c======================================================================= SUBROUTINE tabfi(nid,Lmodif,tab0,day_ini,lmax,p_rad, . p_omeg,p_g,p_mugaz,p_daysec,time) c======================================================================= c c C. Hourdin 15/11/96 c c Object: Lecture du tab_cntrl physique dans un fichier c ------ et initialisation des constantes physiques c c Arguments: c ---------- c c Inputs: c ------ c c - nid: unitne logique du fichier ou on va lire le tab_cntrl c (ouvert dans le programme appellant) c c si nid=0: c pas de lecture du tab_cntrl mais c Valeurs par default des constantes physiques c c - tab0: Offset de tab_cntrl a partir duquel sont ranges c les parametres physiques (50 pour start_archive) c c - Lmodif: si on souhaite modifier les constantes Lmodif = 1 = TRUE c c c Outputs: c -------- c c - day_ini: tab_cntrl(tab0+3) (Dans les cas ou l'on souhaite c comparer avec le day_ini dynamique) c c - lmax: tab_cntrl(tab0+2) (pour test avec nlayer) c c - p_rad c - p_omeg ! c - p_g ! Constantes physiques ayant des c - p_mugaz ! homonymes dynamiques c - p_daysec ! c c======================================================================= use comsoil_h, only: volcapa ! soil volumetric heat capacity use surfdat_h, only: z0_default, emissiv, emisice, albedice, & iceradius, dtemisice, iceradius use dimradmars_mod, only: tauvis use iostart, only: get_var use mod_phys_lmdz_para, only: is_parallel use comcstfi_h use planete_h implicit none #include "netcdf.inc" c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Declarations c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Arguments c --------- INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: nid,tab0 INTEGER*4,INTENT(OUT) :: day_ini INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: Lmodif INTEGER,INTENT(OUT) :: lmax REAL,INTENT(OUT) :: p_rad,p_omeg,p_g,p_mugaz,p_daysec,time c Variables c --------- INTEGER :: nvarid REAL :: peri_ls INTEGER length parameter (length = 100) REAL tab_cntrl(length) ! array in which are stored the run's parameters INTEGER ierr INTEGER size CHARACTER modif*20 LOGICAL :: found write(*,*)"tabfi: nid=",nid," tab0=",tab0," Lmodif=",Lmodif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Initialization of various physical constants to defaut values (nid = 0 case) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (nid.eq.0) then c Reference pressure c------------------------------------- c pressrf = 670. ! Pression de reference (Pa) ~650 c Infos about Mars for the dynamics and physics c---------------------------------------------------------- rad=3397200. ! radius of Mars (m) ~3397200 m daysec=88775. ! length of a sol (s) ~88775 s omeg=4.*asin(1.)/(daysec) ! rotation rate (rad.s-1) g=3.72 ! gravity (m.s-2) ~3.72 mugaz=43.49 ! Molar mass of the atmosphere (g.mol-1) ~43.49 rcp=.256793 ! = r/cp ~0.256793 c Informations about Mars, only for physics c----------------------------------------------------- year_day = 669. !Modif FH: length of year (sols) ~668.6 periheli = 206.66 ! min. Sun-Mars distance (Mkm) ~206.66 aphelie = 249.22 ! max. Sun-Mars distance (Mkm) ~249.22 peri_day = 485. ! date of perihelion (sols since N. spring) obliquit = 25.19 ! Obliquity of the planet (deg) ~25.19 