pro map_latlon, $ what_I_plot, $ ; 2D field lon, $ ; 1D latitude OR 2D lat, $ ; 1D longitude OR 2D minfield=minfield_init, $ ; minimum value of plotted field (=0: calculate) maxfield=maxfield_init, $ ; maximum value of plotted field (=0: calculate) overcontour=overcontour, $ ; another 2D field to overplot with contour lines (=0: no) overvector_x=overvector_x, $ ; wind vector - x component (=0: no) overvector_y=overvector_y, $ ; wind vector - y component (=0: no) ct=pal, $ ; color table (33-rainbow is default) colors=colors, $ ; number of colors/levels (32 is default) title=title_user, $ ; title of the plot ('' is default) format=format ; format of colorbar annotations ('(F6.2)' is default) ;-------------------------------------------- ; ; A general routine to plot lat/lon maps ; ; USE: - map_latlon, what_I_plot ; - map_latlon, what_I_plot, lon, lat ; - ... and see options above ; ;-------------------------------------------- ; A. Spiga, August 2007 ;-------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------- ; a few permanent settings ;--------------------------- ; missing_value=1.e30 flag_cb='true' ;-- optional: ;-- user defined parameters ; do not forget to type '.compile map_latlon' to update changes SPAWN, 'touch param_plot.idl' @param_plot.idl ; ;------------------ ;------------------ ; user settings ;------------------ if (n_elements(lon) eq 0) then begin lon=findgen(n_elements(what_I_plot(*,0))) endif if (n_elements(lat) eq 0) then lat=findgen(n_elements(what_I_plot(0,*))) if (n_elements(minfield_init) eq 0) then minfield_init=0. if (n_elements(maxfield_init) eq 0) then maxfield_init=0. if (n_elements(overcontour) eq 0) then overcontour=0. if ((n_elements(overvector_x) eq 0) or (n_elements(overvector_y) eq 0)) then begin overvector_x=0. overvector_y=0. endif if (n_elements(colors) eq 0) then colors=32 if (n_elements(title_user) eq 0) then title_user='' if (n_elements(subtitle_user) eq 0) then subtitle_user='' if (n_elements(pal) eq 0) then pal=33 if (n_elements(format) eq 0) then format='(F6.2)' if (format eq '') then format='(F6.2)' ;if (n_elements(xtitleset) eq 0) then xtitleset='longitude' ;if (n_elements(ytitleset) eq 0) then ytitleset='latitude' if (n_elements(title_axis) ne 2) then begin xtitleset='longitude' ytitleset='latitude' endif else begin xtitleset=title_axis(0) ytitleset=title_axis(1) endelse if (n_elements(isotropic) eq 0) then isotropic='true' if (n_elements(coord2d) eq 0) then coord2d='false' ;------------------ ; limits ;------------------ ;if (minfield_init*maxfield_init eq 0) then begin if (minfield_init eq maxfield_init) then begin ;---different min/max for each layer w=where(abs(what_I_plot) lt missing_value) if (w(0) ne -1) then begin minfield=min(what_I_plot[w]) maxfield=max(what_I_plot[w]) ;goodscale, $ ; what_I_plot, $ ; minfield, $ ; maxfield endif else begin what_I_plot=0. print, 'no valid values in this field' endelse endif else begin ;---user-defined limits