;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ntime = 2 nlevel = 1 latmin = -90 & latmax = 20 & lonmin = -180 & lonmax = 180 & hem = -1. latmin = -40 & latmax = -10 & lonmin = -45 & lonmax = -15 & hem = -1. filename = '/tmp1/aslmd/wrfout_d01_2024-06-17_06:00:00' & save_ps = 'wpolarz1' ;filename = '/tmp1/aslmd/wrfout_d02_2024-06-17_06:00:00' & save_ps = 'wpolarz2' ;filename = '/tmp1/aslmd/wrfout_d03_2024-06-17_06:00:00' & save_ps = 'wpolarz3' ;filename = '/tmp1/aslmd/wrfout_d04_2024-06-17_06:00:00' & save_ps = 'wpolarz4' latmin = -30 & latmax = -24 & lonmin = -38 & lonmax = -32 filename = '/tmp1/aslmd/wrfout_d04_2024-06-17_06:00:00' & save_ps = 'wpolarzz4' cfield1 = 'WAVE' cfield2 = 'HGT' ;cfield3 = 'HGT_M' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; format = '(F4.1)' colors = 128 minfield_init = -8. maxfield_init = +2. pal = 22 ;33 ;39 ;6 ;11 ;0 ;11 ;6 ;0 ;6 ;39 ;19 title_user = '' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; missing_value=1.e30 lim_max = maxfield_init & w=where((what_I_plot ge lim_max) and (what_I_plot le 1e9)) & if (w[0] ne -1) then what_I_plot[w]=lim_max lim_min = minfield_init & w=where(what_I_plot le lim_min) & if (w[0] ne -1) then what_I_plot[w]=lim_min ;lim_blank = 0.5 & w=where(abs(what_I_plot) le lim_blank) & if (w[0] ne -1) then what_I_plot[w]=missing_value overcontour = overcontour / 1000. lev = -10. + 1.*findgen(40) ;flag_cb = 'false' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; T. Appere paper ;; latmin = 76 & latmax = 90. & lonmin = -180 & lonmax = 180 & hem = 1. ntime = 0 ;; le vrai indice IDL nlevel = 0 filename = '/tmp15/aslmd/polar_61pts/wrfout_d01_2024-03-04_06:00:00_zabg' save_ps = 'appere' cfield1 = 'USTM' minfield_init = 0.1 maxfield_init = 0.6 pal = 22 format = '(F5.2)' colors = 32 lim_max = maxfield_init & w=where((what_I_plot ge lim_max) and (what_I_plot le 1e9)) & if (w[0] ne -1) then what_I_plot[w]=lim_max lim_min = minfield_init & w=where(what_I_plot le lim_min) & if (w[0] ne -1) then what_I_plot[w]=lim_min lev = -10. + 0.2*findgen(50) ;lev = -10. + 0.5*findgen(20) overcontour = - overcontour lev = 0.5*findgen(20) lev = 0.2*findgen(50)