module sponge_mod_p implicit none ! sponge parameters (set/read via conf_gcm.F) logical,save :: callsponge ! do we use a sponge on upper layers integer,save :: mode_sponge ! sponge mode integer,save :: nsponge ! number of sponge layers real,save :: tetasponge ! sponge time scale (s) at topmost layer contains subroutine sponge_p(ucov,vcov,h,ps,dt,mode) ! Sponge routine: Quench ucov, vcov and potential temperature near the ! top of the model ! Depending on 'mode' relaxation of variables is towards: ! mode = 0 : h -> h_mean , ucov -> 0 , vcov -> 0 ! mode = 1 : h -> h_mean , ucov -> ucov_mean , vcov -> 0 ! mode >= 2 : h -> h_mean , ucov -> ucov_mean , vcov -> vcov_mean ! Number of layer over which sponge is applied is 'nsponge' (read from def file) ! Time scale for quenching at top level is given by 'tetasponge' (read from ! def file) and doubles as level indexes decrease. ! Quenching is modeled as: A(t)=Am+A0exp(-lambda*t) ! where Am is the zonal average of the field (or zero), and lambda the inverse ! of the characteristic quenching/relaxation time scale ! Thus, assuming Am to be time-independent, field at time t+dt is given by: ! A(t+dt)=A(t)-(A(t)-Am)*(1-exp(-lambda*dt)) USE Write_Field_p use parallel_lmdz, only: pole_sud,pole_nord,jj_begin,jj_end implicit none #include "dimensions.h" #include "paramet.h" #include "comdissip.h" #include "comvert.h" #include "comgeom2.h" #include "iniprint.h" ! Arguments: !------------ real,intent(inout) :: ucov(iip1,jjp1,llm) ! covariant zonal wind real,intent(inout) :: vcov(iip1,jjm,llm) ! covariant meridional wind real,intent(inout) :: h(iip1,jjp1,llm) ! potential temperature ! real,intent(in) :: pext(iip1,jjp1) ! extensive pressure real,intent(in) :: ps(iip1,jjp1) ! surface pressure (Pa) real,intent(in) :: dt ! time step integer,intent(in) :: mode ! sponge mode ! Local: ! ------ real,save :: sig_s(llm) !sigma au milieu des couches REAL vm,um,hm,ptot(jjp1) real,save :: cst(llm) real :: pext(iip1,jjp1) ! extensive pressure INTEGER l,i,j integer :: jjb,jje integer,save :: l0 ! layer down to which sponge is applied real ssum real zkm logical,save :: firstcall=.true. if (firstcall) then !$OMP BARRIER !$OMP MASTER ! build approximative sigma levels at midlayer do l=1,llm sig_s(l)=((ap(l)+ap(l+1))/preff+bp(l)+bp(l+1))/2. enddo l0=llm-nsponge+1 write(lunout,*) write(lunout,*)'sponge mode',mode write(lunout,*)'nsponge tetasponge ',nsponge,tetasponge write(lunout,*)'Coeffs for the sponge layer' write(lunout,*)'Z (km) tau cst' do l=llm,l0,-1 ! double time scale with every level, starting from the top cst(l)=1.-exp(-dt/(tetasponge*2**(llm-l))) enddo do l=l0,llm zkm=-scaleheight*log(sig_s(l)) print*,zkm,tetasponge*2**(llm-l),cst(l) enddo PRINT* firstcall=.false. !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP BARRIER endif ! of if (firstcall) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! compute sponge relaxation: ! ------------------------- jjb=jj_begin jje=jj_end+1 ! +1 because vcov(j) computations require pext(j+1) & ptot(j+1) IF (pole_sud) jje=jj_end-1+1 !$OMP MASTER pext(1:iip1,jjb:jje)=ps(1:iip1,jjb:jje)*aire(1:iip1,jjb:jje) do j=jjb,jje ptot(j)=sum(pext(1:iim,j)) enddo !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP BARRIER ! potential temperature jjb=jj_begin jje=jj_end !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) do l=l0,llm do j=jjb,jje ! compute zonal average hm=0. do i=1,iim hm=hm+h(i,j,l)*pext(i,j) enddo hm=hm/ptot(j) ! update h() do i=1,iim h(i,j,l)=h(i,j,l)-cst(l)*(h(i,j,l)-hm) enddo h(iip1,j,l)=h(1,j,l) enddo enddo !$OMP END DO NOWAIT ! zonal wind jjb=jj_begin jje=jj_end IF (pole_nord) jjb=jj_begin+1 IF (pole_sud) jje=jj_end-1 !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) do l=l0,llm do j=jjb,jje um=0. if( then ! compute zonal average do i=1,iim um=um+0.5*ucov(i,j,l)*(pext(i,j)+pext(i+1,j))/cu(i,j) enddo um=um/ptot(j) endif ! update ucov() do i=1,iim ucov(i,j,l)=ucov(i,j,l)-cst(l)*(ucov(i,j,l)-um*cu(i,j)) enddo ucov(iip1,j,l)=ucov(1,j,l) enddo enddo !$OMP END DO NOWAIT ! meridional wind jjb=jj_begin jje=jj_end IF (pole_sud) jje=jj_end-1 !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) do l=l0,llm do j=jjb,jje vm=0. if( then ! compute zonal average do i=1,iim vm=vm+vcov(i,j,l)*(pext(i,j)+pext(i,j+1))/cv(i,j) enddo vm=vm/(ptot(j)+ptot(j+1)) endif ! update vcov do i=1,iim vcov(i,j,l)=vcov(i,j,l)-cst(l)*(vcov(i,j,l)-vm*cv(i,j)) enddo vcov(iip1,j,l)=vcov(1,j,l) enddo enddo !$OMP END DO end subroutine sponge_p end module sponge_mod_p