subroutine lwb (kdlon,kflev,tlev,tlay,dt0 . ,bsurf,btop,blay,blev,dblay,dbsublay) c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c LWB computes the planck function and gradient c from a polynomial development of planck function c---------------------------------------------------------------------- use dimradmars_mod, only: ndlon, ndlo2, nir use yomlw_h, only: nlaylte, xi , tstand, xp implicit none !#include "dimensions.h" !#include "dimphys.h" !#include "dimradmars.h" !#include "callkeys.h" !#include "yomlw.h" c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c 0.1 arguments c --------- c inputs: c ------- integer kdlon ! part of ngrid integer kflev ! part of nalyer real dt0 (ndlo2) ! surface temperature discontinuity real tlay (ndlo2,kflev) ! layer temperature real tlev (ndlo2,kflev+1) ! level temperature c outputs: c -------- real bsurf (ndlo2,nir) ! surface spectral planck function real btop (ndlo2,nir) ! top spectral planck function real blev (ndlo2,nir,kflev+1) ! level spectral planck function real blay (ndlo2,nir,kflev) ! layer spectral planck function real dblay (ndlo2,nir,kflev) ! layer gradient spectral planck function real dbsublay (ndlo2,nir,2*kflev) ! layer gradient spectral planck ! function in sub layers c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c 0.2 local arrays c ------------ integer jk, jl, jnu, jk1, jk2 real ztlay (ndlon) real ztlev (ndlon) c---------------------------------------------------------------------- do jnu=1,nir c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c 1.1 levels and layers from surface to nlaylte c --------------------------------------- do jk = 1 , nlaylte do jl = 1 , kdlon c level planck function c --------------------- ztlev(jl)=(tlev(jl,jk)-tstand)/tstand ! tstand = 200k blev(jl,jnu,jk) = xp(1,jnu) . +ztlev(jl)*(xp(2,jnu) . +ztlev(jl)*(xp(3,jnu) . +ztlev(jl)*(xp(4,jnu) . +ztlev(jl)*(xp(5,jnu) . +ztlev(jl)*(xp(6,jnu) ))))) c layer planck function c --------------------- ztlay(jl)=(tlay(jl,jk)-tstand)/tstand blay(jl,jnu,jk) = xp(1,jnu) . +ztlay(jl)*(xp(2,jnu) . +ztlay(jl)*(xp(3,jnu) . +ztlay(jl)*(xp(4,jnu) . +ztlay(jl)*(xp(5,jnu) . +ztlay(jl)*(xp(6,jnu) ))))) c planck function gradient c ------------------------ dblay(jl,jnu,jk) = xp(2,jnu) . +ztlay(jl)*(2*xp(3,jnu) . +ztlay(jl)*(3*xp(4,jnu) . +ztlay(jl)*(4*xp(5,jnu) . +ztlay(jl)*(5*xp(6,jnu) )))) dblay(jl,jnu,jk) = dblay(jl,jnu,jk)/tstand enddo enddo c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c 1.2 top of the atmosphere and surface c -------------------------------- do jl = 1 , kdlon c top of the atmosphere c --------------------- ztlev(jl) = (tlev(jl,nlaylte+1)-tstand)/tstand blev(jl,jnu,nlaylte+1) = xp(1,jnu) . +ztlev(jl)*(xp(2,jnu) . +ztlev(jl)*(xp(3,jnu) . +ztlev(jl)*(xp(4,jnu) . +ztlev(jl)*(xp(5,jnu) . +ztlev(jl)*(xp(6,jnu) ))))) btop(jl,jnu) = blev(jl,jnu,nlaylte+1) c surface c ------- ztlay(jl) = (tlev(jl,1)+dt0(jl)-tstand)/tstand bsurf(jl,jnu) = xp(1,jnu) . +ztlay(jl)*(xp(2,jnu) . +ztlay(jl)*(xp(3,jnu) . +ztlay(jl)*(xp(4,jnu) . +ztlay(jl)*(xp(5,jnu) . +ztlay(jl)*(xp(6,jnu) ))))) enddo c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c 1.3 Gradients in sub-layers c ----------------------- do jk=1,nlaylte jk2 = 2 * jk jk1 = jk2 - 1 do jl=1,kdlon dbsublay(jl,jnu,jk1)=blay(jl,jnu,jk)-blev(jl,jnu,jk) dbsublay(jl,jnu,jk2)=blev(jl,jnu,jk+1)-blay(jl,jnu,jk) enddo enddo c---------------------------------------------------------------------- enddo ! (do jnu=1,nir) c---------------------------------------------------------------------- return end