Welcome. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------> Choice A: You want to download all models at once. ---------> This is easy, but requires disk space. ---------> Plus, not sure you'll be using all models... svn co http://svn.lmd.jussieu.fr/Planeto/trunk the_name_of_my_folder ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------> Choice B: You want to download a limited number of models. ---------> This is quite wise indeed. ---------> Whatever model you want, type the following commands svn co http://svn.lmd.jussieu.fr/Planeto/trunk -N the_name_of_my_folder cd the_name_of_my_folder svn update DOC ---------> OK, great. Now choose the model(s) you'd like to get. ---------> LMD Mars GCM svn update LMDZ.MARS ---------> LMD Mars Mesoscale and LES Models svn update LMDZ.MARS MESOSCALE ---------> LMD Mars Mesoscale and LES Models with old physics only svn update MESOSCALE ---------> LMD Titan GCM svn update LMDZ.COMMON LMDZ.TITAN ---------> LMD Venus GCM svn update LMDZ.COMMON LMDZ.VENUS ---------> LMD Earth GCM svn update LMDZ.COMMON LMDZ.EARTH ---------> LMD Giant-Planets GCM svn update LMDZ.COMMON LMDZ.GIANT ---------> LMD Generic GCM svn update LMDZ.GENERIC ---------> NOTE THAT SUBSEQUENT USE OF 'svn update' or 'svn log' or 'svn commit' ... WILL ONLY ACT ON FOLDERS YOU GOT. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------> Choice C: You are a developer. You want to download only one folder, ---------> then make your modifications, commit and erase the working copy. svn co http://svn.lmd.jussieu.fr/Planeto/trunk/[the_folder_you_d_like_to_download] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ************************* LIST of all folders contained in the SVN LMD PLANETO trunk ******************************* DOC documentation and readme files about SVN LMDZ.COMMON common dynamical core LMDZ.EARTH terrestrial physics + links to the common dynamical core [LMDZ.COMMON needed] LMDZ.GENERIC universal physics + dynamical core LMDZ.GIANT giant-planet physics + links to the common dynamical core [LMDZ.COMMON needed] LMDZ.MARS martian physics + dynamical core LMDZ.TITAN titan physics + links to the common dynamical core [LMDZ.COMMON needed] LMDZ.VENUS venus physics + links to the common dynamical core [LMDZ.COMMON needed] MESOSCALE martian mesoscale modeling system + (for new martian physics) links to martian physics [LMDZ.MARS needed] ---------------------------------------------------- AS -- 25/05/2011 - 08/06/2011