SUBROUTINE physiq( $ ngrid,nlayer,nq $ ,firstcall,lastcall $ ,pday,ptime,ptimestep $ ,pplev,pplay,pphi $ ,pu,pv,pt,pq $ ,flxw $ ,pdu,pdv,pdt,pdq,pdpsrf,tracerdyn) use tracer_mod, only: noms, mmol, igcm_co2, igcm_n2, & igcm_co, igcm_o, igcm_h2o_vap, igcm_h2o_ice, & igcm_ccn_mass, igcm_ccn_number, & igcm_dust_mass, igcm_dust_number, igcm_h2o2, & nuice_ref, rho_ice, rho_dust, ref_r0 use comsoil_h, only: inertiedat, ! soil thermal inertia & tsoil, nsoilmx ! number of subsurface layers use comgeomfi_h, only: long, lati, area, & sinlon, coslon, sinlat, coslat use surfdat_h, only: phisfi, albedodat, zmea, zstd, zsig, zgam, & zthe, z0, albedo_h2o_ice, & frost_albedo_threshold, & tsurf, co2ice, emis, & capcal, fluxgrd, qsurf use comsaison_h, only: dist_sol, declin, mu0, fract use slope_mod, only: theta_sl, psi_sl use conc_mod, only: rnew, cpnew, mmean use control_mod, only: iphysiq, day_step, ecritstart use dimradmars_mod, only: tauscaling, aerosol, & dtrad, fluxrad_sky, fluxrad, albedo, & naerkind use turb_mod, only: q2, wstar, ustar, sensibFlux, & zmax_th, hfmax_th, turb_resolved use planete_h, only: aphelie, periheli, year_day, peri_day, & obliquit USE comcstfi_h, only: r, cpp, mugaz, g, rcp, pi, rad, daysec use param_v4_h, only: nreact,n_avog, & fill_data_thermos, allocate_param_thermos use iono_h, only: allocate_param_iono #ifdef MESOSCALE use comsoil_h, only: mlayer,layer use surfdat_h, only: z0_default use comm_wrf #else use phyredem, only: physdem0, physdem1 use eofdump_mod, only: eofdump #endif IMPLICIT NONE c======================================================================= c c subject: c -------- c c Organisation of the physical parametrisations of the LMD c martian atmospheric general circulation model. c c The GCM can be run without or with tracer transport c depending on the value of Logical "tracer" in file "callphys.def" c Tracers may be water vapor, ice OR chemical species OR dust particles c c SEE comments in initracer.F about numbering of tracer species... c c It includes: c c 1. Initialization: c 1.1 First call initializations c 1.2 Initialization for every call to physiq c 1.2.5 Compute mean mass and cp, R and thermal conduction coeff. c 2. Compute radiative transfer tendencies c (longwave and shortwave) for CO2 and aerosols. c 3. Gravity wave and subgrid scale topography drag : c 4. Vertical diffusion (turbulent mixing): c 5. Convective adjustment c 6. Condensation and sublimation of carbon dioxide. c 7. TRACERS : c 7a. water and water ice c 7b. call for photochemistry when tracers are chemical species c 7c. other scheme for tracer (dust) transport (lifting, sedimentation) c 7d. updates (CO2 pressure variations, surface budget) c 8. Contribution to tendencies due to thermosphere c 9. Surface and sub-surface temperature calculations c 10. Write outputs : c - "startfi", "histfi" (if it's time) c - Saving statistics (if "callstats = .true.") c - Dumping eof (if "calleofdump = .true.") c - Output any needed variables in "diagfi" c 11. Diagnostic: mass conservation of tracers c c author: c ------- c Frederic Hourdin 15/10/93 c Francois Forget 1994 c Christophe Hourdin 02/1997 c Subroutine completly rewritten by F.Forget (01/2000) c Introduction of the photochemical module: S. Lebonnois (11/2002) c Introduction of the thermosphere module: M. Angelats i Coll (2002) c Water ice clouds: Franck Montmessin (update 06/2003) c Radiatively active tracers: J.-B. Madeleine (10/2008-06/2009) c Nb: See callradite.F for more information. c Mesoscale lines: Aymeric Spiga (2007 - 2011) -- check MESOSCALE flags c jul 2011 malv+fgg: Modified calls to NIR heating routine and 15 um cooling parameterization c c arguments: c ---------- c c input: c ------ c ecri period (in dynamical timestep) to write output c ngrid Size of the horizontal grid. c All internal loops are performed on that grid. c nlayer Number of vertical layers. c nq Number of advected fields c firstcall True at the first call c lastcall True at the last call c pday Number of days counted from the North. Spring c equinoxe. c ptime Universal time (00 when downwards) INTEGER length PARAMETER (length=100) c local variables only used for diagnostic (output in file "diagfi" or "stats") c ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL ps(ngrid), zt(ngrid,nlayer) REAL zu(ngrid,nlayer),zv(ngrid,nlayer) REAL zq(ngrid,nlayer,nq) REAL fluxtop_sw_tot(ngrid), fluxsurf_sw_tot(ngrid) character*2 str2 ! character*5 str5 real zdtdif(ngrid,nlayer), zdtadj(ngrid,nlayer) real rdust(ngrid,nlayer) ! dust geometric mean radius (m) integer igmin, lmin logical tdiag real co2col(ngrid) ! CO2 column ! pplev and pplay are dynamical inputs and must not be modified in the physics. ! instead, use zplay and zplev : REAL zplev(ngrid,nlayer+1),zplay(ngrid,nlayer) ! REAL zstress(ngrid),cd real tmean, zlocal(nlayer) real rho(ngrid,nlayer) ! density real vmr(ngrid,nlayer) ! volume mixing ratio real rhopart(ngrid,nlayer) ! number density of a given species real colden(ngrid,nq) ! vertical column of tracers REAL mtot(ngrid) ! Total mass of water vapor (kg/m2) REAL icetot(ngrid) ! Total mass of water ice (kg/m2) REAL Nccntot(ngrid) ! Total number of ccn (nbr/m2) REAL Mccntot(ngrid) ! Total mass of ccn (kg/m2) REAL rave(ngrid) ! Mean water ice effective radius (m) REAL opTES(ngrid,nlayer) ! abs optical depth at 825 cm-1 REAL tauTES(ngrid) ! column optical depth at 825 cm-1 REAL Qabsice ! Water ice absorption coefficient REAL taucloudtes(ngrid) ! Cloud opacity at infrared ! reference wavelength using ! Qabs instead of Qext ! (direct comparison with TES) REAL dqdustsurf(ngrid) ! surface q dust flux (kg/m2/s) REAL dndustsurf(ngrid) ! surface n dust flux (number/m2/s) REAL ndust(ngrid,nlayer) ! true n dust (kg/kg) REAL qdust(ngrid,nlayer) ! true q dust (kg/kg) REAL nccn(ngrid,nlayer) ! true n ccn (kg/kg) REAL qccn(ngrid,nlayer) ! true q ccn (kg/kg) c Test 1d/3d scavenging real h2otot(ngrid) REAL satu(ngrid,nlayer) ! satu ratio for output REAL zqsat(ngrid,nlayer) ! saturation REAL,SAVE :: time_phys ! Added for new NLTE scheme real co2vmr_gcm(ngrid,nlayer) real n2vmr_gcm(ngrid,nlayer) real ovmr_gcm(ngrid,nlayer) real covmr_gcm(ngrid,nlayer) integer ierr_nlte real*8 varerr c Variables for PBL REAL zz1(ngrid) REAL lmax_th_out(ngrid) REAL pdu_th(ngrid,nlayer),pdv_th(ngrid,nlayer) REAL pdt_th(ngrid,nlayer),pdq_th(ngrid,nlayer,nq) INTEGER lmax_th(ngrid),dimout,n_out,n CHARACTER(50) zstring REAL dtke_th(ngrid,nlayer+1) REAL zcdv(ngrid), zcdh(ngrid) REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: T_out REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: u_out ! Interpolated teta and u at z_out REAL u_out1(ngrid) REAL T_out1(ngrid) REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: z_out ! height of interpolation between z0 and z1 [meters] REAL tstar(ngrid) ! friction velocity and friction potential temp REAL L_mo(ngrid),vhf(ngrid),vvv(ngrid) ! REAL zu2(ngrid) c======================================================================= c 1. Initialisation: c ----------------- c 1.1 Initialisation only at first call c --------------------------------------- IF (firstcall) THEN c variables set to 0 c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ aerosol(:,:,:)=0 dtrad(:,:)=0 #ifndef MESOSCALE fluxrad(:)=0 wstar(:)=0. #endif c read startfi c ~~~~~~~~~~~~ #ifndef MESOSCALE ! GCM. Read netcdf initial physical parameters. CALL phyetat0 ("",0,0, & nsoilmx,ngrid,nlayer,nq, & day_ini,time_phys, & tsurf,tsoil,emis,q2,qsurf,co2ice,tauscaling) if ( then write(*,*) "PHYSIQ: ERROR: bad synchronization between ", & "physics and dynamics" write(*,*) "dynamics day: ",pday write(*,*) "physics day: ",day_ini stop endif write (*,*) 'In physiq day_ini =', day_ini #else ! MESOSCALE. Supposedly everything is already set in modules. ! So we just check. And we calculate day_ini + two param in dyn3d/control_mod. print*,"check: rad,cpp,g,r,rcp,daysec" print*,rad,cpp,g,r,rcp,daysec PRINT*,'check: tsurf ',tsurf(1),tsurf(ngrid) PRINT*,'check: tsoil ',tsoil(1,1),tsoil(ngrid,nsoilmx) PRINT*,'check: inert ',inertiedat(1,1),inertiedat(ngrid,nsoilmx) PRINT*,'check: midlayer,layer ', mlayer(:),layer(:) PRINT*,'check: tracernames ', noms PRINT*,'check: emis ',emis(1),emis(ngrid) PRINT*,'check: q2 ',q2(1,1),q2(ngrid,nlayer+1) PRINT*,'check: qsurf ',qsurf(1,1),qsurf(ngrid,nq) PRINT*,'check: co2 ',co2ice(1),co2ice(ngrid) day_step=daysec/ptimestep PRINT*,'Call to LMD physics:',day_step,' per Martian day' iphysiq=ptimestep day_ini = pday #endif c initialize tracers c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tracerdyn=tracer IF (tracer) THEN CALL initracer(ngrid,nq,qsurf) ENDIF ! end tracer c Initialize albedo and orbital calculation c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CALL surfini(ngrid,co2ice,qsurf,albedo) CALL iniorbit(aphelie,periheli,year_day,peri_day,obliquit) c initialize soil c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IF (callsoil) THEN c Thermal inertia feedback: IF (tifeedback) THEN CALL soil_tifeedback(ngrid,nsoilmx,qsurf,inertiesoil) CALL soil(ngrid,nsoilmx,firstcall,inertiesoil, s ptimestep,tsurf,tsoil,capcal,fluxgrd) ELSE CALL soil(ngrid,nsoilmx,firstcall,inertiedat, s ptimestep,tsurf,tsoil,capcal,fluxgrd) ENDIF ! of IF (tifeedback) ELSE PRINT*, & 'PHYSIQ WARNING! Thermal conduction in the soil turned off' DO ig=1,ngrid capcal(ig)=1.e5 fluxgrd(ig)=0. ENDDO ENDIF icount=1 #ifndef MESOSCALE c Initialize thermospheric parameters c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if (callthermos) then call fill_data_thermos call allocate_param_thermos(nlayer) call allocate_param_iono(nlayer,nreact) if(solvarmod.eq.0) call param_read if(solvarmod.eq.1) call param_read_e107 endif #endif c Initialize R and Cp as constant if (.not.callthermos .and. .not.photochem) then do l=1,nlayer do ig=1,ngrid rnew(ig,l)=r cpnew(ig,l)=cpp mmean(ig,l)=mugaz enddo enddo endif if(callnlte.and.nltemodel.eq.2) call nlte_setup if(callnirco2.and.nircorr.eq.1) call NIR_leedat if(thermochem) call chemthermos_readini IF (tracer.AND.water.AND.