subroutine albedocaps(zls,ngrid,piceco2,psolaralb,emisref) ! routine which changes the albedo (and emissivity) of the surface ! depending on the presence of CO2 ice on the surface ! to use the 'getin' routine use ioipsl_getincom implicit none #include"dimensions.h" #include"dimphys.h" #include"surfdat.h" #include"callkeys.h" #ifdef MESOSCALE #include"comgeomfi.h" #endif ! arguments: real,intent(in) :: zls ! solar longitude (rad) integer,intent(in) :: ngrid real,intent(in) :: piceco2(ngrid) ! amount of CO2 ice on the surface (kg/m2) real,intent(out) :: psolaralb(ngrid,2) ! albedo of the surface real,intent(out) :: emisref(ngrid) ! emissivity of the surface ! local variables: logical,save :: firstcall=.true. integer :: ig,icap ! 1. Initializations if (firstcall) then ! find out if user wants to use TES cap albedoes or not TESicealbedo=.false. ! default value write(*,*)" albedocaps: Use TES Cap albedoes ?" call getin("TESicealbedo",TESicealbedo) write(*,*)" albedocaps: TESicealbedo = ",TESicealbedo ! if using TES albedoes, load coeffcients if (TESicealbedo) then write(*,*)" albedocaps: Coefficient for Northern Cap ?" TESice_Ncoef=1.0 ! default value call getin("TESice_Ncoef",TESice_Ncoef) write(*,*)" albedocaps: TESice_Ncoef = ",TESice_Ncoef write(*,*)" albedocaps: Coefficient for Southern Cap ?" TESice_Scoef=1.0 ! default value call getin("TESice_Scoef",TESice_Scoef) write(*,*)" albedocaps: TESice_Scoef = ",TESice_Scoef endif firstcall=.false. endif ! of if (firstcall) do ig=1,ngrid #ifndef MESOSCALE if ( then #else if (lati(ig)*180./acos(-1.).lt.0.) then #endif icap=2 ! Southern hemisphere else icap=1 ! Northern hemisphere endif if (piceco2(ig).gt.0) then ! set emissivity of surface to be the ice emissivity emisref(ig)=emisice(icap) ! set the surface albedo to be the ice albedo if (TESicealbedo) then ! write(*,*) "albedocaps: call TES_icecap_albedo" ! write(*,*) "albedocaps: zls=",zls," ig=",ig call TES_icecap_albedo(zls,ig,psolaralb(ig,1),icap) ! write(*,*) "albedocaps: psolaralb(ig,1)=",psolaralb(ig,1) psolaralb(ig,2)=psolaralb(ig,1) else psolaralb(ig,1)=albedice(icap) psolaralb(ig,2)=albedice(icap) endif else if (watercaptag(ig) .and. water) then ! there is a water ice cap: set the surface albedo to the water ice one ! to do : emissivity !write(*,*) "watercaptag in albedocaps:",ig emisref(ig) = 1 psolaralb(ig,1)=albedo_h2o_ice psolaralb(ig,2)=albedo_h2o_ice else ! set emissivity of surface to be bare ground emissivity emisref(ig)=emissiv ! set the surface albedo to bare ground albedo psolaralb(ig,1)=albedodat(ig) psolaralb(ig,2)=albedodat(ig) endif ! of if (piceco2(ig).gt.0) enddo ! of ig=1,ngrid end subroutine albedocaps !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine TES_icecap_albedo(zls,ig,alb,icap) implicit none #include"dimensions.h" #include"dimphys.h" #include"surfdat.h" #include"comgeomfi.h" #include"" #include"datafile.h" ! arguments: real,intent(in) :: zls ! solar longitude (rad) integer,intent(in) :: ig ! grid point index real,intent(out) :: alb ! (interpolated) TES ice albedo at that grid point integer :: icap ! =1: Northern hemisphere =2: Southern hemisphere ! local variables: logical,save :: firstcall=.true. real,save :: zls_old ! value of zls from a previous call integer,save :: tinf,tsup ! encompassing time indexes of TES data real,save :: reltime ! relative position in-between time indexes (in [0;1]) integer :: latinf,latsup ! encompassing latitude indexes of TES data real :: rellat ! relative position in-between latitude indexes (in[0;1]) integer :: loninf,lonsup ! encompassing longitude indexes of TES data real :: rellon !relative position in-between longitude indexes (in[0;1]) real,save :: pi,radeg ! to convert radians to degrees real :: zlsd ! solar longitude, in degrees real :: latd ! latitude, in degrees real :: lond ! longitude, in degrees integer :: i ! TES datasets: (hard coded fixed length/sizes; for now) integer,parameter :: TESlonsize=72 real,parameter :: TESdeltalon=5.0 ! step in longitude in TES files ! longitudes, in TES files, in degrees, from TESlon(1)=-177.5 to TESlon(72)=177.5 real,save :: TESlon(TESlonsize) integer,parameter :: TESlatsize=30 real,parameter :: TESdeltalat=2.0 ! step in latitude in TES files ! latitudes (north hemisphere file), in degrees, from TESlatn(1)=31, ! to TESlatn(30)=89 ; TESlatn(8)=45 real,parameter :: TESlatnmin=45. ! minimum TES latitude (North hemisphere) real,parameter :: TESlatsmax=-45. ! maximum TES latitude (South hemisphere) real,save :: TESlatn(TESlatsize) ! latitudes (south hemisphere file), in degrees, from TESlats(1)=-89, ! to TESlats(30)=-31 ; TESlats(23)=-45 real,save :: TESlats(TESlatsize) integer,parameter :: TESlssize=72 real,parameter :: TESdeltals=5.0 ! step in solar longitude in TES files ! Solar longitude in TES files, TESls(1)=2.5 to TESls(72)=357.5 real,save :: TESls(TESlssize) ! TES North albedo (=-1 for missing values) real,save :: TESalbn(TESlonsize,TESlatsize,TESlssize) ! TES South albedo (=-1 for missing values) real,save :: TESalbs(TESlonsize,TESlatsize,TESlssize) ! encompassing nodes arranged as follow : 4 3 real :: val(4) ! 1 2 !NetCDF variables: integer :: ierr ! NetCDF status integer :: nid ! NetCDF file ID integer :: nvarid ! NetCDF variable ID ! 0. Preliminary stuff if (firstcall) then ! Load TES albedoes for Northern Hemisphere ! Note: datafile() is defined in "datafile.h" ierr=NF_OPEN(trim(datafile)//"/",NF_NOWRITE,nid) IF (ierr.NE.NF_NOERR) THEN write(*,*)'Problem opening (phymars/albedocaps.F90)' write(*,*)'It should be in :',trim(datafile),'/' write(*,*)'1) You can change this directory address in callfis.def with' write(*,*)' datadir=/path/to/datafiles' write(*,*)'2) If necessary, (and other datafiles)' write(*,*)' can be obtained online on:' write(*,*)'' CALL ABORT ENDIF ierr=NF_INQ_VARID(nid,"longitude",nvarid) if ( then write(*,*) "Failed to find longitude in file!" else ierr=NF_GET_VAR_REAL(nid,nvarid,TESlon) endif ierr=NF_INQ_VARID(nid,"latitude",nvarid) if ( then write(*,*) "Failed to find latitude in file!" else ierr=NF_GET_VAR_REAL(nid,nvarid,TESlatn) endif ierr=NF_INQ_VARID(nid,"time",nvarid) if ( then write(*,*) "Failed to find time in file!" else ierr=NF_GET_VAR_REAL(nid,nvarid,TESls) endif ierr=NF_INQ_VARID(nid,"albedo",nvarid) if ( then write(*,*) "Failed to find albedo in file!" else ierr=NF_GET_VAR_REAL(nid,nvarid,TESalbn) endif ! Load albedoes for Southern Hemisphere ierr=NF_OPEN(trim(datafile)//"/",NF_NOWRITE,nid) IF (ierr.NE.NF_NOERR) THEN write(*,*)'Problem opening (phymars/albedocaps.F90)' write(*,*)'It should be in :',trim(datafile),'/' write(*,*)'1) You can change this directory address in callfis.def with' write(*,*)' datadir=/path/to/datafiles' write(*,*)'2) If necessary, (and other datafiles)' write(*,*)' can be obtained online on:' write(*,*)'' CALL ABORT ENDIF ierr=NF_INQ_VARID(nid,"latitude",nvarid) if ( then write(*,*) "Failed to find latitude in file!" else ierr=NF_GET_VAR_REAL(nid,nvarid,TESlats) endif ierr=NF_INQ_VARID(nid,"albedo",nvarid) if ( then write(*,*) "Failed to find albedo in file!" else ierr=NF_GET_VAR_REAL(nid,nvarid,TESalbs) endif ! constants: pi=acos(-1.) radeg=180/pi zls_old=-999 ! dummy initialization firstcall=.false. endif ! of if firstcall ! 