;;--------------------------------------- ; ; fill here plot parameters then type: ; ; @trace.idl ; -or- @report.idl ; -or- @movie.idl ; ; this file will be saved ! ; ;;--------------------------------------- ;------------------------------- ;------------------------------- ; namelist.ARWPOST parameters ;------------------------------- ;------------------------------- ;; DEFAULT: ARWPOST.EXE ALREADY RUN (i.e. input.ctl and input.dat already there) ;; UNCOMMENT FOLLOWING LINE TO EXTRACT FILES ;extract='yes' ;; EXECUTE ARWPOST.EXE ;; WITH THE FOLLOWING PARAMETERS : nam1=" fields = 'tk,HGT,PSFC,U,V,W' " ;; CHANGE HERE FIELDS TO BE EXTRACTED nam1=" fields = 'tk' " nam1=" fields = 'HGT,U,V' " nam1=" fields = 'V,W' " nam1=" fields = 'HGT,ICETOT,RAVE,QH2O_ICE' " nam2=" start_date = '2024-04-04_06:00:00' " ;; CHANGE HERE START DATE nam3=" end_date = '2024-04-04_08:00:00' " ;; CHANGE HERE END DATE nam4=" interval_seconds = 14800 " ;; SET INTERVAL 2h: 7400s, 4h: 14800s, 6h: 22200s nam5=" interp_method = 1 " ;; SET VERT. COORD. 0: eta levels, 1: height (inc) or pressure (dec) tabnam=[1,30,0.5] ;; SET HEIGHT/PRESSURE LEVELS WITH [first alt, last alt, step] ;---------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------- ; what do you want to plot ? ; THIS MUST BE SET ACCORDINGLY TO PREVIOUS SECTION ; - do not plot a field not extracted ; - do not ask for more plot than data available ;---------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------- num=1 ;; how many plots ? num=6 ;; how many plots ? ;num=2 ;; how many plots ? num=3 ;@map_sea_level.idl ;@map_ertel_vorticity.idl ;@map_wind_stress.idl ;field1='HGT' ;field2='U' ;winds=['U','V'] ;topo=1 ;winds=['U','V'] & field1='U' & topo=1 ;winds=['V','W'] & field1='V' field1='ICETOT' & topo=1 ;field1='QH2O_ICE' ;---------------------------------- ;---------------------------------- ; what kind of plot do you want ? ;---------------------------------- ;---------------------------------- plot='map' & level=-1 level=2 ; first level is 1 level=24 ;level=10 ;level=1 ;plot='meridional' & nlon=-1 ;nlon=75 ;plot='zonal' & nlat=-1 ;nlat=100 ;---------------------------- ;---------------------------- ; change plot settings ;---------------------------- ;---------------------------- ;; uncomment to modify default plot settings ;; | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ;; v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v minfield_init=0. ;; grepALL maxfield_init=16. ;; grepALL ;intervalx=5. ;; grepALL ;intervaly=5. ;; grepALL ;title_user='my own plot' ;; grepALL ;title_axis=['abs','ord'] ;; grepALL ;colors=30 ;; grepALL ;pal=33 ;; grepALL ;pal=0 ;; grepALL ;pal=22 ;; grepALL ;format='(I0)' ;; grepALL ;windex=20. ;; grepALL ;stride=2 ;; grepALL ;flag_cb='false' ;; grepALL ;what_I_plot=what_I_plot*1e6 ;; grepALL ;minalt=-4. ;; grepSEC ;maxalt=1.5 ;; grepSEC ;;altitude=altitude*1000. ;; grepSEC ;factor=30. ;; grepSEC ;space=space*58. & spacekm='true' ;; grepSEC ;minspace=10.4*58./factor ;; grepSEC ;maxspace=12.*58./factor ;; grepSEC windowx=[-145,-100] ;; grepMAP windowy=[-25,25] ;; grepMAP ;lon=lon*58. ;; grepMAP ;lat=lat*58. ;; grepMAP ;lim_max = 0.03 ;; 1/3 grepALL ;w=where(what_I_plot ge lim_max) ;; 2/3 grepALL ;if (w[0] ne -1) then what_I_plot[w]=lim_max ;; 3/3 grepALL ;lim_blank = 10 ;; 1/3 grepALL ;w=where(abs(what_I_plot) le lim_blank) ;; 2/3 grepALL ;if (w[0] ne -1) then what_I_plot[w]=missing_value ;; 3/3 grepALL ;title_user='Sea-level surface pressure'+title_user ;; grepALL ;what_I_plot=what_I_plot*1000. ;; grepALL ;title_user='Water ice column (!7l!3m-pr)'+title_user ;; grepALL subtitle_user='LMD mesoscale model' ;; grepALL ;what_I_plot(*,*)=missing_value ;; grepMAP ;------------------------------ ;------------------------------ ; some last possible settings ;------------------------------ ;------------------------------ backup_data='no' ;; save ARWpost-generated text files ? default is no already_data='no' ;; load ARWpost-generated text files ? default is no datafolder='./WHERE_RESULTS_ARE/' ;; default is ./ plotfolder='./WHERE_PLOTS_ARE/' ;; default is ./ textitle='TH20_WC' ;; one word. default is 'plot' texcomments='sol4' ;; one word. default is 'plot'