(ngrid.NE.1)) THEN write(*,*)"physiq: water_param Surface water ice albedo:", . albedo_h2o_ice ENDIF #ifndef MESOSCALE if (callslope) call getslopes(ngrid,phisfi) if ( then ! no need to create a restart file in 1d call physdem0("",long,lati,nsoilmx,ngrid,nlayer,nq, . ptimestep,pday,time_phys,area, . albedodat,inertiedat,zmea,zstd,zsig,zgam,zthe) endif #endif ENDIF ! (end of "if firstcall") c --------------------------------------------------- c 1.2 Initializations done at every physical timestep: c --------------------------------------------------- c c Initialize various variables c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ pdv(:,:)=0 pdu(:,:)=0 pdt(:,:)=0 pdq(:,:,:)=0 pdpsrf(:)=0 zflubid(:)=0 zdtsurf(:)=0 dqsurf(:,:)=0 #ifdef DUSTSTORM pq_tmp(:,:,:)=0 #endif igout=ngrid/2+1 zday=pday+ptime ! compute time, in sols (and fraction thereof) c Compute Solar Longitude (Ls) : c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if (season) then call solarlong(zday,zls) else call solarlong(float(day_ini),zls) end if c Initialize pressure levels c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zplev(:,:) = pplev(:,:) zplay(:,:) = pplay(:,:) ps(:) = pplev(:,1) c Compute geopotential at interlayers c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ c ponderation des altitudes au niveau des couches en dp/p DO l=1,nlayer DO ig=1,ngrid zzlay(ig,l)=pphi(ig,l)/g ENDDO ENDDO DO ig=1,ngrid zzlev(ig,1)=0. zzlev(ig,nlayer+1)=1.e7 ! dummy top of last layer above 10000 km... ENDDO DO l=2,nlayer DO ig=1,ngrid z1=(zplay(ig,l-1)+zplev(ig,l))/(zplay(ig,l-1)-zplev(ig,l)) z2=(zplev(ig,l)+zplay(ig,l))/(zplev(ig,l)-zplay(ig,l)) zzlev(ig,l)=(z1*zzlay(ig,l-1)+z2*zzlay(ig,l))/(z1+z2) ENDDO ENDDO ! Potential temperature calculation not the same in physiq and dynamic c Compute potential temperature c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DO l=1,nlayer DO ig=1,ngrid zpopsk(ig,l)=(zplay(ig,l)/zplev(ig,1))**rcp zh(ig,l)=pt(ig,l)/zpopsk(ig,l) ENDDO ENDDO #ifndef MESOSCALE c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c 1.2.5 Compute mean mass, cp, and R c -------------------------------- if(photochem.or.callthermos) then call concentrations(ngrid,nlayer,nq, & zplay,pt,pdt,pq,pdq,ptimestep) endif #endif ! Compute vertical velocity (m/s) from vertical mass flux ! w = F / (rho*area) and rho = P/(r*T) ! but first linearly interpolate mass flux to mid-layers do l=1,nlayer-1 pw(1:ngrid,l)=0.5*(flxw(1:ngrid,l)+flxw(1:ngrid,l+1)) enddo pw(1:ngrid,nlayer)=0.5*flxw(1:ngrid,nlayer) ! since flxw(nlayer+1)=0 do l=1,nlayer pw(1:ngrid,l)=(pw(1:ngrid,l)*r*pt(1:ngrid,l)) / & (pplay(1:ngrid,l)*area(1:ngrid)) ! NB: here we use r and not rnew since this diagnostic comes ! from the dynamics enddo c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c 2. Compute radiative tendencies : c------------------------------------ IF (callrad) THEN IF( MOD(icount-1,iradia).EQ.0) THEN c Local Solar zenith angle c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CALL orbite(zls,dist_sol,declin) IF(diurnal) THEN ztim1=SIN(declin) ztim2=COS(declin)*COS(2.*pi*(zday-.5)) ztim3=-COS(declin)*SIN(2.*pi*(zday-.5)) CALL solang(ngrid,sinlon,coslon,sinlat,coslat, s ztim1,ztim2,ztim3, mu0,fract) ELSE CALL mucorr(ngrid,declin, lati, mu0, fract,10000.,rad) ENDIF c NLTE cooling from CO2 emission c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IF(callnlte) then if(nltemodel.eq.0.or.nltemodel.eq.1) then CALL nltecool(ngrid,nlayer,nq,zplay,pt,pq,zdtnlte) else if(nltemodel.eq.2) then co2vmr_gcm(1:ngrid,1:nlayer)= & pq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_co2)* & mmean(1:ngrid,1:nlayer)/mmol(igcm_co2) n2vmr_gcm(1:ngrid,1:nlayer)= & pq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_n2)* & mmean(1:ngrid,1:nlayer)/mmol(igcm_n2) covmr_gcm(1:ngrid,1:nlayer)= & pq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_co)* & mmean(1:ngrid,1:nlayer)/mmol(igcm_co) ovmr_gcm(1:ngrid,1:nlayer)= & pq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_o)* & mmean(1:ngrid,1:nlayer)/mmol(igcm_o) CALL nlte_tcool(ngrid,nlayer,zplay*9.869e-6, $ pt,zzlay,co2vmr_gcm, n2vmr_gcm, covmr_gcm, $ ovmr_gcm, zdtnlte,ierr_nlte,varerr ) if( then write(*,*) $ 'WARNING: nlte_tcool output with error message', $ 'ierr_nlte=',ierr_nlte,'varerr=',varerr write(*,*)'I will continue anyway' endif zdtnlte(1:ngrid,1:nlayer)= & zdtnlte(1:ngrid,1:nlayer)/86400. endif else zdtnlte(:,:)=0. endif c Find number of layers for LTE radiation calculations IF(MOD(iphysiq*(icount-1),day_step).EQ.0) & CALL nlthermeq(ngrid,nlayer,zplev,zplay) c Note: Dustopacity.F has been transferred to callradite.F c Call main radiative transfer scheme c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ c Transfer through CO2 (except NIR CO2 absorption) c and aerosols (dust and water ice) c Radiative transfer c ------------------ #ifdef DUSTSTORM pq_tmp(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,1)= & pq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_dust_mass) pq_tmp(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,2)= & pq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_dust_number) #endif CALL callradite(icount,ngrid,nlayer,nq,zday,zls,pq,albedo, $ emis,mu0,zplev,zplay,pt,tsurf,fract,dist_sol,igout, $ zdtlw,zdtsw,fluxsurf_lw,fluxsurf_sw,fluxtop_lw,fluxtop_sw, $ tauref,tau,aerosol,dsodust,tauscaling,taucloudtes,rdust,rice, $ nuice,co2ice) #ifdef DUSTSTORM pdq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_dust_mass)= & pdq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_dust_mass) & - pq_tmp(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,1) & +pq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_dust_mass) pdq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_dust_number)= & pdq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_dust_number) & - pq_tmp(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,2) & +pq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_dust_number) #endif c Outputs for basic check (middle of domain) c ------------------------------------------ write(*,'("Ls =",f11.6," check lat =",f10.6, & " lon =",f11.6)') & zls*180./pi,lati(igout)*180/pi,long(igout)*180/pi write(*,'(" tauref(",f4.0," Pa) =",f9.6, & " tau(",f4.0," Pa) =",f9.6)') & odpref,tauref(igout), & odpref,tau(igout,1)*odpref/zplev(igout,1) c --------------------------------------------------------- c Call slope parameterization for direct and scattered flux c --------------------------------------------------------- IF(callslope) THEN print *, 'Slope scheme is on and computing...' DO ig=1,ngrid sl_the = theta_sl(ig) IF (sl_the .ne. 0.) THEN ztim1=fluxsurf_sw(ig,1)+fluxsurf_sw(ig,2) DO l=1,2 sl_lct = ptime*24. + 180.*long(ig)/pi/15. sl_ra = pi*(1.0-sl_lct/12.) sl_lat = 180.*lati(ig)/pi sl_tau = tau(ig,1) !il faudrait iaerdust(iaer) sl_alb = albedo(ig,l) sl_psi = psi_sl(ig) sl_fl0 = fluxsurf_sw(ig,l) sl_di0 = 0. if (mu0(ig) .gt. 0.) then sl_di0 = mu0(ig)*(exp(-sl_tau/mu0(ig))) sl_di0 = sl_di0*1370./dist_sol/dist_sol sl_di0 = sl_di0/ztim1 sl_di0 = fluxsurf_sw(ig,l)*sl_di0 endif ! you never know (roundup concern...) if (sl_fl0 .lt. sl_di0) sl_di0=sl_fl0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CALL param_slope( mu0(ig), declin, sl_ra, sl_lat, & sl_tau, sl_alb, sl_the, sl_psi, & sl_di0, sl_fl0, sl_flu ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fluxsurf_sw(ig,l) = sl_flu ENDDO !!! compute correction on IR flux as well sky= (1.+cos(pi*theta_sl(ig)/180.))/2. fluxsurf_lw(ig)= fluxsurf_lw(ig)*sky ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF c CO2 near infrared absorption c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zdtnirco2(:,:)=0 if (callnirco2) then call nirco2abs (ngrid,nlayer,zplay,dist_sol,nq,pq, . mu0,fract,declin, zdtnirco2) endif c Radiative flux from the sky absorbed by the surface (W.m-2) c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DO ig=1,ngrid fluxrad_sky(ig)=emis(ig)*fluxsurf_lw(ig) $ +fluxsurf_sw(ig,1)*(1.-albedo(ig,1)) $ +fluxsurf_sw(ig,2)*(1.-albedo(ig,2)) ENDDO c Net atmospheric radiative heating rate (K.s-1) c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IF(callnlte) THEN CALL blendrad(ngrid, nlayer, zplay, & zdtsw, zdtlw, zdtnirco2, zdtnlte, dtrad) ELSE DO l=1,nlayer DO ig=1,ngrid dtrad(ig,l)=zdtsw(ig,l)+zdtlw(ig,l) & +zdtnirco2(ig,l) ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ENDIF ! of if(mod(icount-1,iradia).eq.0) c Transformation of the radiative tendencies: c ------------------------------------------- c Net radiative surface flux (W.m-2) c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ c DO ig=1,ngrid zplanck(ig)=tsurf(ig)*tsurf(ig) zplanck(ig)=emis(ig)* $ stephan*zplanck(ig)*zplanck(ig) fluxrad(ig)=fluxrad_sky(ig)-zplanck(ig) IF(callslope) THEN sky= (1.