subroutine deposition(ngrid, nlayer, nq, & ig, ig_vl1, pplay, pplev, zzlay, zzlev, $ zu, zv, zt, zycol, ptimestep, co2ice) cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c dry deposition of chemical species c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c use surfdat_h, only: z0 ! surface roughness use conc_mod, only: rnew ! specific gas constant implicit none c !#include "dimensions.h" !#include "dimphys.h" !#include "chimiedata.h" !#include "conc.h" !#include "surfdat.h" c c input c integer,intent(in) :: ngrid ! number of atmospheric columns integer,intent(in) :: nlayer ! number of atmospheric layers integer,intent(in) :: nq ! number of tracers integer ig ! grid point index integer ig_vl1 ! viking 1 grid point real pplay(ngrid,nlayer) ! pressure at the middle of the layers (pa) real pplev(ngrid,nlayer+1) ! pressure at layer boundaries (pa) real zzlay(ngrid,nlayer) ! altitude at the middle of the layers (m) real zzlev(ngrid,nlayer+1) ! altitude at layer boundaries (m) real zu(ngrid,nlayer) ! u component of the wind (m.s-1) real zv(ngrid,nlayer) ! v component of the wind (m.s-1) real zt(ngrid,nlayer) ! temperature (k) real zycol(nlayer,nq) ! composition (volume mixing ratio) real ptimestep ! physical timestep (s) real co2ice(ngrid) ! co2 ice surface layer (kg.m-2) c c local c real ubar ! wind module (m.s-1) real ustar ! friction velocity (m.s-1) real karman ! von karman constant real ra ! aerodynamic resistance (s.m-1) real rb ! quasi-laminar layer resistance (s.m-1) real vd ! dry deposition velocity (cm.s-1) real deltaz ! thickness of first layer (m) real mu0 ! dynamic viscosity of co2 at 293.15 k (pa.s) real mu ! dynamic viscosity of co2 (pa.s) real nu ! kinematic viscosity of co2 (cm2.s-1) real rho ! density real d ! molecular diffusivity of methane (cm2.s-1) real schmidt ! schmidt number real prandtl ! prandtl number real p0 ! reference pressure (pa) real loss ! loss rate (s-1) integer iq c real nuch4 real tau real gravity real gam real dp real cd c data karman / 0.4 / data prandtl / 0.72 / data mu0 / 14.8e-6 / data p0 /1.e5/ c c deposition is only active on surface uncovered by ice c c if ((.not. watercaptag(ig)) .and. (co2ice(ig) .eq. 0.)) then c c wind module (m.s-1) c ubar = (zu(ig,1)**2. + zv(ig,1)**2.)**0.5 c c friction velocity (m.s-1) c ustar = ubar*karman/log(zzlay(ig,1)/z0(ig)) c c aerodynamic resistance (s.m-1) c ra = 1./(karman*ustar)*log(zzlay(ig,1)/z0(ig)) c c molecular diffusivity of methane in *air* (cm2.s-1) c massman, atmospheric environment, 32, 1111-1127, 1998 c d = 0.1952*(p0/pplay(ig,1))*(zt(ig,1)/273.15)**1.81 c c dynamic viscosity: temperature dependance (pa.s) c sutherland's formula c mu = mu0*(293.15 + 240.)/(zt(ig,1) + 240.) $ *(zt(ig,1)/293.15)**(3./2.) c c density (kg.m-3) c rho = pplay(ig,1)/(rnew(ig,1)*zt(ig,1)) c c kinematic viscosity (cm2.s-1) c nu = mu/rho*1.e4 c c schmidt number c schmidt = nu/d c c quasi-laminar layer resistance (s.m-1) c rb = (2./(karman*ustar))*(schmidt/prandtl)**2./3. c c dry deposition velocity (m.s-1) c vd = 1./(ra + rb) c c thickness of first layer (m) c deltaz = zzlev(ig,2) - zzlev(ig,1) c c loss rate (s-1) c loss = vd/deltaz c c test c c loss = 1./(3600.*6.) c vd = loss*deltaz c nuch4 = sqrt(8.*8.31*zt(ig,1) $ /(3.1416*16.e-3)) tau = 6.*3600. gravity = 3.7 dp = pplev(ig,1) - pplev(ig,2) cd = (karman/log(zzlay(ig,1)/z0(ig)))**2. c gam = (4./nuch4)*dp $ /(tau*gravity*rho - 1./(cd*ubar)) c c methane index c iq = 12 c c update methane in first layer c c zycol(1,iq) = zycol(1,iq)*exp(-loss*ptimestep) c if (ig .eq. ig_vl1) then print*,'**** deposition ****' print*,'z0 = ', z0(ig), 'm' print*,'deltaz = ', deltaz, ' m' print*,'deltap = ', dp, 'pa' print*,'zzlay = ', zzlay(ig, 1), ' m' print*,'pplay = ', pplay(ig, 1), ' pa' print*,'t = ', zt(ig,1), ' k' print*,'u = ', zu(ig,1), ' m.s-1' print*,'v = ', zv(ig,1), ' m.s-1' print*,'rho = ', rho, ' kg.m-3' print*,'ubar = ', ubar, ' m.s-1' print*,'d = ', d, ' cm2.s-1' print*,'mu = ', mu, ' pa.s' print*,'nu = ', nu, ' cm2.s-1' print*,'schmi = ', schmidt print*,'Ra = ', ra, ' s.m-1' print*,'Rb = ', rb, ' s.m-1' print*,'vd = ', vd*100., 'cm.s-1' print*,'tau dep= ', 1./loss, 's' print*,'R = ', rnew(ig,1) print*,'nuch4 = ', nuch4, 'm.s-1' print*,'tau = ', tau, ' s' print*,'gamma = ', gam print*,'taugrho= ',tau*gravity*rho print*,'1surcdu= ', 1./(cd*ubar) print*,'********************' end if c c end if c return end