c Boundary layer and turbulence c---------------------------- z0_default = 1.e-2 ! surface roughness (m) ~0.01 emin_turb = 1.e-6 ! minimal energy ~1.e-8 lmixmin = 30 ! mixing length ~100 c Optical properties of polar caps and ground emissivity c----------------------------------------------------- emissiv=.95 ! Emissivity of martian soil ~.95 emisice(1)=0.95 ! Emissivity of northern cap emisice(2)=0.95 ! Emissivity of southern cap albedice(1)=0.65 ! Albedo of northern cap albedice(2)=0.65 ! Albedo of southern cap iceradius(1) = 100.e-6 ! mean scat radius of CO2 snow (north) iceradius(2) = 100.e-6 ! mean scat radius of CO2 snow (south) dtemisice(1) = 0.4 ! time scale for snow metamorphism (north) dtemisice(2) = 0.4 ! time scale for snow metamorphism (south) c dust aerosol properties c--------------------------------- tauvis= 0.2 ! mean visible optical depth c Ancien code radiatif (non utilise avec le code d'apres 03/96) c--------------------------------------------------------------- c tauir= 0. ! .2 ratio (mean IR opt.depth)/Visible c scatalb=0. ! .86 scaterring albedo visible (~.86) c asfact=0. ! .79 assymetrie factor visible (~.79) c day0 = 0 ! = 0 en general !!! c soil properties volcapa = 1.e6 ! soil volumetric heat capacity (in comsoil.h) ELSE c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Initialization of physical constants by reading array tab_cntrl(:) c which contains these parameters (nid != 0 case) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Read 'controle' array c ! ierr = NF_INQ_VARID (nid, "controle", nvarid) ! IF (ierr .NE. NF_NOERR) THEN ! PRINT*, "Tabfi: Could not find data" ! CALL abort ! ENDIF !#ifdef NC_DOUBLE ! ierr = NF_GET_VAR_DOUBLE(nid, nvarid, tab_cntrl) !#else ! ierr = NF_GET_VAR_REAL(nid, nvarid, tab_cntrl) !#endif ! IF (ierr .NE. NF_NOERR) THEN ! PRINT*, "Tabfi: Failed reading array" ! CALL abort ! ENDIF call get_var("controle",tab_cntrl,found) if (.not.found) then write(*,*)"tabfi: Failed reading array" call abort else write(*,*)'tabfi: tab_cntrl',tab_cntrl endif c c Initialization of some physical constants c informations on physics grid ! if(ngridmx.ne.tab_cntrl(tab0+1)) then ! print*,'tabfi: WARNING !!! tab_cntrl(tab0+1).ne.ngridmx' ! print*,tab_cntrl(tab0+1),ngridmx ! endif lmax = nint(tab_cntrl(tab0+2)) day_ini = tab_cntrl(tab0+3) time = tab_cntrl(tab0+4) write (*,*) 'IN tabfi day_ini=',day_ini c Informations about planet Mars for dynamics and physics rad = tab_cntrl(tab0+5) omeg = tab_cntrl(tab0+6) g = tab_cntrl(tab0+7) mugaz = tab_cntrl(tab0+8) rcp = tab_cntrl(tab0+9) daysec = tab_cntrl(tab0+10) dtphys = tab_cntrl(tab0+11) c Informations about planet Mars for the physics only year_day = tab_cntrl(tab0+14) periheli = tab_cntrl(tab0+15) aphelie = tab_cntrl(tab0+16) peri_day = tab_cntrl(tab0+17) obliquit = tab_cntrl(tab0+18) c boundary layer and turbeulence z0_default = tab_cntrl(tab0+19) lmixmin = tab_cntrl(tab0+20) emin_turb = tab_cntrl(tab0+21) c optical properties of polar caps and ground emissivity albedice(1)= tab_cntrl(tab0+22) albedice(2)= tab_cntrl(tab0+23) emisice(1) = tab_cntrl(tab0+24) emisice(2) = tab_cntrl(tab0+25) emissiv = tab_cntrl(tab0+26) tauvis = tab_cntrl(tab0+27) ! dust opt. depth vis. iceradius(1)= tab_cntrl(tab0+31) ! mean