subroutine newtrelax(ngrid,nlayer,mu0,sinlat,popsk,temp,pplay,pplev,dtrad,firstcall) implicit none !#include "dimensions.h" !#include "dimphys.h" #include "comcstfi.h" #include "callkeys.h" #include "" !================================================================== ! ! Purpose ! ------- ! Alternative Newtonian radiative transfer scheme. ! ! Authors ! ------- ! R. Wordsworth (2010) ! !================================================================== ! Input integer,intent(in) :: ngrid, nlayer logical,intent(in) :: firstcall real,intent(in) :: mu0(ngrid) ! cosine of sun incident angle real,intent(in) :: sinlat(ngrid) ! sine of latitude real,intent(in) :: temp(ngrid,nlayer) ! temperature at each layer (K) real,intent(in) :: pplay(ngrid,nlayer) ! pressure at each layer (Pa) real,intent(in) :: pplev(ngrid,nlayer+1) ! pressure at each level (Pa) real,intent(in) :: popsk(ngrid,nlayer) ! pot. T to T converter ! Output real,intent(out) :: dtrad(ngrid,nlayer) ! Internal real Trelax_V, Trelax_H real,allocatable,dimension(:,:),save :: Trelax !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(Trelax) real T_trop ! relaxation temperature at tropopause (K) real T_surf ! relaxation temperature at surface (K) real dT_EP ! Equator-Pole relaxation temperature difference (K) real sig, f_sig, sig_trop integer l,ig logical tidallocked parameter (tidallocked = .true.) ! Setup relaxation temperature if(firstcall) then ALLOCATE(Trelax(ngrid,nlayer)) print*,'-----------------------------------------------------' print*,'| ATTENTION: You are using a Newtonian cooling scheme' print*,'| for the radiative transfer. This means that ALL' print*,'| other physics subroutines must be switched off.' print*,'-----------------------------------------------------' if(tidallocked)then do ig=1,ngrid T_surf = 126. + 239.*mu0(ig) T_trop = 140. + 52.*mu0(ig) do l=1,nlayer if(mu0(ig).le.0.0)then ! night side Trelax(ig,l)=0.0 else ! day side Trelax(ig,l) = T_surf*popsk(ig,l) if (Trelax(ig,l).lt.T_trop) Trelax(ig,l) = T_trop endif enddo enddo else T_trop = 200. T_surf = 288. dT_EP = 70. sig_trop=(T_trop/T_surf)**(1./rcp) do l=1,nlayer do ig=1,ngrid ! vertically varying component Trelax_V = T_surf*popsk(ig,l) if ( Trelax_V = T_trop ! horizontally varying component sig = pplay(ig,l)/pplev(ig,1) if( f_sig=sin((pi/2)*((sig-sig_trop)/(1-sig_trop))) else f_sig=0.0 endif Trelax_H = -f_sig*dT_EP*(sinlat(ig)**2 - 1./3.) Trelax(ig,l) = Trelax_V + Trelax_H enddo enddo endif endif ! Calculate radiative forcing do l=1,nlayer do ig=1,ngrid dtrad(ig,l) = -(temp(ig,l) - Trelax(ig,l)) / tau_relax if(temp(ig,l).gt.500.)then ! Trelax(ig,l))then print*,'ig=',ig print*,'l=',l print*,'temp=',temp(ig,l) print*,'Trelax=',Trelax(ig,l) endif enddo enddo call writediagfi(ngrid,'Tref','rad forc temp','K',3,Trelax) !call writediagfi(ngrid,'ThetaZ','stellar zenith angle','deg',2,mu0) end subroutine newtrelax