MODULE thermcell ! USE ioipsl_getincom IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: iflag_thermals REAL :: r_aspect_thermals,l_mix_thermals,tau_thermals INTEGER :: w2di_thermals INTEGER :: nsplit_thermals INTEGER :: isplit INTEGER :: iflag_coupl,iflag_clos,iflag_wake INTEGER :: iflag_thermals_ed,iflag_thermals_optflux REAL :: RG,RD REAL :: rlvtt,rcpd,rtt,r2es REAL :: retv,r5les,r5ies,rkappa REAL :: R4LES,R4IES,R3IES,R3LES INTEGER :: klon,klev INTEGER :: prt_level,lunout real,allocatable :: rlatd(:) real,allocatable :: rlond(:) ! Thermodynamic constants. The [OK] means that the constant has been made ! compatible with the Martian model ! ---------------------------------- ! RG : mars mean gravity field [OK] ! RD : dry air constant = 1000 R/Mair [OK] ! rlvtt : value of Lv(Tt) (vapo. latent heat at Tt) [dep. on air ?] ! rcpd : Cp of dry air = 7/2 RD for a perfect gas [OK,CHECK VALUE with gcm one] !rcpd = r/(r/CP), avec r/CP = 1/4.4 pour LES, 0.256793 pour gcm (1./3.89419), et r=1000.R/Mair=RD ! rtt : triple point temperature Tt [OK] ! r2es : [Probably OK] ! retv = restt*RD/RV : [-] ! restt : saturation pressure at Tt es(Tt) = 611.14 Pa [dep. on air ?] ! RV : vapor constant = 1000 R/Mh2o [OK] ! r3les : [Probably OK] ! r3ies : [Probably OK] ! r4les : [Probably OK] ! r4ies : [Probably OK] ! r5ies = r3ies*(rtt-r4les) [Probably OK] ! rkappa = RD/RCPD = r/cp = 0.256793 [OK] ! FOEEW : vapeur d'eau saturante [OK] ! FOEDE : derive par rapport a la temperature [OK] PARAMETER (RG=3.72,RD=191.182) PARAMETER (rlvtt=2.5008E+06,rcpd=RD*3.89419) PARAMETER (rtt=273.16,r2es=253.156) PARAMETER (retv=1.41409,r5les=4097.93) PARAMETER (r5ies=5807.81,rkappa=1./3.89419) PARAMETER (R4IES=7.66,R4LES=35.86) PARAMETER (R3IES=21.875,R3LES=17.269) ! r_aspect_thermals : rapport d'aspect : parameter defined in FH's HDR ! length over height ratio of the thermals in the alimentation layer (check) ! it's value is advised to be set to 2 in HDR [OK] ! l_mix_thermals : mixing length => lambda : parameter for plume penetration in ! the atm (the plum size will decrease with sqrt(lambda) : USELESS ! w2di_thermals : ? ! tau_thermals : relaxation length of the thermals : the model implements the thermals ! tendancies with a typical relaxation time. Typical value is said to be 1800 s in the ! code however, it is found at 720 s in the .def files [OK] ! nsplit_thermals : subdivisions of the timestep in the calculations of the plume. ! Increase the calculation precision greatly, but also computation time ! typical value is found at 1 in .def (no split) [OK] ! prt_level : print level for the gcm printed outputs [OK] ! lunout : output channel for prt level [OK] ! iflag_thermals : choice of the thermals version. 15 and 16 are the newest ones ! and 16 activates "bidouille stratocu" which is required for now ! [OK] ! iflag_thermals_ed : choice of the plume version ! 8 is the normal version, 9 is the working version of AJ, 10 is CR ! also used for cases .ge.1 in thermcell_height [OK] ! iflag_coupl : USELESS ? [useless ?] ! iflag_clos : USELESS ? [useless ?] ! iflag_wake : USELESS ? [useless ?] PARAMETER (r_aspect_thermals = 3.) PARAMETER (l_mix_thermals = 30.) PARAMETER (w2di_thermals = 1) ! PARAMETER (tau_thermals = 720.) ! PARAMETER (nsplit_thermals = 1) PARAMETER (prt_level=0,lunout=6) PARAMETER (iflag_thermals=20,iflag_thermals_ed=10) PARAMETER (iflag_thermals_optflux=1,iflag_coupl=1) PARAMETER (iflag_clos=2) CONTAINS FUNCTION foede(PTARG,PDELARG,P5ARG,PQSARG,PCOARG) IMPLICIT NONE REAL :: foede REAL, INTENT(IN) :: PTARG,PDELARG,P5ARG,PQSARG,PCOARG foede = PQSARG*PCOARG*P5ARG & & / (PTARG-(R4LES*(1.-PDELARG)+R4IES*PDELARG))**2 END FUNCTION foede FUNCTION foeew(PTARG,PDELARG) IMPLICIT NONE REAL :: foeew REAL, INTENT(IN) :: PTARG,PDELARG foeew = EXP ( & & (R3LES*(1.-PDELARG)+R3IES*PDELARG) * (PTARG-RTT) & & / (PTARG-(R4LES*(1.-PDELARG)+R4IES*PDELARG)) ) END FUNCTION foeew ! Variables which have been moved to .def and called independantly : ! nsplit_thermals, tau END MODULE thermcell