scat radius of CO2 snow (north) iceradius(2)= tab_cntrl(tab0+32) ! mean scat radius of CO2 snow (south) dtemisice(1)= tab_cntrl(tab0+33) !time scale for snow metamorphism (north) dtemisice(2)= tab_cntrl(tab0+34) !time scale for snow metamorphism (south) c soil properties volcapa = tab_cntrl(tab0+35) ! volumetric heat capacity c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Save some constants for later use (as routine arguments) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- p_omeg = omeg p_g = g p_mugaz = mugaz p_daysec = daysec p_rad=rad ENDIF ! end of (nid = 0) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Write physical constants to output before modifying them c----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 FORMAT(a20,e15.6,e15.6) 5 FORMAT(a20,f12.2,f12.2) write(*,*) '*****************************************************' write(*,*) 'Reading tab_cntrl when calling tabfi before changes' write(*,*) '*****************************************************' write(*,5) '(1) = ngrid?',tab_cntrl(tab0+1) write(*,5) '(2) lmax',tab_cntrl(tab0+2),real(lmax) write(*,5) '(3) day_ini',tab_cntrl(tab0+3),real(day_ini) write(*,5) '(5) rad',tab_cntrl(tab0+5),rad write(*,5) '(10) daysec',tab_cntrl(tab0+10),daysec write(*,6) '(6) omeg',tab_cntrl(tab0+6),omeg write(*,5) '(7) g',tab_cntrl(tab0+7),g write(*,5) '(8) mugaz',tab_cntrl(tab0+8),mugaz write(*,5) '(9) rcp',tab_cntrl(tab0+9),rcp write(*,6) '(11) dtphys?',tab_cntrl(tab0+11),dtphys write(*,5) '(14) year_day',tab_cntrl(tab0+14),year_day write(*,5) '(15) periheli',tab_cntrl(tab0+15),periheli write(*,5) '(16) aphelie',tab_cntrl(tab0+16),aphelie write(*,5) '(17) peri_day',tab_cntrl(tab0+17),peri_day write(*,5) '(18) obliquit',tab_cntrl(tab0+18),obliquit write(*,6) '(19) z0_default',tab_cntrl(tab0+19),z0_default write(*,6) '(21) emin_turb',tab_cntrl(tab0+21),emin_turb write(*,5) '(20) lmixmin',tab_cntrl(tab0+20),lmixmin write(*,5) '(26) emissiv',tab_cntrl(tab0+26),emissiv write(*,5) '(24) emisice(1)',tab_cntrl(tab0+24),emisice(1) write(*,5) '(25) emisice(2)',tab_cntrl(tab0+25),emisice(2) write(*,5) '(22) albedice(1)',tab_cntrl(tab0+22),albedice(1) write(*,5) '(23) albedice(2)',tab_cntrl(tab0+23),albedice(2) write(*,6) '(31) iceradius(1)',tab_cntrl(tab0+31),iceradius(1) write(*,6) '(32) iceradius(2)',tab_cntrl(tab0+32),iceradius(2) write(*,5) '(33) dtemisice(1)',tab_cntrl(tab0+33),dtemisice(1) write(*,5) '(34) dtemisice(2)',tab_cntrl(tab0+34),dtemisice(2) write(*,5) '(27) tauvis',tab_cntrl(tab0+27),tauvis write(*,5) '(35) volcapa',tab_cntrl(tab0+35),volcapa write(*,*) write(*,*) 'Lmodif in tabfi!!!!!!!',Lmodif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Modifications... ! NB: Modifying controls should only be done by newstart, and in seq mode if ((Lmodif.eq.1).and.is_parallel) then write(*,*) "tabfi: Error modifying tab_control should", & " only happen in serial mode (eg: by newstart)" stop endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(Lmodif.eq.1) then write(*,*) write(*,*) 'Change values in tab_cntrl ? :' write(*,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' write(*,*) '(Current values given above)' write(*,*) write(*,*) '(3) day_ini : Initial day (=0 at Ls=0)' write(*,*) '(19) z0 : default surface roughness (m)' write(*,*) '(21) emin_turb : minimal energy (PBL)' write(*,*) '(20) lmixmin : mixing length (PBL)' write(*,*) '(26) emissiv : ground emissivity' write(*,*) '(24 et 25) emisice : CO2 ice max emissivity ' write(*,*) '(22 et 23) albedice : CO2 ice cap albedos' write(*,*) '(31 et 32) iceradius : mean scat radius of CO2 snow' write(*,*) '(33 et 34) dtemisice : time scale for snow', & ' metamorphism' write(*,*) '(27) tauvis : mean dust vis. reference ', & 'opacity' write(*,*) '(35) volcapa : soil volumetric heat capacity' write(*,*) '(18) obliquit : planet obliquity (deg)' write(*,*) '(17) peri_day : perihelion date (sol since Ls=0)' write(*,*) '( ) peri_ls : perihelion date (Ls since Ls=0)' write(*,*) '(15) periheli : min. sun-mars dist (Mkm)' write(*,*) '(16) aphelie : max. sun-mars dist (Mkm)' write(*,*) do ! neverending loop write(*,*) write(*,*) write(*,*) 'Changes to perform ?' write(*,*) ' (enter keyword or return )' write(*,*) read(*,fmt='(a20)') modif if (modif(1:1) .eq. ' ') goto 999 write(*,*) write(*,*) trim(modif) , ' : ' if (trim(modif) .eq. 'day_ini') then write(*,*) 'current value:',day_ini write(*,*) 'enter new value:' 101 read(*,*,iostat=ierr) day_ini if(ierr.ne.0) goto 101 write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'day_ini (new value):',day_ini else if (trim(modif) .eq. 'z0') then write(*,*) 'current value (m):',z0_default write(*,*) 'enter new value (m):' 102 read(*,*,iostat=ierr) z0_default if(ierr.ne.0) goto 102 write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) ' z0 (new value):',z0_default else if (trim(modif) .eq. 'emin_turb') then write(*,*) 'current value:',emin_turb write(*,*) 'enter new value:' 103 read(*,*,iostat=ierr) emin_turb if(ierr.ne.0) goto 103 write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) ' emin_turb (new value):',emin_turb else if (trim(modif) .eq. 'lmixmin') then write(*,*) 'current value:',lmixmin write(*,*) 'enter new value:' 104 read(*,*,iostat=ierr) lmixmin if(ierr.ne.0) goto 104 write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) ' lmixmin (new value):',lmixmin else if (trim(modif) .eq. 'emissiv') then write(*,*) 'current value:',emissiv write(*,*) 'enter new value:' 105 read(*,*,iostat=ierr) emissiv if(ierr.ne.0) goto 105 write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) ' emissiv (new value):',emissiv else if (trim(modif) .eq. 'emisice') then write(*,*) 'current value emisice(1) North:',emisice(1) write(*,*) 'enter new value:' 106 read(*,*,iostat=ierr) emisice(1) if(ierr.ne.0) goto 106 write(*,*) write(*,*) ' emisice(1) (new value):',emisice(1) write(*,*) write(*,*) 'current value emisice(2) South:',emisice(2) write(*,*) 'enter new value:' 107 read(*,*,iostat=ierr) emisice(2) if(ierr.ne.0) goto 107 write(*,*) write(*,*) ' emisice(2) (new value):',emisice(2) else if (trim(modif) .eq. 'albedice') then write(*,*) 'current value albedice(1) North:',albedice(1) write(*,*) 'enter new value:' 108 read(*,*,iostat=ierr) albedice(1) if(ierr.ne.0) goto 108 write(*,*) write(*,*) ' albedice(1) (new value):',albedice(1) write(*,*) write(*,*) 'current value albedice(2) South:',albedice(2) write(*,*) 'enter new value:' 109 read(*,*,iostat=ierr) albedice(2) if(ierr.ne.0) goto 109 write(*,*) write(*,*) ' albedice(2) (new value):',albedice(2) else if (trim(modif) .eq. 