subroutine chemthermos_readini implicit none c common variables and constants include "dimensions.h" include "dimphys.h" include 'param.h' include 'param_v4.h' include 'datafile.h' include "callkeys.h" c local variables real*8 rc1,rc2,rc3 integer ierr,i c*************************+PROGRAM STARTS************************** !Opens external file to read reaction coefficients open(unit=10,file='chemthermos_reactionrates.def',status='old', $ iostat=ierr) if(ierr.eq.0) then read(10,*) do i=1,61 read(10,*) read(10,*) read(10,*) rc1,rc2,rc3 rcoef(i,1)=rc1 rcoef(i,2)=rc2 rcoef(i,3)=rc3 enddo close(10) else write(*,*) write(*,*) 'Cannot find file chemthermos_reactionrates.def' stop endif end