+cos(pi*theta_sl(ig)/180.))/2. fluxrad(ig)=fluxrad(ig)+(1.-sky)*zplanck(ig) ENDIF ENDDO DO l=1,nlayer DO ig=1,ngrid pdt(ig,l)=pdt(ig,l)+dtrad(ig,l) ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ! of IF (callrad) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c 3. Gravity wave and subgrid scale topography drag : c ------------------------------------------------- IF(calllott)THEN CALL calldrag_noro(ngrid,nlayer,ptimestep, & zplay,zplev,pt,pu,pv,zdtgw,zdugw,zdvgw) DO l=1,nlayer DO ig=1,ngrid pdv(ig,l)=pdv(ig,l)+zdvgw(ig,l) pdu(ig,l)=pdu(ig,l)+zdugw(ig,l) pdt(ig,l)=pdt(ig,l)+zdtgw(ig,l) ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c 4. Vertical diffusion (turbulent mixing): c ----------------------------------------- IF (calldifv) THEN DO ig=1,ngrid zflubid(ig)=fluxrad(ig)+fluxgrd(ig) ENDDO zdum1(:,:)=0 zdum2(:,:)=0 do l=1,nlayer do ig=1,ngrid zdh(ig,l)=pdt(ig,l)/zpopsk(ig,l) enddo enddo c ---------------------- c Treatment of a special case : using new surface layer (Richardson based) c without using the thermals in gcm and mesoscale can yield problems in c weakly unstable situations when winds are near to 0. For those cases, we add c a unit subgrid gustiness. Remember that thermals should be used we using the c Richardson based surface layer model. IF ( .not.calltherm . .and. callrichsl . .and. .not.turb_resolved) THEN DO ig=1, ngrid IF (zh(ig,1) .lt. tsurf(ig)) THEN wstar(ig)=1. hfmax_th(ig)=0.2 ELSE wstar(ig)=0. hfmax_th(ig)=0. ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF c ---------------------- IF (tke_heat_flux .ne. 0.) THEN zz1(:)=(pt(:,1)+pdt(:,1)*ptimestep)*(r/g)* & (-alog(zplay(:,1)/zplev(:,1))) pdt(:,1)=pdt(:,1) + (tke_heat_flux/zz1(:))*zpopsk(:,1) ENDIF c Calling vdif (Martian version WITH CO2 condensation) CALL vdifc(ngrid,nlayer,nq,co2ice,zpopsk, $ ptimestep,capcal,lwrite, $ zplay,zplev,zzlay,zzlev,z0, $ pu,pv,zh,pq,tsurf,emis,qsurf, $ zdum1,zdum2,zdh,pdq,zflubid, $ zdudif,zdvdif,zdhdif,zdtsdif,q2, & zdqdif,zdqsdif,wstar,zcdv,zcdh,hfmax_th,sensibFlux) DO ig=1,ngrid zdtsurf(ig)=zdtsurf(ig)+zdtsdif(ig) ENDDO IF (.not.turb_resolved) THEN DO l=1,nlayer DO ig=1,ngrid pdv(ig,l)=pdv(ig,l)+zdvdif(ig,l) pdu(ig,l)=pdu(ig,l)+zdudif(ig,l) pdt(ig,l)=pdt(ig,l)+zdhdif(ig,l)*zpopsk(ig,l) zdtdif(ig,l)=zdhdif(ig,l)*zpopsk(ig,l) ! for diagnostic only ENDDO ENDDO if (tracer) then DO iq=1, nq DO l=1,nlayer DO ig=1,ngrid pdq(ig,l,iq)=pdq(ig,l,iq)+ zdqdif(ig,l,iq) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO DO iq=1, nq DO ig=1,ngrid dqsurf(ig,iq)=dqsurf(ig,iq) + zdqsdif(ig,iq) ENDDO ENDDO end if ! of if (tracer) ELSE write (*,*) '******************************************' write (*,*) '** LES mode: the difv part is only used to' write (*,*) '** - provide HFX and UST to the dynamics' write (*,*) '** - update TSURF' write (*,*) '******************************************' !! Specific treatment for lifting in turbulent-resolving mode (AC) IF (lifting .and. doubleq) THEN !! lifted dust is injected in the first layer. !! Sedimentation must be called after turbulent mixing, i.e. on next step, after WRF. !! => lifted dust is not incremented before the sedimentation step. zdqdif(1:ngrid,1,1:nq)=0. zdqdif(1:ngrid,1,igcm_dust_number) = . -zdqsdif(1:ngrid,igcm_dust_number) zdqdif(1:ngrid,1,igcm_dust_mass) = . -zdqsdif(1:ngrid,igcm_dust_mass) zdqdif(1:ngrid,2:nlayer,1:nq) = 0. DO iq=1, nq IF ((iq .ne. igcm_dust_mass) & .and. (iq .ne. igcm_dust_number)) THEN zdqsdif(:,iq)=0. ENDIF ENDDO ELSE zdqdif(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,1:nq) = 0. zdqsdif(1:ngrid,1:nq) = 0. ENDIF ENDIF ELSE DO ig=1,ngrid zdtsurf(ig)=zdtsurf(ig)+ s (fluxrad(ig)+fluxgrd(ig))/capcal(ig) ENDDO IF (turb_resolved) THEN write(*,*) 'Turbulent-resolving mode !' write(*,*) 'Please set calldifv to T in callphys.def' STOP ENDIF ENDIF ! of IF (calldifv) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c 5. Thermals : c ----------------------------- if(calltherm .and. .not.turb_resolved) then call calltherm_interface(ngrid,nlayer,nq, $ tracer,igcm_co2, $ zzlev,zzlay, $ ptimestep,pu,pv,pt,pq,pdu,pdv,pdt,pdq,q2, $ zplay,zplev,pphi,zpopsk, $ pdu_th,pdv_th,pdt_th,pdq_th,lmax_th,zmax_th, $ dtke_th,zdhdif,hfmax_th,wstar,sensibFlux) DO l=1,nlayer DO ig=1,ngrid pdu(ig,l)=pdu(ig,l)+pdu_th(ig,l) pdv(ig,l)=pdv(ig,l)+pdv_th(ig,l) pdt(ig,l)=pdt(ig,l)+pdt_th(ig,l) q2(ig,l)=q2(ig,l)+dtke_th(ig,l)*ptimestep ENDDO ENDDO DO ig=1,ngrid q2(ig,nlayer+1)=q2(ig,nlayer+1)+dtke_th(ig,nlayer+1)*ptimestep ENDDO if (tracer) then DO iq=1,nq DO l=1,nlayer DO ig=1,ngrid pdq(ig,l,iq)=pdq(ig,l,iq)+pdq_th(ig,l,iq) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO endif lmax_th_out(:)=real(lmax_th(:)) else !of if calltherm lmax_th(:)=0 wstar(:)=0. hfmax_th(:)=0. lmax_th_out(:)=0. end if c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c 5. Dry convective adjustment: c ----------------------------- IF(calladj) THEN DO l=1,nlayer DO ig=1,ngrid zdh(ig,l)=pdt(ig,l)/zpopsk(ig,l) ENDDO ENDDO zduadj(:,:)=0 zdvadj(:,:)=0 zdhadj(:,:)=0 CALL convadj(ngrid,nlayer,nq,ptimestep, $ zplay,zplev,zpopsk,lmax_th, $ pu,pv,zh,pq, $ pdu,pdv,zdh,pdq, $ zduadj,zdvadj,zdhadj, $ zdqadj) DO l=1,nlayer DO ig=1,ngrid pdu(ig,l)=pdu(ig,l)+zduadj(ig,l) pdv(ig,l)=pdv(ig,l)+zdvadj(ig,l) pdt(ig,l)=pdt(ig,l)+zdhadj(ig,l)*zpopsk(ig,l) zdtadj(ig,l)=zdhadj(ig,l)*zpopsk(ig,l) ! for diagnostic only ENDDO ENDDO if(tracer) then DO iq=1, nq DO l=1,nlayer DO ig=1,ngrid pdq(ig,l,iq)=pdq(ig,l,iq)+ zdqadj(ig,l,iq) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO end if ENDIF ! of IF(calladj) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c 6. Specific parameterizations for tracers c: ----------------------------------------- if (tracer) then c 6a. Water and ice c --------------- c --------------------------------------- c Water ice condensation in the atmosphere c ---------------------------------------- IF (water) THEN call watercloud(ngrid,nlayer,ptimestep, & zplev,zplay,pdpsrf,zzlay, pt,pdt, & pq,pdq,zdqcloud,zdtcloud, & nq,tau,tauscaling,rdust,rice,nuice, & rsedcloud,rhocloud) c Temperature variation due to latent heat release if (activice) then pdt(1:ngrid,1:nlayer) = & pdt(1:ngrid,1:nlayer) + & zdtcloud(1:ngrid,1:nlayer) endif ! increment water vapour and ice atmospheric tracers tendencies pdq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_h2o_vap) = & pdq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_h2o_vap) + & zdqcloud(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_h2o_vap) pdq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_h2o_ice) = & pdq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_h2o_ice) + & zdqcloud(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_h2o_ice) ! increment dust and ccn masses and numbers ! We need to check that we have Nccn & Ndust > 0 ! This is due to single precision rounding problems if (microphys) then pdq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_ccn_mass) = & pdq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_ccn_mass) + & zdqcloud(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_ccn_mass) pdq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_ccn_number) = & pdq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_ccn_number) + & zdqcloud(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_ccn_number) where (pq(:,:,igcm_ccn_mass) + & ptimestep*pdq(:,:,igcm_ccn_mass) < 0.) pdq(:,:,igcm_ccn_mass) = & - pq(:,:,igcm_ccn_mass)/ptimestep + 1.e-30 pdq(:,:,igcm_ccn_number) = & - pq(:,:,igcm_ccn_number)/ptimestep + 1.e-30 end where where (pq(:,:,igcm_ccn_number) + & ptimestep*pdq(:,:,igcm_ccn_number) < 0.) pdq(:,:,igcm_ccn_mass) = & - pq(:,:,igcm_ccn_mass)/ptimestep + 1.e-30 pdq(:,:,igcm_ccn_number) = & - pq(:,:,igcm_ccn_number)/ptimestep + 1.e-30 end where endif if (scavenging) then pdq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_dust_mass) = & pdq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_dust_mass) + & zdqcloud(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_dust_mass) pdq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_dust_number) = & pdq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_dust_number) + & zdqcloud(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_dust_number) where (pq(:,:,igcm_dust_mass) + & ptimestep*pdq(:,:,igcm_dust_mass) < 0.) pdq(:,:,igcm_dust_mass) = & - pq(:,:,igcm_dust_mass)/ptimestep + 1.e-30 pdq(:,:,igcm_dust_number) = & - pq(:,:,igcm_dust_number)/ptimestep + 1.e-30 end where where (pq(:,:,igcm_dust_number) + & ptimestep*pdq(:,:,igcm_dust_number) < 0.) pdq(:,:,igcm_dust_mass) = & - pq(:,:,igcm_dust_mass)/ptimestep + 1.e-30 pdq(:,:,igcm_dust_number) = & - pq(:,:,igcm_dust_number)/ptimestep + 1.e-30 end where endif ! of if scavenging END IF ! of IF (water) c 6b. Aerosol particles c ------------------- c ---------- c Dust devil : c ---------- IF(callddevil) then call dustdevil(ngrid,nlayer,nq, zplev,pu,pv,pt, tsurf,q2, & zdqdev,zdqsdev) if ( then do iq=1,nq DO l=1,nlayer DO ig=1,ngrid pdq(ig,l,iq)=pdq(ig,l,iq)+ zdqdev(ig,l,iq) ENDDO