimension # because they are "fully dimensioned" -- they use every element in that dim state real TSLB ilj misc 1 Z i02rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm) "TSLB" "SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K" # Time series variables state real ts_hour ?! misc - - r "TS_HOUR" "Model integration time, hours" state real ts_u ?! misc - - r "TS_U" "Surface wind U-component, earth-relative" state real ts_v ?! misc - - r "TS_V" "Surface wind V-component, earth-relative" state real ts_q ?! misc - - r "TS_Q" "Surface mixing ratio" state real ts_t ?! misc - - r "TS_T" "Surface temperature" state real ts_psfc ?! misc - - r "TS_PSFC" "Surface pressure" state real ts_glw ?! misc - - r "TS_GLW" "Downward long wave flux at surface" state real ts_gsw ?! misc - - r "TS_GSW" "Net short wave flux at surface" state real ts_hfx ?! misc - - r "TS_HFX" "Upward heat flux at surface" state real ts_lh ?! misc - - r "TS_LH" "Upward moisture flux at surface" state real ts_tsk ?! misc - - r "TS_TSK" "Skin temperature" state real ts_tslb ?! misc - - r "TS_TSLB" "Soil temperature" state real ts_clw ?! misc - - r "TS_CLW" "Column integrated cloud water" state real ts_rainc ?! misc - - r "TS_RAINC" "Cumulus precip" state real ts_rainnc ?! misc - - r "TS_RAINNC" "Grid-scale precip" # urban model variables state real DZR l em - Z r "DZR" "THICKNESSES OF ROOF LAYERS" "m" state real DZB l em - Z r "DZB" "THICKNESSES OF WALL LAYERS" "m" state real DZG l em - Z r "DZG" "THICKNESSES OF ROAD LAYERS" "m" # lsm State Variables state real SMOIS ilj - 1 Z i02rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm) "SMOIS" "SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3" state real SH2O ilj - 1 Z i02rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm) "SH2O" "SOIL LIQUID WATER" "m3 m-3" state real XICE ij misc 1 - i0124rd=(interp_mask_water_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm) "SEAICE" "SEA ICE FLAG" "" state real XICEM ij misc 1 - rd=(interp_mask_water_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm) "XICEM" "SEA ICE FLAG (PREVIOUS STEP)" "" state real SMSTAV ij misc 1 - rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index) "SMSTAV" "MOISTURE AVAILABILITY" "" state real SMSTOT ij misc 1 - r "SMSTOT" "TOTAL SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3" state real SFCRUNOFF ij misc 1 - rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index) "SFROFF" "SURFACE RUNOFF" "mm" state real UDRUNOFF ij misc 1 - rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index) "UDROFF" "UNDERGROUND RUNOFF" "mm" state integer IVGTYP ij misc 1 - i02rd=(interp_fcni)u=(copy_fcni) "IVGTYP" "DOMINANT VEGETATION CATEGORY" "" state integer ISLTYP ij misc 1 - i02rd=(interp_fcni)u=(copy_fcni) "ISLTYP" "DOMINANT SOIL CATEGORY" "" state real VEGFRA ij misc 1 - i0124rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm) "VEGFRA" "VEGETATION FRACTION" "" state real SFCEVP ij misc 1 - r "SFCEVP" "SURFACE EVAPORATION" "kg m-2" state real GRDFLX ij misc 1 - r "GRDFLX" "GROUND HEAT FLUX" "W m-2" state real SFCEXC ij misc 1 - r "SFCEXC " "SURFACE EXCHANGE COEFFICIENT" "m s-1" state real ACSNOW ij misc 1 - rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm) "ACSNOW" "ACCUMULATED SNOW" "kg m-2" state real ACSNOM ij misc 1 - rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm) "ACSNOM" "ACCUMULATED MELTED SNOW" "kg m-2" state real SNOW ij misc 1 - i012rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm) "SNOW" "SNOW WATER EQUIVALENT" "kg m-2" state real SNOWH ij misc 1 - i012rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm) "SNOWH" "PHYSICAL SNOW DEPTH" "m" state real RHOSN ij misc 1 - i012rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm) "RHOSN" " SNOW DENSITY" "kg m-3" state real CANWAT ij misc 1 - i012rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm) "CANWAT" "CANOPY WATER" "kg m-2" state real SST ij misc 1 - i0124rd=(interp_mask_water_field:lu_index) "SST" "SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE" "K" state integer IFNDSNOWH - misc 1 - i "FNDSNOWH" "SNOWH_LOGICAL" state integer IFNDSOILW - misc 1 - i "FNDSOILW" "SOILW_LOGICAL" # DFI variables state real hcoeff n misc 1 - - "HCOEFF" "initialization weights" state real hcoeff_tot - misc 1 - - "HCOEFF_TOT" "initialization weights" state real dfi_p ikj misc 1 - r "P_DFI" "perturbation pressure" "Pa" state real dfi_al ikj misc 1 - r "AL_DFI" "inverse perturbation density" "m3 kg-1" state real dfi_mu ij misc 1 - r "MU_DFI" "perturbation dry air mass in column" "Pa" state real dfi_phb ikj misc 1 Z r "PHB_DFI" "base-state geopotential" "m2 s-2" state real dfi_ph0 ikj misc 1 Z r "PH0_DFI" "initial geopotential" "m2 s-2" state real dfi_php ikj misc 1 Z r "PHP_DFI" "geopotential" "m2 s-2" state real dfi_u ikj misc 1 - r "U_DFI" "u accumulation array" " " state real dfi_v ikj misc 1 - r "V_DFI" "v accumulation array" " " state real dfi_w ikj misc 1 - r "W_DFI" "w accumulation array" " " state real dfi_ww ikj misc 1 Z r "WW_DFI" "mu-coupled eta-dot" "Pa s-1" state real dfi_t ikj misc 1 - r "TT_DFI" "t accumulation array" " " state real dfi_ph ikj misc 1 - r "PH_DFI" "p accumulation array" " " state real dfi_pb ikj misc 1 - r "PB_DFI" "pb accumulation array" " " state real dfi_alt ikj misc 1 - r "ALT_DFI" "1/rho accumulation array" " " state real dfi_tke ikj misc 1 - r "TKE_DFI" "TURBULENCE KINETIC ENERGY" "m2 s-2" state real dfi_TSLB ilj misc 1 Z r "TSLB_dfi" "SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K" state real dfi_SMOIS ilj - 1 Z r "SMOIS_dfi" "SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3" state real dfi_SNOW ij misc 1 - r "SNOW_dfi" "SNOW WATER EQUIVALENT" "kg m-2" state real dfi_SNOWH ij misc 1 - r "SNOWH_dfi" "PHYSICAL SNOW DEPTH" "m" state real dfi_CANWAT ij misc 1 - r "CANWAT_dfi" "CANOPY WATER" "kg m-2" state real dfi_SMFR3D ilj misc 1 Z r "SMFR3D_dfi" "SOIL ICE" "" state real dfi_KEEPFR3DFLAG ilj misc 1 Z r "KEEPFR3DFLAG_dfi" "FLAG - 1. FROZEN SOIL YES, 0 - NO" "" # urban state variables state real TR_URB2D ij misc 1 - rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm) "TR_URB" "URBAN ROOF SKIN TEMPERATURE" "K" state real TB_URB2D ij misc 1 - rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm) "TB_URB" "URBAN WALL SKIN TEMPERATURE" "K" state real TG_URB2D ij misc 1 - rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm) "TG_URB" "URBAN ROAD SKIN TEMPERATURE" "K" state real TC_URB2D ij misc 1 - rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm) "TC_URB" "URBAN CANOPY TEMPERATURE" "K" state real QC_URB2D ij misc 1 - rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm) "QC_URB" "URBAN CANOPY HUMIDITY" "kg kg{-1}" state real UC_URB2D ij misc 1 - rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm) "UC_URB" "URBAN CANOPY WIND" "m s{-1}" state real XXXR_URB2D ij misc 1 - rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm) "XXXR_URB" "M-O LENGTH ABOVE URBAN ROOF" "dimensionless" state real XXXB_URB2D ij misc 1 - rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm) "XXXB_URB" "M-O LENGTH ABOVE URBAN WALL" "dimensionless" state real XXXG_URB2D ij misc 1 - rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm) "XXXG_URB" "M-O LENGTH ABOVE URBAN ROAD" "dimensionless" state real XXXC_URB2D ij misc 1 - rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm) "XXXC_URB" "M-O LENGTH ABOVE URBAN CANOPY" "dimensionless" state real TRL_URB3D ilj misc 1 Z rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm) "TRL_URB" "ROOF LAYER TEMPERATURE" "K" state real TBL_URB3D ilj misc 1 Z rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm) "TBL_URB" "WALL LAYER TEMPERATURE" "K" state real TGL_URB3D ilj misc 1 Z rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm) "TGL_URB" "ROAD LAYER TEMPERATURE" "K" state real SH_URB2D ij misc 1 - r "SH_URB" "SENSIBLE HEAT FLUX FROM URBAN SFC" "W m{-2}" state real LH_URB2D ij misc 1 - r "LH_URB" "LATENT HEAT FLUX FROM URBAN SFC" "W m{-2}" state real G_URB2D ij misc 1 - r "G_URB" "GROUND HEAT FLUX INTO URBAN" "W m{-2}" state real RN_URB2D ij misc 1 - r "RN_URB" "NET RADIATION ON URBAN SFC" "W m{-2}" state real TS_URB2D ij misc 1 - r "TS_URB" "SKIN TEMPERATURE" "K" state real FRC_URB2D ij misc 1 - rd=(interp_fcnm)u=(copy_fcnm) "FRC_URB" "URBAN FRACTION" "dimensionless" state integer UTYPE_URB2D ij misc 1 - rd=(interp_fcnm)u=(copy_fcnm) "UTYPE_URB" "URBAN TYPE" "dimensionless" # urban variables from radiation model state real COSZ_URB2D ij misc 1 - r "COSZ_URB" "COS of SOLAR ZENITH ANGLE" "dimensionless" state real OMG_URB2D ij misc 1 - r "OMG_URB" "SOLAR HOUR ANGLE" "dimensionless" state real DECLIN_URB - misc 1 - r "DECLIN_URB" "SOLAR DECLINATION" "dimensionless" # RUC LSM state real SMFR3D ilj misc 1 Z r "SMFR3D" "SOIL ICE" "" state real KEEPFR3DFLAG ilj misc 1 Z r "KEEPFR3DFLAG" "FLAG - 1. FROZEN SOIL YES, 0 - NO" "" # Additional for P-X PBL and LSM state real RA ij misc 1 - r "RA" "AERODYNAMIC RESISTANCE" "s m-1" state real RS ij misc 1 - r "RS" "SURFACE RESISTANCE" "s m-1" state real LAI ij misc 1 - r "LAI" "Leaf area index" "area/area" state real VEGF_PX ij misc 1 - r "VEGF_PX" "Vegetation Fraction for PX LSM" "area/area" state real T2OBS ij misc 1 - r "T2OBS" "2-m temperature from analysis " "K" state real Q2OBS ij misc 1 - r "Q2OBS" "2-m mixing ratio from analysis " "kg/kg" # MRF PBL variables i1 real PSIM ij misc 1 - - "PSIM" "SIMILARITY FUNCTION FOR MOMENTUM" "" i1 real PSIH ij misc 1 - - "PSIH" "SIMILARITY FUNCTION FOR HEAT" "" i1 real WSPD ij misc 1 - - "WSPD" "Wind speed" "m s-1" i1 real GZ1OZ0 ij misc 1 - - "GZ1OZ0" "LOG OF Z1 over Z0" "" i1 real BR ij misc 1 - - "BR" "Bulk Richardson" "" # MYJ PBL variables state real tke_myj ikj misc 1 - r "tke_myj" "TKE FROM MELLOR-YAMADA-JANJIC" "m2 s-2" state real EL_MYJ ikj misc 1 - - "el_myj" "MIXING LENGTH FROM MELLOR-YAMADA-JANJIC" "m" state real EXCH_H ikj misc 1 - r "EXCH_H" "EXCHANGE COEFFICIENTS " state real CT ij misc 1 - r "CT" "COUNTERGRADIENT TERM" "K" state real THZ0 ij misc 1 - r "THZ0" "POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE AT ZNT" "K" state real Z0 ij misc 1 - r "Z0" "Background ROUGHNESS LENGTH" "m" state real QZ0 ij misc 1 - r "QZ0" "SPECIFIC HUMIDITY AT ZNT" "kg kg-1" state real UZ0 ij misc 1 - r "UZ0" "U WIND COMPONENT AT ZNT" "m s-1" state real VZ0 ij misc 1 - r "VZ0" "V WIND COMPONENT AT ZNT" "m s-1" state real QSFC ij misc 1 - r "QSFC" "SPECIFIC HUMIDITY AT LOWER BOUNDARY" "kg kg-1" state real AKHS ij misc 1 - r "AKHS" "SFC EXCH COEFF FOR HEAT" "m s-1" state real AKMS ij misc 1 - r "AKMS" "SFC EXCH COEFF FOR MOMENTUM" "m s-1" state integer KPBL ij misc 1 - r "KPBL" "LEVEL OF PBL TOP" "" state real TSHLTR ij misc 1 - ir "TSHLTR" "SHELTER THETA FROM MYJ" "K" state real QSHLTR ij misc 1 - ir "QSHLTR" "SHELTER SPECIFIC HUMIDITY FROM MYJ" "kg kg-1" state real PSHLTR ij misc 1 - ir "PSHLTR" "SHELTER PRESSURE FROM