SUBROUTINE inichim_readcallphys IMPLICIT NONE c c======================================================================= c c subject: c -------- c c Initialisation for the physical parametrisations of the LMD c martian atmospheric general circulation modele. c c author: Frederic Hourdin 15 / 10 /93 c ------- c modified: Sebastien Lebonnois 11/06/2003 (new callphys.def) c c c arguments: c ---------- c c input: c ------ c c ngrid Size of the horizontal grid. c All internal loops are performed on that grid. c nlayer Number of vertical layers. c pdayref Day of reference for the simulation c firstcall True at the first call c lastcall True at the last call c pday Number of days counted from the North. Spring c equinoxe. c c======================================================================= c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c declarations: c ------------- #include "dimensions.h" #include "dimphys.h" #include "planete.h" #include "comcstfi.h" #include "comsaison.h" #include "comdiurn.h" #include "comgeomfi.h" #include "callkeys.h" #include "surfdat.h" character*12 ch1 integer ierr logical chem, h2o c -------------------------------------------------------------- c Reading the "callphys.def" file controlling some key options c -------------------------------------------------------------- OPEN(99,file='callphys.def',status='old',form='formatted' . ,iostat=ierr) IF(ierr.EQ.0) THEN PRINT* PRINT* PRINT*,'--------------------------------------------' PRINT*,' Parametres pour la physique (callphys.def)' PRINT*,'--------------------------------------------' READ(99,*) READ(99,*) READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,*) tracer WRITE(*,8000) ch1,tracer READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,'(l1)') diurnal WRITE(*,8000) ch1,diurnal READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,'(l1)') season WRITE(*,8000) ch1,season READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,'(l1)') lwrite WRITE(*,8000) ch1,lwrite READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,'(l1)') callstats WRITE(*,8000) ch1,callstats READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,'(l1)') calleofdump WRITE(*,8000) ch1,calleofdump READ(99,*) READ(99,*) READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,*,iostat=ierr) iaervar if( stop'Can t read iaervar in callphys.def (old?)' WRITE(*,8001) ch1,iaervar READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,*) iddist WRITE(*,8001) ch1,iddist READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,*) topdustref WRITE(*,8002) ch1,topdustref READ(99,*) READ(99,*) READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,'(l1)') callrad WRITE(*,8000) ch1,callrad READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,'(l1)') callnlte WRITE(*,8000) ch1,callnlte READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,'(l1)') callnirco2 WRITE(*,8000) ch1,callnirco2 READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,'(l1)') calldifv WRITE(*,8000) ch1,calldifv READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,'(l1)') calladj WRITE(*,8000) ch1,calladj READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,'(l1)') callcond WRITE(*,8000) ch1,callcond READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,'(l1)') callsoil WRITE(*,8000) ch1,callsoil READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,'(l1)') calllott WRITE(*,8000) ch1,calllott READ(99,*) READ(99,*) READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,*) iradia WRITE(*,8001) ch1,iradia READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,'(l1)') callg2d WRITE(*,8000) ch1,callg2d READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,*) rayleigh WRITE(*,8000) ch1,rayleigh READ(99,*) READ(99,*) c TRACERS: READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,*) dustbin WRITE(*,8001) ch1,dustbin READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,*) active WRITE(*,8000) ch1,active c Test of incompatibility: c if active is used, then dustbin should be > 0 if (active.and.( then print*,'if active is used, then dustbin should > 0' stop endif READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,*) doubleq WRITE(*,8000) ch1,doubleq c Test of incompatibility: c if doubleq is used, then dustbin should be 1 if (doubleq.and.( then print*,'if doubleq is used, then dustbin should be 1' stop endif READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,*) lifting WRITE(*,8000) ch1,lifting c Test of incompatibility: c if lifting is used, then dustbin should be > 0 if (lifting.and.( then print*,'if lifting is used, then dustbin should > 0' stop endif READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,*) callddevil WRITE(*,8000) ch1,callddevil c Test of incompatibility: c if dustdevil is used, then dustbin should be > 0 if (callddevil.and.( then print*,'if dustdevil is used, then dustbin should > 0' stop endif READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,*) scavenging WRITE(*,8000) ch1,scavenging c Test of incompatibility: c if scavenging is used, then dustbin should be > 0 if (scavenging.and.