ENDDO enddo do iq=1,nq DO ig=1,ngrid dqsurf(ig,iq)= dqsurf(ig,iq) + zdqsdev(ig,iq) ENDDO enddo endif ! of if ( END IF ! of IF (callddevil) c ------------- c Sedimentation : acts also on water ice c ------------- IF (sedimentation) THEN zdqsed(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,1:nq)=0 zdqssed(1:ngrid,1:nq)=0 call callsedim(ngrid,nlayer, ptimestep, & zplev,zzlev, zzlay, pt, pdt, rdust, rice, & rsedcloud,rhocloud, & pq, pdq, zdqsed, zdqssed,nq, & tau,tauscaling) DO iq=1, nq DO l=1,nlayer DO ig=1,ngrid pdq(ig,l,iq)=pdq(ig,l,iq)+ zdqsed(ig,l,iq) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO DO iq=1, nq DO ig=1,ngrid dqsurf(ig,iq)= dqsurf(ig,iq) + zdqssed(ig,iq) ENDDO ENDDO END IF ! of IF (sedimentation) c Add lifted dust to tendancies after sedimentation in the LES (AC) IF (turb_resolved) THEN DO iq=1, nq DO l=1,nlayer DO ig=1,ngrid pdq(ig,l,iq)=pdq(ig,l,iq)+ zdqdif(ig,l,iq) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO DO iq=1, nq DO ig=1,ngrid dqsurf(ig,iq)=dqsurf(ig,iq) + zdqsdif(ig,iq) ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF c c 6c. Chemical species c ------------------ #ifndef MESOSCALE c -------------- c photochemistry : c -------------- IF (photochem .or. thermochem) then ! dust and ice surface area call surfacearea(ngrid, nlayer, naerkind, $ ptimestep, zplay, zzlay, $ pt, pq, pdq, nq, $ rdust, rice, tau, tauscaling, $ surfdust, surfice) ! call photochemistry call calchim(ngrid,nlayer,nq, & ptimestep,zplay,zplev,pt,pdt,dist_sol,mu0, $ zzlev,zzlay,zday,pq,pdq,zdqchim,zdqschim, $ zdqcloud,zdqscloud,tauref,co2ice, $ pu,pdu,pv,pdv,surfdust,surfice) ! increment values of tracers: DO iq=1,nq ! loop on all tracers; tendencies for non-chemistry ! tracers is zero anyways DO l=1,nlayer DO ig=1,ngrid pdq(ig,l,iq)=pdq(ig,l,iq)+zdqchim(ig,l,iq) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ! of DO iq=1,nq ! add condensation tendency for H2O2 if ( then DO l=1,nlayer DO ig=1,ngrid pdq(ig,l,igcm_h2o2)=pdq(ig,l,igcm_h2o2) & +zdqcloud(ig,l,igcm_h2o2) ENDDO ENDDO endif ! increment surface values of tracers: DO iq=1,nq ! loop on all tracers; tendencies for non-chemistry ! tracers is zero anyways DO ig=1,ngrid dqsurf(ig,iq)=dqsurf(ig,iq)+zdqschim(ig,iq) ENDDO ENDDO ! of DO iq=1,nq ! add condensation tendency for H2O2 if ( then DO ig=1,ngrid dqsurf(ig,igcm_h2o2)=dqsurf(ig,igcm_h2o2) & +zdqscloud(ig,igcm_h2o2) ENDDO endif END IF ! of IF (photochem.or.thermochem) #endif c 6d. Updates c --------- DO iq=1, nq DO ig=1,ngrid c --------------------------------- c Updating tracer budget on surface c --------------------------------- qsurf(ig,iq)=qsurf(ig,iq)+ptimestep*dqsurf(ig,iq) ENDDO ! (ig) ENDDO ! (iq) endif ! of if (tracer) #ifndef MESOSCALE c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c 7. THERMOSPHERE CALCULATION c----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (callthermos) then call thermosphere(ngrid,nlayer,nq,zplev,zplay,dist_sol, $ mu0,ptimestep,ptime,zday,tsurf,zzlev,zzlay, & pt,pq,pu,pv,pdt,pdq, $ zdteuv,zdtconduc,zdumolvis,zdvmolvis,zdqmoldiff) DO l=1,nlayer DO ig=1,ngrid dtrad(ig,l)=dtrad(ig,l)+zdteuv(ig,l) pdt(ig,l)=pdt(ig,l)+zdtconduc(ig,l) & +zdteuv(ig,l) pdv(ig,l)=pdv(ig,l)+zdvmolvis(ig,l) pdu(ig,l)=pdu(ig,l)+zdumolvis(ig,l) DO iq=1, nq pdq(ig,l,iq)=pdq(ig,l,iq)+zdqmoldiff(ig,l,iq) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO endif ! of if (callthermos) #endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c 8. Carbon dioxide condensation-sublimation: c (should be the last atmospherical physical process to be computed) c ------------------------------------------- IF (tituscap) THEN !!! get the actual co2 seasonal cap from Titus observations CALL geticecover( ngrid, 180.*zls/pi, . 180.*long/pi, 180.*lati/pi, co2ice ) co2ice = co2ice * 10000. ENDIF pdpsrf(:) = 0 IF (callcond) THEN CALL newcondens(ngrid,nlayer,nq,ptimestep, $ capcal,zplay,zplev,tsurf,pt, $ pphi,pdt,pdu,pdv,zdtsurf,pu,pv,pq,pdq, $ co2ice,albedo,emis, $ zdtc,zdtsurfc,pdpsrf,zduc,zdvc,zdqc, $ fluxsurf_sw,zls) DO l=1,nlayer DO ig=1,ngrid pdt(ig,l)=pdt(ig,l)+zdtc(ig,l) pdv(ig,l)=pdv(ig,l)+zdvc(ig,l) pdu(ig,l)=pdu(ig,l)+zduc(ig,l) ENDDO ENDDO DO ig=1,ngrid zdtsurf(ig) = zdtsurf(ig) + zdtsurfc(ig) ENDDO IF (tracer) THEN DO iq=1, nq DO l=1,nlayer DO ig=1,ngrid pdq(ig,l,iq)=pdq(ig,l,iq)+ zdqc(ig,l,iq) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ! of IF (tracer) #ifndef MESOSCALE ! update surface pressure DO ig=1,ngrid ps(ig) = zplev(ig,1) + pdpsrf(ig)*ptimestep ENDDO ! update pressure levels DO l=1,nlayer DO ig=1,ngrid zplay(ig,l) = aps(l) + bps(l)*ps(ig) zplev(ig,l) = ap(l) + bp(l)*ps(ig) ENDDO ENDDO zplev(:,nlayer+1) = 0. ! update layers altitude DO l=2,nlayer DO ig=1,ngrid z1=(zplay(ig,l-1)+zplev(ig,l))/(zplay(ig,l-1)-zplev(ig,l)) z2=(zplev(ig,l)+zplay(ig,l))/(zplev(ig,l)-zplay(ig,l)) zzlev(ig,l)=(z1*zzlay(ig,l-1)+z2*zzlay(ig,l))/(z1+z2) ENDDO ENDDO #endif ENDIF ! of IF (callcond) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c 9. Surface and sub-surface soil temperature c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c c 9.1 Increment Surface temperature: c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DO ig=1,ngrid tsurf(ig)=tsurf(ig)+ptimestep*zdtsurf(ig) ENDDO c Prescribe a cold trap at south pole (except at high obliquity !!) c Temperature at the surface is set there to be the temperature c corresponding to equilibrium temperature between phases of CO2 IF (tracer.AND.water.AND.(ngrid.NE.1)) THEN !#ifndef MESOSCALE ! if (caps.and.( then => now done in newcondens ! NB: Updated surface pressure, at grid point 'ngrid', is ! ps(ngrid)=zplev(ngrid,1)+pdpsrf(ngrid)*ptimestep ! tsurf(ngrid)=1./(1./136.27-r/5.9e+5*alog(0.0095* ! & (zplev(ngrid,1)+pdpsrf(ngrid)*ptimestep))) ! tsurf(ngrid)=1./(1./136.27-r/5.9e+5*alog(0.0095*ps(ngrid))) ! endif !#endif c ------------------------------------------------------------- c Change of surface albedo in case of ground frost c everywhere except on the north permanent cap and in regions c covered by dry ice. c ALWAYS PLACE these lines after newcondens !!! c ------------------------------------------------------------- do ig=1,ngrid if ((co2ice(ig).eq.0).and. & (qsurf(ig,igcm_h2o_ice).gt.frost_albedo_threshold)) then albedo(ig,1) = albedo_h2o_ice albedo(ig,2) = albedo_h2o_ice c write(*,*) "frost thickness", qsurf(ig,igcm_h2o_ice) c write(*,*) "physiq.F frost :" c & ,lati(ig)*180./pi, long(ig)*180./pi endif enddo ! of do ig=1,ngrid ENDIF ! of IF (tracer.AND.water.AND.(ngrid.NE.1)) c c 9.2 Compute soil temperatures and subsurface heat flux: c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IF (callsoil) THEN c Thermal inertia feedback IF (tifeedback) THEN CALL soil_tifeedback(ngrid,nsoilmx,qsurf,inertiesoil) CALL soil(ngrid,nsoilmx,.false.,inertiesoil, s ptimestep,tsurf,tsoil,capcal,fluxgrd) ELSE CALL soil(ngrid,nsoilmx,.false.,inertiedat, s ptimestep,tsurf,tsoil,capcal,fluxgrd) ENDIF ENDIF c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c 10. Write output files c ---------------------- c ------------------------------- c Dynamical fields incrementation c ------------------------------- c (FOR OUTPUT ONLY : the actual model integration is performed in the dynamics) ! temperature, zonal and meridional wind DO l=1,nlayer DO ig=1,ngrid zt(ig,l)=pt(ig,l) + pdt(ig,l)*ptimestep zu(ig,l)=pu(ig,l) + pdu(ig,l)*ptimestep zv(ig,l)=pv(ig,l) + pdv(ig,l)*ptimestep ENDDO ENDDO ! tracers DO iq=1, nq DO l=1,nlayer DO ig=1,ngrid zq(ig,l,iq)=pq(ig,l,iq) +pdq(ig,l,iq)*ptimestep ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ! Density DO l=1,nlayer DO ig=1,ngrid rho(ig,l) = zplay(ig,l)/(rnew(ig,l)*zt(ig,l)) ENDDO ENDDO ! Potential Temperature DO ig=1,ngrid DO l=1,nlayer zh(ig,l) = zt(ig,l)*(zplev(ig,1)/zplay(ig,l))**rcp ENDDO ENDDO c Compute surface stress : (NB: z0 is a common in surfdat.h) c DO ig=1,ngrid c cd = (0.4/log(zzlay(ig,1)/z0(ig)))**2 c zstress(ig) = rho(ig,1)*cd*(zu(ig,1)**2 + zv(ig,1)**2) c ENDDO c Sum of fluxes in solar spectral bands (for output only) DO ig=1,ngrid fluxtop_sw_tot(ig)=fluxtop_sw(ig,1) + fluxtop_sw(ig,2) fluxsurf_sw_tot(ig)=fluxsurf_sw(ig,1) + fluxsurf_sw(ig,2) ENDDO c ******* TEST ****************************************************** ztim1 = 999 DO l=1,nlayer DO ig=1,ngrid if (pt(ig,l).lt.ztim1) then ztim1 = pt(ig,l) igmin = ig lmin = l end if ENDDO ENDDO if(min(pt(igmin,lmin),zt(igmin,lmin)).lt.70.) then write(*,*) 'PHYSIQ: stability WARNING :' write(*,*) 'pt, zt Tmin = ', pt(igmin,lmin), zt(igmin,lmin), & 'ig l =', igmin, lmin end if c ******************************************************************* c --------------------- c Outputs to the screen c --------------------- IF (lwrite) THEN PRINT*,'Global diagnostics for the physics' PRINT*,'Variables and their increments x and dx/dt * dt' WRITE(*,'(a6,a10,2a15)') 'Ts','dTs','ps','dps' WRITE(*,'(2f10.5,2f15.5)') s tsurf(igout),zdtsurf(igout)*ptimestep, s zplev(igout,1),pdpsrf(igout)*ptimestep WRITE(*,'(a4,a6,5a10)') 'l','u','du','v','dv','T','dT' WRITE(*,'(i4,6f10.5)') (l, s pu(igout,l),pdu(igout,l)*ptimestep, s pv(igout,l),pdv(igout,l)*ptimestep, s pt(igout,l),pdt(igout,l)*ptimestep, s l=1,nlayer) ENDIF ! of IF (lwrite) c ---------------------------------------------------------- c ---------------------------------------------------------- c