! ! $Id: inidissip.F90 1502 2011-03-21 16:07:54Z jghattas $ ! SUBROUTINE inidissip ( lstardis,nitergdiv,nitergrot,niterh , & tetagdiv,tetagrot,tetatemp, vert_prof_dissip) !======================================================================= ! Initialization for horizontal (lateral) dissipation ! - in all cases, there is a multiplicative coefficient which increases ! the dissipation in the higher levels of the atmosphere, but there ! are different ways of seting the vertical profile of this coefficient ! (see code below). ! - the call to dissipation, every 'dissip_period' dynamical time step, ! can be imposed via 'dissip_period=...' in run.def (or via the ! 'idissip=...' flag, but this flag should become obsolete, and is ! overridden by the 'dissip_period' flag). Note that setting ! dissip_period=0 has the special meaning of requesting an "optimal" ! value for "dissip_period" (then taken as the largest possible value) ! - the three characteristic time scales (relative to the smallest ! longitudinal grid mesh size), which are privided in run.def, which ! are used for the dissipations steps are: ! tetagdiv : time scale for the gradient of the divergence of velocities ! tetagrot : time scale for the curl of the curl of velocities ! tetatemp : time scale for the laplacian of the potential temperature !======================================================================= USE control_mod, only : dissip_period,iperiod,planet_type IMPLICIT NONE include "dimensions.h" include "paramet.h" include "comdissipn.h" include "comconst.h" include "comvert.h" include "logic.h" include "iniprint.h" LOGICAL,INTENT(in) :: lstardis INTEGER,INTENT(in) :: nitergdiv,nitergrot,niterh REAL,INTENT(in) :: tetagdiv,tetagrot,tetatemp integer, INTENT(in):: vert_prof_dissip ! Vertical profile of horizontal dissipation ! For the Earth model: ! Allowed values: ! 0: rational fraction, function of pressure ! 1: tanh of altitude ! For planets: ! 0: use fac_mid (read from run.def) ! 1: use fac_mid, fac_up, startalt, delta (hard coded in inidissip.F90) ! Local variables: REAL fact,zvert(llm),zz REAL zh(ip1jmp1),zu(ip1jmp1), gx(ip1jmp1), divgra(ip1jmp1) real zv(ip1jm), gy(ip1jm), deltap(ip1jmp1,llm) REAL ullm,vllm,umin,vmin,zhmin,zhmax REAL zllm INTEGER l,ij,idum,ii REAL tetamin REAL pseudoz REAL Pup character (len=80) :: abort_message REAL ran1 logical,save :: firstcall=.true. real,save :: fac_mid,fac_up,startalt,delta,middle if (firstcall) then firstcall=.false. if ((planet_type.ne."earth").and.(vert_prof_dissip.eq.1)) then ! initialize values for dissipation variation along the vertical (Mars) fac_mid=3 ! coefficient for lower/middle atmosphere fac_up=30 ! coefficient for upper atmosphere startalt=70. ! altitude (in km) for the transition from middle to upper atm. delta=30.! Size (in km) of the transition region between middle/upper atm. middle=startalt+delta/2 write(lunout,*)"inidissip: multiplicative factors in altitude:", & " fac_mid=",fac_mid," fac_up=",fac_up write(lunout,*)" transition mid/up : startalt (km) =",startalt, & " delta (km) =",delta endif endif !of if firstcall !