( then print*,'if scavenging is used, then dustbin should > 0' stop endif READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,*) sedimentation WRITE(*,8000) ch1,sedimentation READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,*) iceparty WRITE(*,8000) ch1,iceparty READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,*) activice WRITE(*,8000) ch1,activice c Test of incompatibility: c if activice is used, then iceparty should be used too if (activice.and..not.iceparty) then print*,'if activice is used, iceparty should be used too' stop endif READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,*) water WRITE(*,8000) ch1,water c Test of incompatibility: c if iceparty is used, then water should be used too if (iceparty.and..not.water) then print*,'if iceparty is used, then water should be used too' stop endif READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,*) caps WRITE(*,8000) ch1,caps READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,*) photochem WRITE(*,8000) ch1,photochem READ(99,*) READ(99,*) c THERMOSPHERE READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,'(l1)') callthermos WRITE(*,8000) ch1,callthermos READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,'(l1)') thermoswater WRITE(*,8000) ch1,thermoswater READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,'(l1)') callconduct WRITE(*,8000) ch1,callconduct READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,'(l1)') calleuv WRITE(*,8000) ch1,calleuv READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,'(l1)') callmolvis WRITE(*,8000) ch1,callmolvis READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,'(l1)') callmoldiff WRITE(*,8000) ch1,callmoldiff READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,'(l1)') thermochem WRITE(*,8000) ch1,thermochem READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,*) solarcondate WRITE(*,*) ch1,solarcondate c Test of incompatibility: c if photochem is used, then water should be used too if (photochem.and..not.water) then print*,'if photochem is used, water should be used too' stop endif c if callthermos is used, then thermoswater should be used too c (if water not used already) if (callthermos .and. .not.water) then if (callthermos .and. .not.thermoswater) then print*,'if callthermos is used, water or thermoswater & should be used too' stop endif endif PRINT*,'--------------------------------------------' PRINT* PRINT* ELSE write(*,*) write(*,*) 'Cannot read file callphys.def. Is it here ?' stop ENDIF CLOSE(99) pi=2.*asin(1.) c managing the tracers, and tests: c ------------------------------- if(tracer) then c when photochem is used, nqchem_min is the rank c of the first chemical species if (photochem .or. callthermos) then chem = .true. if (doubleq) then nqchem_min = 3 else nqchem_min = dustbin+1 end if end if if (water .or. thermoswater) h2o = .true. c TESTS print*,'TRACERS:' if ((doubleq).and.(h2o).and. $ (chem).and.(iceparty)) then print*,' 1: dust ; 2: dust (doubleq)' print*,' 3 to ',nqmx-2,': chemistry' print*,nqmx-1,': water ice ; ',nqmx,': water vapor' endif if ((doubleq).and.(h2o).and. $ (chem).and..not.(iceparty)) then print*,' 1: dust ; 2: dust (doubleq)' print*,' 3 to ',nqmx-1,': chemistry' print*,nqmx,': water vapor' endif if ((doubleq).and.(h2o).and. $ .not.(chem).and.(iceparty)) then print*,' 1: dust ; 2: dust (doubleq)' print*,nqmx-1,': water ice ; ',nqmx,': water vapor' if ( then print*,'nqmx should be 4 with these options...' stop endif endif if ((doubleq).and.(h2o).and. $ .not.(chem).and..not.(iceparty)) then print*,' 1: dust ; 2: dust (doubleq)' print*,nqmx,': water vapor' if ( then print*,'nqmx should be 3 with these options...' stop endif endif if ((doubleq).and..not.(h2o)) then print*,' 1: dust ; 2: dust (doubleq)' if ( then print*,'nqmx should be 2 with these options...' stop endif endif if (.not.(doubleq).and.(h2o).and. $ (chem).and.(iceparty)) then if ( then print*,' 1 to ',dustbin,': dust bins' endif print*,nqchem_min,' to ',nqmx-2,': chemistry' print*,nqmx-1,': water ice ; ',nqmx,': water vapor' endif if (.not.(doubleq).and.(h2o).and. $ (chem).and..not.(iceparty)) then if ( then print*,' 1 to ',dustbin,': dust bins' endif print*,nqchem_min,' to ',nqmx-1,': chemistry' print*,nqmx,': water vapor' endif if (.not.(doubleq).and.(h2o).and. $ .not.(chem).and.(iceparty)) then if ( then print*,' 1 to ',dustbin,': dust bins' endif print*,nqmx-1,': water ice ; ',nqmx,': water vapor' if ( then print*,'nqmx should be ',(dustbin+2), $ ' with these options...' stop endif endif if (.not.(doubleq).and.(h2o).and. $ .not.(chem).and..not.(iceparty)) then if ( then print*,' 1 to ',dustbin,': dust bins' endif print*,nqmx,': water vapor' if ( then print*,'nqmx should be ',(dustbin+1), $ ' with these options...' stop endif endif if (.not.(doubleq).and..not.(h2o)) then if ( then print*,' 1 to ',dustbin,': dust bins' if ( then print*,'nqmx should be ',dustbin, $ ' with these options...' stop endif else print*,'dustbin=',dustbin, $ ': tracer should be F with these options...' stop endif endif endif 8000 FORMAT(t5,a12,l8) 8001 FORMAT(t5,a12,i8) 8002 FORMAT(t5,a12,f8.1) RETURN END