;;--------------------------------------- ; ; fill here plot parameters then type: ; ; @trace.idl ; -or- @report.idl ; -or- @movie.idl ; ; this file will be saved ! ; ;;--------------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------; ; DATA LOCATION and PLOT DESTINATION ; ; default is ./ ; ;-------------------------------------; ;datafolder='/d5/aslmd/LMD_MM_MARS_SIMUS/LANDING_SITES/GALE/' ;datafolder='/d6/vblmd/MERIDIANI_EXOMARS/saves_simu_LS_160/jour20/' ;datafolder='/d6/vblmd/MERIDIANI_EXOMARS/saves_simu_LS_68.5/jour20/' ;datafolder='/d5/aslmd/WRF_Mars/EN_COURS/OMG_cstTI/' ;datafolder='/d5/aslmd/WRF_Mars/EN_COURS/TH20WC_month4' datafolder='/tmp7/aslmd/MERIDIANI_FLUSH' ;datafolder='/d5/aslmd/LMD_MM_MARS_SIMUS/PAVONIS/' plotfolder=datafolder ;; for web anim and tex report (default is 'plot') ;textitle='takezoomstress' ;textitle='takezoomhiresstress' textitle='atlas_6_meridiani_flush2' texcomments='sol' ;;; load/save ARWpost-generated text files ? default is no ;backup_data='yes' ;already_data='yes' ;------------------------------- ;------------------------------- ; namelist.ARWPOST parameters ;------------------------------- ;------------------------------- nam1=" fields = 'HGT,U,V,TSURF' " ;; ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ;; CHANGE HERE FIELDS TO BE EXTRACTED ;; ex: tk,HGT,PSFC,U,V,W,T,tk,ICETOT,RAVE,QH2O_ICE,QH2O,PTOT,TSURF nam2=" start_date = '2024-09-07_06:00:00' nam3=" end_date = '2024-09-08_06:00:00' ;nam3=" end_date = '2024-09-13_06:00:00' ;; ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ;; CHANGE HERE START/END DATE nam4=" interval_seconds = 3700 " ;nam4=" interval_seconds = 7400 " ;nam4=" interval_seconds = 88800 " ;; ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ;; SET INTERVAL 2h: 7400s, 4h: 14800s, 6h: 22200s, 12h: 44400s nam5=" interp_method = 1 " ;nam5=" interp_method = 0 " ;; ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ;; SET VERT. COORD. 0: eta levels, 1: height (inc) or pressure (dec) tabnam=[0.0, 5.0, 1.0] tabnam=[999.,0.,1.,4.,6.,10.,20.] ;; ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ;; SET HEIGHT/PRESSURE LEVELS WITH [first alt, last alt, step] ;nest='d03' ;; ^ ^ ^ ^ ;; SET NEST ;---------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------- ; what do you want to plot ? ; THIS MUST BE SET ACCORDINGLY TO PREVIOUS SECTION ; - do not plot a field not extracted ; - do not ask for more plot than data available ;---------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------- num=23 ;; how many plots ? ;num=7 ;num=1 field1='U' ;; FILLED ;field2='TSURF' ;; CONTOURED winds=['U','V'] ;; VECTORS topo=1 ;;; VORTICITY ;field1='HGT' & winds=['U','V'] & topo=1 ;---------------------------------- ;---------------------------------- ; what kind of plot do you want ? ;---------------------------------- ;---------------------------------- ;; first is 1 plot='map' & level=6 ;3 ;plot='meridional' & nlon=50 ;plot='zonal' & nlat=66 ;---------; ; special ; ;---------; ;;; SEA-LEVEL PRESSURE ;field1='PSFC' & winds=['tk','HGT'] & topo=1 & plot='map' & level=6 ;2 ;7 ;;; HORIZONTAL WIND VELOCITY ;field1='U' & winds=['U','V'] & topo=1 & plot='map' & level=6 ;2 ;9 ;;useidlfile='true' ;; if you are just changing what is below... ;---------------------------- ;---------------------------- ; change plot settings ;---------------------------- ;---------------------------- ;; uncomment to modify default plot settings ;; | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ;; v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v ;;; ;;; PLOT TITLES ;;; ;subtitle_user='-- LMD Martian Mesoscale Model --' ;; grepALL ;title_user='Vertical Wind (!Nm!N.s!U-1!N)' ;; grepALL ;title_user='Dust opacity' ;; grepALL ;title_axis=['x coord (km)','y coord (km)'] ;; grepALL ;;; ;;; COLOR TABLES ;;; ;flag_cb='false' ;; grepALL format='(F5.1)' ;; grepALL ;format='(I0)' ;; grepALL ;colors=128 ;; grepALL pal=22 ;; grepALL ;pal=33 ;; grepALL poscb=0.85 ;; grepALL poscb=0.68 ;; grepALL ;; GOOD COLOR TABLES: 4, 18, 22, 16, 37, 33, 39 ;;; ;;; FILL LIMITS ;;; minfield_init= 0. ;; grepALL maxfield_init= 25. ;; grepALL lim_max = maxfield_init & w=where((what_I_plot ge lim_max) and (what_I_plot le 1e9)) & if (w[0] ne -1) then what_I_plot[w]=lim_max ;; grepALL lim_min = minfield_init & w=where(what_I_plot le lim_min) & if (w[0] ne -1) then what_I_plot[w]=lim_min ;; grepALL ;;lim_blank = 0.2 & w=where(abs(what_I_plot) le lim_blank) & if (w[0] ne -1) then what_I_plot[w]=missing_value ;; grepALL ;;; ;;; WINDS ;;; windex=25. ;; grepALL stride=3. ;; grepALL ;;; ;;; CONTOUR ;;; ;overcontour=overcontour-mean(overcontour) ;; grepALL lev=-10. + 0.5*findgen(100) ;; grepALL ;lev=120.+5.*findgen(50) ;; grepALL ;;; ;;; AXIS ;;; ;isotropic='false' ;; grepALL intervalx=2. ;; grepALL intervaly=2. ;; grepALL ;;; ;;; MAP LIMITS ;;; windowx=[-20.,08.] ;; grepMAP windowy=[-16.,12.] ;; grepMAP ;;; ;;; VERTICAL SECTION LIMITS ;;; ;minalt=-4. ;; grepSEC ;maxalt=16. ;; grepSEC ;minspace=-30. ;; grepSEC ;maxspace=0. ;; grepSEC ;; ;; METRIC UNITS FOR VERTICAL SECTION ;; ;factor=20. ;; grepSEC ;space=space*60. & spacekm='true' ;; grepSEC ;minspace=minspace*60./factor ;; grepSEC ;maxspace=maxspace*60./factor ;; grepSEC ;intervalx=round(intervalx*60./factor) ;; grepSEC ;;; ;;; TRICKS ;;; ;; pour tracer juste les vecteurs sur un fond uni ou vide ;pal=0 ;; 1/4 grepMAP ;what_I_plot(*,*)=what_I_plot(*,*)*0.+0.2 ;; 2/4 grepMAP ;what_I_plot(0,0)=0. ;; 3/4 grepMAP ;flag_cb='false' ;; 4/4 grepMAP ;;; truc pour tracer juste les contours et une zone grisee de topo ;pal=0 ;; 1/9 grepALL ;w=where(abs(what_I_plot) lt missing_value) ;; 2/9 grepALL ;what_I_plot[w]=0. ;; 3/9 grepALL ;w=where(abs(what_I_plot) gt missing_value) ;; 4/9 grepALL ;what_I_plot[w]=0.75 ;; 5/9 grepALL ;w=where(what_I_plot eq 0.) ;; 6/9 grepALL ;what_I_plot[w]=missing_value ;; 7/9 grepALL ;what_I_plot(0,0)=1. & what_I_plot(1,0)=0. ;; 8/9 grepALL ;flag_cb='false' ;; 9/9 grepALL ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; POUBELLE ;; DEFAULT: ARWPOST.EXE ALREADY RUN (i.e. input.ctl and input.dat already there) ;; UNCOMMENT FOLLOWING LINE TO EXTRACT FILES ;extract='yes' ;; EXECUTE ARWPOST.EXE ;; WITH THE FOLLOWING PARAMETERS : ;@map_sea_level.idl ;@map_ertel_vorticity.idl ;field1='HGT' ;field2='U' ;winds=['U','V'] ;topo=1 ;winds=['U','V'] & field1='SWDOWN' & topo=1 ;winds=['V','W'] & field1='V' ;field1='ICETOT' & topo=1 ;field1='RAVE' & topo=1 ;field1='QH2O_ICE' & topo=1 ;field1='QH2O' & winds=['U','W'] ;field1='QH2O' & field2='W' ;field1='QH2O' & winds=['U','W'] ;field1='QH2O_ICE' & field2='tk' ;field1='tk' & topo=1 ;field1='V' & field2='V' ;field1='W' & winds=['V','W'] ;field1='tk' & winds=['V','W'] ;field1='tk' ;field1='W' & topo=1 ;field1='TSK' & topo=1 ;field1='U' & winds=['U','V'] & topo=1 ;winds=['V','W'] & field1='V' ;winds=['V','W'] & field1='W' ;field1='U' & winds=['U','V'] & topo=1 ;field1='HGT' & field2='HGT' ;field1='U' & winds=['U','V'] ;& topo=1 ;field1='PSFC' & winds=['U','V'] & field2='W' ;field1='W' & winds=['U','V'] & field2='PSFC' ;field1='TSURF' & topo=1 ;& winds=['U','V'] ;field1='T' & topo=1 & winds=['U','V'] ;field1='PSFC' & winds=['tk','HGT'] & topo=1 ;field1='tk' & topo=1 ;field1='tk' & winds=['U','V'] & topo=1 ;field1='T' & field2='T' ;field1='T' & winds=['U','V'] ;field1='HGT' & winds=['HGT','HGT'] dumb=000