minfield=minfield_init maxfield=maxfield_init ;;w=where(what_I_plot lt minfield) & if (w(0) ne -1) then what_I_plot[w]=minfield ;;w=where(what_I_plot gt maxfield) & if (w(0) ne -1) then what_I_plot[w]=maxfield endelse if ((minfield+maxfield eq 0) and (abs(minfield) ne abs(maxfield))) then begin print, 'nothing to plot ... skipping this plot ...' endif else begin ;----------------------------------------- ; fix the possible longitude ugliness :) ; ...get rid of the -180/180 limit ;----------------------------------------- ;;;;; PB WITH 2D COORDINATES ;w=where(lon eq min(lon)) ;if (w(0) ne 0) then begin ; lon[0:w(0)-1]=lon[0:w(0)-1]-360 ;endif ;--------------- ; adapt ticks ;--------------- if (n_elements(windowx) eq 0) then windowx=[min(lon),max(lon)] if (n_elements(windowy) eq 0) then windowy=[min(lat),max(lat)] if (n_elements(intervalx) eq 0) then intervalx=round((windowx(1)-windowx(0))/8.) if (n_elements(intervaly) eq 0) then intervaly=round((windowy(1)-windowy(0))/5.) ;------------------ ; plot window ;------------------ ;lons=lon & lats=lat ;;-------------------------------------------- ;; ;; ANOMALY ;; ;w=where( (lon ge windowx(0)) and (lon le windowx(1)) ) & w2=where( (lat ge windowy(0)) and (lat le windowy(1)) ) ;yeah=fltarr(n_elements(w),n_elements(w2)) & for i=0,n_elements(w)-1 do for j=0,n_elements(w2)-1 do yeah(i,j)=what_I_plot(w(i),w2(j)) ;what_I_plot = yeah - mean(yeah) ;lon=lon[w] & lat=lat[w2] ;;-------------------------------------------- ; to ensure the right limits dumb_what_I_plot=what_I_plot dumb_what_I_plot(*,*)=minfield & print, minfield dumb_what_I_plot(0,0)=maxfield & print, maxfield ;; ;; ;subtitle_hunhun = subtitle_user ;subtitle_user = '' ;; ;; pospos = [0.10, 0.12, 0.90, 0.92] ;; iso ;pospos = [0.15, 0.35, 0.95, 0.95] ;; non-iso if (isotropic eq 'true') then begin loadct, 0, /silent if ( coord2d ne 'polar' ) then begin ;;trace non polaire contour, /nodata, $ /isotropic, $ position=pospos, $ dumb_what_I_plot, lon, lat, $ title=title_user, xtitle=xtitleset, ytitle=ytitleset, $ xrange=windowx, yrange=windowy, $ xtickinterval=intervalx, ytickinterval=intervaly, $ subtitle=subtitle_user, color=0 endif else begin ;;trace avec MAP_SET -- MAP_SET -- MAP_SET print,'------------------- Polar plot' contour, /nodata, $ /isotropic, $ /overplot, $ dumb_what_I_plot, lon, lat, $ title=title_user, xtitle=xtitleset, ytitle=ytitleset, $ xrange=windowx, yrange=windowy, $ xtickinterval=intervalx, ytickinterval=intervaly, $ subtitle=subtitle_user, color=0 endelse subtitle_user = '' endif else begin pospos = [0.15, 0.35, 0.95, 0.95] ;; non-iso loadct, 0, /silent if ( coord2d ne 'polar' ) then begin ;;trace non polaire contour, /nodata, $ position=pospos, $ dumb_what_I_plot, lon, lat, $ title=title_user, xtitle=xtitleset, ytitle=ytitleset, $ xrange=windowx, yrange=windowy, $ xtickinterval=intervalx, ytickinterval=intervaly, $ color=0,subtitle=subtitle_user endif else begin ;;trace avec MAP_SET -- MAP_SET -- MAP_SET