program make_composition_gen implicit none ! ------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: to create "" file readable by kspectrum ! Authour: Robin Wordsworth (2010) ! ------------------------------------------------------------- include '' include '' integer strlen,nmolec,nlev_mf,mol,imf,ind,indf integer i,j,k,im,m integer nb,na,ne double precision alt(1:Nmax) double precision pres(1:Nmax) double precision temp(1:Nmax) double precision P_mf(1:Nmax) double precision x(1:Nmax,1:Nmol_max) double precision xlev(1:Nmol_max) double precision xconst(1:Nmol_max) character*100 composition_file,model_file character*100 planet_descriptor character*200 string character*20 s character*10 molec_names(1:Nmol_max),molname character*1 spch integer iP, iT, iQ double precision P(1:Nmax), T(1:Nmax), Q(1:Nmax) spch=' ' print*,'Name of atmosphere / planet:' read*,planet_descriptor composition_file='./' ! ! nmolec=2 ! total number of molecules ! load temperature, pressure, mixing ratio data open(9,file='T.dat') read(9,*) iT do i=1,iT read(9,*) T(i) enddo close(9) open(10,file='p.dat') read(10,*) iP do i=1,iP read(10,*) P(i) P(i)=10.**P(i)/1013.25 enddo close(10) open(11,file='Q.dat') read(11,*) nmolec print*,'nmolec=',nmolec do mol=1,nmolec read(11,*) molec_names(mol) enddo read(11,*) iQ do i=1,iQ read(11,*) Q(i) enddo close(11) m=iP*iT*iQ ! total number of layers print*,'Temperature layers: ',iT print*,'Pressure layers: ',iP print*,'Mixing ratio layers: ',iQ print*,'Total: ',m do mol=1,nmolec-1 print*,'Please enter vmr of ',molec_names(mol) read(*,*) xconst(mol) end do do i=1,iQ do j=1,iP do k=1,iT im = (i-1)*iP*iT + (j-1)*iT + k alt(im)=0.D0 pres(im)=P(j) temp(im)=T(k) do mol=1,nmolec-1 x(im,mol)=xconst(mol)*(1.0-Q(i)) enddo x(im,nmolec)=Q(i) enddo enddo enddo open(12,file=composition_file(1:strlen(composition_file))) string='Atmospheric composition input ' string=string(1:strlen(string))//' data file for planet:' string=string(1:strlen(string))//' '// & planet_descriptor(1:strlen(planet_descriptor)) write(12,'(a)') string(1:strlen(string)) write(12,39) 'Number of atmospheric levels: ',m write(12,34) 'Number of molecules: ',nmolec write(12,*) string=' z (km) / P (atm) / T (K) *' do mol=1,nmolec molname=molec_names(mol) nb=5 if (strlen(molname).eq.1) then na=7 else if (strlen(molname).eq.2) then na=6 else if (strlen(molname).eq.3) then na=5 endif s='*' do ne=1,nb s=s(1:strlen(s)-1)//spch//'*' enddo s=s(1:strlen(s)-1)//'/*' do ne=1,na s=s(1:strlen(s)-1)//spch//'*' enddo string=string(1:strlen(string)-1) & //s(1:strlen(s)-1) & //'x[' & //molname(1:strlen(molname)) & //']*' enddo write(12,*) string(1:strlen(string)-1) do im=1,m do mol=1,nmolec xlev(mol)=x(im,mol) enddo ! mol write(12,50) alt(im),pres(im),temp(im),(xlev(mol),mol=1,nmolec) enddo write(12,*) close(12) write(*,*) 'Output file successfully generated:' write(*,*) composition_file(1:strlen(composition_file)) end