Changeset 3628 for trunk/LMDZ.COMMON

Feb 18, 2025, 3:31:38 PM (5 days ago)

Bug correction about pressure rewriting in the "".

2 edited


  • trunk/LMDZ.COMMON/libf/evolution/changelog.txt

    r3620 r3628  
    594594== 12/02/2025 == JBC
    595595Few small adjustments in the code.
     597== 18/02/2025 == JBC
     598Bug correction about pressure rewriting in the "".
  • trunk/LMDZ.COMMON/libf/evolution/pem.F90

    r3620 r3628  
    291291    real, dimension(:),   allocatable :: ap ! Coefficient ap read in start_name and written in restart
    292292    real, dimension(:),   allocatable :: bp ! Coefficient bp read in start_name and written in restart
    293     real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: p  ! Grid points x Atmosphere: pressure to recompute and write in restart (ngrid,llmp1)
     293    real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: p  ! Grid points x Atmosphere: pressure to recompute and write in restart (ip1jmp1,llmp1)
    469469    call iniphysiq(iim,jjm,llm,(jjm - 1)*iim + 2,comm_lmdz,daysec,day_ini,dtphys/nsplit_phys,rlatu,rlatv,rlonu,rlonv,aire,cu,cv,rad,g,r,cpp,iflag_phys)
    471     ps_start0 = pdyn
     471    ps_start0(1) = pdyn(1)
    10391039        select case (stopPEM)
    10401040            case(1)
    1041                 write(*,'(a,i0,a)') " #### STOPPING because surface of h2o ice sublimating is too low:", stopPEM, "See message above."
     1041                write(*,'(a,i0,a)') " #### STOPPING because surface of h2o ice sublimating is too low: ", stopPEM, ". See message above."
    10421042            case(2)
    1043                 write(*,'(a,i0,a)') " #### STOPPING because tendencies on h2o ice = 0:", stopPEM, "See message above."
     1043                write(*,'(a,i0,a)') " #### STOPPING because tendencies on h2o ice = 0: ", stopPEM, ". See message above."
    10441044            case(3)
    1045                 write(*,'(a,i0,a)') " #### STOPPING because surface of co2 ice sublimating is too low:", stopPEM, "See message above."
     1045                write(*,'(a,i0,a)') " #### STOPPING because surface of co2 ice sublimating is too low: ", stopPEM, ". See message above."
    10461046            case(4)
    1047                 write(*,'(a,i0,a)') " #### STOPPING because surface global pressure changed too much:", stopPEM, "See message above."
     1047                write(*,'(a,i0,a)') " #### STOPPING because surface global pressure changed too much: ", stopPEM, ". See message above."
    10481048            case(5)
    1049                 write(*,'(a,i0)') " #### STOPPING because maximum number of iterations is reached (possibly due to orbital parameters):", stopPEM
     1049                write(*,'(a,i0)') " #### STOPPING because maximum number of iterations is reached (possibly due to orbital parameters): ", stopPEM
    10501050            case(6)
    1051                 write(*,'(a,i0)') " #### STOPPING because maximum number of Martian years to be simulated is reached:", stopPEM
     1051                write(*,'(a,i0)') " #### STOPPING because maximum number of Martian years to be simulated is reached: ", stopPEM
    10521052            case(7)
    1053                 write(*,'(a,i0)') " #### STOPPING because the time limit for the PEM job will be reached soon:", stopPEM
     1053                write(*,'(a,i0)') " #### STOPPING because the time limit for the PEM job will be reached soon: ", stopPEM
    10541054            case(8)
    1055                 write(*,'(a,i0)') " #### STOPPING because the layering algorithm met an hasty end:", stopPEM
     1055                write(*,'(a,i0)') " #### STOPPING because the layering algorithm met an hasty end: ", stopPEM
    10561056            case default
    1057                 write(*,'(a,i0)') " #### STOPPING with unknown stopping criterion code:", stopPEM
     1057                write(*,'(a,i0)') " #### STOPPING with unknown stopping criterion code: ", stopPEM
    10581058        end select
    10591059        exit
    12511251    call massdair(p,masse)
    12521252    call dynredem0("",day_ini,phis)
    1253     call dynredem1("",time_0,vcov,ucov,teta,q,masse,ps_start)
     1253    call dynredem1("",time_0,vcov,ucov,teta,q,masse,pdyn)
    12541254    deallocate(ap,bp,p,pdyn)
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