pro polaract ; ; ; what_I_plot=0. overcontour=0. SPAWN, '\rm param_plot.idl ; cp param_plot.idl' ; ; ; zefile=save_ps PS_Start, filename=zefile+'.ps' print, zefile+'.ps' !P.Charsize = 0.6 !P.multi=[0,2,1] ;!p.charthick = 2.0 ;!p.thick = 2.0 ;!x.thick = 2.0 ;!y.thick = 2.0 ; ; ; jojo = ['gw','gwsmooth'] ;jojo = ['gwplus','gwsmooth'] ;jojo = ['gwhires','gw'] filename_sav = filename for i=0,n_elements(jojo)-1 do begin ; filename = '/donnees/aslmd/MODELES//LMD_MM_MARS//OUTILS_CONVERSION/'+jojo(i)+'/'+filename_sav print, filename ; getcdf, file=filename, charvar=cfield1, invar=field1 getcdf, file=filename, charvar=cfield2, invar=field2 getcdf, file=filename, charvar='XLONG', invar=longi getcdf, file=filename, charvar='XLAT', invar=lati ; ; ; if (jojo(i) eq 'gwhires') then begin sp = 6;5 ;; relaxation width nx = n_elements(longi(0,*)) ny = n_elements(longi(*,0)) field1 = field1 (sp:nx-sp-1,sp:ny-sp-1,*,*) field2 = field2 (sp:nx-sp-1,sp:ny-sp-1,*) longi = longi (sp:nx-sp-1,sp:ny-sp-1,*) lati = lati (sp:nx-sp-1,sp:ny-sp-1,*) endif ; ; ; latmin = -90. & latmax = -50.0 & lonmin = -180. & lonmax = 180. ;lonmin = 0. & lonmax = 90. ;; pour des tranches map_set, -90., 0., /isotropic, /azimuthal, /noborder, limit=[latmin,lonmin,latmax,lonmax],title=title_user,/advance ;, position=[0.10, 0.12, 0.90, 0.92] ; ; ; ;; average on time and height dbl_integral = TOTAL(TOTAL(field1*field1,3),3) dbl_integral = TEMPORARY(dbl_integral) / n_elements(field1(0,0,*,0)) / n_elements(field1(0,0,0,*)) print, n_elements(field1(0,0,*,0)), n_elements(field1(0,0,0,*)) ;; smooth a little bit smoothampl=2 ;0;3 overcontour = smooth(TEMPORARY(dbl_integral),[smoothampl,smoothampl],/EDGE_TRUNCATE) ;; plot topography what_I_plot = reform(field2(*,*,0)) ;; coordinates lon = reform(longi(*,*,0)) lat = reform(lati (*,*,0)) overvector_x=0. overvector_y=0. ; ; ; SPAWN, '\rm param_plot.idl ; cp param_plot.idl' map_latlon, $ what_I_plot, $ ; 2D field lon, $ ; 1D latitude lat, $ ; 1D longitude minfield=minfield_init, $ ; minimum value of plotted field (=0: calculate) maxfield=maxfield_init, $ ; maximum value of plotted field (=0: calculate) overcontour=overcontour, $ ; another 2D field to overplot with contour lines (=0: no) overvector_x=overvector_x, $ ; wind vector - x component (=0: no) overvector_y=overvector_y, $ ; wind vector - y component (=0: no) ct=pal, $ ; color table (33-rainbow is default) colors=colors, $ ; number of colors/levels (32 is default) title=title_user, $ ; title of the plot ('' is default) format=format ; format of colorbar annotations ('(F6.2)' is default) ; ; ; loadct, 0 MAP_GRID, CHARSIZE = 0.6, $ COLOR = 0, $ LABEL = 1, $ (one label any 1 grid lines) LATDEL = 05., $ LONDEL = 45., $ lats=-60, $ GLINESTYLE = 1, $ GLINETHICK = 0.1, $ LONLAB = -70., $ LATLAB = (lonmin+lonmax)/2. ; ; ; endfor PS_End, /PNG end