SUBROUTINE SUGWD(NLON,NLEV,paprs,pplay) C C C**** *SUGWD* INITIALIZE COMMON YOEGWD CONTROLLING GRAVITY WAVE DRAG C C PURPOSE. C -------- C INITIALIZE YOEGWD, THE COMMON THAT CONTROLS THE C GRAVITY WAVE DRAG PARAMETRIZATION. C VERY IMPORTANT: C ______________ C THIS ROUTINE SET_UP THE "TUNABLE PARAMETERS" OF THE C VARIOUS SSO SCHEMES C C** INTERFACE. C ---------- C CALL *SUGWD* FROM *SUPHEC* C ----- ------ C (called not from suphec but from first call of physiq.F) C C EXPLICIT ARGUMENTS : C -------------------- C PAPRS,PPLAY : Pressure at semi and full model levels C NLEV : number of model levels c NLON : number of points treated in the physics C C IMPLICIT ARGUMENTS : C -------------------- C COMMON YOEGWD C-GFRCRIT-R: Critical Non-dimensional mountain Height C (HNC in (1), LOTT 1999) C-GKWAKE--R: Bluff-body drag coefficient for low level wake C (Cd in (2), LOTT 1999) C-GRCRIT--R: Critical Richardson Number C (Ric, End of first column p791 of LOTT 1999) C-GKDRAG--R: Gravity wave drag coefficient C (G in (3), LOTT 1999) C-GKLIFT--R: Mountain Lift coefficient C (Cl in (4), LOTT 1999) C-GHMAX---R: Not used C-GRAHILO-R: Set-up the trapped waves fraction C (Beta , End of first column, LOTT 1999) C C-GSIGCR--R: Security value for blocked flow depth C-NKTOPG--I: Security value for blocked flow level C-NTOP----I: An estimate to qualify the upper levels of C the model where one wants to impose strees C profiles C-GSSECC--R: Security min value for low-level B-V frequency C-GTSEC---R: Security min value for anisotropy and GW stress. C-GVSEC---R: Security min value for ulow C C C METHOD. C ------- C SEE DOCUMENTATION C C EXTERNALS. C ---------- C NONE C C REFERENCE. C ---------- C Lott, 1999: Alleviation of stationary biases in a GCM through... C Monthly Weather Review, 127, pp 788-801. C C AUTHOR. C ------- C FRANCOIS LOTT *LMD* C C MODIFICATIONS. C -------------- C ORIGINAL : 90-01-01 (MARTIN MILLER, ECMWF) C LAST: 99-07-09 (FRANCOIS LOTT,LMD) C ------------------------------------------------------------------ use dimphy IMPLICIT NONE #include "dimensions.h" #include "paramet.h" #include "YOEGWD.h" C C ARGUMENTS integer nlon,nlev REAL paprs(nlon,nlev+1) REAL pplay(nlon,nlev) C INTEGER JK REAL ZPR,ZTOP,ZSIGT,ZPM1R C C* 1. SET THE VALUES OF THE PARAMETERS C -------------------------------- C 100 CONTINUE C PRINT *,' DANS SUGWD NLEV=',NLEV GHMAX=10000. C ZPR=100000. ZTOP=0.001 c valeurs dans la dernière routine de FLott c ZSIGT=0.94 c valeurs dans les routines Mars ZSIGT=0.85 C Coff CALL gather(pplay,pplay_glo) Coff CALL bcast(pplay_glo) Coff CALL gather(paprs,paprs_glo) Coff CALL bcast(paprs_glo) DO 110 JK=1,NLEV Coff ZPM1R=pplay_glo(klon_glo/2,jk)/paprs_glo(klon_glo/2,1) ZPM1R=pplay(klon/2,jk)/paprs(klon/2,1) IF(ZPM1R.GE.ZSIGT)THEN nktopg=JK ENDIF Coff ZPM1R=pplay_glo(klon_glo/2,jk)/paprs_glo(klon_glo/2,1) ZPM1R=pplay(klon/2,jk)/paprs(klon/2,1) IF(ZPM1R.GE.ZTOP)THEN ntop=JK ENDIF 110 CONTINUE c c inversion car dans orodrag on compte les niveaux a l'envers nktopg=nlev-nktopg+1 ntop=nlev-ntop print *,' DANS SUGWD nktopg=', nktopg print *,' DANS SUGWD ntop=', ntop C GSIGCR=0.80 C c valeurs dans la dernière routine de FLott c GKDRAG=0.1875 c GRAHILO=0.1 c GRCRIT=1.00 c GFRCRIT=1.00 c GKWAKE=0.50 C c GKLIFT=0.25 c GVCRIT =0.1 c valeurs dans les routines Mars GKDRAG=0.1 GRAHILO=1.0 GRCRIT=0.25 GFRCRIT=1.00 GKWAKE=1.0 C GKLIFT=0.25 GVCRIT =0.0 WRITE(UNIT=6,FMT='('' *** SSO essential constants ***'')') WRITE(UNIT=6,FMT='('' *** SPECIFIED IN SUGWD ***'')') WRITE(UNIT=6,FMT='('' Gravity wave ct '',E13.7,'' '')')GKDRAG WRITE(UNIT=6,FMT='('' Trapped/total wave dag '',E13.7,'' '')') S GRAHILO WRITE(UNIT=6,FMT='('' Critical Richardson = '',E13.7,'' '')') S GRCRIT WRITE(UNIT=6,FMT='('' Critical Froude'',e13.7)') GFRCRIT WRITE(UNIT=6,FMT='('' Low level Wake bluff cte'',e13.7)') GKWAKE WRITE(UNIT=6,FMT='('' Low level lift cte'',e13.7)') GKLIFT C C C ---------------------------------------------------------------- C C* 2. SET VALUES OF SECURITY PARAMETERS C --------------------------------- C 200 CONTINUE C c valeurs dans la dernière routine de FLott c GVSEC=0.10 c GSSEC=0.0001 C c GTSEC=0.00001 C c valeurs dans les routines Mars GVSEC=0.10 GSSEC=1.e-12 C GTSEC=1.e-7 C RETURN END