pro wind_analysis ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; retrieve='true' ;retrieve='false' file='zefolder/wrfout_d01_2024-03-21_00:00:00' start_time=0. interv=1. landing_site=[353.87-360.,-1.88] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; graphics definition ; PS_Start, filename='' !P.Charsize = 1.2 ;!p.charthick = 2.0 ;!p.thick = 3.0 ;!x.thick = 2.0 ;!y.thick = 2.0 if (retrieve eq 'true') then begin ; ; load WRF coordinates ; getcdf, file=file, charvar='XLAT', invar=lat getcdf, file=file, charvar='XLONG', invar=lon getcdf, file=file, charvar='HGT', invar=elevation ; ; find simulated lander grid point ; findxy, $ x=lon, $ y=lat, $ point=landing_site, $ ind=indp, $ flag=2 ; ; get field ; getcdf, file=file, charvar='U', invar=u getcdf, file=file, charvar='V', invar=v ;;field=sqrt(u^2+v^2) & u=0. & v=0. ;;what_I_plot=reform(field(indp[0],indp[1],*,*)) ;;; BEWARE: arrays not the same size... because staggering... u^2+v^2 is wrong and IDL does not complain... field=sqrt( u(indp[0],indp[1],*,*)^2 + v(indp[0],indp[1],*,*)^2 ) & u=0. & v=0. what_I_plot=reform(field) ; ; local time ; localtime = float(start_time) + float(interv)*findgen(n_elements(field(0,0,0,*))) ;+ lon(indp[0],indp[1])/15. ; ; get model height ; getcdf, file=file, charvar='PHTOT', invar=ph height=reform(ph(indp[0],indp[1],*,*)) height=total(height,2)/n_elements(height(0,*)) height=height/1000./3.72 heightp=height(0:n_elements(height(*))-2)-elevation(indp[0],indp[1])/1000. ; ; save ; save, what_I_plot, localtime, heightp, filename='yeahyeah' endif else begin restore, filename='yeahyeah' endelse ;yeah=where(localtime lt 0) & if (yeah(0) ne -1) then localtime[yeah]=24+localtime[yeah] ;;; 24h issue ;localtime=localtime MOD 24 & yeah=where(localtime eq 0) & if (yeah(0) ne -1) then localtime[yeah]=24 ;localtime=24.+localtime map_latlon, $ transpose(what_I_plot), $ ; 2D field localtime, $ ; 1D latitude heightp, $ ; 1D longitude overcontour=0 ; overcontour=transpose(what_I_plot) ; another 2D field to overplot with contour lines (=0: no) PS_End, /PNG end