MYJ" "Pa" state real TH10 ij misc 1 - ir "TH10" "10-M THETA FROM MYJ" "K" state real Q10 ij misc 1 - ir "Q10" "10-M SPECIFIC HUMIDITY FROM MYJ" "kg kg-1" i1 real CHKLOWQ ij misc 1 - - "CHKLOWQ" "SURFACE SATURATION FLAG" "" # gfdl (eta) radiation State Variables state real HTOP ij misc 1 - r "HTOP" "TOP OF CONVECTION LEVEL" "" state real HBOT ij misc 1 - r "HBOT" "BOT OF CONVECTION LEVEL" "" state real HTOPR ij misc 1 - r "HTOPR" "TOP OF CONVECTION LEVEL FOR RADIATION" "" state real HBOTR ij misc 1 - r "HBOTR" "BOT OF CONVECTION LEVEL FOR RADIATION" "" state real CUTOP ij misc 1 - r "CUTOP" "TOP OF CONVECTION LEVEL FROM CUMULUS PAR" "" state real CUBOT ij misc 1 - r "CUBOT" "BOT OF CONVECTION LEVEL FROM CUMULUS PAR" "" state REAL CUPPT ij misc 1 - r "CUPPT" "ACCUMULATED CONVECTIVE RAIN SINC LAST CALL TO THE RADIATION" "" state real rswtoa ij misc 1 - i state real rlwtoa ij misc 1 - i state real czmean ij misc 1 - i state real cfracl ij misc 1 - i state real cfracm ij misc 1 - i state real cfrach ij misc 1 - i state real acfrst ij misc 1 - i state integer ncfrst ij misc 1 - i state real acfrcv ij misc 1 - i state integer ncfrcv ij misc 1 - i # cam radiation variables state real - iqjf ozmixm 1 - - - state real mth01 iqjf ozmixm 1 - - - state real mth02 iqjf ozmixm 1 - - - state real mth03 iqjf ozmixm 1 - - - state real mth04 iqjf ozmixm 1 - - - state real mth05 iqjf ozmixm 1 - - - state real mth06 iqjf ozmixm 1 - - - state real mth07 iqjf ozmixm 1 - - - state real mth08 iqjf ozmixm 1 - - - state real mth09 iqjf ozmixm 1 - - - state real mth10 iqjf ozmixm 1 - - - state real mth11 iqjf ozmixm 1 - - - state real mth12 iqjf ozmixm 1 - - - state real pin q misc 1 - - "PIN" "PRESSURE LEVEL OF OZONE MIXING RATIO" "millibar" state real m_ps ij misc 2 - - "m_ps" "PS from MATCH on WRF grids" state real - idjf aerosolc 2 - - - state real SUL idjf aerosolc 2 - - "SUL" "SUL aerosol concentration" state real SSLT idjf aerosolc 2 - - "SSLT" "SSLT aerosol concentration" state real DUST1 idjf aerosolc 2 - - "DUST1" "DUST1 aerosol concentration" state real DUST2 idjf aerosolc 2 - - "DUST2" "DUST2 aerosol concentration" state real DUST3 idjf aerosolc 2 - - "DUST3" "DUST3 aerosol concentration" state real DUST4 idjf aerosolc 2 - - "DUST4" "DUST4 aerosol concentration" state real OCPHO idjf aerosolc 2 - - "OCPHO" "OCPHO aerosol concentration" state real BCPHO idjf aerosolc 2 - - "BCPHO" "BCPHO aerosol concentration" state real OCPHI idjf aerosolc 2 - - "OCPHI" "OCPHI aerosol concentration" state real BCPHI idjf aerosolc 2 - - "BCPHI" "BCPHI aerosol concentration" state real BG idjf aerosolc 2 - - "BG" "BG aerosol concentration" state real VOLC idjf aerosolc 2 - - "VOLC" "VOLC aerosol concentration" state real m_hybi d misc 1 - - "m_hybi" "MATCH hybi" # new eta microphpysics State Variables state real F_ICE_PHY ikj misc 1 - rdu "F_ICE_PHY" "FRACTION OF ICE" "" state real F_RAIN_PHY ikj misc 1 - rdu "F_RAIN_PHY" "FRACTION OF RAIN " "" state real F_RIMEF_PHY ikj misc 1 - rdu "F_RIMEF_PHY" "MASS RATIO OF RIMED ICE " "" state real qndropsource ikj misc 1 - - "qndropsource" "Droplet number source" "#/kg/s" # Other Misc State Variables state real h_diabatic ikj misc 1 - rdu "h_diabatic" "PREVIOUS TIMESTEP CONDENSATIONAL HEATING" "K s-1" state real msft ij misc 1 - i012rdu=(copy_fcnm) "MAPFAC_M" "Map scale factor on mass grid" "" state real msfu ij misc 1 X i012rdu=(copy_fcnm) "MAPFAC_U" "Map scale factor on u-grid" "" state real msfv ij misc 1 Y i012rdu=(copy_fcnm) "MAPFAC_V" "Map scale factor on v-grid" "" state real msftx ij misc 1 - i012rdu=(copy_fcnm) "MAPFAC_MX" "Map scale factor on mass grid, x direction" "" state real msfty ij misc 1 - i012rdu=(copy_fcnm) "MAPFAC_MY" "Map scale factor on mass grid, y direction" "" state real msfux ij misc 1 X i012rdu=(copy_fcnm) "MAPFAC_UX" "Map scale factor on u-grid, x direction" "" state real msfuy ij misc 1 X i012rdu=(copy_fcnm) "MAPFAC_UY" "Map scale factor on u-grid, y direction" "" state real msfvx ij misc 1 Y i012rdu=(copy_fcnm) "MAPFAC_VX" "Map scale factor on v-grid, x direction" "" state real msfvx_inv ij misc 1 Y i012rdu=(copy_fcnm) "MF_VX_INV" "Inverse map scale factor on v-grid, x direction" "" state real msfvy ij misc 1 Y i012rdu=(copy_fcnm) "MAPFAC_VY" "Map scale factor on v-grid, y direction" "" state real f ij misc 1 - i012rdu=(copy_fcnm) "f" "Coriolis sine latitude term" "s-1" state real e ij misc 1 - i012rdu=(copy_fcnm) "e" "Coriolis cosine latitude term" "s-1" state real sina ij misc 1 - i012rdu=(copy_fcnm) "SINALPHA" "Local sine of map rotation" "" state real cosa ij misc 1 - i012rdu=(copy_fcnm) "COSALPHA" "Local cosine of map rotation" "" state real ht ij misc 1 - i012rdus "HGT" "Terrain Height" "m" state real ht_fine ij misc 1 - - "HGT_FINE" "Fine Terrain Height" "m" state real ht_int ij misc 1 - - "HGT_INT" "Terrain Height Horizontally Interpolated" "m" state real ht_input ij misc 1 - - "HGT_INPUT" "Terrain Height from FG Input File" "m" state real ht_shad ijb misc 1 - df=(bdy_interp:dt) "HGT_SHAD" "Height of orographic shadow" "m" i1 real ht_loc ij misc 1 - - i1 integer shadowmask ij misc 1 - - state integer min_ptchsz - misc 1 - r state real TSK ij misc 1 - i012rdu=(copy_fcnm) "TSK" "SURFACE SKIN TEMPERATURE" "K" state real dfi_TSK ij misc 1 - r "TSK_dfi" "saved SURFACE SKIN TEMPERATURE" state real TSK_SAVE ij misc 1 - - "TSK_SAVE" "SURFACE SKIN TEMPERATURE, EXTRA COPY FOR SEA ICE TESTS in REAL" "K" state real u_base k misc 1 - ir "u_base" "BASE STATE X WIND IN IDEALIZED CASES" "" state real v_base k misc 1 - ir "v_base" "BASE STATE Y WIND IN IDEALIZED CASES" "" state real qv_base k misc 1 - ir "qv_base" "BASE STATE QV IN IDEALIZED CASES" "" state real z_base k misc 1 - ir "z_base" "BASE STATE HEIGHT IN IDEALIZED CASES" "" state real u_frame - misc 1 - ir "u_frame" "FRAME X WIND" "m s-1" state real v_frame - misc 1 - ir "v_frame" "FRAME Y WIND" "m s-1" # p_top appears as metadata between SI and real but as a state variable in real and WRF # since it is a scalar and a constant, it makes sense to have it as metadata -- there # are, however, probably post-processing programs that expect to see it as an I/O record # another problem: share/input_wrf tries to read this as metadata (fine for real reading # SI, but with model reading real output, it generates a warning when debug is > 0 in # namelist and causes repeated questions from users. A third problem is the potential # collision between a metadata name and a field record in the I/O data # resolve this how? Have the real program throw a switch to tell the code to get it # from the metadata? Otherwise it's a field? state real p_top - misc - - ir "p_top" "PRESSURE TOP OF THE MODEL" "Pa" state real max_msftx - misc - - r "max_mstfx" "Max map factor in domain" "" state real max_msfty - misc - - r "max_mstfy" "Max map factor in domain" "" # Other physics variables state real RTHCUTEN ikj misc 1 - r "RTHCUTEN" "COUPLED THETA TENDENCY DUE TO CUMULUS SCHEME" "Pa K s-1" state real RQVCUTEN ikj misc 1 - r "RQVCUTEN" "COUPLED Q_V TENDENCY DUE TO CUMULUS SCHEME" "Pa kg kg-1 s-1" state real RQRCUTEN ikj misc 1 - r "RQRCUTEN" "COUPLED Q_R TENDENCY DUE TO CUMULUS SCHEME" "Pa kg kg-1 s-1" state real RQCCUTEN ikj misc 1 - r "RQCCUTEN" "COUPLED Q_C TENDENCY DUE TO CUMULUS SCHEME" "Pa kg kg-1 s-1" state real RQSCUTEN ikj misc 1 - r "RQSCUTEN" "COUPLED Q_S TENDENCY DUE TO CUMULUS SCHEME" "Pa kg kg-1 s-1" state real RQICUTEN ikj misc 1 - r "RQICUTEN" "COUPLED Q_I TENDENCY DUE TO CUMULUS SCHEME" "Pa kg kg-1 s-1" state real W0AVG ikj misc 1 - r "W0AVG" "AVERAGE VERTICAL VELOCITY FOR KF CUMULUS SCHEME" "m s-1" state real RAINC ij misc 1 - rdu "RAINC" "ACCUMULATED TOTAL CUMULUS PRECIPITATION" "mm" state real RAINNC ij misc 1 - rdu "RAINNC" "ACCUMULATED TOTAL GRID SCALE PRECIPITATION" "mm" state real PRATEC ij misc 1 - r "PRATEC" "PRECIP RATE FROM CUMULUS SCHEME" "mm s-1" state real RAINCV ij misc 1 - r "RAINCV" "TIME-STEP CUMULUS PRECIPITATION" "mm" state real RAINNCV ij misc 1 - r "RAINNCV" "TIME-STEP NONCONVECTIVE PRECIPITATION" "mm" state real RAINBL ij misc 1 - r "RAINBL" "PBL TIME-STEP TOTAL PRECIPITATION" "mm" state real SNOWNC ij misc 1 - rdu "SNOWNC" "ACCUMULATED TOTAL GRID SCALE SNOW AND ICE" "mm" state real GRAUPELNC ij misc 1 - rdu "GRAUPELNC" "ACCUMULATED TOTAL GRID SCALE GRAUPEL" "mm" state real SNOWNCV ij misc 1 - r "SNOWNCV" "TIME-STEP NONCONVECTIVE SNOW AND ICE" "mm" state real GRAUPELNCV ij misc 1 - r "GRAUPELNCV" "TIME-STEP NONCONVECTIVE GRAUPEL" "mm" state real NCA ij misc 1 - r "NCA" "COUNTER OF THE CLOUD RELAXATION TIME IN KF CUMULUS SCHEME" "" state integer LOWLYR ij misc 1 - - "LOWLYR" "INDEX OF LOWEST MODEL LAYER ABOVE THE GROUND IN BMJ SCHEME" "" state real MASS_FLUX ij misc 1 - r "MASS_FLUX" "DOWNDRAFT MASS FLUX FOR IN GRELL CUMULUS SCHEME" "mb hour-1" state real apr_gr ij misc 1 - r "APR_GR" "PRECIP FROM CLOSURE OLD_GRELL" "mm hour-1" state real apr_w ij misc 1 - r "APR_W" "PRECIP FROM CLOSURE W" "mm hour-1" state real apr_mc ij misc 1 - r "APR_MC" "PRECIP FROM CLOSURE KRISH MV" "mm hour-1" state real apr_st ij misc 1 - r "APR_ST" "PRECIP FROM CLOSURE STABILITY" "mm hour-1" state real apr_as ij misc 1 - r "APR_AS" "PRECIP FROM CLOSURE AS-TYPE" "mm hour-1" state real apr_capma ij misc 1 - r "APR_CAPMA" "PRECIP FROM MAX CAP" "mm hour-1" state real apr_capme ij misc 1 - r "APR_CAPME" "PRECIP FROM MEAN CAP" "mm hour-1" state real apr_capmi ij misc 1 - r "APR_CAPMI" "PRECIP FROM MIN CAP" "mm hour-1" state real edt_out ij misc 1 - - "EDT_OUT" "EDT FROM GD SCHEME" "" state real xf_ens ije misc 1 Z r "XF_ENS" "MASS FLUX PDF IN GRELL CUMULUS SCHEME" "mb hour-1" state real pr_ens ije misc 1 Z r "PR_ENS" "PRECIP RATE PDF IN GRELL CUMULUS SCHEME" "mb hour-1" state real cugd_tten ikj misc 1 - h "CUGD_TTEN" "INITIAL TTENDENCY OUT OFF GRELL CUMULUS SCHEME" "K s-1" state real cugd_qvten ikj misc 1 - h "CUGD_QVTEN" "INITIAL QTENDENCY OUT OFF GRELL CUMULUS SCHEME" "K s-1" state real cugd_ttens ikj misc 1 - h "CUGD_TTENS" "INITIAL SUBSIDENCE TTENDENCY OUT OFF GRELL CUMULUS SCHEME" "K s-1" state real cugd_qvtens ikj misc 1 - h "CUGD_QVTENS" "INITIAL SUBSIDNCE QTENDENCY OUT OFF GRELL CUMULUS SCHEME" "K s-1" state real cugd_qcten ikj misc 1 - h "CUGD_QCTEN" "INITIAL TEMPERATURE TENDENCY OUT OFF GRELL CUMULUS SCHEME" "K s-1" #state real ACLWUPTC ij misc 1 - rhdu "ACLWUPTC" "ACCUMULATED UPWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "J m-2" state real RTHFTEN ikj misc 1 - r "RTHFTEN" "TEMPERATURE TENDENCY USED IN GRELL CUMULUS SCHEME" "K s-1" state real RQVFTEN ikj misc 1 - r "RQVFTEN" "MOISTURE TENDENCY USED IN GRELL CUMULUS SCHEME" "kg s-1" state integer STEPCU - misc 1 - r "STEPCU" "NUMBER OF FUNDAMENTAL TIMESTEPS BETWEEN CONVECTION CALLS" "" state real RTHRATEN ikj misc 1 - rd "RTHRATEN" "COUPLED THETA TENDENCY DUE TO RADIATION" "Pa K s-1" state real RTHRATENLW ikj misc 1 - r "RTHRATLW" "UNCOUPLED THETA TENDENCY DUE TO LONG WAVE