INTERPOLATIONS IN THE SURFACE-LAYER c ---------------------------------------------------------- c ---------------------------------------------------------- n_out=0 ! number of elements in the z_out array. ! for z_out=[3.,2.,1.,0.5,0.1], n_out must be set ! to 5 IF (n_out .ne. 0) THEN IF(.NOT. ALLOCATED(z_out)) ALLOCATE(z_out(n_out)) IF(.NOT. ALLOCATED(T_out)) ALLOCATE(T_out(ngrid,n_out)) IF(.NOT. ALLOCATED(u_out)) ALLOCATE(u_out(ngrid,n_out)) z_out(:)=[3.,2.,1.,0.5,0.1] u_out(:,:)=0. T_out(:,:)=0. call pbl_parameters(ngrid,nlayer,ps,zplay,z0, & g,zzlay,zzlev,zu,zv,wstar,hfmax_th,zmax_th,tsurf,zh,z_out,n_out, & T_out,u_out,ustar,tstar,L_mo,vhf,vvv) ! pourquoi ustar recalcule ici? fait dans vdifc. #ifndef MESOSCALE IF (ngrid .eq. 1) THEN dimout=0 ELSE dimout=2 ENDIF DO n=1,n_out write(zstring, '(F8.6)') z_out(n) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'T_out_'//trim(zstring), & 'potential temperature at z_out','K',dimout,T_out(:,n)) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'u_out_'//trim(zstring), & 'horizontal velocity norm at z_out','m/s',dimout,u_out(:,n)) ENDDO call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'u_star', & 'friction velocity','m/s',dimout,ustar) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'teta_star', & 'friction potential temperature','K',dimout,tstar) ! call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'L', ! & 'Monin Obukhov length','m',dimout,L_mo) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'vvv', & 'Vertical velocity variance at zout','m',dimout,vvv) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'vhf', & 'Vertical heat flux at zout','m',dimout,vhf) #else T_out1(:)=T_out(:,1) u_out1(:)=u_out(:,1) #endif ENDIF c ---------------------------------------------------------- c ---------------------------------------------------------- c END OF SURFACE LAYER INTERPOLATIONS c ---------------------------------------------------------- c ---------------------------------------------------------- IF (ngrid.NE.1) THEN #ifndef MESOSCALE c ------------------------------------------------------------------- c Writing NetCDF file "RESTARTFI" at the end of the run c ------------------------------------------------------------------- c Note: 'restartfi' is stored just before dynamics are stored c in 'restart'. Between now and the writting of 'restart', c there will have been the itau=itau+1 instruction and c a reset of 'time' (lastacll = .true. when itau+1= itaufin) c thus we store for time=time+dtvr IF( ((ecritstart.GT.0) .and. . (MOD(icount*iphysiq,ecritstart).EQ.0)) . .or. lastcall ) THEN ztime_fin = pday + ptime + ptimestep/(float(iphysiq)*daysec) . - day_ini - time_phys print*, pday,ptime,day_ini, time_phys write(*,'(A,I7,A,F12.5)') . 'PHYSIQ: Ecriture du fichier restartfi ; icount=', . icount,' date=',ztime_fin call physdem1("",nsoilmx,ngrid,nlayer,nq, . ptimestep,ztime_fin, . tsurf,tsoil,co2ice,emis,q2,qsurf,tauscaling) ENDIF #endif c ------------------------------------------------------------------- c Calculation of diagnostic variables written in both stats and c diagfi files c ------------------------------------------------------------------- if (tracer) then if(doubleq) then do ig=1,ngrid dqdustsurf(ig) = & zdqssed(ig,igcm_dust_mass)*tauscaling(ig) dndustsurf(ig) = & zdqssed(ig,igcm_dust_number)*tauscaling(ig) ndust(ig,:) = & pq(ig,:,igcm_dust_number)*tauscaling(ig) qdust(ig,:) = & pq(ig,:,igcm_dust_mass)*tauscaling(ig) enddo if (scavenging) then do ig=1,ngrid dqdustsurf(ig) = dqdustsurf(ig) + & zdqssed(ig,igcm_ccn_mass)*tauscaling(ig) dndustsurf(ig) = dndustsurf(ig) + & zdqssed(ig,igcm_ccn_number)*tauscaling(ig) nccn(ig,:) = & pq(ig,:,igcm_ccn_number)*tauscaling(ig) qccn(ig,:) = & pq(ig,:,igcm_ccn_mass)*tauscaling(ig) enddo endif endif if (water) then mtot(:)=0 icetot(:)=0 rave(:)=0 tauTES(:)=0 do ig=1,ngrid do l=1,nlayer mtot(ig) = mtot(ig) + & zq(ig,l,igcm_h2o_vap) * & (zplev(ig,l) - zplev(ig,l+1)) / g icetot(ig) = icetot(ig) + & zq(ig,l,igcm_h2o_ice) * & (zplev(ig,l) - zplev(ig,l+1)) / g c Computing abs optical depth at 825 cm-1 in each c layer to simulate NEW TES retrieval Qabsice = min( & max(0.4e6*rice(ig,l)*(1.+nuice_ref)-0.05 ,0.),1.2 & ) opTES(ig,l)= 0.75 * Qabsice * & zq(ig,l,igcm_h2o_ice) * & (zplev(ig,l) - zplev(ig,l+1)) / g & / (rho_ice * rice(ig,l) * (1.+nuice_ref)) tauTES(ig)=tauTES(ig)+ opTES(ig,l) enddo c rave(ig)=rave(ig)/max(icetot(ig),1.e-30) ! mass weight c if (icetot(ig)* rave(ig)=0. enddo call watersat(ngrid*nlayer,zt,zplay,zqsat) satu(:,:) = zq(:,:,igcm_h2o_vap)/zqsat(:,:) if (scavenging) then Nccntot(:)= 0 Mccntot(:)= 0 rave(:)=0 do ig=1,ngrid do l=1,nlayer Nccntot(ig) = Nccntot(ig) + & zq(ig,l,igcm_ccn_number)*tauscaling(ig) & *(zplev(ig,l) - zplev(ig,l+1)) / g Mccntot(ig) = Mccntot(ig) + & zq(ig,l,igcm_ccn_mass)*tauscaling(ig) & *(zplev(ig,l) - zplev(ig,l+1)) / g cccc Column integrated effective ice radius cccc is weighted by total ice surface area (BETTER than total ice mass) rave(ig) = rave(ig) + & tauscaling(ig) * & zq(ig,l,igcm_ccn_number) * & (zplev(ig,l) - zplev(ig,l+1)) / g * & rice(ig,l) * rice(ig,l)* (1.+nuice_ref) enddo rave(ig)=(icetot(ig)/rho_ice+Mccntot(ig)/rho_dust)*0.75 & /max(pi*rave(ig),1.e-30) ! surface weight if (icetot(ig)* rave(ig)=0. enddo else ! of if (scavenging) rave(:)=0 do ig=1,ngrid do l=1,nlayer rave(ig) = rave(ig) + & zq(ig,l,igcm_h2o_ice) * & (zplev(ig,l) - zplev(ig,l+1)) / g * & rice(ig,l) * (1.+nuice_ref) enddo rave(ig) = max(rave(ig) / & max(icetot(ig),1.e-30),1.e-30) ! mass weight enddo endif ! of if (scavenging) endif ! of if (water) endif ! of if (tracer) #ifndef MESOSCALE c ----------------------------------------------------------------- c WSTATS: Saving statistics c ----------------------------------------------------------------- c ("stats" stores and accumulates 8 key variables in file "" c which can later be used to make the statistic files of the run: c "stats") only possible in 3D runs ! IF (callstats) THEN call wstats(ngrid,"ps","Surface pressure","Pa",2,ps) call wstats(ngrid,"tsurf","Surface temperature","K",2,tsurf) call wstats(ngrid,"co2ice","CO2 ice cover", & "kg.m-2",2,co2ice) call wstats(ngrid,"tauref","reference dod at 610 Pa","NU", & 2,tauref) call wstats(ngrid,"fluxsurf_lw", & "Thermal IR radiative flux to surface","W.m-2",2, & fluxsurf_lw) call wstats(ngrid,"fluxsurf_sw", & "Solar radiative flux to surface","W.m-2",2, & fluxsurf_sw_tot) call wstats(ngrid,"fluxtop_lw", & "Thermal IR radiative flux to space","W.m-2",2, & fluxtop_lw) call wstats(ngrid,"fluxtop_sw", & "Solar radiative flux to space","W.m-2",2, & fluxtop_sw_tot) call wstats(ngrid,"temp","Atmospheric temperature","K",3,zt) call wstats(ngrid,"u","Zonal (East-West) wind","m.s-1",3,zu) call wstats(ngrid,"v","Meridional (North-South) wind", & "m.s-1",3,zv) call wstats(ngrid,"w","Vertical (down-up) wind", & "m.s-1",3,pw) call wstats(ngrid,"rho","Atmospheric density","kg/m3",3,rho) call wstats(ngrid,"pressure","Pressure","Pa",3,zplay) call wstats(ngrid,"q2", & "Boundary layer eddy kinetic energy", & "m2.s-2",3,q2) call wstats(ngrid,"emis","Surface emissivity","w.m-1",2, & emis) c call wstats(ngrid,"ssurf","Surface stress","N.m-2", c & 2,zstress) c call wstats(ngrid,"sw_htrt","sw heat.rate", c & "W.m-2",3,zdtsw) c call wstats(ngrid,"lw_htrt","lw heat.rate", c & "W.m-2",3,zdtlw) if (calltherm) then call wstats(ngrid,"zmax_th","Height of thermals", & "m",2,zmax_th) call wstats(ngrid,"hfmax_th","Max thermals heat flux", & "K.m/s",2,hfmax_th) call wstats(ngrid,"wstar", & "Max vertical velocity in thermals", & "m/s",2,wstar) endif if (tracer) then if (water) then vmr=zq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_h2o_vap) & *mmean(1:ngrid,1:nlayer)/mmol(igcm_h2o_vap) call wstats(ngrid,"vmr_h2ovap", & "H2O vapor volume mixing ratio","mol/mol", & 3,vmr) vmr=zq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_h2o_ice) & *mmean(1:ngrid,1:nlayer)/mmol(igcm_h2o_ice) call wstats(ngrid,"vmr_h2oice", & "H2O ice volume mixing ratio","mol/mol", & 3,vmr) ! also store vmr_ice*rice for better diagnostics of rice vmr(1:ngrid,1:nlayer)=vmr(1:ngrid,1:nlayer)* & zq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_h2o_ice) call wstats(ngrid,"vmr_h2oice_rice", & "H2O ice mixing ratio times ice particule size", & "(mol/mol)*m", & 3,vmr) vmr=zqsat(1:ngrid,1:nlayer) & *mmean(1:ngrid,1:nlayer)/mmol(igcm_h2o_vap) call wstats(ngrid,"vmr_h2osat", & "saturation volume mixing ratio","mol/mol", & 3,vmr) call wstats(ngrid,"h2o_ice_s", & "surface h2o_ice","kg/m2", & 2,qsurf(1,igcm_h2o_ice)) call wstats(ngrid,'albedo', & 'albedo', & '',2,albedo(1,1)) call wstats(ngrid,"mtot", & "total mass of water vapor","kg/m2", & 2,mtot) call wstats(ngrid,"icetot", & "total mass of water ice","kg/m2", & 2,icetot) call wstats(ngrid,"reffice", & "Mean reff","m", & 2,rave) call wstats(ngrid,"Nccntot", & "condensation nuclei","Nbr/m2", & 2,Nccntot) call wstats(ngrid,"Mccntot", & "condensation nuclei mass","kg/m2", & 2,Mccntot) call wstats(ngrid,"rice", & "Ice particle size","m", & 3,rice) if (.not.activice) then call wstats(ngrid,"tauTESap", & "tau abs 825 cm-1","", & 2,tauTES) else call wstats(ngrid,'tauTES', & 'tau abs 825 cm-1', & '',2,taucloudtes) endif endif ! of if (water) if ( then call