! ! $Id: $ ! module planetwide_mod ! module which contains functions to obtain max/min/... values over the ! entire globe (trivial in serial mode, but not in parallel) use mod_phys_lmdz_para, only : is_master, gather, bcast implicit none interface planetwide_maxval ! maxval() , over the entire planet module procedure planetwide_maxval_i1, planetwide_maxval_i2, & planetwide_maxval_r1, planetwide_maxval_r2 end interface interface planetwide_minval ! minval() , over the entire planet module procedure planetwide_minval_i1, planetwide_minval_i2, & planetwide_minval_r1, planetwide_minval_r2 end interface contains subroutine planetwide_maxval_i1(values,values_max) use dimphy, only: klon use mod_grid_phy_lmdz, only : klon_glo implicit none integer,intent(in) :: values(:) ! local grid (klon) integer,intent(out) :: values_max #ifdef CPP_PARA integer :: values_glo(klon_glo) ! global grid ! gather field on master: call gather(values,values_glo) ! extract maximum value if (is_master) then values_max=maxval(values_glo) endif ! broadcast information to all cores call bcast(values_max) #else values_max=maxval(values) #endif end subroutine planetwide_maxval_i1 subroutine planetwide_maxval_i2(values,values_max) use dimphy, only: klon, klev use mod_grid_phy_lmdz, only : klon_glo implicit none integer,intent(in) :: values(:,:) ! local grid (klon,klev) integer,intent(out) :: values_max #ifdef CPP_PARA integer :: values_glo(klon_glo,klev) ! global grid ! gather field on master: call gather(values,values_glo) ! extract maximum value if (is_master) then values_max=maxval(values_glo) endif ! broadcast information to all cores call bcast(values_max) #else values_max=maxval(values) #endif end subroutine planetwide_maxval_i2 subroutine planetwide_maxval_r1(values,values_max) use dimphy, only: klon use mod_grid_phy_lmdz, only : klon_glo implicit none real,intent(in) :: values(:) ! local grid (klon) real,intent(out) :: values_max #ifdef CPP_PARA real :: values_glo(klon_glo) ! global grid ! gather field on master: call gather(values,values_glo) ! extract maximum value if (is_master) then values_max=maxval(values_glo) endif ! broadcast information to all cores call bcast(values_max) #else values_max=maxval(values) #endif end subroutine planetwide_maxval_r1 subroutine planetwide_maxval_r2(values,values_max) use dimphy, only: klon, klev use mod_grid_phy_lmdz, only : klon_glo implicit none real,intent(in) :: values(:,:) ! local grid (klon,klev) real,intent(out) :: values_max #ifdef CPP_PARA real :: values_glo(klon_glo,klev) ! global grid ! gather field on master: call gather(values,values_glo) ! extract maximum value if (is_master) then values_max=maxval(values_glo) endif ! broadcast information to all cores call bcast(values_max) #else values_max=maxval(values) #endif end subroutine planetwide_maxval_r2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine planetwide_minval_i1(values,values_max) use dimphy, only: klon use mod_grid_phy_lmdz, only : klon_glo implicit none integer,intent(in) :: values(:) ! local grid (klon) integer,intent(out) :: values_max #ifdef CPP_PARA integer :: values_glo(klon_glo) ! global grid ! gather field on master: call gather(values,values_glo) ! extract maximum value if (is_master) then values_max=minval(values_glo) endif ! broadcast information to all cores call bcast(values_max) #else values_max=minval(values) #endif end subroutine planetwide_minval_i1 subroutine planetwide_minval_i2(values,values_max) use dimphy, only: klon, klev use mod_grid_phy_lmdz, only : klon_glo implicit none integer,intent(in) :: values(:,:) ! local grid (klon,klev) integer,intent(out) :: values_max #ifdef CPP_PARA integer :: values_glo(klon_glo,klev) ! global grid ! gather field on master: call gather(values,values_glo) ! extract maximum value if (is_master) then values_max=minval(values_glo) endif ! broadcast information to all cores call bcast(values_max) #else values_max=minval(values) #endif end subroutine planetwide_minval_i2 subroutine planetwide_minval_r1(values,values_max) use dimphy, only: klon use mod_grid_phy_lmdz, only : klon_glo implicit none real,intent(in) :: values(:) ! local grid (klon) real,intent(out) :: values_max #ifdef CPP_PARA real :: values_glo(klon_glo) ! global grid ! gather field on master: call gather(values,values_glo) ! extract maximum value if (is_master) then values_max=minval(values_glo) endif ! broadcast information to all cores call bcast(values_max) #else values_max=minval(values) #endif end subroutine planetwide_minval_r1 subroutine planetwide_minval_r2(values,values_max) use dimphy, only: klon, klev use mod_grid_phy_lmdz, only : klon_glo implicit none real,intent(in) :: values(:,:) ! local grid (klon,klev) real,intent(out) :: values_max #ifdef CPP_PARA real :: values_glo(klon_glo,klev) ! global grid ! gather field on master: call gather(values,values_glo) ! extract maximum value if (is_master) then values_max=minval(values_glo) endif ! broadcast information to all cores call bcast(values_max) #else values_max=minval(values) #endif end subroutine planetwide_minval_r2 end module planetwide_mod