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! calcul des valeurs propres des operateurs par methode iterrative: ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- crot = -1. cdivu = -1. cdivh = -1. ! calcul de la valeur propre de divgrad: ! -------------------------------------- idum = 0 DO l = 1, llm DO ij = 1, ip1jmp1 deltap(ij,l) = 1. ENDDO ENDDO idum = -1 zh(1) = RAN1(idum)-.5 idum = 0 DO ij = 2, ip1jmp1 zh(ij) = RAN1(idum) -.5 ENDDO CALL filtreg (zh,jjp1,1,2,1,.TRUE.,1) CALL minmax(iip1*jjp1,zh,zhmin,zhmax ) IF ( zhmin .GE. zhmax ) THEN write(lunout,*)' Inidissip zh min max ',zhmin,zhmax abort_message='probleme generateur alleatoire dans inidissip' call abort_gcm('inidissip',abort_message,1) ENDIF zllm = ABS( zhmax ) DO l = 1,50 IF(lstardis) THEN CALL divgrad2(1,zh,deltap,niterh,divgra) ELSE CALL divgrad (1,zh,niterh,divgra) ENDIF zllm = ABS(maxval(divgra)) zh = divgra / zllm ENDDO IF(lstardis) THEN cdivh = 1./ zllm ELSE cdivh = zllm ** ( -1./niterh ) ENDIF ! calcul des valeurs propres de gradiv (ii =1) et nxgrarot(ii=2) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- write(lunout,*)'inidissip: calcul des valeurs propres' DO ii = 1, 2 ! DO ij = 1, ip1jmp1 zu(ij) = RAN1(idum) -.5 ENDDO CALL filtreg (zu,jjp1,1,2,1,.TRUE.,1) DO ij = 1, ip1jm zv(ij) = RAN1(idum) -.5 ENDDO CALL filtreg (zv,jjm,1,2,1,.FALSE.,1) CALL minmax(iip1*jjp1,zu,umin,ullm ) CALL minmax(iip1*jjm, zv,vmin,vllm ) ullm = ABS ( ullm ) vllm = ABS ( vllm ) DO l = 1, 50 IF(ii.EQ.1) THEN !cccc CALL covcont( 1,zu,zv,zu,zv ) IF(lstardis) THEN CALL gradiv2( 1,zu,zv,nitergdiv,gx,gy ) ELSE CALL gradiv ( 1,zu,zv,nitergdiv,gx,gy ) ENDIF ELSE IF(lstardis) THEN CALL nxgraro2( 1,zu,zv,nitergrot,gx,gy ) ELSE CALL nxgrarot( 1,zu,zv,nitergrot,gx,gy ) ENDIF ENDIF zllm = max(abs(maxval(gx)), abs(maxval(gy))) zu = gx / zllm zv = gy / zllm end DO IF ( ii.EQ.1 ) THEN IF(lstardis) THEN cdivu = 1./zllm ELSE cdivu = zllm **( -1./nitergdiv ) ENDIF ELSE IF(lstardis) THEN crot = 1./ zllm ELSE crot = zllm **( -1./nitergrot ) ENDIF ENDIF end DO ! petit test pour les operateurs non star: ! ---------------------------------------- ! IF(.NOT.lstardis) THEN fact = rad*24./REAL(jjm) fact = fact*fact write(lunout,*)'inidissip: coef u ', fact/cdivu, 1./cdivu write(lunout,*)'inidissip: coef r ', fact/crot , 1./crot write(lunout,*)'inidissip: coef h ', fact/cdivh, 1./cdivh ! ENDIF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! variation verticale du coefficient de dissipation: ! -------------------------------------------------- if (planet_type.eq."earth") then if (vert_prof_dissip == 1) then do l=1,llm pseudoz=8.*log(preff/presnivs(l)) zvert(l)=1+ & (tanh((pseudoz-dissip_zref)/dissip_deltaz)+1.)/2. & *(dissip_factz-1.) enddo else DO l=1,llm zvert(l)=1. ENDDO fact=2. DO l = 1, llm zz = 1. - preff/presnivs(l) zvert(l)= fact -( fact-1.)/( 1.+zz*zz ) ENDDO endif ! of if (vert_prof_dissip == 1) else ! other planets if (vert_prof_dissip == 0) then ! First step: going from 1 to dissip_fac_mid (in gcm.def) !============ DO l=1,llm zz = 1. - preff/presnivs(l) zvert(l)= dissip_fac_mid -( dissip_fac_mid-1.)/( 1.+zz*zz ) ENDDO write(lunout,*) 'Dissipation : ' write(lunout,*) 'Multiplication de la dissipation en altitude :' write(lunout,*) ' dissip_fac_mid =', dissip_fac_mid ! Second step if ok_strato: from dissip_fac_mid to dissip_fac_up (in gcm.def) !