Bug Fix for RSL_LITE (Posted 6/21/07)
Problem: There is a bug in
the rsl_lite code. It was discovered when Intel's OpenMPI was
Solution: Download rsl_bcast.c
to WRFV2/external/RSL_LITE/ directory, remove *.[oa] in that directory,
and recompile. Even one does not have any problem running the
code using rsl_lite, it is recommended to install the patch.
Bug Fix for Open Boundary Condition (Posted 6/11/07)
Problem: There is a bug in
the open boundary condition code intrucduced in V2.2. If you are
running an idealized case, and using open boundary condition option,
this applies to you.
Solution: Download solve_em.F.fix
to WRFV2/dyn_em/ directory, rename and recompile.
Update for Thompson Scheme (Posted 3/6/07)
Problem: The new Thompson scheme
released in V2.2 has been updated to correct a few bugs. If one
has experienced blowups, the updates should help.
Solution: Download module_mp_thompson.F.fix,
and recompile.
Compiler Errors (Posted 2/5/07)
Problem: There are reported
instances when a compiler failed to compile one or more of these
routines: solve_em.F, start_domain_em.F, start_em.F, and so on
in WRFV2.2.
Solution: Edit configure.wrf
file, and list the un-successfully compiled routine under the
current list of 'compile these without high optimization'. Use
one of the routine in the list as an example. Make sure you add
the routine in the list of dependencies, as well as a list of
.o files for the compile rules to apply.
Compile Option Update (Posted 1/29/07)
Problem: If you tried to compile
on 64-bit Intel or AMD Opteron machines using option 4 (Single-threaded,
RSL, Allows Nesting), you may experience a compile failure due
to missing grib1 library.
Solution: Download this configure.defaults.fix
to V2.2 WRFV2/arch/ directory, rename and replace the one there.
Re-configure, and recompile.
Error in Reading Observation Nudging Data (Posted 1/26/07)
Problem: If it happens that
your first observation data in the observation data file is outside
your domain, the entire observation dataset would be ignored.
Solution: Download this wrf_fddaobs_in.F.fix
to V2.2 WRFV2/share/ directory, rename and replace the one there.
Also download the updated namelist.input.obs_fdda
to test/em_real/ directory, and use it as a template.
Compatability with Previous WRF/WRF-Var Code (RE-Posted 5/1/07)
Problem: The WRF V2.2 netCDF
I/O format has changed and is not entirely backward compatible.
WRFV2.2 netCDF I/O routine can read pre-V2.2 files. But it will
only write in V2.2 I/O format. If you would like to use WRF V2.2
input and output files with WRF-Var V2.1, or WRF V2.1 with WPS
and WRFV2.2 real, then this will apply.
Solution 1: Modify WRFV2.2
netCDF I/O routine to write pre-V2.2 files using this wrf_io.F90.
Solution 2:
Modify the older code to read and write the new V2.2 netCDF format
using this wrf_io.F90.
Move the downloaded wrf_io.F90 routine to WRFV2/external/io_netcdf/
directory, rename and replace the one there. Recompile.
PGI F90 Compiler version 6.1-1, 6.1-2 (Posted 3/3/06)
Problem: If you have PGI Fortran
90 compiler versions 6.1-1, 6.1-2 and 6.1-3, you may experience
problem with running WRF code.
Solution: Upgrade your compiler to 6.1-4 or late
Problem: Does not support periodic
boundary condition in y-direction.
Problem: Does not support positive
definite advection options.