print,'------------------- Polar plot' contour, /nodata, $ /overplot, $ dumb_what_I_plot, lon, lat, $ title=title_user, xtitle=xtitleset, ytitle=ytitleset, $ xrange=windowx, yrange=windowy, $ xtickinterval=intervalx, ytickinterval=intervaly, $ color=0,subtitle=subtitle_user endelse endelse ;------------------ ; plot field ;------------------ ; to avoid spurious blank zones nlevels=colors levp=minfield+(findgen(nlevels)/float(nlevels-1))*(maxfield-minfield) loadct,pal,/silent ;reverse_ct if (pal eq 0) then reverse_ct contour, what_I_plot, $ lon,lat, $ ; nlevels=colors, $ levels=levp, $ /cell_fill, $ max_value=maxfield, $ min_value=minfield, $ /overplot ;nlat=128. ;oplot, lat*0.+nlat*100./1000., linestyle=1 ;;; ANOMALY ;lon=lons ;lat=lats ;------------------ ; colorbar ;------------------ ;if (flag_cb eq 'true') then begin ; format_colorbar=format ; colorbar, $ ; position=[0.15, 0.85, 0.95, 0.90], $ ; divisions=8, $ ; range=[float(minfield),float(maxfield)], $ ; format=format_colorbar ;endif ;goto, skip_new if (flag_cb eq 'true') then begin format_colorbar=format ;;; ndiv peut etre regle if (n_elements(ndiv) eq 0) then ndiv=10 ;if (n_elements(poscb) eq 0) then poscb=0.95 ;if (n_elements(poscb) eq 0) then poscb=0.80 if (n_elements(poscb) eq 0) then poscb=0.70 if (isotropic eq 'true') then begin ;poscb=0.85 & pos=[poscb, 0.12, poscb+0.03, 0.92] ;poscb=0.95 & pos=[poscb, 0.12, poscb+0.03, 0.92] ; poscb=0.96 & pos=[poscb, 0.12, poscb+0.03, 0.92] ; poscb=0.05 & pos=[poscb, 0.12, poscb+0.03, 0.92] ;colorbar = Obj_New("COLORBAR",$ ; Range=[float(minfield),float(maxfield)],$ ; /vertical, $ ; Ncolors=255,$ ; charsize=0.85,$ ; format=format_colorbar,$ ; major=ndiv,$ ; ticklen=-0.15,$ ; position=pos) ;colorbar->Draw ;Obj_Destroy, colorbar colorbar, $ /vertical, $ position=pos, $ range=[float(minfield),float(maxfield)], $ divisions=ndiv, $ ncolors=255,$ ; charsize=0.85,$ ticklen=-0.15,$ format=format_colorbar xyouts, pos(2), 0.01, subtitle_user, charsize=0.8, alignment=1., /NORMAL if (n_elements(nam2) ne 0) then begin thedate=STRSPLIT(nam2, /EXTRACT) thedate=STRSPLIT(thedate(2),"'",/EXTRACT) thedate=STRSPLIT(thedate(0),"_",/EXTRACT) thedate=STRSPLIT(thedate(0),"-",/EXTRACT) xyouts, pos(2), 0.01, 'LMD Martian Mesoscale Model - d'+thedate(2)+'/m'+thedate(1), charsize=0.7, alignment=1., /NORMAL endif else begin thedate='' endelse ;; ;; ;; ;xyouts, pos(2), 0.01, 'LMD Mars Mesoscale Model / '+subtitle_hunhun, charsize=0.95, alignment=1., /NORMAL ;; ;; ;; endif else begin pos=[0.15, 0.17, 0.95, 0.20] if (subtitle_user eq '') then pos=[0.15, 0.20, 0.95, 0.23] ;colorbar = Obj_New("COLORBAR",$ ; Range=[float(minfield),float(maxfield)],$ ; Ncolors=255,$ ; charsize=0.85,$ ; format=format_colorbar,$ ; major=ndiv,$ ; ticklen=-0.15,$ ; position=pos) ;colorbar->Draw ;Obj_Destroy, colorbar colorbar, $ position=pos, $ range=[float(minfield),float(maxfield)], $ divisions=ndiv, $ ncolors=255,$ ; charsize=0.85,$ ticklen=-0.15,$ format=format_colorbar