SUBROUTINE SW_venus_cl_1Dglobave(PRMU0, PFRAC, S PPB, pt, S PHEAT, S PTOPSW,PSOLSW,ZFSNET) use dimphy use cpdet_mod, only: cpdet IMPLICIT none #include "YOMCST.h" C C ------------------------------------------------------------------ C C PURPOSE. C -------- C c this routine loads and interpolates the shortwave radiation c fluxes taken from Chris Lee calculations for Venus. c Ref: Lee and Richardson 2011 C C AUTHOR. C ------- C Sebastien Lebonnois C C MODIFICATIONS. C -------------- C ORIGINAL : 11/2014 C ------------------------------------------------------------------ C C* ARGUMENTS: C c inputs REAL PRMU0 ! COSINE OF ZENITHAL ANGLE REAL PFRAC ! fraction de la journee REAL PPB(klev+1) ! inter-couches PRESSURE (bar) REAL pt(klev) ! mid-layer temperature C c output REAL PHEAT(klev) ! SHORTWAVE HEATING (K/s) within each layer REAL PTOPSW ! SHORTWAVE FLUX AT T.O.A. (net) REAL PSOLSW ! SHORTWAVE FLUX AT SURFACE (net) REAL ZFSNET(klev+1) ! net solar flux at ppb levels C C* LOCAL VARIABLES: C integer nlcl,nszacl parameter (nlcl=80) ! fichiers Crisp parameter (nszacl=18) ! fichiers Crisp integer i,j,nsza,nsza0,nl0 real solarrate ! solar heating rate (K/earthday) real zsnet(nlcl+1,nszacl) ! net solar flux (W/m**2) (+ vers bas) real zsdn,zsup ! downward/upward solar flux (W/m**2) real solza(nszacl) ! solar zenith angles in table real prescl(nlcl+1) ! pressure levels in table (bar) real tempcl(nlcl+1) ! temperature in table (K) real altcl(nlcl+1) ! altitude in table (km) real coolrate ! IR heating rate (K/earthday) ? real totalrate ! total rate (K/earthday) real zsolnet(nlcl+1) ! for testing mean net solar flux in CL character*22 nullchar real sza0,factflux real zlnet,tmpzsnet(nszacl),deltasza logical firstcall data firstcall/.true./ save solza,zsnet,prescl,tempcl,altcl,zsolnet save firstcall c ------------------------ c Loading the file c ------------------------ if (firstcall) then do nsza=1,nszacl solza(nsza)=(nsza-1)*5. enddo open(11,file='CLee-SW.dat') read(11,*) nullchar do i=1,nlcl+1 read(11,'(4(F10.4,1x),18(F11.4,1x))') . altcl(i),prescl(i),tempcl(i),zlnet,tmpzsnet c change of sign convention: zsnet(i,:)=tmpzsnet*(-1.) prescl(i)=prescl(i)*1.e-5 ! conversion to bars... enddo close(11) c ----------- TEST ------------ c Moyenne planetaire c ----------------------------- deltasza=(solza(2)-solza(1))*RPI/180. do j=1,nlcl+1 zsolnet(j) = zsnet(j,1)*deltasza*deltasza/16. do nsza=2,nszacl zsolnet(j) = zsolnet(j)+zsnet(j,nsza)*0.5*deltasza* . sin(solza(nsza)*RPI/180.) enddo c print*,j,altcl(j),zsolnet(j) enddo c stop c ----------------------------- c -------- FIN TEST ---------- firstcall=.false. endif c -------------------------------------- c Interpolation in the GCM vertical grid c -------------------------------------- c Pressure levels c --------------- do j=1,klev+1 nl0 = 2 do i=1,nlcl if (prescl(i).ge.PPB(j)) then nl0 = i+1 endif enddo factflux = (log10(max(PPB(j),prescl(nlcl+1))) . -log10(prescl(nl0-1))) . /(log10(prescl(nl0))-log10(prescl(nl0-1))) ZFSNET(j) = factflux *zsolnet(nl0) . + (1.-factflux)*zsolnet(nl0-1) enddo PTOPSW = ZFSNET(klev+1) PSOLSW = ZFSNET(1) c Heating rates c ------------- c On utilise le gradient du flux pour calculer le taux de chauffage: c heat(K/s) = d(fluxnet) (W/m2) c *g (m/s2) c /(-dp) (epaisseur couche, en Pa=kg/m/s2) c /cp (J/kg/K) do j=1,klev ! ADAPTATION GCM POUR CP(T) PHEAT(j) = (ZFSNET(j+1)-ZFSNET(j)) . *RG/cpdet(pt(j)) / ((PPB(j)-PPB(j+1))*1.e5) enddo return end