SUBROUTINE soil_tifeedback(ngrid,nsoil,icecover,newtherm_i) use tracer_mod, only: nqmx, igcm_h2o_ice, rho_ice use comsoil_h, only: layer, inertiedat use surfdat_h, only: watercaptag, inert_h2o_ice IMPLICIT NONE c======================================================================= c Description : c Surface water ice / Thermal inertia feedback. c c When surface water-ice is thick enough, this routine creates a new c soil thermal inertia with three different layers : c - One layer of surface water ice (the thickness is given c by the variable icecover (in kg of ice per m2) and the thermal c inertia is prescribed by inert_h2o_ice (see surfdat_h)); c - A transitional layer of mixed thermal inertia; c - A last layer of regolith below the ice cover whose thermal inertia c is equal to inertiedat. c c To use the model : c SET THE tifeedback LOGICAL TO ".true." in callphys.def. c c Author: J.-B. Madeleine Mars 2008 - Updated November 2012 c======================================================================= #include "dimensions.h" #include "dimphys.h" !#include "comsoil.h" !#include "tracer.h" !#include "surfdat.h" c Local variables c --------------- INTEGER :: ig ! Grid point (ngrid) INTEGER :: ik ! Grid point (nsoil) INTEGER :: iref ! Ice/Regolith boundary index INTEGER :: ngrid ! Number of horizontal grid points INTEGER :: nsoil ! Number of soil layers REAL :: icedepth ! Ice cover thickness (m) c Inputs c ------ REAL icecover(ngrid,nqmx) ! tracer on the surface (kg.m-2) ! (iq=igcm_h2o_ice) is surface ! water ice c Outputs c ------- REAL newtherm_i(ngrid,nsoil) ! New soil thermal inertia c Initialization c -------------- newtherm_i(1:ngrid,1:nsoil) = 0 c Creating the new soil thermal inertia table c ------------------------------------------- DO ig=1,ngrid c Calculating the ice cover thickness icedepth=icecover(ig,igcm_h2o_ice)/rho_ice c If the ice cover is too thick or watercaptag=true, c the entire column is changed : IF (( THEN DO ik=1,nsoil newtherm_i(ig,ik)=inert_h2o_ice ENDDO c We neglect the effect of a very thin ice cover : ELSE IF ( THEN DO ik=1,nsoil newtherm_i(ig,ik)=inertiedat(ig,ik) ENDDO ELSE c Ice/regolith boundary index : iref=1 c Otherwise, we find the ice/regolith boundary: DO ik=1,nsoil-1 IF (( & ( THEN iref=ik+1 EXIT ENDIF ENDDO c And we change the thermal inertia: DO ik=1,iref-1 newtherm_i(ig,ik)=inert_h2o_ice ENDDO c Transition (based on the equations of thermal conduction): newtherm_i(ig,iref)=sqrt( (layer(iref)-layer(iref-1)) / & ( ((icedepth-layer(iref-1))/inert_h2o_ice**2) + & ((layer(iref)-icedepth)/inertiedat(ig,ik)**2) ) ) c Underlying regolith: DO ik=iref+1,nsoil newtherm_i(ig,ik)=inertiedat(ig,ik) ENDDO ENDIF ! icedepth ENDDO ! ig c======================================================================= RETURN END