;;--------------------------------------- ; ; fill here plot parameters then type: ; ; @trace.idl ; @report.idl ; @movie.idl ; ;;--------------------------------------- ;----------------- ; initialization ;----------------- winds=0. range=0. topo=0. colors=32 backup_data='no' ;backup_data='yes' already_data='no' ;already_data='yes' folder='./WHERE_RESULTS_ARE/' ;----------------- ; check this first ;----------------- num=6 ; ;coord='height' coord='model_level' ;---------------------------- ; general plot settings ;---------------------------- plot='map' & level=-1 plot='meridional' & nlon=-1 ;bug a corriger: 0 ;plot='zonal' & nlat=-1 ;bug a corriger: 0 ;------------------------------------------- ; easy access to already defined plots ;------------------------------------------- ;@map_sea_level.idl @map_winds_only.idl ;@map_ertel_vorticity.idl ;@map_wind_stress.idl ;------------------------ ; user-defined settings ;------------------------ ; keywords : plot, winds, field1, field2, range, topo, colors ;------------------------ ;field1='tk' ;nlon=100 ;range=[200,250] title_user='' ;to avoid a warning later what_I_plot=0. ;to avoid a warning later missing_value=0. ;to avoid a warning later space=0. ;;*************************************************** ;; below this line do not modify number of lines ;; because this will be copied ... with command tail ;; comment a line if you do not need it :) ;;*************************************************** ;;------------------------ ;; modify plot parameters ;; SECTION: title_user, title_axis (2) xtitle='Horizontal coordinate' ytitle='Altitude' endif else begin xtitle=title_axis(0) ytitle=title_axis(1) endelse if (n_elements(space) eq 0) then begin space=findgen(n_elements(what_I_plot(*,0))) endif if (n_elements(altitude) eq 0) then begin altitude=findgen(n_elements(what_I_plot(0,*))) endif if (n_elements(minfield_init) eq 0) then minfield_init=0. if (n_elements(maxfield_init) eq 0) then maxfield_init=0. if (n_elements(minspace) eq 0) then minspace=0. if (n_elements(maxspace) eq 0) then maxspace=0. if (n_elements(minalt) eq 0) then minalt=min(altitude) if (n_elements(maxalt) eq 0) then maxalt=max(altitude) if (n_elements(colors) eq 0) then colors=32 if (n_elements(title) eq 0) then title='' if (n_elements(pal) eq 0) then pal=33 if (n_elements(format) eq 0) then format='(F6.2)' if (format eq '') then format='(F6.2)' if ((n_elements(overvector_x) eq 0) or (n_elements(overvector_y) eq 0)) then begin overvector_x=0. overvector_y=0. endif ; ; dilatation factor for winds ; if (n_elements(overvector_x)*n_elements(overvector_y) ne 1) then space=space/factor ;;------------------------ ;; space=space ;minspace=158.5 & maxspace=160. minalt=-3 & maxalt=7 ;factor=15. ;windex=20. ;format='(F6.3)' ;title_user='Sea-level surface pressure'+title_user pal=33 ;w=where(abs(what_I_plot) ge 0.03) ;if (w[0] ne -1) then what_I_plot[w]=0.03 ;;**** END ****