if (n_elements(nam2) ne 0) then begin thedate=STRSPLIT(nam2, /EXTRACT) thedate=STRSPLIT(thedate(2),"'",/EXTRACT) thedate=STRSPLIT(thedate(0),"_",/EXTRACT) thedate=STRSPLIT(thedate(0),"-",/EXTRACT) xyouts, 0.95, pos(1)-0.08, 'LMD Martian Mesoscale Model - d'+thedate(2)+'/m'+thedate(1), charsize=0.7, alignment=1., /NORMAL endif else begin thedate='' endelse endelse endif skip_new: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ajouter un point ;loadct, 0 ;xyouts, 353.87-360, -1.88, '+', ALIGNMENT=0.5, CHARSIZE=2, CHARTHICK=2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;goto, nocontour ;print, 'contour' ;-------------------- ; overplot contour ;-------------------- if (n_elements(overcontour) ne 1) then begin w=where(abs(overcontour) lt missing_value) if (w(0) ne -1) then begin min_contour=min(overcontour[w]) max_contour=max(overcontour[w]) endif ; to avoid spurious blank zones nlevels=colors/2 if (n_elements(lev) eq 0) then lev=min_contour+(findgen(nlevels)/float(nlevels-1))*(max_contour-min_contour) ;lev=round(lev) ;yeah=UNIQ(lev) & lev=lev[yeah] if (isotropic eq 'true') then begin loadct,0,/silent ;reverse_ct contour, overcontour, $ lon,lat, $ /overplot, $ ; nlevels=colors/2, $ levels=lev, $ C_LINESTYLE = (lev LT 0.0), $ ;; dotted lines if negative max_value=max_contour, $ min_value=min_contour, $ c_labels=findgen(n_elements(lev))*0., $ ; c_charsize=!P.charsize/2, $ color=75;0;50;75;100tropclair;150;0;, $ ; /noerase, $ ; xtitle=xtitleset, $ ; xrange=windowx, $ ; ytitle=ytitleset, $ ; yrange=windowy, $ ; position=pospos, $ ; /isotropic, $ ; xtickinterval=intervalx, $ ; ytickinterval=intervaly endif else begin loadct,0,/silent contour, overcontour, $ lon,lat, $ /overplot, $ ; nlevels=colors/2, $ levels=lev, $ C_LINESTYLE = (lev LT 0.0), $ ;; dotted lines if negative max_value=max_contour, $ min_value=min_contour, $ c_labels=findgen(n_elements(lev))*0., $ color=0;, $ ; /noerase, $ ; xtitle=xtitleset, $ ; xrange=windowx, $ ; ytitle=ytitleset, $ ; yrange=windowy, $ ;; position=[0.15, 0.15, 0.95, 0.75], $ ; xtickinterval=intervalx, $ ; ytickinterval=intervaly endelse endif nocontour: ;-------------------- ; overplot wind ;-------------------- if (n_elements(overvector_x)*n_elements(overvector_y) ne 1) then begin w=where(abs(overvector_x) ge missing_value) ; u and v have the same missing values ... if (w(0) ne -1) then begin overvector_x[w]=0. overvector_y[w]=0. endif len=2.0 if (n_elements(windex) eq 0) then windex=20. ref_mag=round(windex) mytext=STRTRIM(STRING(ref_mag),2)+'ms!E-1!N' if (n_elements(stride) eq 0) then begin ;stride=3 ; STRIDE: Pick every nth vector for plotting. (1) ;stride=2 stride=5 endif else begin stride=round(stride) endelse ref_pos=[0.10, 0.90] ref_pos=[0.15, 0.10] ref_pos=[0.20, 0.05] ;ref_pos=[0.20, 0.02] s=size(lon) if (s[0] eq 1) then begin zeu=overvector_x zev=overvector_y longs=lon lats=lat endif else begin minlat=min(lat) & maxlat=max(lat) & minlon=min(lon) & maxlon=max(lon) npoints=2*n_elements(lon(*,0)) ;; trop