RADIATION" "K s-1" state real RTHRATENSW ikj misc 1 - r "RTHRATSW" "UNCOUPLED THETA TENDENCY DUE TO SHORT WAVE RADIATION" "K s-1" state real CLDFRA ikj misc 1 - r "CLDFRA" "CLOUD FRACTION" "" state real SWDOWN ij misc 1 - rd "SWDOWN" "DOWNWARD SHORT WAVE FLUX AT GROUND SURFACE" "W m-2" state real SWDOWNC ij misc 1 - - "SWDOWNC" "DOWNWARD CLEAR-SKY SHORT WAVE FLUX AT GROUND SURFACE" "W m-2" state real GSW ij misc 1 - rd "GSW" "NET SHORT WAVE FLUX AT GROUND SURFACE" "W m-2" state real GLW ij misc 1 - rd "GLW" "DOWNWARD LONG WAVE FLUX AT GROUND SURFACE" "W m-2" # upward and downward clearsky and total diagnostic fluxes for CAM radiation #state real ACSWUPT ij misc 1 - rhdu "ACSWUPT" "ACCUMULATED UPWELLING SHORTWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "J m-2" #state real ACSWUPTC ij misc 1 - rhdu "ACSWUPTC" "ACCUMULATED UPWELLING CLEAR SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "J m-2" #state real ACSWDNT ij misc 1 - rhdu "ACSWDNT" "ACCUMULATED DOWNWELLING SHORTWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "J m-2" #state real ACSWDNTC ij misc 1 - rhdu "ACSWDNTC" "ACCUMULATED DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "J m-2" #state real ACSWUPB ij misc 1 - rhdu "ACSWUPB" "ACCUMULATED UPWELLING SHORTWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "J m-2" #state real ACSWUPBC ij misc 1 - rhdu "ACSWUPBC" "ACCUMULATED UPWELLING CLEAR SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "J m-2" #state real ACSWDNB ij misc 1 - rhdu "ACSWDNB" "ACCUMULATED DOWNWELLING SHORTWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "J m-2" #state real ACSWDNBC ij misc 1 - rhdu "ACSWDNBC" "ACCUMULATED DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "J m-2" #state real ACLWUPT ij misc 1 - rhdu "ACLWUPT" "ACCUMULATED UPWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "J m-2" #state real ACLWUPTC ij misc 1 - rhdu "ACLWUPTC" "ACCUMULATED UPWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "J m-2" #state real ACLWDNT ij misc 1 - rhdu "ACLWDNT" "ACCUMULATED DOWNWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "J m-2" #state real ACLWDNTC ij misc 1 - rhdu "ACLWDNTC" "ACCUMULATED DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "J m-2" #state real ACLWUPB ij misc 1 - rhdu "ACLWUPB" "ACCUMULATED UPWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "J m-2" #state real ACLWUPBC ij misc 1 - rhdu "ACLWUPBC" "ACCUMULATED UPWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "J m-2" #state real ACLWDNB ij misc 1 - rhdu "ACLWDNB" "ACCUMULATED DOWNWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "J m-2" #state real ACLWDNBC ij misc 1 - rhdu "ACLWDNBC" "ACCUMULATED DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "J m-2" #state real SWUPT ij misc 1 - rhdu "SWUPT" "INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING SHORTWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "J m-2" #state real SWUPTC ij misc 1 - rhdu "SWUPTC" "INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING CLEAR SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "J m-2" #state real SWDNT ij misc 1 - rhdu "SWDNT" "INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING SHORTWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "J m-2" #state real SWDNTC ij misc 1 - rhdu "SWDNTC" "INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "J m-2" #state real SWUPB ij misc 1 - rhdu "SWUPB" "INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING SHORTWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "J m-2" #state real SWUPBC ij misc 1 - rhdu "SWUPBC" "INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING CLEAR SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "J m-2" #state real SWDNB ij misc 1 - rhdu "SWDNB" "INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING SHORTWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "J m-2" #state real SWDNBC ij misc 1 - rhdu "SWDNBC" "INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "J m-2" #state real LWUPT ij misc 1 - rhdu "LWUPT" "INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "J m-2" #state real LWUPTC ij misc 1 - rhdu "LWUPTC" "INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "J m-2" #state real LWDNT ij misc 1 - rhdu "LWDNT" "INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "J m-2" #state real LWDNTC ij misc 1 - rhdu "LWDNTC" "INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "J m-2" #state real LWUPB ij misc 1 - rhdu "LWUPB" "INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "J m-2" #state real LWUPBC ij misc 1 - rhdu "LWUPBC" "INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "J m-2" #state real LWDNB ij misc 1 - rhdu "LWDNB" "INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "J m-2" #state real LWDNBC ij misc 1 - rhdu "LWDNBC" "INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "J m-2" state real SWCF ij misc 1 - r "SWCF" "SHORT WAVE CLOUD FORCING AT TOA" "W m-2" state real LWCF ij misc 1 - r "LWCF" "LONG WAVE CLOUD FORCING AT TOA" "W m-2" state real OLR ij misc 1 - r "OLR" "TOA OUTGOING LONG WAVE" "W m-2" # these next 2 are for the HFSoLE/PET demo; writing these to auxhist1 output over MCEL for coupling # with wave model, only if compiled with -DMCELIO, JM 2003/05/29 state real XLAT ij misc 1 - i0123r01du=(copy_fcnm) "XLAT" "LATITUDE, SOUTH IS NEGATIVE" "degree_north" state real XLONG ij misc 1 - i0123r01du=(copy_fcnm) "XLONG" "LONGITUDE, WEST IS NEGATIVE" "degree_east" state real XLAT_U ij dyn_em 1 X i012r01du=(copy_fcnm) "XLAT_U" "LATITUDE, SOUTH IS NEGATIVE" "degree_north" state real XLONG_U ij dyn_em 1 X i012r01du=(copy_fcnm) "XLONG_U" "LONGITUDE, WEST IS NEGATIVE" "degree_east" state real XLAT_V ij dyn_em 1 Y i012r01du=(copy_fcnm) "XLAT_V" "LATITUDE, SOUTH IS NEGATIVE" "degree_north" state real XLONG_V ij dyn_em 1 Y i012r01du=(copy_fcnm) "XLONG_V" "LONGITUDE, WEST IS NEGATIVE" "degree_east" state real ALBEDO ij misc 1 - r "ALBEDO" "ALBEDO" state real CLAT ij misc 1 - i012rdu=(copy_fcnm) "CLAT" "COMPUTATIONAL GRID LATITUDE, SOUTH IS NEGATIVE" "degree_north" state real CLONG ij misc 1 - i012rdu=(copy_fcnm) "CLONG" "COMPUTATIONAL GRID LONGITUDE, WEST IS NEGATIVE" "degree_east" state real ALBBCK ij misc 1 - i0124r "ALBBCK" "BACKGROUND ALBEDO" "" state real EMBCK ij misc 1 - r "EMBCK" "BACKGROUND EMISSIVITY" "" state real EMISS ij misc 1 - r "EMISS" "SURFACE EMISSIVITY" "" state real CLDEFI ij misc 1 - r "CLDEFI" "precipitation efficiency in BMJ SCHEME" "" state integer STEPRA - misc 1 - r "STEPRA" "NUMBER OF FUNDAMENTAL TIMESTEPS BETWEEN RADIATION CALLS" "" state real RUBLTEN ikj misc 1 - r "RUBLTEN" "COUPLED X WIND TENDENCY DUE TO PBL PARAMETERIZATION" "Pa m s-2" state real RVBLTEN ikj misc 1 - r "RVBLTEN" "COUPLED Y WIND TENDENCY DUE TO PBL PARAMETERIZATION" "Pa m s-2" state real RTHBLTEN ikj misc 1 - r "RTHBLTEN" "COUPLED THETA TENDENCY DUE TO PBL PARAMETERIZATION" "Pa K s-1" state real RQVBLTEN ikj misc 1 - r "RQVBLTEN" "COUPLED Q_V TENDENCY DUE TO PBL PARAMETERIZATION" "Pa kg kg-1 s-1" state real RQCBLTEN ikj misc 1 - r "RQCBLTEN" "COUPLED Q_C TENDENCY DUE TO PBL PARAMETERIZATION" "Pa kg kg-1 s-1" state real RQIBLTEN ikj misc 1 - r "RQIBLTEN" "COUPLED Q_I TENDENCY DUE TO PBL PARAMETERIZATION" "Pa kg kg-1 s-1" # State vector for etampnew microphysics. Must be declared state because it is not read-once and is needed for restarting. state real mp_restart_state p misc 1 - r "MP_RESTART_STATE" "STATE VECTOR FOR MICROPHYSICS RESTARTS" state real tbpvs_state p misc 1 - r "TBPVS_STATE" "STATE FOR ETAMPNEW MICROPHYSICS" state real tbpvs0_state p misc 1 - r "TBPVS0_STATE" "STATE FOR ETAMPNEW MICROPHYSICS" # State variables for landuse_init, Must be declared state because they are read in and needed for restarts. Had been SAVE vars in # landuse_init (phys/module_physics_init.F) state integer landuse_isice - misc - - r state integer landuse_lucats - misc - - r state integer landuse_luseas - misc - - r state integer landuse_isn - misc - - r state real lu_state p misc - - r i1 real th_phy ikj misc 1 - i1 real pi_phy ikj misc 1 - i1 real p_phy ikj misc 1 - i1 real t_phy ikj misc 1 - i1 real u_phy ikj misc 1 - i1 real v_phy ikj misc 1 - i1 real dz8w ikj misc 1 Z i1 real p8w ikj misc 1 Z i1 real t8w ikj misc 1 Z i1 real rho_phy ikj misc 1 - i1 logical CU_ACT_FLAG ij misc 1 - state real TMN ij misc 1 - i012rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm) "TMN" "SOIL TEMPERATURE AT LOWER BOUNDARY" "K" state real XLAND ij misc 1 - i02rd=(interp_fcnm)u=(copy_fcnm) "XLAND" "LAND MASK (1 FOR LAND, 2 FOR WATER)" "" state real ZNT ij misc 1 - i3r "ZNT" "TIME-VARYING ROUGHNESS LENGTH" "m" state real CK ij misc 1 - r "CK" "ENTHALPY EXCHANGE COEFF AT 10 m" "" state real CKA ij misc 1 - r "CKA" "ENTHALPY EXCHANGE COEFF AT LOWEST MODEL LVL" "" state real CD ij misc 1 - r "CD" "DRAG COEFF AT 10m" "" state real CDA ij misc 1 - r "CDA" "DRAG COEFF AT LOWEST MODEL LVL" "" state real UST ij misc 1 - r "UST" "U* IN SIMILARITY THEORY" "m s-1" state real USTM ij misc 1 - rh "USTM" "U* IN SIMILARITY THEORY WITHOUT VCONV" "m s-1" #SAVEMARS2 ustar i1 real HOL ij misc 1 - - "HOL" "PBL HEIGHT OVER MONIN-OBUKHOV LENGTH" "" state real RMOL ij misc 1 - r "RMOL" "1./Monin Ob. Length" "" state real MOL ij misc 1 - r "MOL" "T* IN SIMILARITY THEORY" "K" state real PBLH ij misc 1 - r "PBLH" "PBL HEIGHT" "m" state real CAPG ij misc 1 - r "CAPG" "HEAT CAPACITY FOR SOIL" "J K-1 m-3" state real THC ij misc 1 - r "THC" "THERMAL INERTIA" "Cal cm-1 K-1 s-0.5" state real HFX ij misc 1 - rh "HFX" "UPWARD HEAT FLUX AT THE SURFACE" "W m-2" #SAVEMARS2 sensheat state real QFX ij misc 1 - r "QFX" "UPWARD MOISTURE FLUX AT THE SURFACE" "kg m-2 s-1" state real LH ij misc 1 - r "LH" "LATENT HEAT FLUX AT THE SURFACE" "W m-2" state real FLHC ij misc 1 - r "FLHC" "SURFACE EXCHANGE COEFFICIENT FOR HEAT" "" state real FLQC ij misc 1 - r "FLQC" "SURFACE EXCHANGE COEFFICIENT FOR MOISTURE" "" state real QSG ij misc 1 - r "QSG" "SURFACE SATURATION WATER VAPOR MIXING RATIO" "kg kg-1" state real QVG ij misc 1 - r "QVG" "WATER VAPOR MIXING RATIO AT THE SURFACE" "kg kg-1" state real dfi_QVG ij misc 1 - r "QVG_dfi" "WATER VAPOR MIXING RATIO AT THE SURFACE" "kg kg-1" state real QCG ij misc 1 - r "QCG" "CLOUD WATER MIXING RATIO AT THE SURFACE" "kg kg-1" state real SOILT1 ij misc 1 - r "SOILT1" "TEMPERATURE INSIDE SNOW " "K" state real dfi_SOILT1 ij misc 1 - r "SOILT1_dfi" "TEMPERATURE INSIDE SNOW " "K" state real TSNAV ij misc 1 - r "TSNAV" "AVERAGE SNOW TEMPERATURE " "C" state real dfi_TSNAV ij misc 1 - r "TSNAV_dfi" "AVERAGE SNOW TEMPERATURE " "C" state real REGIME ij misc 1 - r "REGIME" "FLAGS: 1=Night/Stable, 2=Mechanical Turbulent, 3=Forced Conv, 4=Free Conv" "" state real SNOWC ij misc 1 - ird=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm) "SNOWC" "FLAG INDICATING SNOW COVERAGE (1 FOR SNOW COVER)" "" state real dfi_SNOWC ij misc 1 - r "SNOWC_dfi" "FLAG INDICATING SNOW COVERAGE (1 FOR SNOW COVER)" "" state