SUBROUTINE nirco2abs(nlon,nlev,nplay,dist_sol,nq,pq, $ mu0,fract,pdtnirco2) use dimphy use geometry_mod, only: longitude_deg, latitude_deg use chemparam_mod, only: i_co2, i_o c use compo_hedin83_mod2 IMPLICIT NONE c======================================================================= c subject: c -------- c Computing heating rate due to c absorption by CO2 in the near-infrared c This version includes NLTE effects c c (Scheme to be described in Forget et al., JGR, 2003) c (old Scheme described in Forget et al., JGR, 1999) c c This version updated with a new functional fit, c see NLTE correction-factor of Lopez-Valverde et al (1998) c Stephen Lewis 2000 c c oct 2014 g.gilli Coupling with photochemical model C jan 2014 g.gilli Revision (following martian non-lte param) C jun 2013 l.salmi First adaptation to Venus and NIR NLTE param c jul 2011 malv+fgg New corrections for NLTE implemented c 08/2002 : correction for bug when running with diurnal=F c c author: Frederic Hourdin 1996 c ------ c Francois Forget 1999 c c input: c ----- c nlon number of gridpoint of horizontal grid c nlev Number of layer c dist_sol sun-Venus distance (AU) c mu0(nlon) c fract(nlon) day fraction of the time interval c declin latitude of subslar point c c output: c ------- c c pdtnirco2(nlon,nlev) Heating rate (K/sec) c c c======================================================================= c c 0. Declarations : c ------------------ c #include "YOMCST.h" #include "clesphys.h" c#include "comdiurn.h" #include "nirdata.h" c#include "tracer.h" #include "mmol.h" c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Input/Output c ------------ integer,intent(in) :: nlon ! number of (horizontal) grid points integer,intent(in) :: nlev ! number of atmospheric layers real,intent(in) :: nplay(nlon,nlev) ! Pressure real,intent(in) :: dist_sol ! Sun-Venus distance (in AU) integer,intent(in) :: nq ! number of tracers real,intent(in) :: pq(nlon,nlev,nq) ! mass mixing ratio tracers real,intent(in) :: mu0(nlon) ! solar angle real,intent(in) :: fract(nlon) ! day fraction of the time interval c real,intent(in) :: declin ! latitude of sub-solar point real :: co2vmr_gcm(nlon,nlev), o3pvmr_gcm(nlon,nlev) real,intent(out) :: pdtnirco2(nlon,nlev) ! heating rate (K/sec) c c Local variables : c ----------------- INTEGER l,ig, n, nstep,i REAL co2heat0, zmu(nlon) c special diurnal=F real mu0_int(nlon),fract_int(nlon),zday_int real ztim1,ztim2,ztim3,step c c local saved variables c --------------------- logical,save :: firstcall=.true. integer,save :: ico2=0 ! index of "co2" tracer integer,save :: io=0 ! index of "o" tracer cccc parameters for CO2 heating fit c c n_a = heating rate for Venusian day at p0, r0, mu =0 [K day-1] c Here p0 = p_cloud top [Pa] c n_p0 = is a pressure below which non LTE effects are significant [Pa] c n_a Solar heating [K/Eday] at the cloud top, taken from Crisps table real n_a, n_p0, n_b, p_ctop cc "Nominal" values parameter (n_a = 18.13/86400.0) !c K/Eday ---> K/sec parameter (p_ctop=13.2e2) c -- NLTE Param v3 -- parameter (n_p0=0.008) parameter (n_b=1.362) cc -- Varoxy5 C parameter (n_a = 20/86400.0) C parameter (p_ctop=870) ! [Pa] C parameter (n_b=1.98) C parameter (n_p0=0.045) c parameter (n_p0=0.1) !!!!cccc test varoxy5mod c parameter (n_b=0.9) c -- NLTE Param v2 -- C parameter (n_p0=0.01) c parameter (n_b = 1.3) c Variables added to implement NLTE correction factor (feb 2011) real pyy(nlev) real cor1(nlev),oldoco2(nlev),alfa2(nlev) real p2011,cociente1,merge real cor0,oco2gcm !!!! c real :: pic27(nlon,nlev), pic27b(nlon,nlev) c real :: pic43(nlon,nlev), picnir(nlon,nlev) c co2heat is the heating by CO2 at p_ctop=13.2e2 for a zero zenithal angle. co2heat0=n_a*(0.72/dist_sol)**2 CCCCCC TEST: reduce by X% nir Heating c co2heat0 = co2heat0 * 0.8 c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c Initialisation c -------------- if (firstcall) then if (nircorr.eq.1) then c ! we will need co2 and o tracers ico2= i_co2 if (ico2==0) then write(*,*) "nirco2abs error: I need a CO2 tracer" write(*,*) " when running with nircorr==1" stop endif io=i_o if (io==0) then write(*,*) "nirco2abs error: I need an O tracer" write(*,*) " when running with nircorr==1" stop endif endif firstcall=.false. endif c c Simple calcul for a given sun incident angle (if cycle_diurne=T) c -------------------------------------------- IF (cycle_diurne) THEN do ig=1,nlon zmu(ig)=sqrt(1224.*mu0(ig)*mu0(ig)+1.)/35. if(nircorr.eq.1) then do l=1,nlev pyy(l)=nplay(ig,l) enddo call interpnir(cor1,pyy,nlev,corgcm,pres1d,npres) call interpnir(oldoco2,pyy,nlev,oco21d,pres1d,npres) call interpnir(alfa2,pyy,nlev,alfa,pres1d,npres) endif do l=1,nlev c Calculations for the O/CO2 correction if(nircorr.eq.1) then cor0=1./(1.+n_p0/nplay(ig,l))**n_b if(pq(ig,l,ico2) .gt. 1.e-6) then oco2gcm=pq(ig,l,io)/pq(ig,l,ico2) else oco2gcm=1.e6 endif cociente1=oco2gcm/oldoco2(l) c WRITE(*,*) "nirco2abs line 211", l, cociente1 merge=alog10(cociente1)*alfa2(l)+alog10(cor0)* $ (1.-alfa2(l)) merge=10**merge p2011=sqrt(merge)*cor0 else if (nircorr.eq.0) then p2011=1. cor1(l)=1. endif if(fract(ig).gt.0.) pdtnirco2(ig,l)= & co2heat0*sqrt((p_ctop*zmu(ig))/nplay(ig,l)) & /(1.+n_p0/nplay(ig,l))**n_b c Corrections from tabulation $ * cor1(l) * p2011 enddo enddo c Averaging over diurnal cycle (if diurnal=F) c ------------------------------------------- c NIR CO2 abs is slightly non linear. To remove the diurnal c cycle, it is better to average the heating rate over 1 day rather c than using the mean mu0 computed by mucorr in physiq.F (FF, 1998) ELSE ! if (.not.diurnal) then nstep = 20 ! number of integration step /sol do n=1,nstep zday_int = (n-1)/float(nstep) CALL zenang(0.,zday_int,RDAY/nstep, & latitude_deg,longitude_deg, & mu0_int,fract_int) do ig=1,nlon zmu(ig)=sqrt(1224.*mu0_int(ig)*mu0_int(ig)+1.)/35. if(nircorr.eq.1) then do l=1,nlev pyy(l)=nplay(ig,l) enddo call interpnir(cor1,pyy,nlev,corgcm,pres1d,npres) call interpnir(oldoco2,pyy,nlev,oco21d,pres1d,npres) call interpnir(alfa2,pyy,nlev,alfa,pres1d,npres) endif c do l=1,nlev c Calculations for the O/CO2 correction if(nircorr.eq.1) then cor0=1./(1.+n_p0/nplay(ig,l))**n_b oco2gcm=pq(ig,l,io)/pq(ig,l,ico2) cociente1=oco2gcm/oldoco2(l) merge=alog10(cociente1)*alfa2(l)+alog10(cor0)* $ (1.-alfa2(l)) merge=10**merge p2011=sqrt(merge)*cor0 else if (nircorr.eq.0) then p2011=1. cor1(l)=1. endif if(fract_int(ig).gt.0.) pdtnirco2(ig,l)= & pdtnirco2(ig,l) + (1/float(nstep))* & co2heat0*sqrt((p_ctop*zmu(ig))/nplay(ig,l)) & /(1.+n_p0/nplay(ig,l))**n_b ! Corrections from tabulation $ * cor1(l) * p2011 enddo enddo end do END IF return end subroutine interpnir(escout,p,nlev,escin,pin,nl) C C subroutine to perform linear interpolation in pressure from 1D profile C escin(nl) sampled on pressure grid pin(nl) to profile C escout(nlev) on pressure grid p(nlev). C real escout(nlev),p(nlev) real escin(nl),pin(nl),wm,wp integer nl,nlev,n1,n,nm,np do n1=1,nlev if(p(n1) .gt. 1500. .or. p(n1) .lt. 1.0e-13) then c escout(n1) = 0.0 escout(n1) = 1.e-15 else do n = 1,nl-1 if (p(n1) then nm=n np=n+1 wm=abs(pin(np)-p(n1))/(pin(nm)-pin(np)) wp=1.0 - wm endif enddo escout(n1) = escin(nm)*wm + escin(np)*wp endif enddo return end