Changeset 53 for trunk/libf
- Timestamp:
- Jan 31, 2011, 10:29:25 AM (14 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/libf/dyn3d
- Files:
- 4 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r5 r53 11 11 & ,dissip_factz,dissip_deltaz,dissip_zref & 12 12 & ,tau_top_bound, & 13 & daylen,year_day,molmass 13 & daylen,year_day,molmass, ihf 14 14 COMMON/cpdetvenus/nu_venus,t0_venus 15 15 … … 36 36 37 37 REAL nu_venus,t0_venus ! coeffs needed for Cp(T), Venus atmosphere 38 REAL ihf ! (W/m2) intrinsic heat flux for giant planets 38 39 39 40 -
r1 r53 64 64 CALL getin('omeg',omeg) 65 65 66 ! Intrinsic heat flux [default is none] 67 ! Aymeric -- for giant planets 68 ! [matters only if planet_type="giant"] 69 ihf = 0. 70 CALL getin('ihf',ihf) 71 72 73 66 74 END SUBROUTINE conf_planete -
r7 r53 96 96 ! -------------------------------------- 97 97 c 98 99 print *, 'This is iniacademic' 100 98 101 ! initialize planet radius, rotation rate,... 99 102 call conf_planete … … 155 158 teta0=315. ! mean Teta (S.H. 315K) 156 159 CALL getin('teta0',teta0) 160 print *, 'iniacademic - teta0 ', teta0 161 print *, 'iniacademic - rad ', rad 157 162 ttp=200. ! Tropopause temperature (S.H. 200K) 158 163 CALL getin('ttp',ttp) … … 200 205 tetajl(j,l)=teta0-delt_y*ddsin*ddsin+eps*ddsin 201 206 & -delt_z*(1.-ddsin*ddsin)*log(zsig) 207 !! Aymeric -- tests particuliers 208 if (planet_type=="giant") then 209 tetajl(j,l)=teta0+(delt_y* 210 & ((sin(rlatu(j)*3.14159*eps+0.0001))**2) 211 & / ((rlatu(j)*3.14159*eps+0.0001)**2)) 212 & -delt_z*log(zsig) 213 !!! ddsin=sin(2.5*3.14159*rlatu(j)) 214 !!! tetajl(j,l)=teta0-delt_y*ddsin*ddsin 215 !!!! & -delt_z*(1.-ddsin*ddsin)*log(zsig) 216 endif 202 217 ! Profil stratospherique isotherme (+vortex) 203 218 w_pv=(1.-tanh((rlatu(j)-phi_pv)/dphi_pv))/2. … … 217 232 enddo 218 233 enddo 234 PRINT *, 'iniacademic - check',tetajl(:,int(llm/2)),rlatu(:) 219 235 220 236 -
r37 r53 472 472 ENDDO ! of DO l=1,llm 473 473 call friction(ucov,vcov,dtvr) 474 474 475 if (planet_type.eq."giant") then 476 ! Intrinsic heat flux 477 ! Aymeric -- for giant planets 478 if (ihf .gt. 1.e-6) then 479 !print *, '**** INTRINSIC HEAT FLUX ****', ihf 480 DO ij=1,ip1jmp1 481 teta(ij,1) = teta(ij,1) 482 & + dtvr * aire(ij) * ihf / cpp / masse(ij,1) 483 ENDDO 484 !print *, '**** d teta ' 485 !print *, dtvr * aire(ijb:ije) * ihf / cpp / masse(ijb:ije,1) 486 endif 487 endif 488 489 475 490 ! Sponge layer (if any) 476 491 IF (ok_strato) THEN
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