wstats(ngrid,'tau','taudust','SI',2,tau(1,1)) if (doubleq) then c call wstats(ngrid,'qsurf','qsurf', c & 'kg.m-2',2,qsurf(1,igcm_dust_mass)) c call wstats(ngrid,'Nsurf','N particles', c & 'N.m-2',2,qsurf(1,igcm_dust_number)) c call wstats(ngrid,'dqsdev','ddevil lift', c & 'kg.m-2.s-1',2,zdqsdev(1,1)) c call wstats(ngrid,'dqssed','sedimentation', c & 'kg.m-2.s-1',2,zdqssed(1,1)) c call wstats(ngrid,'dqsdif','diffusion', c & 'kg.m-2.s-1',2,zdqsdif(1,1)) call wstats(ngrid,'dqsdust', & 'deposited surface dust mass', & 'kg.m-2.s-1',2,dqdustsurf) call wstats(ngrid,'dqndust', & 'deposited surface dust number', & 'number.m-2.s-1',2,dndustsurf) call wstats(ngrid,'reffdust','reffdust', & 'm',3,rdust*ref_r0) call wstats(ngrid,'dustq','Dust mass mr', & 'kg/kg',3,qdust) call wstats(ngrid,'dustN','Dust number', & 'part/kg',3,ndust) else do iq=1,dustbin write(str2(1:2),'(i2.2)') iq call wstats(ngrid,'q'//str2,'mix. ratio', & 'kg/kg',3,zq(1,1,iq)) call wstats(ngrid,'qsurf'//str2,'qsurf', & 'kg.m-2',2,qsurf(1,iq)) end do endif ! (doubleq) if (scavenging) then call wstats(ngrid,'ccnq','CCN mass mr', & 'kg/kg',3,qccn) call wstats(ngrid,'ccnN','CCN number', & 'part/kg',3,nccn) endif ! (scavenging) endif ! ( if (thermochem.or.photochem) then do iq=1,nq if (noms(iq) .ne. "dust_mass" .and. $ noms(iq) .ne. "dust_number" .and. $ noms(iq) .ne. "ccn_mass" .and. $ noms(iq) .ne. "ccn_number" .and. $ noms(iq) .ne. "h2o_vap" .and. $ noms(iq) .ne. "h2o_ice") then vmr(1:ngrid,1:nlayer)=zq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,iq) & *mmean(1:ngrid,1:nlayer)/mmol(iq) rhopart(1:ngrid,1:nlayer)=zq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,iq) & *rho(1:ngrid,1:nlayer)*n_avog/ & (1000*mmol(iq)) call wstats(ngrid,"vmr_"//trim(noms(iq)), $ "Volume mixing ratio","mol/mol",3,vmr) ! call wstats(ngrid,"rho_"//trim(noms(iq)), ! $ "Number density","cm-3",3,rhopart) ! call writediagfi(ngrid,"rho_"//trim(noms(iq)), ! $ "Number density","cm-3",3,rhopart) do ig = 1,ngrid colden(ig,iq) = 0. end do do l=1,nlayer do ig=1,ngrid colden(ig,iq) = colden(ig,iq) + zq(ig,l,iq) $ *(zplev(ig,l)-zplev(ig,l+1)) $ *6.022e22/(mmol(iq)*g) end do end do call wstats(ngrid,"c_"//trim(noms(iq)), $ "column","mol cm-2",2,colden(1,iq)) end if ! of if (noms(iq) .ne. "dust_mass" ...) end do ! of do iq=1,nq end if ! of if (thermochem.or.photochem) end if ! of if (tracer) IF(lastcall) THEN write (*,*) "Writing stats..." call mkstats(ierr) ENDIF ENDIF !if callstats c (Store EOF for Mars Climate database software) IF (calleofdump) THEN CALL eofdump(ngrid, nlayer, zu, zv, zt, rho, ps) ENDIF #endif !endif of ifndef MESOSCALE #ifdef MESOSCALE !! see comm_wrf. !! not needed when an array is already in a shared module. !! --> example : hfmax_th, zmax_th !state real HR_SW ikj misc 1 - h "HR_SW" "HEATING RATE SW" "K/s" comm_HR_SW(1:ngrid,1:nlayer) = zdtsw(1:ngrid,1:nlayer) !state real HR_LW ikj misc 1 - h "HR_LW" "HEATING RATE LW" "K/s" comm_HR_LW(1:ngrid,1:nlayer) = zdtlw(1:ngrid,1:nlayer) !state real SWDOWNZ ij misc 1 - h "SWDOWNZ" "DOWNWARD SW FLUX AT SURFACE" "W m-2" comm_SWDOWNZ(1:ngrid) = fluxsurf_sw_tot(1:ngrid) !state real TAU_DUST ij misc 1 - h "TAU_DUST" "REFERENCE VISIBLE DUST OPACITY" "" comm_TAU_DUST(1:ngrid) = tauref(1:ngrid) !state real RDUST ikj misc 1 - h "RDUST" "DUST RADIUS" "m" comm_RDUST(1:ngrid,1:nlayer) = rdust(1:ngrid,1:nlayer) !state real QSURFDUST ij misc 1 - h "QSURFDUST" "DUST MASS AT SURFACE" "kg m-2" IF (igcm_dust_mass .ne. 0) THEN comm_QSURFDUST(1:ngrid) = qsurf(1:ngrid,igcm_dust_mass) ELSE comm_QSURFDUST(1:ngrid) = 0. ENDIF !state real MTOT ij misc 1 - h "MTOT" "TOTAL MASS WATER VAPOR in pmic" "pmic" comm_MTOT(1:ngrid) = mtot(1:ngrid) * 1.e6 / rho_ice !state real ICETOT ij misc 1 - h "ICETOT" "TOTAL MASS WATER ICE" "kg m-2" comm_ICETOT(1:ngrid) = icetot(1:ngrid) * 1.e6 / rho_ice !state real VMR_ICE ikj misc 1 - h "VMR_ICE" "VOL. MIXING RATIO ICE" "ppm" IF (igcm_h2o_ice .ne. 0) THEN comm_VMR_ICE(1:ngrid,1:nlayer) = 1.e6 . * zq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_h2o_ice) . * mmean(1:ngrid,1:nlayer) / mmol(igcm_h2o_ice) ELSE comm_VMR_ICE(1:ngrid,1:nlayer) = 0. ENDIF !state real TAU_ICE ij misc 1 - h "TAU_ICE" "CLOUD OD at 825 cm-1 TES" "" if (activice) then comm_TAU_ICE(1:ngrid) = taucloudtes(1:ngrid) else comm_TAU_ICE(1:ngrid) = tauTES(1:ngrid) endif !state real RICE ikj misc 1 - h "RICE" "ICE RADIUS" "m" comm_RICE(1:ngrid,1:nlayer) = rice(1:ngrid,1:nlayer) !! calculate sensible heat flux in W/m2 for outputs !! -- the one computed in vdifc is not the real one !! -- vdifc must have been called if (.not.callrichsl) then sensibFlux(1:ngrid) = zflubid(1:ngrid) . - capcal(1:ngrid)*zdtsdif(1:ngrid) else sensibFlux(1:ngrid) = & (pplay(1:ngrid,1)/(r*pt(1:ngrid,1)))*cpp & *sqrt(pu(1:ngrid,1)*pu(1:ngrid,1)+pv(1:ngrid,1)*pv(1:ngrid,1) & +(log(1.+0.7*wstar(1:ngrid) + 2.3*wstar(1:ngrid)**2))**2) & *zcdh(1:ngrid)*(tsurf(1:ngrid)-zh(1:ngrid,1)) endif #else #ifndef MESOINI c ========================================================== c WRITEDIAGFI: Outputs in netcdf file "DIAGFI", containing c any variable for diagnostic (output with period c "ecritphy", set in "run.def") c ========================================================== c WRITEDIAGFI can ALSO be called from any other subroutines c for any variables !! c call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"emis","Surface emissivity","w.m-1",2, c & emis) c call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"pplay","Pressure","Pa",3,zplay) c call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"pplev","Pressure","Pa",3,zplev) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"tsurf","Surface temperature","K",2, & tsurf) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"ps","surface pressure","Pa",2,ps) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"co2ice","co2 ice thickness" & ,"kg.m-2",2,co2ice) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"temp7","temperature in layer 7", & "K",2,zt(1,7)) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"fluxsurf_lw","fluxsurf_lw","W.m-2",2, & fluxsurf_lw) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"fluxsurf_sw","fluxsurf_sw","W.m-2",2, & fluxsurf_sw_tot) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"fluxtop_lw","fluxtop_lw","W.m-2",2, & fluxtop_lw) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"fluxtop_sw","fluxtop_sw","W.m-2",2, & fluxtop_sw_tot) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"temp","temperature","K",3,zt) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"u","Zonal wind","m.s-1",3,zu) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"v","Meridional wind","m.s-1",3,zv) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"w","Vertical wind","m.s-1",3,pw) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"rho","density","none",3,rho) c call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"q2","q2","kg.m-3",3,q2) c call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'Teta','T potentielle','K',3,zh) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"pressure","Pressure","Pa",3,zplay) c call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"ssurf","Surface stress","N.m-2",2, c & zstress) c call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'sw_htrt','sw heat. rate', c & 'w.m-2',3,zdtsw) c call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'lw_htrt','lw heat. rate', c & 'w.m-2',3,zdtlw) if (.not.activice) then CALL WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'tauTESap', & 'tau abs 825 cm-1', & '',2,tauTES) else CALL WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'tauTES', & 'tau abs 825 cm-1', & '',2,taucloudtes) endif #else !!! this is to ensure correct initialisation of mesoscale model call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"tsurf","Surface temperature","K",2, & tsurf) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"ps","surface pressure","Pa",2,ps) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"co2ice","co2 ice thickness","kg.m-2",2, & co2ice) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"temp","temperature","K",3,zt) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"u","Zonal wind","m.s-1",3,zu) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"v","Meridional wind","m.s-1",3,zv) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"emis","Surface emissivity","w.m-1",2, & emis) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"tsoil","Soil temperature", & "K",3,tsoil) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"inertiedat","Soil inertia", & "K",3,inertiedat) #endif c ---------------------------------------------------------- c Outputs of the CO2 cycle c ---------------------------------------------------------- if (tracer.and.( then ! call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"co2_l1","co2 mix. ratio in 1st layer", ! & "kg/kg",2,zq(1,1,igcm_co2)) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"co2","co2 mass mixing ratio", & "kg/kg",3,zq(1,1,igcm_co2)) ! Compute co2 column co2col(:)=0 do l=1,nlayer do ig=1,ngrid co2col(ig)=co2col(ig)+ & zq(ig,l,igcm_co2)*(zplev(ig,l)-zplev(ig,l+1))/g enddo enddo call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"co2col","CO2 column","kg.m-2",2, & co2col) endif ! of if (tracer.and.