de points, mais au moins on ne perd rien (2 et 3 donnent results similaires) TRIANGULATE, lon, lat, tr zeu = GRIDDATA( lon, lat, overvector_x, /LINEAR, triangles=tr, dimension=npoints, MISSING=!VALUES.F_NAN ) zev = GRIDDATA( lon, lat, overvector_y, /LINEAR, triangles=tr, dimension=npoints, MISSING=!VALUES.F_NAN ) longs = minlon + (maxlon - minlon)*findgen(npoints)/float(npoints-1) lats = minlat + (maxlat - minlat)*findgen(npoints)/float(npoints-1) endelse wlon=where( (longs gt windowx(0)) and (longs lt windowx(1)) ) wlat=where( (lats gt windowy(0)) and (lats lt windowy(1)) ) if ((wlon(0) eq -1) or (wlat(0) eq -1)) then begin print, 'wrong window settings' print, windowx(0), windowx(1) print, longs print, windowy(0), windowy(1) print, lats stop endif myu=dblarr(n_elements(longs),n_elements(lats)) myv=dblarr(n_elements(longs),n_elements(lats)) myu(*,*)=!Values.F_NAN myv(*,*)=!Values.F_NAN for i=0,n_elements(wlon)-1 do begin for j=0,n_elements(wlat)-1 do begin myu(wlon(i),wlat(j))=zeu(wlon(i),wlat(j)) myv(wlon(i),wlat(j))=zev(wlon(i),wlat(j)) endfor endfor ;; eliminate vector for colorbar clarity ? ;nxs=1 ;nxe=n_elements(longs(*))-2 ;nys=1 ;nye=n_elements(lats(*))-2 ;myu=overvector_x(nxs:nxe,nys:nye) ;myv=overvector_y(nxs:nxe,nys:nye) ;longs=lon(nxs:nxe) ;lats=lat(nys:nye) loadct,0,/silent VECTOR, myu, myv, longs, lats, LENGTH=len, REF_MAG=ref_mag,$ STRIDE=stride, TYPE=2, HEAD_LEN=0.3, ANGLE=30, $ REF_POS=ref_pos, REF_TEXT=mytext,$ ALIGN=0.5, COLOR=1, /OVERPLOT;, /NOERASE yeah: endif endelse goto, why_contour_end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; if (n_elements(overcontour) ne 1) then begin w=where(abs(overcontour) lt missing_value) if (w(0) ne -1) then begin min_contour=min(overcontour[w]) max_contour=max(overcontour[w]) endif ; to avoid spurious blank zones nlevels=colors/2 if (n_elements(lev) eq 0) then lev=min_contour+(findgen(nlevels)/float(nlevels-1))*(max_contour-min_contour) ;lev=round(lev) ;yeah=UNIQ(lev) & lev=lev[yeah] if (isotropic eq 'true') then begin loadct,0,/silent contour, overcontour, $ lon,lat, $ ; nlevels=colors/2, $ levels=lev, $ C_LINESTYLE = (lev LT 0.0), $ ;; dotted lines if negative max_value=max_contour, $ min_value=min_contour, $ c_labels=findgen(nlevels), $ ;*0., $ color=0, $ /noerase, $ xtitle=xtitleset, $ xrange=windowx, $ ytitle=ytitleset, $ yrange=windowy, $ ; position=[0.15, 0.15, 0.95, 0.75], $ /isotropic, $ xtickinterval=intervalx, $ ytickinterval=intervaly endif else begin loadct,0,/silent contour, overcontour, $ lon,lat, $ ; nlevels=colors/2, $ levels=lev, $ C_LINESTYLE = (lev LT 0.0), $ ;; dotted lines if negative max_value=max_contour, $ min_value=min_contour, $ c_labels=findgen(nlevels), $ color=0, $ /noerase, $ xtitle=xtitleset, $ xrange=windowx, $ ytitle=ytitleset, $ yrange=windowy, $ position=[0.15, 0.15, 0.95, 0.75], $ xtickinterval=intervalx, $ ytickinterval=intervaly endelse endif why_contour_end: end