real MAVAIL ij misc 1 - r "MAVAIL" "SURFACE MOISTURE AVAILABILITY" "" state real tkesfcf ij misc 1 - r "tkesfcf" "TKE AT THE SURFACE" "m2 s-2" state integer STEPBL - misc 1 - r "STEPBL" "NUMBER OF FUNDAMENTAL TIMESTEPS BETWEEN PBL CALLS" "" state real taucldi ikj misc 1 - r "TAUCLDI" "CLOUD OPTICAL THICKNESS FOR ICE" "" state real taucldc ikj misc 1 - r "TAUCLDC" "CLOUD OPTICAL THICKNESS FOR WATER" "" state real defor11 ikj misc 1 - r "defor11" "DEFORMATION 11" "s-1" state real defor22 ikj misc 1 - r "defor22" "DEFORMATION 22" "s-1" state real defor12 ikj misc 1 - r "defor12" "DEFORMATION 12" "s-1" state real defor33 ikj misc 1 z r "defor33" "DEFORMATION 33" "s-1" state real defor13 ikj misc 1 z r "defor13" "DEFORMATION 13" "s-1" state real defor23 ikj misc 1 z r "defor23" "DEFORMATION 23" "s-1" state real xkmv ikj misc 1 - r "xkmv" "VERTICAL EDDY VISCOSITY" "m2 s-1" state real xkmh ikj misc 1 - r "xkmh" "HORIZONTAL EDDY VISCOSITY" "m2 s-1" state real xkhv ikj misc 1 - r "xkhv" "VERTICAL EDDY DIFFUSIVITY OF HEAT" "m2 s-1" state real xkhh ikj misc 1 - r "xkhh" "HORIZONTAL EDDY DIFFUSIVITY OF HEAT" "m2 s-1" state real div ikj misc 1 - r "div" "DIVERGENCE" "s-1" state real BN2 ikj misc 1 - r "BN2" "BRUNT-VAISALA FREQUENCY" "s-2" state logical warm_rain - misc 1 - - "warm_rain" "WARM_RAIN_LOGICAL" state logical adv_moist_cond - misc 1 - - "adv_moist_cond" "ADVECT MOIST CONDENSATES LOGICAL" ## FDDA variables state integer STEPFG - misc 1 - r "STEPFG" "NUMBER OF FUNDAMENTAL TIMESTEPS BETWEEN FDDA GRID CALLS" "" state real RUNDGDTEN ikj misc 1 X r "RUNDGDTEN" "COUPLED X WIND TENDENCY DUE TO FDDA GRID NUDGING" "Pa m s-2" state real RVNDGDTEN ikj misc 1 Y r "RVNDGDTEN" "COUPLED Y WIND TENDENCY DUE TO FDDA GRID NUDGING" "Pa m s-2" state real RTHNDGDTEN ikj misc 1 - r "RTHNDGDTEN" "COUPLED THETA TENDENCY DUE TO FDDA GRID NUDGING" "Pa K s-1" state real RQVNDGDTEN ikj misc 1 - r "RQVNDGDTEN" "COUPLED Q_V TENDENCY DUE TO FDDA GRID NUDGING" "Pa kg kg-1 s-1" state real RMUNDGDTEN ij misc 1 - r "RMUNDGDTEN" "MU TENDENCY DUE TO FDDA GRID NUDGING" "Pa s-1" state real - ikjf fdda3d 1 - - - state real U_NDG_NEW ikjf fdda3d 1 X igr "U_NDG_NEW" "NEW X WIND FOR FDDA GRID NUDGING" "m s-1" state real V_NDG_NEW ikjf fdda3d 1 Y igr "V_NDG_NEW" "NEW Y WIND FOR FDDA GRID NUDGING" "m s-1" state real T_NDG_NEW ikjf fdda3d 1 - igr "T_NDG_NEW" "NEW PERT POT TEMP FOR FDDA GRID NUDGING" "K" state real Q_NDG_NEW ikjf fdda3d 1 - igr "Q_NDG_NEW" "NEW WATER VAPOR MIX RATIO FOR FDDA GRID NUDGING" "kg/kg" state real PH_NDG_NEW ikjf fdda3d 1 Z igr "PH_NDG_NEW" "NEW PERT GEOPOTENTIAL FOR FDDA GRID NUDGING" "kg/kg" state real U_NDG_OLD ikjf fdda3d 1 X igr "U_NDG_OLD" "OLD X WIND FOR FDDA GRID NUDGING" "m s-1" state real V_NDG_OLD ikjf fdda3d 1 Y igr "V_NDG_OLD" "OLD Y WIND FOR FDDA GRID NUDGING" "m s-1" state real T_NDG_OLD ikjf fdda3d 1 - igr "T_NDG_OLD" "OLD PERT POT TEMP FOR FDDA GRID NUDGING" "K" state real Q_NDG_OLD ikjf fdda3d 1 - igr "Q_NDG_OLD" "OLD WATER VAPOR MIX RATIO FOR FDDA GRID NUDGING" "kg/kg" state real PH_NDG_OLD ikjf fdda3d 1 Z igr "PH_NDG_OLD" "OLD PERT GEOPOTENTIAL FOR FDDA GRID NUDGING" "kg/kg" state real - ivjf fdda2d 1 Z - - state real MU_NDG_NEW ivjf fdda2d 1 Z igr "MU_NDG_NEW" "NEW PERT COLUMN DRY MASS FOR FDDA GRID NUDGING" "Pa" state real T2_NDG_NEW ivjf fdda2d 1 - igr "T2_NDG_NEW" "NEW 2m TEMP FOR PX LSM " "K" state real Q2_NDG_NEW ivjf fdda2d 1 - igr "Q2_NDG_NEW" "NEW 2m WATER VAPOR MIX RATIO FOR PX LSM " "kg/kg" state real MU_NDG_OLD ivjf fdda2d 1 Z igr "MU_NDG_OLD" "OLD PERT COLUMN DRY MASS FOR FDDA GRID NUDGING" "Pa" state real T2_NDG_OLD ivjf fdda2d 1 - igr "T2_NDG_OLD" "OLD 2m TEMP F FOR PX LSM" "K" state real Q2_NDG_OLD ivjf fdda2d 1 - igr "Q2_NDG_OLD" "OLD 2m WATER VAPOR MIX RATIO FOR PX LSM" "kg/kg" state real SN_NDG_NEW ivjf fdda2d 1 - igr "SN_NDG_NEW" "NEW Snow Depth " "m" state real SN_NDG_OLD ivjf fdda2d 1 - igr "SN_NDG_OLD" "OLD Snow Depth" "m" # flag for nest movement state logical moved - misc 1 - - # special cam radiation restart arrays state real abstot ikcj misc 1 Z - "" "" " " state real absnxt ikaj misc 1 - - "" "" " " state real emstot ikj misc 1 Z - "" "" " " # model diagnostics state real dpsdt ij misc 1 - - "dpsdt" "surface pressure tendency" "Pa/sec" state real dmudt ij misc 1 - - "dmudt" "mu tendency" "Pa/sec" state real pk1m ij misc 1 - - "pk1m" "surface pressure at previous step" "Pa" state real mu_2m ij misc 1 - - "mu_2m" "mu_2 at previous step" "Pa" state real max_cfl - misc 1 - - "max_cfl" "maximum CFL value in grid at a time" "-" # Ocean Mixed-Layer State Variables state real TML ij misc 1 - rd=(interp_mask_water_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm) "TML" "OCEAN MIXED-LAYER TEMPERATURE" "K" state real T0ML ij misc 1 - rd=(interp_mask_water_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm) "T0ML" "INITIAL OCEAN MIXED-LAYER TEMPERATURE" "K" state real HML ij misc 1 - rd=(interp_mask_water_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm) "HML" "OCEAN MIXED-LAYER DEPTH" "m" state real H0ML ij misc 1 - rd=(interp_mask_water_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm) "H0ML" "INITIAL OCEAN MIXED-LAYER DEPTH" "m" state real HUML ij misc 1 - rd=(interp_mask_water_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm) "HUML" "OCEAN MIXED-LAYER DEPTH * U-CURRENT" " m2s-1 " state real HVML ij misc 1 - rd=(interp_mask_water_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm) "HVML" "OCEAN MIXED-LAYER DEPTH * V-CURRENT" " m2s-1 " # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ###### # # Variables that are set at run-time to control configuration (namelist-settable) # #
# Time Control rconfig integer run_days namelist,time_control 1 0 irh "run_days" "NUMBER OF DAYS TO RUN" rconfig integer run_hours namelist,time_control 1 0 irh "run_hours" "NUMBER OF HOURS TO RUN" rconfig integer run_minutes namelist,time_control 1 0 irh "run_minutes" "NUMBER OF MINUTES TO RUN" rconfig integer run_seconds namelist,time_control 1 0 irh "run_seconds" "NUMBER OF SECONDS TO RUN" rconfig integer start_year namelist,time_control max_domains 2024 irh "start_year" "4 DIGIT YEAR OF START OF MODEL" "YEARS" rconfig integer start_month namelist,time_control max_domains 01 irh "start_month" "2 DIGIT MONTH OF THE YEAR OF START OF MODEL, 1-12" "MONTHS" rconfig integer start_day namelist,time_control max_domains 01 irh "start_day" "2 DIGIT DAY OF THE MONTH OF START OF MODEL, 1-31" "DAYS" rconfig integer start_hour namelist,time_control max_domains 00 irh "start_hour" "2 DIGIT HOUR OF THE DAY OF START OF MODEL, 0-23" "HOURS" rconfig integer start_minute namelist,time_control max_domains 00 irh "start_minute" "2 DIGIT MINUTE OF THE HOUR OF START OF MODEL, 0-59" "MINUTES" rconfig integer start_second namelist,time_control max_domains 00 irh "start_second" "2 DIGIT SECOND OF THE MINUTE OF START OF MODEL, 0-59" "SECONDS" rconfig integer end_year namelist,time_control max_domains 2024 irh "end_year" "4 DIGIT YEAR OF END OF MODEL" "YEARS" rconfig integer end_month namelist,time_control max_domains 01 irh "end_month" "2 DIGIT MONTH OF THE YEAR OF END OF MODEL, 1-12" "MONTHS" rconfig integer end_day namelist,time_control max_domains 02 irh "end_day" "2 DIGIT DAY OF THE MONTH OF END OF MODEL, 1-31" "DAYS" rconfig integer end_hour namelist,time_control max_domains 00 irh "end_hour" "2 DIGIT HOUR OF THE DAY OF END OF MODEL, 0-23" "HOURS" rconfig integer end_minute namelist,time_control max_domains 00 irh "end_minute" "2 DIGIT MINUTE OF THE HOUR OF END OF MODEL, 0-59" "MINUTES" rconfig integer end_second namelist,time_control max_domains 00 irh "end_second" "2 DIGIT SECOND OF THE MINUTE OF END OF MODEL, 0-59" "SECONDS" rconfig integer interval_seconds namelist,time_control 1 43200 irh "interval_seconds" "SECONDS BETWEEN ANALYSIS AND BOUNDARY PERIODS" "SECONDS" rconfig logical input_from_file namelist,time_control max_domains .false. irh "input_from_file" "T/F INPUT FOR THIS DOMAIN FROM A SEPARATE INPUT FILE" "" rconfig integer fine_input_stream namelist,time_control max_domains 0 irh "fine_input_stream" "0 THROUGH 11, WHAT INPUT STREAM IS FINE GRID IC FROM" "" rconfig logical input_from_hires namelist,time_control max_domains .false. irh "input_from_hires" "T/F INPUT FOR THIS DOMAIN FROM USGS HI RES TERRAIN" "" rconfig character rsmas_data_path namelist,time_control 1 "." - "rsmas_data_path" "" "" rconfig logical all_ic_times namelist,time_control 1 .false. irh "all_ic_times" "T/F WRITE ALL IC TIME PERIODS" "" include registry.io_boilerplate rconfig integer JULYR namelist,time_control max_domains 0 h "JULYR" "" "" rconfig integer JULDAY namelist,time_control max_domains 1 h "JULDAY" "" "" rconfig real GMT namelist,time_control max_domains 0. h "GMT" "" "" rconfig character input_inname namelist,time_control 1 "wrfinput_d" - "name of input infile" "" "" rconfig character input_outname namelist,time_control 1 "wrfinput_d" - "name of input outfile" "" "" rconfig character bdy_inname namelist,time_control 1 "wrfbdy_d" - "name of boundary infile" "" "" rconfig character bdy_outname namelist,time_control 1 "wrfbdy_d" - "name of boundary outfile" "" "" rconfig character rst_inname namelist,time_control 1 "wrfrst_d_" - "name of restrt infile" "" "" rconfig character rst_outname namelist,time_control 1 "wrfrst_d_" - "name of restrt outfile" "" "" rconfig logical write_input namelist,time_control 1 .false. - "write input data for 3dvar etc." "" "" rconfig logical write_restart_at_0h namelist,time_control 1 .false. h "write_restart_at_0h" "" "" rconfig logical adjust_output_times namelist,time_control 1 .false. - "adjust_output_times" rconfig logical adjust_input_times namelist,time_control 1 .false. - "adjust_input_times" rconfig integer diag_print namelist,time_control 1 0 - "print out time series of model diagnostics" rconfig logical nocolons namelist,time_control 1 .false. - "nocolons" # DFI namelist rconfig integer dfi_opt namelist,dfi_control 1 0 rh "dfi_opt" "" "" rconfig integer dfi_nfilter namelist,dfi_control 1 7 rh "dfi_nfilter" "Digital filter type" "" rconfig logical dfi_write_filtered_input namelist,dfi_control 1 .true. rh "dfi_write_filtered_input" "Write a wrfinput_filtered_d0n file?" "" rconfig logical dfi_write_dfi_history namelist,dfi_control 1 .false. rh "dfi_write_dfi_history" "Write history files during filtering?" "" rconfig integer dfi_cutoff_seconds namelist,dfi_control 1 3600 rh "dfi_cutoff_seconds" "Digital filter cutoff time" "" rconfig integer dfi_time_dim namelist,dfi_control 1 1000 rh "dfi_time_dim" "MAX DIMENSION FOR HCOEFF" rconfig integer dfi_fwdstop_year namelist,dfi_control 1 2004 rh "dfi_fwdstop_year" "4 DIGIT YEAR OF START OF DFI" "YEARS" rconfig integer dfi_fwdstop_month namelist,dfi_control 1 03 rh "dfi_fwdstop_month" "2 DIGIT MONTH OF THE YEAR OF START OF DFI" "MONTHS" rconfig integer dfi_fwdstop_day namelist,dfi_control 1 13 rh "dfi_fwdstop_day" "2 