( c ---------------------------------------------------------- c Outputs of the water cycle c ---------------------------------------------------------- if (tracer) then if (water) then #ifdef MESOINI !!!! waterice = q01, voir readmeteo.F90 call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'q01',noms(igcm_h2o_ice), & 'kg/kg',3, & zq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_h2o_ice)) !!!! watervapor = q02, voir readmeteo.F90 call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'q02',noms(igcm_h2o_vap), & 'kg/kg',3, & zq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_h2o_vap)) !!!! surface waterice qsurf02 (voir readmeteo) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'qsurf02','surface tracer', & 'kg.m-2',2, & qsurf(1:ngrid,igcm_h2o_ice)) #endif CALL WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'mtot', & 'total mass of water vapor', & 'kg/m2',2,mtot) CALL WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'icetot', & 'total mass of water ice', & 'kg/m2',2,icetot) vmr=zq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_h2o_ice) & *mmean(1:ngrid,1:nlayer)/mmol(igcm_h2o_ice) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'vmr_h2oice','h2o ice vmr', & 'mol/mol',3,vmr) vmr=zq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_h2o_vap) & *mmean(1:ngrid,1:nlayer)/mmol(igcm_h2o_vap) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'vmr_h2ovap','h2o vap vmr', & 'mol/mol',3,vmr) CALL WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'reffice', & 'Mean reff', & 'm',2,rave) if (scavenging) then CALL WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"Nccntot", & "condensation nuclei","Nbr/m2", & 2,Nccntot) CALL WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"Mccntot", & "mass condensation nuclei","kg/m2", & 2,Mccntot) endif call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'rice','Ice particle size', & 'm',3,rice) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'h2o_ice_s', & 'surface h2o_ice', & 'kg.m-2',2,qsurf(1,igcm_h2o_ice)) CALL WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'albedo', & 'albedo', & '',2,albedo(1,1)) if (tifeedback) then call WRITEDIAGSOIL(ngrid,"soiltemp", & "Soil temperature","K", & 3,tsoil) call WRITEDIAGSOIL(ngrid,'soilti', & 'Soil Thermal Inertia', & 'J.s-1/2.m-2.K-1',3,inertiesoil) endif endif !(water) if (water.and..not.photochem) then iq=nq c write(str2(1:2),'(i2.2)') iq c call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'dqs'//str2,'dqscloud', c & 'kg.m-2',2,zdqscloud(1,iq)) c call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'dqch'//str2,'var chim', c & 'kg/kg',3,zdqchim(1,1,iq)) c call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'dqd'//str2,'var dif', c & 'kg/kg',3,zdqdif(1,1,iq)) c call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'dqa'//str2,'var adj', c & 'kg/kg',3,zdqadj(1,1,iq)) c call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'dqc'//str2,'var c', c & 'kg/kg',3,zdqc(1,1,iq)) endif !(water.and..not.photochem) endif c ---------------------------------------------------------- c Outputs of the dust cycle c ---------------------------------------------------------- call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'tauref', & 'Dust ref opt depth','NU',2,tauref) if (tracer.and.( then call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'tau','taudust','SI',2,tau(1,1)) #ifndef MESOINI if (doubleq) then c call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'qsurf','qsurf', c & 'kg.m-2',2,qsurf(1,igcm_dust_mass)) c call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'Nsurf','N particles', c & 'N.m-2',2,qsurf(1,igcm_dust_number)) c call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'dqsdev','ddevil lift', c & 'kg.m-2.s-1',2,zdqsdev(1,1)) c call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'dqssed','sedimentation', c & 'kg.m-2.s-1',2,zdqssed(1,1)) c call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'dqsdif','diffusion', c & 'kg.m-2.s-1',2,zdqsdif(1,1)) c call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'sedice','sedimented ice', c & 'kg.m-2.s-1',2,zdqssed(:,igcm_h2o_ice)) c call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'subice','sublimated ice', c & 'kg.m-2.s-1',2,zdqsdif(:,igcm_h2o_ice)) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'dqsdust', & 'deposited surface dust mass', & 'kg.m-2.s-1',2,dqdustsurf) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'dqndust', & 'deposited surface dust number', & 'number.m-2.s-1',2,dndustsurf) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'reffdust','reffdust', & 'm',3,rdust*ref_r0) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'dustq','Dust mass mr', & 'kg/kg',3,qdust) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'dustN','Dust number', & 'part/kg',3,ndust) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'dsodust', & 'dust density scaled opacity', & '',3,dsodust) c call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"tauscaling", c & "dust conversion factor"," ",2,tauscaling) else do iq=1,dustbin write(str2(1:2),'(i2.2)') iq call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'q'//str2,'mix. ratio', & 'kg/kg',3,zq(1,1,iq)) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'qsurf'//str2,'qsurf', & 'kg.m-2',2,qsurf(1,iq)) end do endif ! (doubleq) if (scavenging) then call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'ccnq','CCN mass mr', & 'kg/kg',3,qccn) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'ccnN','CCN number', & 'part/kg',3,nccn) endif ! (scavenging) c if (submicron) then c call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'dustsubm','subm mass mr', c & 'kg/kg',3,pq(1,1,igcm_dust_submicron)) c endif ! (submicron) #else ! !!! to initialize mesoscale we need scaled variables ! !!! because this must correspond to starting point for tracers ! call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'dustq','Dust mass mr', ! & 'kg/kg',3,pq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_dust_mass)) ! call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'dustN','Dust number', ! & 'part/kg',3,pq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_dust_number)) ! call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'ccn','Nuclei mass mr', ! & 'kg/kg',3,pq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_ccn_mass)) ! call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'ccnN','Nuclei number', ! & 'part/kg',3,pq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_ccn_number)) if (freedust) then call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'dustq','Dust mass mr', & 'kg/kg',3,qdust) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'dustN','Dust number', & 'part/kg',3,ndust) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'ccn','CCN mass mr', & 'kg/kg',3,qccn) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'ccnN','CCN number', & 'part/kg',3,nccn) else call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'dustq','Dust mass mr', & 'kg/kg',3,pq(1,1,igcm_dust_mass)) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'dustN','Dust number', & 'part/kg',3,pq(1,1,igcm_dust_number)) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'ccn','Nuclei mass mr', & 'kg/kg',3,pq(1,1,igcm_ccn_mass)) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'ccnN','Nuclei number', & 'part/kg',3,pq(1,1,igcm_ccn_number)) endif #endif end if ! (tracer.and.( c ---------------------------------------------------------- c Thermospheric outputs c ---------------------------------------------------------- if(callthermos) then call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"q15um","15 um cooling","K/s", $ 3,zdtnlte) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"quv","UV heating","K/s", $ 3,zdteuv) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"cond","Thermal conduction","K/s", $ 3,zdtconduc) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"qnir","NIR heating","K/s", $ 3,zdtnirco2) if (thermochem.or.photochem) then do iq=1,nq if (noms(iq) .ne. "dust_mass" .and. $ noms(iq) .ne. "dust_number" .and. $ noms(iq) .ne. "ccn_mass" .and. $ noms(iq) .ne. "ccn_number" .and. $ noms(iq) .ne. "h2o_vap" .and. $ noms(iq) .ne. "h2o_ice") then vmr(1:ngrid,1:nlayer)=zq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,iq) & *mmean(1:ngrid,1:nlayer)/mmol(iq) rhopart(1:ngrid,1:nlayer)=zq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,iq) & *rho(1:ngrid,1:nlayer)*n_avog/ & (1000*mmol(iq)) call writediagfi(ngrid,"rho_"//trim(noms(iq)), $ "Number density","cm-3",3,rhopart) if ((noms(iq).eq."o") .or. (noms(iq).eq."co2").or. $ (noms(iq).eq."o3")) then call writediagfi(ngrid,"vmr_"//trim(noms(iq)), $ "Volume mixing ratio","mol/mol",3,vmr) end if do ig = 1,ngrid colden(ig,iq) = 0. end do do l=1,nlayer do ig=1,ngrid colden(ig,iq) = colden(ig,iq) + zq(ig,l,iq) $ *(zplev(ig,l)-zplev(ig,l+1)) $ *6.022e22/(mmol(iq)*g) end do end do call writediagfi(ngrid,"c_"//trim(noms(iq)), $ "column","mol cm-2",2,colden(1,iq)) end if ! of if (noms(iq) .ne. "dust_mass" ...) end do ! of do iq=1,nq end if ! of if (thermochem.or.photochem) endif !