## planet-specific constants #Reference surface pressure (Pa) preff=300000. # Reference pressure at which hybrid coord. become purely pressure # (default pa=preff/2.) # Gravity ##g=26. g=8. # Molar mass of the atmosphere molmass = 2.3 # kappa = R/Cp et Cp (default 2./7.) # (default cpp : 8.3145/molmass/kappa*1000.) # Radius of the planet ###radius = 69.86e6 ##radius = 12.e6 radius = 26e6 # Length of a standard day (s) #daysec=35726. daysec= 35700.0 # Length of a solar day, in standard days # (default: daylen = 1. ) # Number of days (standard) per year: # year_day = 10476 year_day=10484 # Omega # default: omeg= 2.*pi/daysec*(1./daylen+1./year_day) ### intrinsic heat flux ### #ihf=6. ihf=30. #CALL getin('preff', preff) #CALL getin('pa', pa) #CALL getin('g',g) #CALL getin('molmass',molmass) #CALL getin('kappa',kappa) #CALL getin('cpp',cpp) #CALL getin('radius',rad) #CALL getin('daysec',daysec) #CALL getin('daylen',daylen) #CALL getin('year_day',year_day) #CALL getin('omeg',omeg)