DIGIT DAY OF THE MONTH OF START OF DFI" "DAYS" rconfig integer dfi_fwdstop_hour namelist,dfi_control 1 12 rh "dfi_fwdstop_hour" "2 DIGIT HOUR OF THE DAY OF START OF DFI" "HOURS" rconfig integer dfi_fwdstop_minute namelist,dfi_control 1 00 rh "dfi_fwdstop_minute" "2 DIGIT MINUTE OF THE HOUR OF START OF DFI" "MINUTES" rconfig integer dfi_fwdstop_second namelist,dfi_control 1 00 rh "dfi_fwdstop_second" "2 DIGIT SECOND OF THE MINUTE OF START OF DFI" "SECONDS" rconfig integer dfi_bckstop_year namelist,dfi_control 1 2004 rh "dfi_bckstop_year" "4 DIGIT YEAR OF END OF DFI" "YEARS" rconfig integer dfi_bckstop_month namelist,dfi_control 1 03 rh "dfi_bckstop_month" "2 DIGIT MONTH OF THE YEAR OF END OF DFI" "MONTHS" rconfig integer dfi_bckstop_day namelist,dfi_control 1 14 rh "dfi_bckstop_day" "2 DIGIT DAY OF THE MONTH OF END OF DFI" "DAYS" rconfig integer dfi_bckstop_hour namelist,dfi_control 1 12 rh "dfi_bckstop_hour" "2 DIGIT HOUR OF THE DAY OF END OF DFI" "HOURS" rconfig integer dfi_bckstop_minute namelist,dfi_control 1 00 rh "dfi_bckstop_minute" "2 DIGIT MINUTE OF THE HOUR OF END OF DFI" "MINUTES" rconfig integer dfi_bckstop_second namelist,dfi_control 1 00 rh "dfi_bckstop_second" "2 DIGIT SECOND OF THE MINUTE OF END OF DFI" "SECONDS" # Domains rconfig integer time_step namelist,domains 1 - ih "time_step" rconfig integer time_step_fract_num namelist,domains 1 0 ih "time_step_fract_num" rconfig integer time_step_fract_den namelist,domains 1 1 ih "time_step_fract_den" rconfig integer min_time_step namelist,domains max_domains -1 h "min_time_step" rconfig integer max_time_step namelist,domains max_domains -1 h "max_time_step" rconfig real target_cfl namelist,domains max_domains 1.2 h "target_cfl" rconfig integer max_step_increase_pct namelist,domains max_domains 5 h "max_step_increase_pct" rconfig integer starting_time_step namelist,domains max_domains -1 h "starting_time_step" rconfig logical step_to_output_time namelist,domains 1 .true. h "step_to_output_time" rconfig logical use_adaptive_time_step namelist,domains 1 .false. h "use_adaptive_time_step" rconfig integer max_dom namelist,domains 1 1 irh "max_dom" "" "" rconfig integer s_we namelist,domains max_domains 1 irh "s_we" "" "" rconfig integer e_we namelist,domains max_domains 32 irh "e_we" "" "" rconfig integer s_sn namelist,domains max_domains 1 irh "s_sn" "" "" rconfig integer e_sn namelist,domains max_domains 32 irh "e_sn" "" "" rconfig integer s_vert namelist,domains max_domains 1 irh "s_vert" "" "" rconfig integer e_vert namelist,domains max_domains 31 irh "e_vert" "" "" rconfig integer num_metgrid_levels namelist,domains 1 27 irh "num_metgrid_levels" "" "" rconfig real p_top_requested namelist,domains 1 5000 irh "p_top_requested" "Pa" "" rconfig integer interp_type namelist,domains 1 2 irh "interp_type" "1=interp in pressure, 2=interp in LOG pressure" "" rconfig integer extrap_type namelist,domains 1 2 irh "extrap_type" "1= use 2 lowest levels, 2=constant" "" rconfig integer t_extrap_type namelist,domains 1 2 irh "t_extrap_type" "1=isothermal, 2=6.5 K/km, 3=adiabatic" "" rconfig logical lowest_lev_from_sfc namelist,domains 1 .false. irh "lowest_lev_from_sfc" "" "" rconfig logical use_levels_below_ground namelist,domains 1 .true. irh "use_levels_below_ground" "T/F: use input data levels below input sfc pres" "" rconfig logical use_surface namelist,domains 1 .true. irh "use_surface" "T/F: use input surface level in interpolation" "" rconfig integer lagrange_order namelist,domains 1 1 irh "lagrange_order" "1=linear, 2=quadratic vertical interpolation" "" rconfig integer force_sfc_in_vinterp namelist,domains 1 1 irh "force_sfc_in_vinterp" "number of eta levels forced to use sfc in vert interp" "" rconfig real zap_close_levels namelist,domains 1 500 irh "zap_close_levels" "delta p where level is removed in vert interp" "Pa" rconfig logical sfcp_to_sfcp namelist,domains 1 .false. irh "sfcp_to_sfcp" "T/F use incoming sfc pres to compute new sfc pres" "flag" rconfig logical adjust_heights namelist,domains 1 .false. irh "adjust_heights" "T/F adjust pressure level input to match 500 mb height" "flag" rconfig logical smooth_cg_topo namelist,domains 1 .false. irh "smooth_cg_topo" "T/F smooth CG topo on boundarries" "flag" rconfig real dx namelist,domains max_domains 200 h "dx" "X HORIZONTAL RESOLUTION" "METERS" rconfig real dy namelist,domains max_domains 200 h "dy" "Y HORIZONTAL RESOLUTION" "METERS" rconfig integer grid_id namelist,domains max_domains 1 irh "id" "" "" rconfig logical grid_allowed namelist,domains max_domains .true. irh "allowed" "" "" rconfig integer parent_id namelist,domains max_domains 0 h "parent_id" "" "" rconfig integer i_parent_start namelist,domains max_domains 1 rh "i_parent_start" "" "" rconfig integer j_parent_start namelist,domains max_domains 1 rh "j_parent_start" "" "" rconfig integer parent_grid_ratio namelist,domains max_domains 1 h "parent_grid_ratio" "" "" rconfig integer parent_time_step_ratio namelist,domains max_domains 1 h "parent_time_step_ratio" "" "" rconfig integer feedback namelist,domains 1 1 h "feedback" "" "" rconfig integer smooth_option namelist,domains 1 2 h "smooth_option" "" "" rconfig integer blend_width namelist,domains 1 5 h "blend_width" "width of cg fg terrain blended zone" "" rconfig real ztop namelist,domains max_domains 15000. h "ztop" "" "" rconfig integer moad_grid_ratio namelist,domains max_domains 1 h "moad_grid_ratio" "" "" rconfig integer moad_time_step_ratio namelist,domains max_domains 1 h "moad_time_step_ratio" "" "" rconfig integer shw namelist,domains max_domains 2 h "stencil_half_width" "HORIZONTAL INTERPOLATION STENCIL HALF-WIDTH" "GRID POINTS" rconfig integer tile_sz_x namelist,domains 1 0 - "tile_sz_x" "" "" rconfig integer tile_sz_y namelist,domains 1 0 - "tile_sz_y" "" "" rconfig integer numtiles namelist,domains 1 1 - "numtiles" "" "" rconfig integer nproc_x namelist,domains 1 -1 - "nproc_x" "-1 means not set" "" rconfig integer nproc_y namelist,domains 1 -1 - "nproc_y" "-1 means not set" "" rconfig integer irand namelist,domains 1 0 - "irand" "" "" rconfig real dt derived max_domains 2. h "dt" "TEMPORAL RESOLUTION" "SECONDS" rconfig integer num_moves namelist,domains 1 0 rconfig integer ts_buf_size namelist,domains 1 200 - "ts_buf_size" "Size of time series buffer" rconfig integer max_ts_locs namelist,domains 1 5 - "max_ts_locs" "Maximum number of time series locations" rconfig integer vortex_interval namelist,domains max_domains 15 - "" "" "minutes" rconfig integer max_vortex_speed namelist,domains max_domains 40 - "" "" "meters per second" rconfig integer corral_dist namelist,domains max_domains 8 rconfig integer track_level namelist,domains 1 50000 rconfig integer move_id namelist,domains max_moves 0 rconfig integer move_interval namelist,domains max_moves 999999999 rconfig integer move_cd_x namelist,domains max_moves 0 rconfig integer move_cd_y namelist,domains max_moves 0 rconfig logical swap_x namelist,domains max_domains .false. rh "swap_x" "" "" rconfig logical swap_y namelist,domains max_domains .false. rh "swap_y" "" "" rconfig logical cycle_x namelist,domains max_domains .false. rh "cycle_x" "" "" rconfig logical cycle_y namelist,domains max_domains .false. rh "cycle_y" "" "" rconfig logical reorder_mesh namelist,domains 1 .false. rh "reorder_mesh" "" "" rconfig logical perturb_input namelist,domains 1 .false. h "" "" "" rconfig real eta_levels namelist,domains max_eta -1. rconfig real max_dz namelist,domains 1 1000. # Physics ###### ###### MARS SPECIFIC NAMELIST ENTRIES ###### rconfig character planet namelist,physics 1 "mars" - "planet" "selection of the planet" "" rconfig integer mars namelist,physics max_domains 0 rh "mars" "model mode" "" rconfig real init_TI namelist,physics max_domains 0 irh "init_TI" "thermal inertia" "" rconfig real init_AL namelist,physics max_domains 0 irh "init_AL" "albedo" "" rconfig real init_Z0 namelist,physics max_domains 0 irh "init_Z0" "surface roughness" "" rconfig real init_U namelist,physics max_domains 0 irh "init_U" "zonal wind" "" rconfig real init_V namelist,physics max_domains 0 irh "init_V" "meridional wind" "" rconfig integer init_WX namelist,physics max_domains 0 irh "init_WX" "x coord" "" rconfig integer init_WY namelist,physics max_domains 0 irh "init_WY" "y coord" "" rconfig real init_MU namelist,physics max_domains 0 irh "init_MU" "zonal wind mult." "" rconfig real init_MV namelist,physics max_domains 0 irh "init_MV" "meridional wind mult." "" rconfig logical init_LES namelist,physics max_domains .false. irh "init_LES" "LES mode" "" rconfig logical modif_wrf namelist,physics max_domains .true. ir "modif_wrf" "true if tweaked WRF" "" ####### ####### MARS SPECIFIC NAMELIST ENTRIES ####### rconfig integer mp_physics namelist,physics max_domains 0 rh "mp_physics" "" "" rconfig integer gsfcgce_hail namelist,physics 1 0 rh "gsfcgce select hail/graupel" "" "" rconfig integer gsfcgce_2ice namelist,physics 1 0 rh "gsfcgce select 2ice/3ice" "" "" rconfig integer progn namelist,physics max_domains 0 rh "progn" "" "" rconfig integer ra_lw_physics namelist,physics max_domains 0 rh "ra_lw_physics" "" "" rconfig integer ra_sw_physics namelist,physics max_domains 0 rh "ra_sw_physics" "" "" rconfig real radt namelist,physics max_domains 1 h "RADT" "" "" rconfig real naer namelist,physics max_domains 1e9 rh "NAER" "" "" rconfig integer sf_sfclay_physics namelist,physics max_domains 0 rh "sf_sfclay_physics" "" "" rconfig integer sf_surface_physics namelist,physics max_domains 0 rh "sf_surface_physics" "" "" rconfig integer bl_pbl_physics namelist,physics max_domains 0 rh "bl_pbl_physics" "" "" rconfig real BLDT namelist,physics max_domains 0 h "BLDT" "" "" rconfig integer cu_physics namelist,physics max_domains 0 rh "cu_physics" "" "" rconfig real CUDT namelist,physics max_domains 0 h "CUDT" "" "" rconfig real GSMDT namelist,physics max_domains 0 h "GSMDT" "" "" rconfig integer ISFFLX namelist,physics 1 1 irh "ISFFLX" "" "" rconfig integer IFSNOW namelist,physics 1 0 irh "IFSNOW" "" "" rconfig integer ICLOUD namelist,physics 1 1 irh "ICLOUD" "" "" rconfig real swrad_scat namelist,physics 1 1 irh "SWRAD_SCAT" "SCATTERING FACTOR IN SWRAD" "" rconfig integer surface_input_source namelist,physics 1 1 irh "surface_input_source" "1=static (fractional), 2=time dependent (dominant), 3=hybrid (not yet implemented)" "" rconfig integer num_soil_layers namelist,physics 1 10 irh "num_soil_layers" "" "" rconfig integer num_months namelist,physics 1 12 irh "num_months" "" "" rconfig integer maxiens namelist,physics 1 1 irh "maxiens" "" "" rconfig integer maxens namelist,physics 1 3 irh "maxens" "" "" rconfig integer maxens2 namelist,physics 1 3 irh "maxens2" "" "" rconfig integer maxens3 namelist,physics 1 16 irh "maxens3" "" "" rconfig integer ensdim namelist,physics 1 144 irh "ensdim" "" "" rconfig integer cugd_avedx namelist,physics 1 1 irh "cugd_avedx" "" "" rconfig integer clos_choice namelist,physics 1 0 rh "clos_choice" "" "" rconfig integer imomentum namelist,physics 1 0 rh "imomentum" "momentum transport in G3 scheme" "" rconfig integer chem_opt namelist,physics max_domains 0 rh "chem_opt" "" "" rconfig integer num_land_cat namelist,physics 1 24 - "num_land_cat" "" "" rconfig integer num_soil_cat namelist,physics 1 16 - "num_soil_cat" "" "" rconfig integer mp_zero_out namelist,physics 1 0 - "mp_zero_out" "microphysics fields set to zero 0=no action taken, 1=all fields but Qv, 2=all fields including Qv" "flag" rconfig real mp_zero_out_thresh namelist,physics 1 1.e-8 - "mp_zero_out_thresh" "minimum threshold for non-Qv moist fields, below are set to zero" "kg/kg" rconfig real seaice_threshold namelist,physics 1 271 h "seaice_threshold" "tsk below which which water points are set to sea ice for slab scheme" "K" rconfig integer sst_update namelist,physics 1 0 h "sst_update" "update sst from wrflowinp file 0=no, 1=yes" "" rconfig integer ucmcall namelist,physics max_domains 0 h "ucmcall" "activate urban model 0=no, 1=yes" "" rconfig logical usemonalb namelist,physics 1 .false. h "usemonalb" "use 2d field vs table values false=table, True=2d" "" rconfig integer co2tf namelist,physics 1 1 - "co2tf" "GFDL radiation co2 flag" "" rconfig integer ra_call_offset namelist,physics 1 0 - "ra_call_offset" "radiation call offset in timesteps (-1=old, 0=new offset)" "" rconfig real cam_abs_freq_s namelist,physics 1 21600. - "cam_abs_freq_s" "CAM radiation frequency for clear-sky longwave calculations" "s" rconfig integer levsiz namelist,physics 1 1 - "levsiz" "Number of ozone data levels for CAM radiation (59)" "" rconfig integer paerlev namelist,physics 1 1 - "paerlev" "Number of aerosol data levels for CAM radiation (29)" "" rconfig integer cam_abs_dim1 namelist,physics 1 1 - "cam_abs_dim1" "dimension for absnxt in CAM radiation" "" rconfig integer cam_abs_dim2 namelist,physics 1 1 - "cam_abs_dim2" "dimension for abstot in CAM radiation" "" rconfig logical cu_rad_feedback namelist,physics max_domains .false. - "feedback cumulus to radiation" "" rconfig integer pxlsm_smois_init namelist,physics max_domains 1 irh "PXLSM_SMOIS_INIT" "Soil moisture initialization option 0-From analysis 1-From MAVAIL" "" rconfig integer omlcall namelist,physics 1 0 h "omlcall" "activate simple ocean mixed layer model 0=no, 1=yes" "" rconfig real oml_hml0 namelist,physics 1 50 h "oml_hml0" "oml initial mixed layer depth value" "m" rconfig real oml_gamma namelist,physics 1 0.14 h "oml_gamma" "oml deep water lapse rate" "K m-1" rconfig integer isftcflx namelist,physics 1 0 h "isftcflx" "switch to control sfc fluxes" "" rconfig real shadlen namelist,physics 1 25000. - "shadow_length" "maximum length of orographic shadow" "m" rconfig integer slope_rad namelist,physics max_domains 0 - "slope_rad" "1: use slope-dependent radiation, 0:not" "" rconfig integer topo_shading namelist,physics max_domains 0 - "topo_shading" "1: apply topographic shading to radiation, 0:not" "" rconfig integer no_mp_heating namelist,physics 1 0 - "no_mp_heating" "switch to turn of latent heating in mp schemes" "" #FDDA namelist parameters rconfig real FGDT namelist,fdda max_domains 0 h "FGDT" "" "" rconfig integer grid_fdda namelist,fdda max_domains 0 rh "grid_fdda" "" "" rconfig integer if_no_pbl_nudging_uv namelist,fdda max_domains 0 rh "grid_fdda" "" "" rconfig integer if_no_pbl_nudging_t namelist,fdda max_domains 0 rh "grid_fdda" "" "" rconfig integer if_no_pbl_nudging_q namelist,fdda max_domains 0 rh "grid_fdda" "" "" rconfig integer if_zfac_uv namelist,fdda max_domains 0 rh "grid_fdda" "" "" rconfig integer k_zfac_uv namelist,fdda max_domains 0 rh "grid_fdda" "" "" rconfig integer if_zfac_t namelist,fdda max_domains 0 rh "grid_fdda" "" "" rconfig integer k_zfac_t namelist,fdda max_domains 0 rh "grid_fdda" "" "" rconfig integer if_zfac_q namelist,fdda max_domains 0 rh "grid_fdda" "" "" rconfig integer k_zfac_q namelist,fdda max_domains 0 rh "grid_fdda" "" "" rconfig real guv namelist,fdda max_domains 0 rh "grid_fdda" "" "" rconfig real gt namelist,fdda max_domains 0 rh "grid_fdda" "" "" rconfig real gq namelist,fdda max_domains 0 rh "grid_fdda" "" "" rconfig real dtramp_min namelist,fdda 1 0 h "grid_fdda" "" "" rconfig integer if_ramping namelist,fdda 1 0 h "grid_fdda" "" "" #Observational Nudging rconfig integer obs_nudge_opt namelist,fdda max_domains 0 rh "obs_nudge_opt" "Obs-nudging flag for domain" "" rconfig integer max_obs namelist,fdda 1 0 h "max_obs" "Maximum number of observations" "" rconfig real fdda_start namelist,fdda max_domains 0 rh "fdda_start" "Nudging start time for domain" "min" rconfig real fdda_end namelist,fdda max_domains 0 rh "fdda_end" "Nudging end time for domain" "min" rconfig integer obs_nudge_wind namelist,fdda max_domains 0 rh "obs_nudge_wind" "Wind-nudging flag for domain" "" rconfig real obs_coef_wind namelist,fdda max_domains 0 rh "obs_coef_wind" "Wind-nudging coeficient for domain" "s-1" rconfig integer obs_nudge_temp namelist,fdda max_domains 0 rh "obs_nudge_temp" "Temperature-nudging flag for domain" "" rconfig real obs_coef_temp namelist,fdda max_domains 0 rh "obs_coef_temp" "Temperature-nudging coef for domain" "s-1" rconfig integer obs_nudge_mois namelist,fdda max_domains 0 rh "obs_nudge_mois" "Moisture-nudging flag for domain" "" rconfig real obs_coef_mois namelist,fdda max_domains 0 rh "obs_coef_mois" "Moisture-nudging coef for domain" "s-1" rconfig integer obs_nudge_pstr namelist,fdda max_domains 0 rh "obs_nudge_pstr" "Not used" "" rconfig real obs_coef_pstr namelist,fdda max_domains 0 rh "obs_coef_pstr" "Not used" "" rconfig real obs_rinxy namelist,fdda max_domains 0 rh "obs_rinxy" "Horizontal radius of influence" "km" rconfig real obs_rinsig namelist,fdda 1 0 h "obs_rinsig" "Vertical radius of influence" "sigma" rconfig real obs_twindo namelist,fdda max_domains 0 rh "obs_twindo" "Half-period time window for nudging" "hrs" rconfig integer obs_npfi namelist,fdda 1 0 h "obs_npfi" "Freq in cg timesteps for diag print" "" rconfig integer obs_ionf namelist,fdda max_domains 1 rh "obs_ionf" "Freq in cg timesteps for obs input and error calc" "" rconfig integer obs_idynin namelist,fdda 1 0 h "obs_idynin" "Flag for dynamic initialization" "" rconfig real obs_dtramp namelist,fdda 1 0 h "obs_dtramp" "Time period for ramping (idynin)" "min" rconfig integer obs_nobs_prt namelist,fdda max_domains 0 rh "obs_nobs_prt" "Number of current obs to print grid coord. info." "" rconfig logical obs_ipf_in4dob namelist,fdda 1 .false. h "obs_ipf_in4dob" "Print obs input diagnostics" "" rconfig logical obs_ipf_errob namelist,fdda 1 .false. h "obs_ipf_errob" "Print obs error diagnostics" "" rconfig logical obs_ipf_nudob namelist,fdda 1 .false. h "obs_ipf_nudob" "Print obs nudge diagnostics" "" rconfig logical obs_ipf_init namelist,fdda 1 .true. h "obs_ipf_init" "Enable obs init warning messages" "" # Dynamics # dynamics option (see package definitions, below) rconfig integer rk_ord namelist,dynamics 1 3 irh "rk_order" "" "" rconfig integer w_damping namelist,dynamics 1 0 irh "w_damping" "" "" # diff_opt 1=old diffusion, 2=new rconfig integer diff_opt namelist,dynamics 1 1 irh "diff_opt" "" "" # km_opt 1=old coefs, 2=tke, 3=Smagorinksy rconfig integer km_opt namelist,dynamics 1 1 irh "km_opt" "" "" # km_opt_dfi is needed for backward integration in dfi rconfig integer km_opt_dfi namelist,dynamics 1 1 irh "km_opt_dfi" "" "" rconfig integer damp_opt namelist,dynamics 1 0 irh "damp_opt" "" "" rconfig real zdamp namelist,dynamics max_domains 5000. h "zdamp" "" "" rconfig real dampcoef namelist,dynamics max_domains 0. h "dampcoef" "" "" rconfig real khdif namelist,dynamics max_domains 0 h "khdif" "" "" rconfig real kvdif namelist,dynamics max_domains 0 h "kvdif" "" "" rconfig real diff_6th_factor namelist,dynamics max_domains 0.2 h "diff_6th_factor" "factor that controls rate of 6th-order numerical diffusion" rconfig integer diff_6th_opt namelist,dynamics max_domains 2 irh "diff_6th_opt" "switch for 6th-order numerical diffusion" rconfig real c_s namelist,dynamics max_domains 0.25 h "c_s" "Smagorinsky coeff" "" rconfig real c_k namelist,dynamics max_domains 0.15 h "c_k" "TKE coeff" "" rconfig real smdiv namelist,dynamics max_domains 0.1 h "smdiv" "" "" rconfig real emdiv namelist,dynamics max_domains 0.01 h "emdiv" "" "" rconfig real epssm namelist,dynamics max_domains 0.1 h "epssm" "" "" rconfig logical non_hydrostatic namelist,dynamics max_domains .true. irh "non_hydrostatic" "" "" rconfig integer time_step_sound namelist,dynamics max_domains 6 h "time_step_sound" "" "" rconfig integer h_mom_adv_order namelist,dynamics max_domains 5 rh "h_mom_adv_order" "" "" rconfig integer v_mom_adv_order namelist,dynamics max_domains 3 rh "v_mom_adv_order" "" "" rconfig integer h_sca_adv_order namelist,dynamics max_domains 5 rh "h_sca_adv_order" "" "" rconfig integer v_sca_adv_order namelist,dynamics max_domains 3 rh "v_sca_adv_order" "" "" rconfig logical pd_moist namelist,dynamics max_domains .false. rh "pd_moist" "positive-definite RK3 transport switch" "" rconfig logical pd_moist_dfi namelist,dynamics max_domains .false. rh "pd_moist_dfi" "positive-definite RK3 transport switch" "" rconfig logical pd_chem namelist,dynamics max_domains .false. rh "pd_chem" "positive-definite RK3 transport switch" "" rconfig logical pd_scalar namelist,dynamics max_domains .true. rh "pd_scalar" "positive-definite RK3 transport switch" "" rconfig logical pd_tke namelist,dynamics max_domains .false. rh "pd_tke" "positive-definite RK3 transport switch" "" rconfig logical top_radiation namelist,dynamics max_domains .false. rh "top_radiation" "" "" rconfig integer mix_isotropic namelist,dynamics max_domains 0 h "mix_isotropic" "0=anistropic, 1=isotropic" "" rconfig real mix_upper_bound namelist,dynamics max_domains 0.1 h "mix_upper_bound" "non-dimensional limit" "" rconfig logical top_lid namelist,dynamics max_domains .false. rh "top_lid" "" "" rconfig real tke_upper_bound namelist,dynamics max_domains 1000. h "tke_upper_bound" "" "" rconfig real tke_drag_coefficient namelist,dynamics max_domains 0. h "tke_drag_coefficient" "" "dimensionless" rconfig real tke_heat_flux namelist,dynamics max_domains 0. h "tke_heat_flux" "" "K m s-1" rconfig logical pert_coriolis namelist,dynamics max_domains .false. irh "pert_coriolis" "" "" rconfig logical coriolis2d namelist,dynamics max_domains .false. irh "coriolis2d" "" "" rconfig logical mix_full_fields namelist,dynamics max_domains .false. irh "mix_full_field" "" "" rconfig real base_pres namelist,dynamics 1 100000. h "base_pres" "Base state pressure - do not change (10^5 Pa), real only" "Pa" rconfig real base_temp namelist,dynamics 1 290. h "base_temp" "Base state sea level temperature, real only" "K" rconfig real base_lapse namelist,dynamics 1 50. h "base_lapse" "Base state temperature