1. Identify encompassing latitudes ! Check that latitude is such that there is TES data to use ! (ie: latitude 45 deg and poleward) otherwise use 'default' albedoes latd=lati(ig)*radeg ! latitude, in degrees if (icap.eq.1) then ! North hemisphere if ( then alb=albedice(1) ! the job is done; quit this routine return else ! find encompassing latitudes if ( then latinf=TESlatsize latsup=TESlatsize rellat=0. else do i=1,TESlatsize-1 if (( then latinf=i latsup=i+1 rellat=(latd-TESlatn(i))/TESdeltalat exit ! found encompassing indexes; quit loop endif enddo endif endif ! of if ( else ! icap=2 ! South hemisphere if ( then alb=albedice(2) ! the job is done; quit this routine return else ! find encompassing latitudes if ( then latinf=1 latsup=1 rellat=0. else do i=1,TESlatsize-1 if (( then latinf=i latsup=i+1 rellat=(latd-TESlats(i))/TESdeltalat exit ! found encompassing indexes; quit loop endif enddo endif endif ! of if ( endif ! of if (icap.eq.1) ! 2. Identify encompassing time indexes if ( then zlsd=zls*radeg ! solar longitude, in degrees if ( then tinf=TESlssize tsup=1 reltime=0.5+zlsd/TESdeltals else if ( then tinf=TESlssize tsup=1 reltime=(360.-zlsd)/TESdeltals else ! look for encompassing indexes do i=1,TESlssize-1 if (( then tinf=i tsup=i+1 reltime=(zlsd-TESls(i))/TESdeltals exit ! quit loop, we found the indexes endif enddo endif endif ! of if ( zls_old=zls ! store current zls endif ! of if ( ! 3. Identify encompassing longitudes lond=long(ig)*radeg ! east longitude, in degrees if ( then loninf=TESlonsize lonsup=1 rellon=0.5+(180.+lond)/TESdeltalon else if ( then loninf=TESlonsize lonsup=1 rellon=(180-lond)/TESdeltalon else do i=1,TESlonsize-1 if (( then loninf=i lonsup=i+1 rellon=(lond-TESlon(i))/TESdeltalon exit ! quit loop, we found the indexes endif enddo endif ! of if ( endif ! of if ( ! 4. Use linear interpolation in time to build encompassing nodal values ! encompassing nodes are arranged as follow : 4 3 ! 1 2 if (icap.eq.1) then ! Northern hemisphere val(1)=(1.-reltime)*TESalbn(loninf,latinf,tinf) & +reltime*TESalbn(loninf,latinf,tsup) val(2)=(1.-reltime)*TESalbn(lonsup,latinf,tinf) & +reltime*TESalbn(lonsup,latinf,tsup) val(3)=(1.-reltime)*TESalbn(lonsup,latsup,tinf) & +reltime*TESalbn(lonsup,latsup,tsup) val(4)=(1.-reltime)*TESalbn(loninf,latsup,tinf) & +reltime*TESalbn(loninf,latsup,tsup) else ! Southern hemisphere val(1)=(1.-reltime)*TESalbs(loninf,latinf,tinf) & +reltime*TESalbs(loninf,latinf,tsup) val(2)=(1.-reltime)*TESalbs(lonsup,latinf,tinf) & +reltime*TESalbs(lonsup,latinf,tsup) val(3)=(1.-reltime)*TESalbs(lonsup,latsup,tinf) & +reltime*TESalbs(lonsup,latsup,tsup) val(4)=(1.-reltime)*TESalbs(loninf,latsup,tinf) & +reltime*TESalbs(loninf,latsup,tsup) endif ! of if (icap.eq.1) ! 5. Use bilinear interpolation to compute albedo alb=(1.-rellon)*(1.-rellat)*val(1) & +rellon*(1.-rellat)*val(2) & +rellon*rellat*val(3) & +(1.-rellon)*rellat*val(4) ! 6. Apply coefficient to interpolated TES albedo if (icap.eq.1) then alb=alb*TESice_Ncoef else alb=alb*TESice_Scoef endif ! of if (icap.eq.1) ! Make sure that returned albedo is never greater than 0.90 if ( alb=0.90 end subroutine TES_icecap_albedo