Changeset 3451
- Timestamp:
- Oct 7, 2024, 3:37:34 PM (4 months ago)
- Location:
- trunk/LMDZ.VENUS
- Files:
- 1 added
- 9 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r3260 r3451 281 281 long_name="Kinetic Energy net flux" 282 282 unit="W/m2" /> 283 <!---- TRACERS ----> 284 <field id="age" 285 long_name="Age of air" 286 unit="s" /> 287 <field id="aoa" 288 long_name="Age of air tracer" 289 unit="kg/kg" /> 290 <!---- CHEMISTRY TRACERS ----> 283 291 <field id="co2" 284 292 long_name="CO2" -
r3191 r3451 41 41 # Reinitialization of tracer abundances 42 42 reinit_trac=n 43 # 44 # Parameters for Age of air 45 ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 46 # Compute age of air (requires that there is an "aoa" tracer; default: n) 47 ok_aoa=n 48 # Reinitialize age of air tracer (default: y) 49 reinit_aoa=n 50 # Emission altitude (in model layers) of aoa tracer emission (default: 1) 51 lev_aoa=1 43 52 # 44 53 # parameters for chemistry and microphysics -
r3035 r3451 10 10 use print_control_mod, only: lunout 11 11 use IOIPSL, only: getin 12 use age_of_air_mod, only: ok_aoa, reinit_aoa, lev_aoa 12 13 13 14 implicit none … … 318 319 call getin('tr_scheme',tr_scheme) 319 320 321 !Config Key = ok_aoa 322 !Config Desc = Flag to run age of air subroutine 323 !Config Def = .false. 324 ok_aoa=.false. 325 call getin('ok_aoa',ok_aoa) 326 327 !Config Key = reinit_aoa 328 !Config Desc = Flag to reinitiate age of air array to 0 329 !Config Def = .true. 330 reinit_aoa=.true. 331 call getin('reinit_aoa',reinit_aoa) 332 333 !Config Key = lev_aoa 334 !Config Desc = Model level where tracer associated with age of air is released 335 !Config Def = 1 (surface) 336 lev_aoa=1 337 call getin('lev_aoa',lev_aoa) 338 320 339 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 321 340 ! PARAMETRES DE LA CHIMIE/NUAGE dans physiq.def … … 369 388 stop 370 389 endif 390 391 392 ! Check that chemistry and age of air flages are not both active 393 if ((ok_chem) .and. (ok_aoa)) then 394 write(*,*) "Chemistry and age of air cannot be run together" 395 write(*,*) "ok_chem=",ok_chem," / ok_aoa=",ok_aoa 396 stop 397 endif 398 399 371 400 372 401 ! … … 566 595 write(lunout,*)' Inclinaison =',R_incl 567 596 write(lunout,*)' tr_scheme = ', tr_scheme 597 write(lunout,*)' ok_aoa = ', ok_aoa 598 write(lunout,*)' reinit_aoa = ', reinit_aoa 599 write(lunout,*)' lev_aoa = ', lev_aoa 568 600 write(lunout,*)' iflag_pbl = ', iflag_pbl 569 601 write(lunout,*)' z0 = ',z0 -
r1667 r3451 109 109 c . "ave(X)", zsto,zout) 110 110 111 IF ((iflag_trac.eq.1) .and. ok_aoa) THEN 112 CALL histdef(nid_mth, "age", "Age of air", "s", 113 . nbp_lon,jj_nb,nhori, klev,1,klev,nvert, 32, 114 . "ave(X)", zsto,zout) 115 ENDIF 111 116 112 117 c plusieurs traceurs !!!outputs in [vmr] -
r2580 r3451 351 351 ELSE 352 352 ancien_ok=.false. 353 ENDIF 354 355 IF (startphy_file) THEN 356 CALL get_field("age",age,found) 357 IF (.not.found) THEN 358 PRINT*, "phyetat0: Age of air is missing" 359 PRINT*, "Reinitialising age of air to 0" 360 age(:,:) = 0. 361 ENDIF 362 ELSE 363 age(:,:) = 0. 353 364 ENDIF 354 365 -
r2580 r3451 15 15 use nonoro_gwd_ran_mod, only: du_nonoro_gwd, dv_nonoro_gwd, & 16 16 east_gwstress, west_gwstress 17 18 17 use age_of_air_mod, only: ok_aoa 18 implicit none 19 19 !====================================================================== 20 20 ! Auteur(s) Z.X. Li (LMD/CNRS) date: 19930818 … … 109 109 endif 110 110 111 if (ok_aoa) then 112 call put_field("age","Age of air",age) 113 endif 114 111 115 ! close file 112 116 -