difference between base pres and 1/e of atm depth - do not change, real only" "K" rconfig real fft_filter_lat namelist,dynamics 1 45. h "fft_filter_lat" "" "grid latitude to start polar filter" rconfig logical rotated_pole namelist,dynamics 1 .false. irh "rotated_pole" "" "" rconfig logical do_coriolis namelist,dynamics max_domains .true. irh "do_coriolis" "" "" rconfig logical do_curvature namelist,dynamics max_domains .true. irh "do_curvature" "" "" rconfig logical do_gradp namelist,dynamics max_domains .true. irh "do_gradp" "" "" # Bdy_control rconfig integer spec_bdy_width namelist,bdy_control 1 5 irh "spec_bdy_width" "" "" rconfig integer spec_zone namelist,bdy_control 1 1 irh "spec_zone" "" "" rconfig integer relax_zone namelist,bdy_control 1 4 irh "relax_zone" "" "" rconfig logical specified namelist,bdy_control max_domains .false. rh "specified" "" "" rconfig logical periodic_x namelist,bdy_control max_domains .false. rh "periodic_x" "" "" rconfig logical symmetric_xs namelist,bdy_control max_domains .false. rh "symmetric_xs" "" "" rconfig logical symmetric_xe namelist,bdy_control max_domains .false. rh "symmetric_xe" "" "" rconfig logical open_xs namelist,bdy_control max_domains .false. rh "open_xs" "" "" rconfig logical open_xe namelist,bdy_control max_domains .false. rh "open_xe" "" "" rconfig logical periodic_y namelist,bdy_control max_domains .false. rh "periodic_y" "" "" rconfig logical symmetric_ys namelist,bdy_control max_domains .false. rh "symmetric_ys" "" "" rconfig logical symmetric_ye namelist,bdy_control max_domains .false. rh "symmetric_ye" "" "" rconfig logical open_ys namelist,bdy_control max_domains .false. rh "open_ys" "" "" rconfig logical open_ye namelist,bdy_control max_domains .false. rh "open_ye" "" "" rconfig logical polar namelist,bdy_control max_domains .false. rh "polar" "" "" rconfig logical nested namelist,bdy_control max_domains .false. rh "nested" "" "" rconfig real spec_exp namelist,bdy_control 1 0. irh "spec_exp" "" "" rconfig integer real_data_init_type namelist,bdy_control 1 1 irh "real_data_init_type" "REAL DATA INITIALIZATION OPTIONS: 1=SI, 2=MM5, 3=GENERIC" "PRE-PROCESSOR TYPES" rconfig integer background_proc_id namelist,grib2 1 255 rh "background_proc_id" "Background processing id for grib2" "" rconfig integer forecast_proc_id namelist,grib2 1 255 rh "forecast_proc_id" "Analysis and forecast processing id for grib2" "" rconfig integer production_status namelist,grib2 1 255 rh "production_status" "Background processing id for grib2" "" rconfig integer compression namelist,grib2 1 40 rh "compression" "grib2 compression, 40 for JPEG2000 or 41 for PNG" "" # NAMELIST DERIVED rconfig integer nobs_ndg_vars derived 1 5 - "num_ndg_vars" "Number of nudging variables" "" rconfig integer nobs_err_flds derived 1 9 - "num_err_flds" "Number of error fields" "" rconfig real cen_lat derived max_domains 0 - "cen_lat" "center latitude" "degrees, negative is south" rconfig real cen_lon derived max_domains 0 - "cen_lon" "central longitude" "degrees, negative is west" rconfig real truelat1 derived max_domains 0 - "true_lat1" "first standard parallel" "degrees, negative is south" rconfig real truelat2 derived max_domains 0 - "true_lat2" "second standard parallel" "degrees, negative is south" rconfig real moad_cen_lat derived max_domains 0 - "moad_cen_lat" "center latitude of the most coarse grid" "degrees, negative is south" rconfig real stand_lon derived max_domains 0 - "stand_lon" "standard longitude, parallel to j-direction, perpendicular to i-direction " "degrees, negative is west" rconfig real bdyfrq derived max_domains 0 - "bdyfrq" "lateral boundary input frequency" "seconds" rconfig integer iswater derived max_domains 0 - "iswater" "land use index of water" "index category" rconfig integer isice derived max_domains 0 - "isice" "land use index of ice" "index category" rconfig integer isurban derived max_domains 0 - "isurban" "land use index for 'urban and built-up" "index category" rconfig integer isoilwater derived max_domains 0 - "isoilwater" "land use index of water for soil" "index category" rconfig integer map_proj derived max_domains 0 - "map_proj" "domain map projection" "0=none (Cylindrical), 1=Lambert, 2=polar, 3=Mercator" rconfig integer use_wps_input derived 1 0 - "use_wps_input" "0/1 flag, using wps input" "0=no, 1=yes" rconfig integer dfi_stage derived 1 3 - "dfi_stage" "current stage of DFI processing" "0=DFI setup, 1=DFI backward integration, 2=DFI forward integration, 3=WRF forecast" rconfig integer mp_physics_dfi derived max_domains -1 - "mp_physics_dfi" "" "-1 = no DFI and so no need to allocate DFI moist and scalar variables, >0 = running with DFI, so allocate DFI moist and scalar variables appropriate for selected microphysics package" # # Single dummy declaration to define a nodyn dyn option state integer nodyn_dummy - dyn_nodyn - - - "" "" "" # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Package Declarations # #key package associated package associated 4d scalars # name namelist choice state vars ##### MARS OPTIONS ##### MARS OPTIONS ##### MARS OPTIONS ## ## CHANGING THE OPTION CHANGE THE NUMBER OF TRACERS WITHOUT ANY NEED TO RECOMPILE ENTIRELY WRF ## HOWEVER, YOU STILL NEED TO RECOMPILE THE PHYSICS BEFORE CHANGING THE OPTION ## JUST USE THE COMPILE_ALL SCRIPT FOR A FAST RECOMPILATION ## ------- ## ONE REMAINING PROBLEM IS THE FACT THAT YOU NEED TO RECOMPILE ## ENTIRELY IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO OUTPUT THE TRACERS ## (FOR EXAMPLE, IF THEY ARE TURNED OFF ...) ## ------- ## ## package default mars==0 - - package water mars==1 - scalar:qh2o,qh2o_ice package dust1 mars==2 - scalar:qdust package dust2eq mars==3 - scalar:qdust,qdustn package newbasis mars==10 - scalar:qco2 package newwater mars==11 - scalar:qh2o,qh2o_ice,qdust,qdustn package newwatersca mars==12 - scalar:qh2o,qh2o_ice,qdust,qdustn,qccn,qccnn package radioac mars==20 - scalar:qtrac1 ##### MARS OPTIONS ##### MARS OPTIONS ##### MARS OPTIONS #package passivec1 chem_opt==0 - package passiveqv mp_physics==0 - moist:qv package kesslerscheme mp_physics==1 - moist:qv,qc,qr package linscheme mp_physics==2 - moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qg package wsm3scheme mp_physics==3 - moist:qv,qc,qr package wsm5scheme mp_physics==4 - moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs package etampnew mp_physics==5 - moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qg;scalar:qt package wsm6scheme mp_physics==6 - moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qg package gsfcgcescheme mp_physics==7 - moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qg package thompson mp_physics==8 - moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qg;scalar:qni package morr_two_moment mp_physics==10 - moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qg;scalar:qni,qns,qnr,qng package nodfimoist mp_physics_dfi==-1 - - package passiveqv_dfi mp_physics_dfi==0 - dfi_moist:dfi_qv package kesslerscheme_dfi mp_physics_dfi==1 - dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr package linscheme_dfi mp_physics_dfi==2 - dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi,dfi_qs,dfi_qg package wsm3scheme_dfi mp_physics_dfi==3 - dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr package wsm5scheme_dfi mp_physics_dfi==4 - dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi,dfi_qs package etampnew_dfi mp_physics_dfi==5 - dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi,dfi_qs,dfi_qg;dfi_scalar:dfi_qt package wsm6scheme_dfi mp_physics_dfi==6 - dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi,dfi_qs,dfi_qg package gsfcgcescheme_dfi mp_physics_dfi==7 - dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi,dfi_qs,dfi_qg package thompson_dfi mp_physics_dfi==8 - dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi,dfi_qs,dfi_qg;dfi_scalar:dfi_qni package morr_two_moment_dfi mp_physics_dfi==10 - dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi,dfi_qs,dfi_qg;dfi_scalar:dfi_qni,dfi_qns,dfi_qnr,dfi_qng package noprogn progn==0 - - package progndrop progn==1 - scalar:qndrop;dfi_scalar:dfi_qndrop package rrtmscheme ra_lw_physics==1 - - package camlwscheme ra_lw_physics==3 - ozmixm:mth01,mth02,mth03,mth04,mth05,mth06,mth07,mth08,mth09,mth10,mth11,mth12;aerosolc:sul,sslt,dust1,dust2,dust3,dust4,ocpho,bcpho,ocphi,bcphi,bg,volc package gfdllwscheme ra_lw_physics==99 - - package heldsuarez ra_lw_physics==31 - - package swradscheme ra_sw_physics==1 - - package gsfcswscheme ra_sw_physics==2 - - package camswscheme ra_sw_physics==3 - ozmixm:mth01,mth02,mth03,mth04,mth05,mth06,mth07,mth08,mth09,mth10,mth11,mth12;aerosolc:sul,sslt,dust1,dust2,dust3,dust4,ocpho,bcpho,ocphi,bcphi,bg,volc package gfdlswscheme ra_sw_physics==99 - - package sfclayscheme sf_sfclay_physics==1 - state:regime package myjsfcscheme sf_sfclay_physics==2 - - package gfssfcscheme sf_sfclay_physics==3 - - package pxsfcscheme sf_sfclay_physics==7 - state:regime package slabscheme sf_surface_physics==1 - - package lsmscheme sf_surface_physics==2 - - package ruclsmscheme sf_surface_physics==3 - - package pxlsmscheme sf_surface_physics==7 - fdda2d:t2_ndg_new,q2_ndg_new,t2_ndg_old,q2_ndg_old package ysuscheme bl_pbl_physics==1 - state:regime package myjpblscheme bl_pbl_physics==2 - - package gfsscheme bl_pbl_physics==3 - - package acmpblscheme bl_pbl_physics==7 - state:regime package mrfscheme bl_pbl_physics==99 - state:regime package kfetascheme cu_physics==1 - - package bmjscheme cu_physics==2 - - package gdscheme cu_physics==3 - - package sasscheme cu_physics==4 - - package g3scheme cu_physics==5 - state:cugd_qvten,cugd_tten,cugd_qvtens,cugd_ttens,cugd_qcten package kfscheme cu_physics==99 - - package psufddagd grid_fdda==1 - fdda3d:u_ndg_old,v_ndg_old,t_ndg_old,q_ndg_old,ph_ndg_old,u_ndg_new,v_ndg_new,t_ndg_new,q_ndg_new,ph_ndg_new;fdda2d:mu_ndg_old,mu_ndg_new,t2_ndg_new,q2_ndg_new,t2_ndg_old,q2_ndg_old,sn_ndg_new,sn_ndg_old;state:rundgdten,rvndgdten,rthndgdten,rqvndgdten,rmundgdten package restofwrf use_wps_input==0 - - package dfi_setup dfi_stage==0 - - package dfi_bck dfi_stage==1 - - package dfi_fwd dfi_stage==2 - - package dfi_fst dfi_stage==3 - - #package digifilter dfi_opt==1 - dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi,dfi_qs,dfi_qg;dfi_scalar:dfi_qndrop,dfi_qni,dfi_qt,dfi_qns,dfi_qnr,dfi_qng;state:dfi_u,dfi_v,dfi_w,dfi_ph,dfi_phb,dfi_ph0,dfi_php,dfi_t,dfi_p,dfi_ww,dfi_mu,dfi_tke,dfi_pb,dfi_al,dfi_alt package dfi_nodfi dfi_opt==0 - - package dfi_dfl dfi_opt==1 - state:dfi_u,dfi_v,dfi_w,dfi_ph,dfi_phb,dfi_ph0,dfi_php,dfi_t,dfi_p,dfi_ww,dfi_mu,dfi_tke,dfi_pb,dfi_al,dfi_alt,dfi_TSLB,dfi_SMOIS,dfi_SNOW,dfi_SNOWH,dfi_CANWAT,dfi_SMFR3D,dfi_KEEPFR3DFLAG,dfi_TSK,dfi_SOILT1,dfi_TSNAV,dfi_SNOWC,dfi_QVG package dfi_ddfi dfi_opt==2 - state:dfi_u,dfi_v,dfi_w,dfi_ph,dfi_phb,dfi_ph0,dfi_php,dfi_t,dfi_p,dfi_ww,dfi_mu,dfi_tke,dfi_pb,dfi_al,dfi_alt,dfi_TSLB,dfi_SMOIS,dfi_SNOW,dfi_SNOWH,dfi_CANWAT,dfi_SMFR3D,dfi_KEEPFR3DFLAG,dfi_TSK,dfi_SOILT1,dfi_TSNAV,dfi_SNOWC,dfi_QVG package dfi_tdfi dfi_opt==3 - state:dfi_u,dfi_v,dfi_w,dfi_ph,dfi_phb,dfi_ph0,dfi_php,dfi_t,dfi_p,dfi_ww,dfi_mu,dfi_tke,dfi_pb,dfi_al,dfi_alt,dfi_TSLB,dfi_SMOIS,dfi_SNOW,dfi_SNOWH,dfi_CANWAT,dfi_SMFR3D,dfi_KEEPFR3DFLAG,dfi_TSK,dfi_SOILT1,dfi_TSNAV,dfi_SNOWC,dfi_QVG ifdef RUC_CLOUD package realonly use_wps_input==1 - state:u_gc,v_gc,t_gc,rh_gc,ght_gc,p_gc,xlat_gc,xlong_gc,ht_gc,tsk_gc,tavgsfc,tmn_gc,pslv_gc,greenfrac,albedo12m,pd_gc,psfc_gc,intq_gc,pdhs,qv_gc,qr_gc,qc_gc,qs_gc,qi_gc,qg_gc,qni_gc endif ifndef RUC_CLOUD package realonly use_wps_input==1 - state:u_gc,v_gc,t_gc,rh_gc,ght_gc,p_gc,xlat_gc,xlong_gc,ht_gc,tsk_gc,tavgsfc,tmn_gc,pslv_gc,greenfrac,albedo12m,pd_gc,psfc_gc,intq_gc,pdhs,qv_gc endif # only need to specify these once; not for every io_form* variable package io_intio io_form_restart==1 - - package io_netcdf io_form_restart==2 - - # Placeholders for additional packages (we can go beyond zzz # but that will entail modifying frame/module_io.F and frame/md_calls.m4) # Please note these are placeholders; HDF has not been implemented yet. package io_hdf io_form_restart==3 - - package io_phdf5 io_form_restart==4 - - package io_grib1 io_form_restart==5 - - package io_mcel io_form_restart==6 - - package io_esmf io_form_restart==7 - - package io_yyy io_form_restart==8 - - package io_zzz io_form_restart==9 - - package io_grib2 io_form_restart==10 - - package io_pnetcdf io_form_restart==11 - - #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## communications ### 8. Edit the Registry file and create a halo-exchange for x_1. # Halo Update Communications halo HALO_EM_INIT_1 dyn_em 48:u_1,u_2,v_1,v_2,w_1,w_2,ph_1,ph_2 halo HALO_EM_INIT_2 dyn_em 48:t_1,t_2,mu_1,mu_2,tke_1,tke_2,ww,phb halo HALO_EM_INIT_3 dyn_em 48:ph0,php,t_init,mub,mu0,p,al,alt,alb halo HALO_EM_INIT_4 dyn_em 48:pb,h_diabatic,msftx,msfty,msfux,msfuy,msfvx,msfvy,msfvx_inv,f,e,sina,cosa,ht,potevp,snopcx,soiltb,xlat,xlong,xlat_u,xlat_v,xlong_u,xlong_v,clat,clong halo HALO_EM_INIT_5 dyn_em 48:moist,chem,scalar halo HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1 dyn_em 8:pd_gc,pb halo HALO_EM_A dyn_em 8:ru,rv,rw,ww,php,alt,al,p,muu,muv,mut halo HALO_EM_PHYS_A dyn_em 4:u_2,v_2 halo HALO_EM_PHYS_PBL dyn_em 4:rublten,rvblten halo HALO_EM_FDDA dyn_em 4:rundgdten,rvndgdten halo HALO_EM_PHYS_DIFFUSION dyn_em 4:defor11,defor22,defor12,defor13,defor23,div,xkmv,xkmh,xkhv,xkhh,tke_1,tke_2 halo HALO_EM_TKE_ADVECT_3 dyn_em 24:tke_2 halo HALO_EM_TKE_ADVECT_5 dyn_em 48:tke_2 halo HALO_EM_TKE_A dyn_em 4:ph_2,phb halo HALO_EM_TKE_B dyn_em 4:z,rdz,rdzw,zx,zy halo HALO_EM_TKE_C dyn_em 8:u_2,v_2,z,zx,zy,rdz,rdzw,ustm halo HALO_EM_TKE_D dyn_em 8:defor11,defor22,defor33,defor12,defor13,defor23,div halo HALO_EM_TKE_E dyn_em 8:xkmv,xkmh,xkhv,xkhh,BN2,moist halo HALO_EM_TKE_3 dyn_em 24:tke_1,tke_2 halo HALO_EM_TKE_5 dyn_em 48:tke_1,tke_2 halo HALO_EM_TKE_7 dyn_em 80:tke_1,tke_2 halo HALO_EM_TKE_F dyn_em 48:tke_1,tke_2 halo HALO_EM_TKE_OLD_E_5 dyn_em 48:tke_1 halo HALO_EM_TKE_OLD_E_7 dyn_em 80:tke_1 halo HALO_EM_B dyn_em 4:ph_2,al,p,t_1,t_save,u_save,v_save,mu_1,mu_2,mudf,php,alt,pb halo HALO_EM_B2 dyn_em 4:ru_tend,rv_tend halo HALO_EM_C dyn_em 4:u_2,v_2 halo HALO_EM_C2 dyn_em 4:ph_2,al,p,mu_2,muts,mudf halo HALO_EM_D dyn_em 24:ru_m,rv_m,ww_m,mut halo HALO_EM_D2_3 dyn_em 24:u_2,v_2,w_2,t_2,ph_2;24:moist,chem,scalar;4:mu_2,al halo HALO_EM_D2_5 dyn_em 48:u_2,v_2,w_2,t_2,ph_2;24:moist,chem,scalar;4:mu_2,al halo HALO_EM_D3_3 dyn_em 24:u_1,u_2,v_1,v_2,w_1,w_2,t_1,t_2,ph_1,ph_2,tke_1,tke_2,moist,chem,scalar;4:mu_1,mu_2 halo HALO_EM_D3_5 dyn_em 48:u_1,u_2,v_1,v_2,w_1,w_2,t_1,t_2,ph_1,ph_2,tke_1,tke_2,moist,chem,scalar;4:mu_1,mu_2 halo HALO_EM_E_3 dyn_em 24:u_1,u_2,v_1,v_2,w_1,w_2,t_1,t_2,ph_1,ph_2,tke_1,tke_2,;4:mu_1,mu_2 halo HALO_EM_E_5 dyn_em 48:u_1,u_2,v_1,v_2,w_1,w_2,t_1,t_2,ph_1,ph_2,tke_1,tke_2,;4:mu_1,mu_2 halo HALO_EM_MOIST_E_3 dyn_em 24:moist halo HALO_EM_MOIST_E_5 dyn_em 48:moist halo HALO_EM_MOIST_E_7 dyn_em 80:moist halo HALO_CUP_G3_IN dyn_em 24:RTHFTEN,RQVFTEN,w_2 halo HALO_CUP_G3_OUT dyn_em 48:cugd_tten,cugd_qvten,cugd_ttens,cugd_qvtens,raincv halo HALO_EM_CHEM_E_3 dyn_em 24:chem halo HALO_EM_CHEM_E_5 dyn_em 48:chem halo HALO_EM_CHEM_E_7 dyn_em 80:chem halo HALO_EM_SCALAR_E_3 dyn_em 24:scalar halo HALO_EM_SCALAR_E_5 dyn_em 48:scalar halo HALO_EM_SCALAR_E_7 dyn_em 80:scalar halo HALO_TOPOSHAD phys 24:ht_shad halo HALO_EM_MOIST_OLD_E_3 dyn_em 24:moist_old halo HALO_EM_MOIST_OLD_E_5 dyn_em 48:moist_old halo HALO_EM_MOIST_OLD_E_7 dyn_em 80:moist_old halo HALO_EM_CHEM_OLD_E_3 dyn_em 24:chem_old halo HALO_EM_CHEM_OLD_E_5 dyn_em 48:chem_old halo HALO_EM_CHEM_OLD_E_7 dyn_em 80:chem_old halo HALO_EM_SCALAR_OLD_E_3 dyn_em 24:scalar_old halo HALO_EM_SCALAR_OLD_E_5 dyn_em 48:scalar_old halo HALO_EM_SCALAR_OLD_E_7 dyn_em 80:scalar_old halo HALO_EM_FEEDBACK dyn_em 48:ht halo HALO_EM_HYDRO_UV dyn_em 8:u_2,v_2 halo HALO_EM_COUPLE_A dyn_em 24:mub,mu_1,mu_2 period PERIOD_EM_COUPLE_A dyn_em 2:mub,mu_1,mu_2 halo HALO_EM_COUPLE_B dyn_em 48:ph_1,ph_2,w_1,w_2,t_1,t_2,u_1,u_2,v_1,v_2,\ moist,chem,scalar period PERIOD_EM_COUPLE_B dyn_em 3:ph_1,ph_2,w_1,w_2,t_1,t_2,u_1,u_2,v_1,v_2,\ moist,chem,scalar # For moving nests halo em_shift_halo_y dyn_em 48:imask_nostag,imask_xstag,imask_ystag,imask_xystag,u_2,v_2,t_2 halo em_shift_halo_x dyn_em 48:imask_nostag,imask_xstag,imask_ystag,imask_xystag,u_2,v_2,t_2 # For observational nudging halo HALO_OBS_NUDGE dyn_em 24:pb,p,uratx,vratx,tratx # Periodic Boundary Communications period PERIOD_BDY_EM_INIT dyn_em 3:u_1,u_2,v_1,v_2,w_1,w_2,t_1,t_2,ph_1,ph_2,t_init,phb,ph0,php,pb,al,alt,alb,mu_1,mu_2,mub,mu0,ht,msftx,msfty,msfux,msfuy,msfvx,msfvy,msfvx_inv,sina,cosa,e,f period PERIOD_BDY_EM_MOIST dyn_em 3:moist period PERIOD_BDY_EM_CHEM dyn_em 3:chem period PERIOD_BDY_EM_SCALAR dyn_em 3:scalar period PERIOD_BDY_EM_MOIST2 dyn_em 3:moist period PERIOD_BDY_EM_CHEM2 dyn_em 3:chem period PERIOD_BDY_EM_SCALAR2 dyn_em 3:scalar period PERIOD_BDY_EM_MOIST_OLD dyn_em 3:moist_old period PERIOD_BDY_EM_CHEM_OLD dyn_em 3:chem_old period PERIOD_BDY_EM_SCALAR_OLD dyn_em 3:scalar_old period PERIOD_BDY_EM_TKE_OLD dyn_em 3:tke_1 period PERIOD_EM_HYDRO_UV dyn_em 1:u_2,v_2 period PERIOD_BDY_EM_A dyn_em 2:ru,rv,rw,ww,php,alt,p,muu,muv,mut,ph_2,al period PERIOD_BDY_EM_A1 dyn_em 3:rdzw,rdz,z,zx,zy,ustm period PERIOD_BDY_EM_PHY_BC dyn_em 2:rublten,rvblten,xkmh,xkmv,xkhh,xkhv,div,defor11,defor22,defor12,defor13,defor23,defor33,tke_2 period PERIOD_BDY_EM_FDDA_BC dyn_em 2:rundgdten,rvndgdten period PERIOD_BDY_EM_B dyn_em 2:ru_tend,rv_tend,ph_2,al,p,t_1,t_save,u_save,v_save,mu_1,mu_2,mudf,php,alt,pb period PERIOD_BDY_EM_B3 dyn_em 2:ph_2,al,p,mu_2,muts,mudf period PERIOD_BDY_EM_B2 dyn_em 2:ru_tend,rv_tend period PERIOD_BDY_EM_C dyn_em 2:u_2,u_save,v_2,v_save,t_2,t_save,muv,msfvx,msfvy,muu,msfux,msfuy,msfvx_inv period PERIOD_BDY_EM_D dyn_em 3:u_2,v_2,w_2,t_2,ph_2,mu_2,tke_2 period PERIOD_BDY_EM_D3 dyn_em 3:u_1,u_2,v_1,v_2,w_1,w_2,t_1,t_2,ph_1,ph_2,tke_1,tke_2,mu_1,mu_2 # #swap SWAP_ETAMP_NEW dyn_em 1:dz8w,p_phy,pi_phy,rho,th_phy,moist,F_ICE_PHY,F_RAIN_PHY,F_RIMEF_PHY,RAINNC,RAINNCV,SR,LOWLYR #swap SWAP_WSM3 dyn_em 1:th_phy,moist,w_2,rho,pi_phy,p_phy,dz8w,rainnc,rainncv #cycle CYCLE_TEST dyn_em 1:xlong ## # FDDA (Observational-nudging) Variables typedef fdob_type integer domain_tot # total number of domains to apply obs-nudging typedef fdob_type integer IEODI # end of obs data flag for current model step typedef fdob_type integer IWTSIG # flag for nudging on pressure surfaces typedef fdob_type integer NSTAT # number of obs stations used to nudge current model step typedef fdob_type integer NSTAW # number of obs stations within current time window typedef fdob_type integer KTAUR # restart model step typedef fdob_type integer SN_MAXCG # coarse domain grid dimension in south-north coordinate typedef fdob_type integer WE_MAXCG # coarse domain grid dimension in west-east coordinate typedef fdob_type integer SN_END # ending north-south grid index typedef fdob_type integer LEVIDN(max_domains) # level of nest typedef fdob_type real WINDOW # time window half-period for nudging (in minutes) typedef fdob_type real RTLAST # time in hours of last obs used in current model step typedef fdob_type real DATEND # time in minutes after which data are asuumed to have ended typedef fdob_type real RINFMN # minimum radius of influence typedef fdob_type real RINFMX # maximum radius of influence typedef fdob_type real PFREE # pressure level (cb) where terrain effect becomes small typedef fdob_type real DCON # 1/DPSMX typedef fdob_type real DPSMX # max pres change (cb) allowed within infl range of surf obs typedef fdob_type real TFACI # scale factor used for ramp-down in dynamic initialization typedef fdob_type real KNOWN_LAT # Latitude of origin point (i,j)=(1,1) typedef fdob_type real KNOWN_LON # Longitude of origin point (i,j)=(1,1) # table entries are of the form #
#Grid variables typedef fdob_type real varobs rz - 1 - - "varobs" "observational values in each variable" typedef fdob_type real errf hz - 1 - - "errf" "errors between model and obs values" typedef fdob_type real timeob z - 1 - - "timeob" "model times for each observation" "hours" typedef fdob_type real nlevs_ob z - 1 - - "nlevs_ob" "numbers of levels in sounding obs" typedef fdob_type real lev_in_ob z - 1 - - "lev_in_ob" "level in sounding-type obs" typedef fdob_type real plfo z - 1 - - "plfo" "index for type of obs-platform" typedef fdob_type real elevob z - 1 - - "elevob" "elevation of observation" "meters" typedef fdob_type real rio z - 1 - - "rio" "west-east grid coordinate" typedef fdob_type real rjo z - 1 - - "rjo" "south-north grid coordinate" typedef fdob_type real rko z - 1 - - "rko" "vertical grid coordinate" state fdob_type fdob - - # xpose variables for polar fft state real t_xxx ikjx - 1 - state real u_xxx ikjx - 1 X state real ru_xxx ikjx - 1 X state real v_xxx ikjx - 1 Y state real rv_xxx ikjx - 1 Y state real w_xxx ikjx - 1 Z state real ww_xxx ikjx - 1 Z state real ph_xxx ikjx - 1 Z state real dum_yyy ikjy - 1 - state real fourd_xxx ikjx - 1 - state real clat_xxx ijx - 1 - state real ht_xxx ijx - 1 - state real mf_xxx ijx - 1 - xpose XPOSE_POLAR_FILTER_TOPO dyn_em t_init,t_xxx,dum_yyy xpose XPOSE_POLAR_FILTER_T dyn_em t_2,t_xxx,dum_yyy xpose XPOSE_POLAR_FILTER_U dyn_em u_2,u_xxx,dum_yyy xpose XPOSE_POLAR_FILTER_RU dyn_em ru_m,ru_xxx,dum_yyy xpose XPOSE_POLAR_FILTER_V dyn_em v_2,v_xxx,dum_yyy xpose XPOSE_POLAR_FILTER_RV dyn_em rv_m,rv_xxx,dum_yyy xpose XPOSE_POLAR_FILTER_W dyn_em w_2,w_xxx,dum_yyy xpose XPOSE_POLAR_FILTER_WW dyn_em ww_m,ww_xxx,dum_yyy xpose XPOSE_POLAR_FILTER_PH dyn_em ph_2,ph_xxx,dum_yyy xpose XPOSE_POLAR_FILTER_MOIST dyn_em moist,fourd_xxx,dum_yyy xpose XPOSE_POLAR_FILTER_CHEM dyn_em chem,fourd_xxx,dum_yyy xpose XPOSE_POLAR_FILTER_SCALAR dyn_em scalar,fourd_xxx,dum_yyy ##