'iceradius') then write(*,*) 'current value iceradius(1) North:',iceradius(1) write(*,*) 'enter new value:' 110 read(*,*,iostat=ierr) iceradius(1) if(ierr.ne.0) goto 110 write(*,*) write(*,*) ' iceradius(1) (new value):',iceradius(1) write(*,*) write(*,*) 'current value iceradius(2) South:',iceradius(2) write(*,*) 'enter new value:' 111 read(*,*,iostat=ierr) iceradius(2) if(ierr.ne.0) goto 111 write(*,*) write(*,*) ' iceradius(2) (new value):',iceradius(2) else if (trim(modif) .eq. 'dtemisice') then write(*,*) 'current value dtemisice(1) North:',dtemisice(1) write(*,*) 'enter new value:' 112 read(*,*,iostat=ierr) dtemisice(1) if(ierr.ne.0) goto 112 write(*,*) write(*,*) ' dtemisice(1) (new value):',dtemisice(1) write(*,*) write(*,*) 'current value dtemisice(2) South:',dtemisice(2) write(*,*) 'enter new value:' 113 read(*,*,iostat=ierr) dtemisice(2) if(ierr.ne.0) goto 113 write(*,*) write(*,*) ' dtemisice(2) (new value):',dtemisice(2) else if (trim(modif) .eq. 'tauvis') then write(*,*) 'current value:',tauvis write(*,*) 'enter new value:' 114 read(*,*,iostat=ierr) tauvis if(ierr.ne.0) goto 114 write(*,*) write(*,*) ' tauvis (new value):',tauvis else if (trim(modif) .eq. 'obliquit') then write(*,*) 'current value:',obliquit write(*,*) 'obliquit should be 25.19 on current Mars' write(*,*) 'enter new value:' 115 read(*,*,iostat=ierr) obliquit if(ierr.ne.0) goto 115 write(*,*) write(*,*) ' obliquit (new value):',obliquit else if (trim(modif) .eq. 'peri_day') then write(*,*) 'current value:',peri_day write(*,*) 'peri_day should be 485 sols on current Mars' write(*,*) 'enter new value:' 116 read(*,*,iostat=ierr) peri_day if(ierr.ne.0) goto 116 write(*,*) write(*,*) ' peri_day (new value):',peri_day else if (trim(modif) .eq. 'peri_ls') then write(*,*) 'peri_ls value is not stored in start files,' write(*,*) 'but it should be 251 degrees on current Mars' write(*,*) '(peri_day should be 485 sols on current Mars)' write(*,*) 'enter new value:' 1160 read(*,*,iostat=ierr) peri_ls if(ierr.ne.0) goto 1160 write(*,*) write(*,*) 'peri_ls asked:',peri_ls write(*,*) 'for aphelion =',aphelie write(*,*) 'perihelion =',periheli write(*,*) 'and',year_day,'sols/year' call lsp2solp(peri_ls,peri_day,aphelie,periheli,year_day) write(*,*) 'peri_day (new value):',peri_day else if (trim(modif) .eq. 'periheli') then write(*,*) 'current value:',periheli write(*,*) 'perihelion should be 206.66 on current Mars' write(*,*) 'enter new value:' 117 read(*,*,iostat=ierr) periheli if(ierr.ne.0) goto 117 write(*,*) write(*,*) ' periheli (new value):',periheli else if (trim(modif) .eq. 'aphelie') then write(*,*) 'current value:',aphelie write(*,*) 'aphelion should be 249.22 on current Mars' write(*,*) 'enter new value:' 118 read(*,*,iostat=ierr) aphelie if(ierr.ne.0) goto 118 write(*,*) write(*,*) ' aphelie (new value):',aphelie else if (trim(modif) .eq. 