Added calls to Frederic Hourdin's subroutines to output physical fields in parallel. This is under precompiling flags CPP_PARA.
This allows for LMDZ.UNIVERSAL users to use writediagfi with parallel computations.
These lines are not compiled by casual users of LMDZ.GENERIC (or users of LMDZ.UNIVERSAL in sequential mode).
The precompiling flag NOWRITEDIAGFI is obsolete and has been deleted.
- A better cleaner method might be proposed later
- Added subroutines
A 0 LMDZ.UNIVERSAL/libf/phygeneric/iotd_ecrit.F90
A 0 LMDZ.UNIVERSAL/libf/phygeneric/iophys.F90
A 0 LMDZ.UNIVERSAL/libf/phygeneric/iotd.h
A 0 LMDZ.UNIVERSAL/libf/phygeneric/iotd_ini.F90
A 0 LMDZ.UNIVERSAL/libf/phygeneric/iotd_fin.F90
The iotd_* subroutines are actually supposed to be put in bibio in LMDZ.COMMON
This will be done later once agreed in the team