May 31, 2024, 10:46:55 AM (7 months ago)

New script called "launchPEM.sh" to launch a chained simulation of PCM/PEM runs:

  • It is far more efficient since it submits a cycle of PCM/PEM dependent jobs waiting in the SLURM queue. Plus, it does not involve a endless running master script;
  • It is more robust and user-friendly since it holds lots of warning/error messages handling different situations. It can take arguments to adapt to the needs of the user. It also creates automotically a script called "kill_launchPEM.sh" to cancel all the current dependent jobs.

There are 3 other files to make it work:

  • "lib_launchPEM.sh" which is the library containing the bash functions used by the script;
  • "jobPCM.slurm" which is the SLURM job script for the PCM used as a template by the script;
  • "jobPEM.slurm" which is the SLURM job script for the PEM used as a template by the script.

More info in the "README" of the deftank.

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