'volcapa') then write(*,*) 'current value:',volcapa write(*,*) 'enter new value:' 119 read(*,*,iostat=ierr) volcapa if(ierr.ne.0) goto 119 write(*,*) write(*,*) ' volcapa (new value):',volcapa endif enddo ! of do ! neverending loop 999 continue c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Write values of physical constants after modifications c----------------------------------------------------------------------- write(*,*) '*****************************************************' write(*,*) 'Reading tab_cntrl when calling tabfi AFTER changes' write(*,*) '*****************************************************' write(*,5) '(1) = ngrid?',tab_cntrl(tab0+1) write(*,5) '(2) lmax',tab_cntrl(tab0+2),real(lmax) write(*,5) '(3) day_ini',tab_cntrl(tab0+3),real(day_ini) write(*,5) '(5) rad',tab_cntrl(tab0+5),rad write(*,5) '(10) daysec',tab_cntrl(tab0+10),daysec write(*,6) '(6) omeg',tab_cntrl(tab0+6),omeg write(*,5) '(7) g',tab_cntrl(tab0+7),g write(*,5) '(8) mugaz',tab_cntrl(tab0+8),mugaz write(*,5) '(9) rcp',tab_cntrl(tab0+9),rcp write(*,6) '(11) dtphys?',tab_cntrl(tab0+11),dtphys write(*,5) '(14) year_day',tab_cntrl(tab0+14),year_day write(*,5) '(15) periheli',tab_cntrl(tab0+15),periheli write(*,5) '(16) aphelie',tab_cntrl(tab0+16),aphelie write(*,5) '(17) peri_day',tab_cntrl(tab0+17),peri_day write(*,5) '(18) obliquit',tab_cntrl(tab0+18),obliquit write(*,6) '(19) z0_default',tab_cntrl(tab0+19),z0_default write(*,6) '(21) emin_turb',tab_cntrl(tab0+21),emin_turb write(*,5) '(20) lmixmin',tab_cntrl(tab0+20),lmixmin write(*,5) '(26) emissiv',tab_cntrl(tab0+26),emissiv write(*,5) '(24) emisice(1)',tab_cntrl(tab0+24),emisice(1) write(*,5) '(25) emisice(2)',tab_cntrl(tab0+25),emisice(2) write(*,5) '(22) albedice(1)',tab_cntrl(tab0+22),albedice(1) write(*,5) '(23) albedice(2)',tab_cntrl(tab0+23),albedice(2) write(*,6) '(31) iceradius(1)',tab_cntrl(tab0+31),iceradius(1) write(*,6) '(32) iceradius(2)',tab_cntrl(tab0+32),iceradius(2) write(*,5) '(33) dtemisice(1)',tab_cntrl(tab0+33),dtemisice(1) write(*,5) '(34) dtemisice(2)',tab_cntrl(tab0+34),dtemisice(2) write(*,5) '(27) tauvis',tab_cntrl(tab0+27),tauvis write(*,5) '(35) volcapa',tab_cntrl(tab0+35),volcapa write(*,*) write(*,*) ENDIF ! of if (Lmodif == 1) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Case when using a start file from before March 1996 (without iceradius... c----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (iceradius(1).eq.0) then iceradius(1) = 100.e-6 iceradius(2) = 100.e-6 dtemisice(1) = 0.4 dtemisice(2) = 0.4 write (*,*) ' tabfi: WARNING : old initialisation file' write (*,*) 'iceradius set to',iceradius(1),iceradius(2) write (*,*) 'dtemisice set to',dtemisice(1),dtemisice(2) end if c----------------------------------------------------------------------- end !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! gives sol at perihelion for ls at perihelion (for precession cycles) subroutine lsp2solp(lsp,solp,aphelie,periheli,year_day) implicit none ! Arguments: real lsp ! Input: ls at perihelion real solp ! Output: sol at perihelion real aphelie,periheli,year_day ! Input: parameters ! Local: double precision zx0 ! eccentric anomaly at Ls=0 double precision e_elips double precision pi,degrad parameter (pi=3.14159265358979d0) parameter (degrad=57.2957795130823d0) e_elips=(aphelie-periheli)/(aphelie+periheli) zx0 = -2.0*datan(dtan(0.5*lsp/degrad) . *dsqrt((1.-e_elips)/(1.+e_elips))) if (zx0 .le. 0.) zx0 = zx0 + 2.*pi solp = year_day*(1.-(zx0-e_elips*dsin(zx0))/(2.*pi)) end subroutine lsp2solp