========================== ! Utilisation de la fonction tangente hyperbolique pour augmenter ! arbitrairement la dissipation et donc la stabilite du modele a ! partir d'une certaine altitude. ! Le facteur multiplicatif de basse atmosphere etant deja pris ! en compte, il faut diviser le facteur multiplicatif de haute ! atmosphere par celui-ci. if (ok_strato) then Pup = dissip_pupstart*exp(-0.5*dissip_deltaz/dissip_hdelta) do l=1,llm zvert(l)= zvert(l)*(1.0+( (dissip_fac_up/dissip_fac_mid-1) & *(1-(0.5*(1+tanh(-6./dissip_deltaz* & (-dissip_hdelta*log(presnivs(l)/Pup)) )))) )) enddo write(*,*) ' dissip_fac_up =', dissip_fac_up write(*,*) 'Transition mid /up: Pupstart,delta =', & dissip_pupstart,'Pa', dissip_deltaz , '(km)' endif ! of if (ok_strato) elseif (vert_prof_dissip==1) then DO l=1,llm zz = 1. - preff/presnivs(l) zvert(l)= dissip_fac_mid -( dissip_fac_mid-1.)/( 1.+zz*zz ) zvert(l)= zvert(l)*(1.0+((fac_up/fac_mid-1)* & (1-(0.5*(1+tanh(-6./ & delta*(scaleheight*(-log(presnivs(l)/preff))-middle))))) & )) ENDDO else write(lunout,*) 'wrong value for vert_prof_dissip:',vert_prof_dissip abort_message='wrong value for vert_prof_dissip' call abort_gcm('inidissip',abort_message,1) endif ! of (vert_prof_dissip == 0) endif ! of if (planet_type.eq."earth") write(lunout,*)'inidissip: Time constants for lateral dissipation' tetamin = 1.e+6 DO l=1,llm tetaudiv(l) = zvert(l)/tetagdiv tetaurot(l) = zvert(l)/tetagrot tetah(l) = zvert(l)/tetatemp IF( tetamin.GT. (1./tetaudiv(l)) ) tetamin = 1./ tetaudiv(l) IF( tetamin.GT. (1./tetaurot(l)) ) tetamin = 1./ tetaurot(l) IF( tetamin.GT. (1./ tetah(l)) ) tetamin = 1./ tetah(l) ENDDO ! If dissip_period=0 calculate value for dissipation period, else keep value read from gcm.def IF (dissip_period == 0) THEN dissip_period = INT( tetamin/( 2.*dtvr*iperiod) ) * iperiod write(lunout,*)'inidissip: tetamin dtvr iperiod dissip_period(intermed) ',tetamin,dtvr,iperiod,dissip_period dissip_period = MAX(iperiod,dissip_period) END IF dtdiss = dissip_period * dtvr write(lunout,*)'inidissip: dissip_period=',dissip_period,' dtdiss=',dtdiss,' dtvr=',dtvr write(lunout,*)'pseudoZ(km) zvert dt(tetagdiv) dt(tetagrot) dt(divgrad)' DO l = 1,llm write(lunout,'(f6.1,x,4(1pe14.7,x))') & pseudoalt(l),zvert(l),dtdiss*tetaudiv(l),dtdiss*tetaurot(l),dtdiss*tetah(l) ! test if disipation is not too strong (for Explicit Euler time marching) if (dtdiss*tetaudiv(l).gt.1.9) then write(lunout,*)"STOP : lateral dissipation is too intense and will" write(lunout,*)" generate instabilities in the model !" write(lunout,*)" You must increase tetagdiv (or increase dissip_period" write(lunout,*)" or increase day_stap)" endif if (dtdiss*tetaurot(l).gt.1.9) then write(lunout,*)"STOP : lateral dissipation is too intense and will" write(lunout,*)" generate instabilities in the model !" write(lunout,*)" You must increase tetaurot (or increase dissip_period" write(lunout,*)" or increase day_stap)" endif if (dtdiss*tetah(l).gt.1.9) then write(lunout,*)"STOP : lateral dissipation is too intense and will" write(lunout,*)" generate instabilities in the model !" write(lunout,*)" You must increase tetah (or increase dissip_period" write(lunout,*)" or increase day_stap)" endif ENDDO ! of DO l=1,llm END SUBROUTINE inidissip