r2580 r3451 117 117 REAL,save,allocatable :: fder(:) ! Derive de flux (sensible et latente) 118 118 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(dlw,fder) 119 REAL, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: age(:,:) ! Age of air (s) 120 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(age) 121 119 122 CONTAINS 120 123 … … 171 174 ALLOCATE(topsw0(klon),toplw0(klon),solsw0(klon),sollw0(klon)) 172 175 ALLOCATE(dlw(klon), fder(klon)) 176 ALLOCATE(age(klon,klev)) 173 177 174 178 ! allocate turb_mod module variables … … 212 216 deallocate(topsw0,toplw0,solsw0,sollw0) 213 217 deallocate(dlw, fder) 218 deallocate(age) 214 219 215 220 ! deallocate turb_mod module variables -
r3323 r3451 68 68 USE cpdet_phy_mod, only: cpdet, t2tpot 69 69 USE chemparam_mod 70 USE age_of_air_mod, ONLY: ok_aoa, reinit_aoa, i_aoa, init_age 71 USE age_of_air_mod, ONLY: aoa_ini, age_of_air 70 72 USE conc 71 73 USE param_v4_h … … 454 456 455 457 c====================================================================== 456 c PREMIER APPEL SEULEMENT458 c DONE ONLY AT FIRST CALL 457 459 c======================== 458 IF (debut) THEN 460 IF (debut) THEN 459 461 allocate(source(klon,nqmax)) 460 462 allocate(prod_tr(klon,klev,nqmax)) … … 473 475 474 476 IF ( d_h_vcol_phy=0. 475 c 476 c appel a la lecture duphysiq.def477 c 477 ! 478 ! load flag and parameter values from physiq.def 479 ! 478 480 call conf_phys(ok_journe, ok_mensuel, 479 481 . ok_instan, … … 743 745 end if 744 746 747 if ((iflag_trac.eq.1) .and. ok_aoa) then 748 write(lunout,*) 'Initialising age of air subroutine' 749 allocate(init_age(klon,klev)) 750 call aoa_ini(ok_chem, tr_scheme) ! get index of age of air tracer in the tracer array 751 if (reinit_aoa) then 752 age(:,:) = 0. ! Set initial value of age of air to 0 everywhere 753 tr_seri(:,:,i_aoa) = 1e-30 ! Set initial value of tracer to tiny everywhere 754 endif ! reinitialisation loop 755 init_age(:,:) = age(:,:) ! save initial value of age, either read in from restartphy or set to 0 756 endif ! age of air initialisation 757 745 758 ! initialise cloud parameters (for cl_scheme = 1) 746 759 … … 1030 1043 1031 1044 if (iflag_trac.eq.1) then 1045 1046 if ( ok_aoa ) then 1047 call age_of_air(tr_seri(:,:,i_aoa),klon,klev, 1048 I itap,pdtphys,init_age, 1049 O age) 1050 end if 1051 1032 1052 !==================================================================== 1033 1053 ! Case 1: pseudo-chemistry with relaxation toward fixed profile … … 2148 2168 if (iflag_trac == 1) then 2149 2169 2170 if (ok_aoa) then 2171 call send_xios_field("age",age) 2172 call send_xios_field("aoa",tr_seri(:,:,i_aoa)) 2173 endif 2174 2150 2175 ! production and destruction rate, cm-3.s-1 2151 2176 ! Beware of the context*.xml file !! -
r2560 r3451 48 48 call histwrite_phy(nid_mth,.false.,"mmean",itau_w,mmean) 49 49 c call histwrite_phy(nid_mth,.false.,"rho",itau_w,rho) 50 IF ((iflag_trac.eq.1) .and. ok_aoa) THEN 51 call histwrite_phy(nid_mth,.false.,"age",itau_w,age) 52 ENDIF 50 53 51 54 c plusieurs traceurs !!!outputs in [vmr]
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