(callthermos) c ---------------------------------------------------------- c ---------------------------------------------------------- c PBL OUTPUS c ---------------------------------------------------------- c ---------------------------------------------------------- c ---------------------------------------------------------- c Outputs of thermals c ---------------------------------------------------------- if (calltherm) then ! call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'dtke', ! & 'tendance tke thermiques','m**2/s**2', ! & 3,dtke_th) ! call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'d_u_ajs', ! & 'tendance u thermiques','m/s', ! & 3,pdu_th*ptimestep) ! call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'d_v_ajs', ! & 'tendance v thermiques','m/s', ! & 3,pdv_th*ptimestep) ! if (tracer) then ! if (nq .eq. 2) then ! call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'deltaq_th', ! & 'delta q thermiques','kg/kg', ! & 3,ptimestep*pdq_th(:,:,2)) ! endif ! endif call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'zmax_th', & 'hauteur du thermique','m', & 2,zmax_th) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'hfmax_th', & 'maximum TH heat flux','K.m/s', & 2,hfmax_th) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'wstar', & 'maximum TH vertical velocity','m/s', & 2,wstar) endif c ---------------------------------------------------------- c ---------------------------------------------------------- c END OF PBL OUTPUS c ---------------------------------------------------------- c ---------------------------------------------------------- c ---------------------------------------------------------- c Output in netcdf file "" for subterranean c variables (output every "ecritphy", as for writediagfi) c ---------------------------------------------------------- ! Write soil temperature ! call writediagsoil(ngrid,"soiltemp","Soil temperature","K", ! & 3,tsoil) ! Write surface temperature ! call writediagsoil(ngrid,"tsurf","Surface temperature","K", ! & 2,tsurf) c ========================================================== c END OF WRITEDIAGFI c ========================================================== #endif ! of ifdef MESOSCALE ELSE ! if(ngrid.eq.1) #ifndef MESOSCALE write(*,'("Ls =",f11.6," tauref(",f4.0," Pa) =",f9.6)') & zls*180./pi,odpref,tauref c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- c Output in grads file "g1d" (ONLY when using testphys1d) c (output at every X physical timestep) c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- c c CALL writeg1d(ngrid,1,fluxsurf_lw,'Fs_ir','W.m-2') c CALL writeg1d(ngrid,1,tsurf,'tsurf','K') c CALL writeg1d(ngrid,1,ps,'ps','Pa') c CALL writeg1d(ngrid,nlayer,zt,'T','K') c CALL writeg1d(ngrid,nlayer,pu,'u','m.s-1') c CALL writeg1d(ngrid,nlayer,pv,'v','m.s-1') c CALL writeg1d(ngrid,nlayer,pw,'w','m.s-1') ! THERMALS STUFF 1D if(calltherm) then call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'lmax_th', & 'hauteur du thermique','point', & 0,lmax_th_out) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'zmax_th', & 'hauteur du thermique','m', & 0,zmax_th) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'hfmax_th', & 'maximum TH heat flux','K.m/s', & 0,hfmax_th) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'wstar', & 'maximum TH vertical velocity','m/s', & 0,wstar) co2col(:)=0. if (tracer) then do l=1,nlayer do ig=1,ngrid co2col(ig)=co2col(ig)+ & zq(ig,l,1)*(zplev(ig,l)-zplev(ig,l+1))/g enddo enddo end if call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'co2col','integrated co2 mass' & & ,'kg/m-2',0,co2col) endif ! of if (calltherm) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'w','vertical velocity' & & ,'m/s',1,pw) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"q2","q2","kg.m-3",1,q2) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"tsurf","Surface temperature","K",0, & tsurf) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"u","u wind","m/s",1,zu) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"v","v wind","m/s",1,zv) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"pplay","Pressure","Pa",1,zplay) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"pplev","Pressure","Pa",1,zplev) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"rho","rho","kg.m-3",1,rho) ! call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"dtrad","rad. heat. rate", & ! & "K.s-1",1,dtrad/zpopsk) ! call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'sw_htrt','sw heat. rate', ! & 'w.m-2',1,zdtsw/zpopsk) ! call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'lw_htrt','lw heat. rate', ! & 'w.m-2',1,zdtlw/zpopsk) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"co2ice","co2 ice thickness" & ,"kg.m-2",0,co2ice) ! or output in (for testphys1d) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'ps','Surface pressure','Pa',0,ps) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'temp','Temperature', & 'K',1,zt) if(tracer) then c CALL writeg1d(ngrid,1,tau,'tau','SI') do iq=1,nq c CALL writeg1d(ngrid,nlayer,zq(1,1,iq),noms(iq),'kg/kg') call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,trim(noms(iq)), & trim(noms(iq)),'kg/kg',1,zq(1,1,iq)) end do if (doubleq) then call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'rdust','rdust', & 'm',1,rdust) endif if (water.AND.tifeedback) then call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"soiltemp", & "Soil temperature","K", & 1,tsoil) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'soilti', & 'Soil Thermal Inertia', & 'J.s-1/2.m-2.K-1',1,inertiesoil) endif end if cccccccccccccccccc scavenging & water outputs 1D TN ccccccccccccccc ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc IF (water) THEN if (.not.activice) then tauTES=0 do l=1,nlayer Qabsice = min( & max(0.4e6*rice(1,l)*(1.+nuice_ref)-0.05 ,0.),1.2 & ) opTES(1,l)= 0.75 * Qabsice * & zq(1,l,igcm_h2o_ice) * & (zplev(1,l) - zplev(1,l+1)) / g & / (rho_ice * rice(1,l) * (1.+nuice_ref)) tauTES=tauTES+ opTES(1,l) enddo CALL WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'tauTESap', & 'tau abs 825 cm-1', & '',0,tauTES) else CALL WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'tauTES', & 'tau abs 825 cm-1', & '',0,taucloudtes) endif mtot = 0 icetot = 0 h2otot = qsurf(1,igcm_h2o_ice) do l=1,nlayer mtot = mtot + zq(1,l,igcm_h2o_vap) & * (zplev(1,l) - zplev(1,l+1)) / g icetot = icetot + zq(1,l,igcm_h2o_ice) & * (zplev(1,l) - zplev(1,l+1)) / g end do h2otot = h2otot+mtot+icetot CALL WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'h2otot', & 'h2otot', & 'kg/m2',0,h2otot) CALL WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'mtot', & 'mtot', & 'kg/m2',0,mtot) CALL WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'icetot', & 'icetot', & 'kg/m2',0,icetot) if (scavenging) then rave = 0 do l=1,nlayer cccc Column integrated effective ice radius cccc is weighted by total ice surface area (BETTER) rave = rave + tauscaling(1) * & zq(1,l,igcm_ccn_number) * & (zplev(1,l) - zplev(1,l+1)) / g * & rice(1,l) * rice(1,l)* (1.+nuice_ref) enddo rave=icetot*0.75/max(rave*pi*rho_ice,1.e-30) ! surface weight Nccntot= 0 call watersat(ngrid*nlayer,zt,zplay,zqsat) do l=1,nlayer Nccntot = Nccntot + & zq(1,l,igcm_ccn_number)*tauscaling(1) & *(zplev(1,l) - zplev(1,l+1)) / g satu(1,l) = zq(1,l,igcm_h2o_vap)/zqsat(1,l) satu(1,l) = (max(satu(1,l),float(1))-1) ! & * zq(1,l,igcm_h2o_vap) * ! & (zplev(1,l) - zplev(1,l+1)) / g enddo call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"satu","vap in satu","kg/kg",1, & satu) CALL WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'Nccntot', & 'Nccntot', & 'nbr/m2',0,Nccntot) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'zdqsed_dustq' & ,'sedimentation q','kg.m-2.s-1',1,zdqsed(1,:,igcm_dust_mass)) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'zdqsed_dustN' &,'sedimentation N','Nbr.m-2.s-1',1, & zdqsed(1,:,igcm_dust_number)) else ! of if (scavenging) cccc Column integrated effective ice radius cccc is weighted by total ice mass (LESS GOOD) rave = 0 do l=1,nlayer rave = rave + zq(1,l,igcm_h2o_ice) & * (zplev(1,l) - zplev(1,l+1)) / g & * rice(1,l) * (1.+nuice_ref) enddo rave=max(rave/max(icetot,1.e-30),1.e-30) ! mass weight endif ! of if (scavenging) CALL WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'reffice', & 'reffice', & 'm',0,rave) do iq=1,nq call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,trim(noms(iq))//'_s', & trim(noms(iq))//'_s','kg/kg',0,qsurf(1,iq)) end do call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'zdqcloud_ice','cloud ice', & 'kg.m-2.s-1',1,zdqcloud(1,:,igcm_h2o_ice)) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'zdqcloud_vap','cloud vap', & 'kg.m-2.s-1',1,zdqcloud(1,:,igcm_h2o_vap)) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'zdqcloud','cloud ice', & 'kg.m-2.s-1',1,zdqcloud(1,:,igcm_h2o_ice) & +zdqcloud(1,:,igcm_h2o_vap)) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,"rice","ice radius","m",1, & rice) ENDIF ! of IF (water) ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc zlocal(1)=-log(zplay(1,1)/zplev(1,1))* Rnew(1,1)*zt(1,1)/g do l=2,nlayer-1 tmean=zt(1,l) if(zt(1,l).ne.zt(1,l-1)) & tmean=(zt(1,l)-zt(1,l-1))/log(zt(1,l)/zt(1,l-1)) zlocal(l)= zlocal(l-1) & -log(zplay(1,l)/zplay(1,l-1))*rnew(1,l)*tmean/g enddo zlocal(nlayer)= zlocal(nlayer-1)- & log(zplay(1,nlayer)/zplay(1,nlayer-1))* & rnew(1,nlayer)*tmean/g #endif END IF ! if( icount=icount+1 RETURN END